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Muppet Central the Movie!


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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*Side note: Thanks Doc. Here's the lead in to the muppets. It's gonna be kinda lengthy. Also I gotta thank my dad for the idea.
thoughts in my head will appear enclosed in *'s for your information

Back to story....

In the face of the horrific crisis that had just happened, I cut class and headed straight for a computer lab. After arriving I immediately went to Muppet Central but did not log in. In the time laspe the condition had grown worse. Not only were members getting the message but the homepage had been changed to that same dark screen with the simple lettering.
"I think it's time to call in the troops," I muttered a little too loudly.
Immediatly entering hotmail I discovered that Snidley was sending me instructions.

The Message Read:
Dear Christyb,

*where does this creep get away with calling me dear??*
I have chosen you to perform the first task. It is this....I know you know where those stupid little characters live and have spent sometime with them. Warn them for all I care (I can read all emails and correspondence you send out) but listen up. *yeah yeah you have my attention get to the point already* Go to them and guard them do not I repeat do not let them in any way exit their habitat. *habitat??? What are they in a zoo?* Because if they do.......

The remainder was unreadable as it appeared in some sort of computer language that I have never seen. I sat and thought for a while. Well the only way to solve this is face to face. After copying all email address to other MC members that she had and sending out them a small notice reading....

You may or may not know but something is seriously wrong with Muppet central. I am going to get help. Create different email accounts and we'll correspond that way.

Sincerely Yours,
A friend.

After hitting send I left campus and headed immediatly for the airport. I had a flight to catch....


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2004
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(what a cool sense of humor you have Christb)


After returning from running errands,I started to read my email.There was a small note from Christyb,urging me to change my email address. I wondered how that could be done,because logically if a virus effects one name,wouldn't it affect a new one too? I took the chance and created a new screen name. Thinking to myself..."I'm so tired of looking at this rather unattractive screen that Snidley Spyware has chosen to decorate my monitor with." I picked up some of my action figures and posed them on top and in front of my computer screen,hoping that would distract my attention...maybe some snowglobes too. But in the back of my mind,I knew that Snidley was coming up with an even more evil plan then before. "That's right," gloated Snidley."You can't run from me!" Snidley cackled a wicked laugh.



Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Ronald McDonald said:
I used to visit here and I saw a old thread that said Your cast: Muppet Central the Movie. I thought mabe we could make a new Movie of Muppet Central!
Well, Kermit referenced Muppet Central in A Very Merry Muppet Central. If youre going to hav an MC movie, itd have to be classic 98-2001 era...back when it was Luke, Warrick, Joggy, Jackie, Emmy, Tom, Kevin, DW, Byron, BoyRaisin,
Thisj, Quinn, me, Phil, Cindy, etc ^__^ Ya know, the good ol days!


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2004
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At his house, Docnzhoss was furious. He was reading an email he had received from Snidley Spyware. It read:
Dear Docnzhoss,
As you may have gathered by now (or am I giving you too much credit?),
members of Muppet Central are under my control. One of your measely
little friends has already been tapped to perform the first part of my plan.
You, Docnzhoss, are crucial to the second part. I've noticed that you have
a creative streak in you, and are capable of crafting works of fiction. Write
for me a new work of fiction: a letter to all of your Muppet Central friends
advising them to create new email accounts. Tell them it is perfectly safe
and that it's for friendly correspondence purposes. There is no use

"Uh-oh", Docnzhoss said to himself. "Christyb already sent such an email. Wait a tic...this means that he doesn't know the other members can communicate. We have the upper hand! However, he is probably tracking my every move. He's waiting for me to send out the email to send out his nasty little virus. Well, I'm not going to be his tool! I'm just going to sit here and do nothing. That way, if he gets upset he'll come after me and me alone."

Docnzhoss sat and pondered his current situation. Snidley Spyware would notice Doc's disobedience and was sure to lash out. However, Doc could not jeopardize the other members by contacting them. He thought long and hard before an obvious thought entered his head.
Docnzhoss' Muppet Dorms roommate, Captain Link Hogthrob, was on vacation visiting his friends. Docnzhoss remembered the two-way communication device Link had left with him before leaving. Doc picked up the tin can and stretched the enormously long string until it was tight.
"Link," Doc said into the can and he felt the vocal vibrations bolt through the string. "Link, this is Doc, can you hear me?"
A dreadfully long pause followed. Docnzhoss waited impatiently with thoughts of impending doom racing through his mind.
"C'mon, Linky baby, c'mon. I need your help. Speaking of help, I hope Christyb is doing okay."


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2004
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Meanwhile, still in his bedroom, TutterTheMouse stared at his blank screen.
"This simply isn't fabulous," he said to himself. And as he did, a hand bearing a note appeared on the screen.

"Fabulous," he said. "A note" He read it aloud and it said,

Dear MuppetCentral member, TutterTheMouse.
Your computer has now been infected with SpyWare. And before you say it, no- it's not even a little bit fabulous. Do not try and communicate with any other members, I have you tagged and any outside contact will be dealt with severely.

Yours lovingly,
Snidley Spyware

There were only 700 people who could help him now. And off the top of his head, he could only think of one.

After clicking "New Mail" and writing JaniceFerSure in the "Recipient" box, he began to type.

Dear JaniceFerSure,
My computer has been infected, MC has been taken over and somewhere in an unknown island, Philip Chapman sits by a pool drinking from a hollowed coconut. Please help,

And as he clicked "send" an explosion was heard-- TutterTheMouse was trapped inside his computer, and it was up to the other members to get him out!

(Oh I love being the damsel in distress. What's the male equivalent of damsel!!??)


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2004
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A vague email showed up on my screen,it was from Dan aka TuttertheMouse.I also noticed a small voice could be heard,coming from my computer speakers. 'JaniceFerSure,help me.I'm trapped in my computer..It's Dan aka TuttertheMouse.Get me outta here!' Dan screamed.I thought,what could I do to help Dan? I emailed Docnzhoss about our new problem.

Dear Docnzhoss,
I just received an email from Dan aka TuttertheMouse,telling me about Phillip Chapman,sipping from a coconut,on an island.His computer has been infected.Send help.

I tried to type an email,using my new screen name,when I watched that familiar skull & cross-bones appear on my monitor. Then a fancy,type-written letter popped up on my computer screen. "Well JaniceFerSure,since you showed non-compliance & did not heed to my word seriously,you shall suffer the same consequence that your friend TuttertheMouse did.He has tagged you,and now you..are..it!" Before I knew it,I was on the other side of my computer screen.I was inside the monitor looking out at my bedroom.'Sorry Dan,' I thought.Who will save Dan and me now? I shuddered.'I hope this adventure is solved soon.' I sighed.



Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2004
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Frogpuppeteer said:
can i be rizzo or scooter
We've basically done away of that idea for now,and we are just playing ourselves(our screen names). Your welcome to join,if its ok with the others.:zany:


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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I'm back guys. :smile: Long weekend I know. Well here's my latest input.


*An Undisclosed location in America.

"Hey thanks again for meeting me buddy." I said. My friend did nothing but nod and lead me on. "Now all you need is to convince the boss to help you." he replied. "Yeah", I sighed, " And convince everyone at MC that it's me and not Snidley sending them the "friend" messages. "One last question Christy...Why is their need for you not to type in your name in the computer?" my friend asked me. " Scooter....I've told you a hundred times already. Snidley is tracking anything that has MC members names on it. Works a lot the same way that spam works." We walked off to the car and drove off to the boarding house. Now if only I could convince the frog to help......After sending an update.

Hi guys,

I'm well underway to getting help. I know you probably have questions as to why I say go by another email name and alias. Snidley Spyware is tracking our user names. And reading everything that we send to one another. By using something different it throughs his whole computer system off. Since my email and MC account has been infected I cannot control anything that comes from those two names. In other words if you recieve anything from me it will be signed "friend". Anything else is NOT, I repeat NOT me. Don't know who I am yet. You'll figure it out eventually. Just think that I'm in the warehouse now.

A friend.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2004
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Docnzhoss was at home, restlessly awaiting a response from Link Hogthrob over their less-than-technologically-advanced-communication device. Doc's computer screen was pulsating, glowing green then black over and over again.
"In the words of Shaggy Norville, this is uber-creepy," Doc muttered to himself. Suddenly, a small voice was heard.
"Link!" Docnzhoss cried into his tin can. "Link, is that you?"
The faintest voice was heard to say,
"Docnzhoss, help us! We're in the computer!"
Docnzhoss threw down his can and ran over to his computer.
"What is this, another one of Snidley's tricks?" he questioned aloud.
"No, it's me, JaniceFerSure! I'm trapped in here with TuttertheMouse!"
"Holy Brando's Gravy!" Doc cried. "JaniceFerSure, your voice sounds nothing like I'd have imagined!"
"What?! Listen, you have to help us!" the tiny voice cried.
"What can I do? Snidley Spyware is watching my every move. For all I know, he has satellite video on me or something."
"Don't worry about that," JaniceFerSure said. "Just get us out of here, please!"
Another voice was heard in the darkness.
"This just isn't fabulous at all!"
"Hey, Tutter," Docnzhoss said. "How you holding up?"
"Oh you know, standing around in the middle of the Internet Super Highway! Get us out of here!"
Docnzhoss felt helpless. He knew Christyb was up to something but didn't know what. He stood up and paced back and forth, playing with the idea of checking his email.
"JaniceFerSure, how'd you get in there anyway?"
"I tried to send you an email!"
Docnzhoss quickly dismissed the thought. He couldn't risk getting stuck in the computer. What good would he be to his friends then? Docnzhoss sat and rested his elbows on his knees, ready to tap the deepest darkest regions of his brain. He was quickly interrupted by a familiar and friendly voice.
"Hey Docnzhoss, you rang?"
Docnzhoss picked up his tin can. "Hey Link, can you hear me?"
"I'm sorry I didn't answer your call, I was clipping my nails," Link Hogthrob replied.
"Listen Link, where are you?"
"Why, the Muppet boarding house visiting my friends, of course."
"Link, listen to me...something terrible has happened regarding Muppet Central."
"What did they do, take down the tubs threads?"
"Well, yeah. But besides that, someone has sent out a nasty virus that destroyed Muppet Central and has some of our friends trapped inside their computers!"
"Oh dear," Link said. "It looks like we have company. A car just pulled up and it looks as though Scooter has brought someone with him. I must get dressed!"
"Link! Link, did you understand what I said?"
"Hey Docnzhoss, I'll bring up the problem at dinner and see if we can do anything about it."
"Yeah, do that. Don't waste time, Link...we are all in grave danger!"
As Docnzhoss set down the tin can, he could hear Link trying to decide whether to wear the red smokers jacket or the blue.
"Great," Docnzhoss thought to himself. "Our hope lies in the hands of a narcissistic and not-to-bright pig."
Little did Docnzhoss know that the guest at the Muppet boarding house was Christyb, and she was already creating quite a stir...