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Muppet Central the Movie!


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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Meanwhile back at the boarding house:

When we arrived at the boarding house things looked normal considering the residents. However, there was no time this was not a social visit. Scooter and I ran up the driveway and into the house. Wasting no time we immediatly went to find Kermit. Passing Link's room I heard Docnzhozz pleading with Link.

Me: Scooter go find Kermit Now!
Scooter: But, Christy that's just Link's room...
Me: Go Scooter.

Upon entering Link's room I find him standing in front of a mirror staring.

Me: Link, Hey Link!
Link: Hey there! Say do you like red or blue?
Me: No time for that Link were you just talking to Doc?
Link: Well yes...but...Hey what do you mean there's no time?

I spotted the radio, or what appeared to be one, and made a beeline for it. Jumping over rubber duckies, toys, and other odds and ends.

Me: I like blue. Link now go get dressed!
Link: Okaaaayyy....*crash*
Me: Oh Brother. Doc, say, Doc can you hear me its me Christy.


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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Side Note: Sorry to post twice in a row guys but my computer crashed and I lost half of my point. And I didn't have time to finish 'cause I had to go to class and yada, yada, yada. Anyway here's the story.


Docnzhoss turned back toward the can and picked it up.
Doc: Loud and clear Christy.
I went to get closer to the tin can and realized that it wasn't a radio but a tin can on a string.
Me: What the??? Not going to ask. Hey, Doc is everyone, Ok? Have you heard from any other members?
Doc: Yes, Janicefersure and Tutterthemouse are stuck inside the computer somewhere.
Me: What???!!!
Docnzhoss quickly went into a summary of what had been happening in my absence. I quickly realized how grave the situation had grown in the short time I had been traveling and whatnot. During the conversation, Scooter entered with Kermit in tow.
Scooter: And so you see boss she really needs our help and this is a global disaster and we don't know what this character will do next and....
Kermit: Scooter I already said I'd do what I can. *turning towards me* Hello you must be Christy.
Me: That's correct. I see that Kermit briefed you on what has happened.
Kermit: Yes, but I wondered if you have seen Gonzo.
Me: Gonzo?
Kermit: Yes Gonzo has disappeared. Last I saw him he was on the house's computer down in the lab...
Me: Oh No.
Kermit: What.
Me: I think I know where Gonzo is. Well in a crisis there's only one place to turn.

*loud grumblings, explosions and Beaker flying up from the floor*

Kermit: Not the ...
Me: Yes the...I gotta get to that computer. Hey Doc? Follow that string and get here as fast as you can!

I dropped the can and pried Beaker off the roof. Kermit, Beaker, Scooter, and I ran down towards the basement to Muppet Labs. Link finally comes out of the closet.

Link: Ok I'm ready...Hey were'd everybody go??


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2004
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Docnzhoss was scrambling around his office, snatching up miscallaneous items.
"Gotta pack...gotta get to the boarding house...gotta take a toothbrush..."
JaniceFerSure's small voice called from the computer. "Doc, please help! Packing probably isn't your main concern right now!"
"But socks!" Docnzhoss exclaimed. "Ahh, the voice of reason is right...I need to go."
Docnzhoss grabbed his tin can on a string communication device and set out to find the Muppet boarding house. It was an epic two day journey where Docnzhoss encountered raging sea monsters, a giant Cyclops, controlling nymphs and a talking rabbit, but none of that is important. The important thing is that he managed to follow the string to the Muppet boarding house. When he arrived there, an eerie silence had fallen over the house. Docnzhoss crept towards the door and found it ajar. He pushed the door open and the hinges creaked as he stepped inside.
"Just the ambiance I enjoy," a creepy voice said from a dark corner of the front room.
Docnzhoss jumped and looked to where the voice had come from. It was hideous, it was ugly, it was blue...it was Uncle Deadly.
"Welcome," Uncle Deadly said to Docnzhoss. "The others are downstairs in the lab. They're fussing over a computer problem. As for me, I'm sitting here, relishing our squeaky hinges."
"Right. It's good to meet you, big fan. See ya," Docnzhoss replied as he left Uncle Deadly in the corner and quickly made his way to the basement.
Downstairs, a group of Muppets and a young woman were gathered around a computer, and they was much ado about something.
"Whoo hoo! This is the greatest experience of my life!"
"But Gonzo, we don't know how to get you out!"
"I don't want to get out, this is amazing!"
Docnzhoss inched closer to the group, no one had yet noticed him. He opened his mouth. "Hi everyone!"
The group jumped simultaneously. Christyb turned to Docnzhoss.
"Are you Docnzhoss?"
"I am. Are you Christyb?"
"I am. Say, you're tall."
"Yeah, everybody says that. So, it's too bad we have to meet this way."
Christyb shook her head. "I know. This is so sad. Gonzo's the latest victim."
Kermit and the other Muppets were looking at Docnzhoss. Now Doc could tell that Kermit, Scooter, Bunsen, Beaker, Animal, Fozzie, Rowlf, Piggy, Link Hogthrob, Doctor Teeth, Floyd, Janice, Zoot, Sam, Rizzo and Pepe were there. Doc waved at them. "Hi guys."
Kermit responded, "Hi Docnzhoss. Boy, you're tall."
Animal chipped in, "Too tall! Too tall!"
Docnzhoss nodded shyly. "What's up, Link?"
Doc's Muppets Dorms roommate approached him. "Hey Ryan, I didn't realize the severity of the situation. I would have taken you much more seriously if I'd have known..."
"I know Link, no harm done." Doc looked to the group. "Have you guys figured anything out yet?"
Everyone shook their heads sadly. Kermit explained, "This is all so terrible. It's going to require a lot of thought and work to figure out this problem. But we can do it...we're the Muppets. There's nothing we can't do!"
The other Muppets suddenly perked up and voiced their agreement with Kermit. They excitedly turned their attention back to the computer and the problem ahead. Docnzhoss approached Christyb and they began brainstorming their own ideas.


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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Inside Muppet Labs....

Me: Ok, Doc. So Gonzo, Janicefersure, and Tutterthemouse are in there. Is there some way that we can use this for our benefit. I mean there has to be a way out. By the way it's really great to meet you.
Doc: Nice to meet you too. Maybe there's a way we could send them a message from an uninfected computer.
Me: I have my laptop let's try that. I haven't logged on to MC or my email from it so it still remains pure.
Pepe: Are you sure you're to busy to go out tonight?
All: Yes! For the last time.
Pepe: Sorry, okay.
*I roll my eyes*
Me: He's been doing that ever since he realized that it was a female guest that Scooter brought.
We quickly plugged and connected my laptop to Bunsen's genius Muppet Labs wireless internet system. (I.e. Beaker held the cord in the wall and screamed while getting shocked)
Doc: Just a second Beaker the screens coming on. Kermit tell Gonzo to be looking for some text flashing by him in some way. I don't know what it looks like but there has to be a way he can read whatever is typed in.
Kermit: Got it!
Me: I hope this works. Better not try email since Snidley has his hands on that. How about Google. A search engine should be safe. Kermit keep your distance from that screen.
Gonzo: Hey guys this is amazing you gotta try this.
I typed in a simple phrase for Gonzo to see... "R U THERE?" Something that he would know and any Muppet Fan for that matter. Afterward hitting enter I felt a rush of wind coming from the other machine.
Me: Everyone, back up!
Aside from the stapler the Snidley didn't catch any victims this time around.


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2004
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Geez,I feel like Mike TV,from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.To bad I don't have any cards,or books,or anything to keep me occupied.I wonder if anybody has thought of something?I hope I don't get too claustrophobic in here.What I wouldn't give for some Hershey's chocolate right now.Wish I could communicate with the outside world.Hope Doc is coming up with a plan.<sigh>In the words of the famous locked-in-a-tower muppet aka Rapunzel;in my bestest New York accent: Get me outta here!!<words echoing>

<singing> A million bottles of Evian on the wall,a million bottles of Evian....



Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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At the Muppet Boarding House Still....

Me: Oh man was that close or what? Everyone still here?
I looked around and attempted to make a count of everyone. It had seemed as if no one was missing but still I kept coming one short. Doc just looked at me and shrugged.
Me: Ok..um..Bad idea. So what do we do now? I'm fresh out. It's almost as if we need to know what Snidley's next step is.
Doc: Let's go over it. Snidley told me to write a fake email saying what you had already sent. Not to mention the fact that I didn't
Me: And I was told to guard the Muppets. However, that's not my plan. Thankfully Scooter had told me how to get here or we wouldn't have all this great support.
I sat back down in the chair and sighed. It seemed as if things were hopeless for now. Especially with a faint chant of Janice's "100 bottles of Evian" that could be heard. Looking around at the still hopefull Muppets. They all seemed to be looking at me and Doc for answers. Now I realized how Kermit must always feel.
I leaned forward on the desk on my hands. Upon looking up I noticed the other computer screen. Not only on it was a new message from Snidley but some one else was trapped!

(Don't you love it when I leave things hanging?? :smile: )

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Aside: Who's currently at the Muppet Boarding House?


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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All the Muppets you can ever imagine, me, and Docnzhoss. Gonzo is currently in the computer along with someone else but we don't know who. That's because I left it up to someone else to decide.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Over at Kyle's house.......

Me: This is too much! I can't take it anymore! Its nasty! Its wrong! What you trying to do to me?! *camera backs up to revlie my mom wanting me to eat something that I really don't want* Mom I have get on the computer. Theres something happen. Muppet Central is 7 years old today. I want to see whats Phillp is going to do for the 7 years they've been active.
Mom: Ok. Get lost. *laughs*
Me: Finally! *logs on* There we g......whats this? Some weird cossbones and all. Weird? Oh well something new I guess. *tries to go into Muppet Central but can't* Ok. MOM! Whats wrong with the computer again?
Mom: Nothing. You need to quit going to that Muppet site.
Me: Oh forget it. *cheak emails* Whats this?

Dear MuppetCentral member, Erine81981.
Your computer has now been infected with SpyWare. And before you say it, no- it's not even a little bit fabulous. Do not try and communicate with any other members, I have you tagged and any outside contact will be dealt with severely.

Yours lovingly,
Snidley Spyware

Me: Ok. This is new? Some guy named Spyware is doing something to Muppet Central. I knew it. I knew it! I knew it! I need to stop repeating myself. This is bad. I can't get in touch w/ any of them w/out doing something wrong. What to do? *thinks the way Pooh does* Think, think, think, think......that it! PIZZA! *slaps myself* No no no stop thinking of food. I've got to have get some help. *snaps fingers* Thats it! *pushes a button on the wall, and falls down a deep hole* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! OOF! OUCH! I knew this would come in handy some day. *pulls off a bullet proof glass globe, under it is a Sesame Street kind of phone* He better be home?!
Grover: I'll get it mommy. *picks up phone* Hello this is your furry pal Grover. What can I do for you?
Me: Hey there Grover. Its me Kyle.
Grover: Kyle. Glad to see you.
Me: Yea yea. I need your help.
Grover: Ok whats is it. You need a Mail Monster, Fire Fighter Monster, Singing tella gram Monster?
Me: No no no. Theres something worng with "Muppet Central." Its come down a virus. Some guy named Spyware has made it spread through "Muppet Central" and all of the memebers. You think you and monsters could help out?
Grover: I'm going to have to ask my dear mommy.
Me: Thats fine.
*Grover goes to tell his mother*
Grover: She said I could. I'll get Cookie Monster and Herry too. I'll meet you at the airport.
Me: Ok see you there. *hangs up* Going on a Airplane for my first time. Yes!


The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Interior: Spyware/Muppet Central Headquarters.

Snidely Spyware, gloating over his latest trapped victim...
Snidely: "You'll never get out of that computer screen, and your precious Muppet Central is gone forever. Why? Well, allow me to put the resons into song."

Song starts up.
Down at Muppet Central
All the threads are making noise.
Thanks to all the posting
From the good girls and boys.
When Snidely burst in,
Gave them all such a scare.
Said, I'm taking over this place,
It now belongs to Spyware!
He was dressed from black to toe in black dress.
Like the void that would wipe out this online address.
With a nasty smile on his face, and a glint in his eye.
He said "Wish you all Well, now Muppet Central is mine!"

It was the... the night that Muppet Central went missing.
The night that Muppet Central was lost.
Realized that the plug had been pulled.
Now that Snidely Spyware was the new boss.

Now the forum's no longer there
Decided to erase it.
Not even Corey nor Byron
Were strong enough to face it.
He rerouted all the cables
And enslaved all the rats.
Then he booted out Kevin
Into the... cyperspace morass.
He locked up Jackie and Jamie inside the screen.
And he slashed up poor Luke's Britney cutout just to be mean.
He started a flame war to obliterate Warrick.
Brought down his Fraggle site like a horrible car wreck.

It was the... the night that Muppet Central went missing.
The night that MC was replaced.
Now you can't even log in.
Without probably running into that poison-puss face.

There's a moan that rings out in the dark from cyberghosts that look so grim.
Souls trapped in their own computers upon Snidely's whims.
And the rumors are flying.
And the Muppets are crying.
And everyone's dying to know.
Why, Phillip, why?
My, my, my, my.
This used to be such a grand old site.

*Brief musical interlude while Snidely dances gleefully.

Yes Christy B
Things are looking bleak.
Now that Snidely's been in charge
For one whole week.
What's that my friends?
Don't you cry me no more tears.
Phillip will be back
Despite all our fears.
Now Joggey's shell-shocked
And Emmy is crazy.
Staring at the wall,
Just counting the daisies.
And Mrs. Chapman sits by the phone all night
Waiting for her husband to tell her everything's all right.

It was the... the night that Muppet Central went missing.
The night that Muppet Central was lost.
Realized that the plug had been pulled.
Now that Snidely Spyware was the new boss.

Realized that the plug had been pulled.
Now that Snidely Spyware was the new boss.
Now that Snidely Spyware was the new boss.

Now that Snidely Spyware waaaaaaaaaas the new boss.

Song ends and scene reverts to the MBH.