Back at the MCHC.......
Me: We'll we took care of them.
Dr. Teeth: Yea we did. We took them down.
Ryan: Is there anything that we forgot?
Cookie M: Me forgot cookies.
Grover: Cookie!
Cookie M: Me just saying.
Herry: I can't seem of anything we forgot.
Rowlf: I just want to go home and play a little panio.
Sam: I can't believe you got me to fight.
Me: Whats weird with that?
Sam: Ya'll are all weirdos! *walks back to the bus*
Me: That eagle needs some help. *nudges Rowlf*
Rowlf nods head
Ryan: I know we forgot something. Theres something thats I can't keep from thinking of what it is.
All of a sudden Snidely and crew comes from out of a wall that was built for him and his hench men.
Snidely: What in the world are ya'll doing here?
Everyone just stands around and then realize that Snidely is standing there
Ryan: Thats what it was. HE'S HERE!!!
Everyone starts running around trying to get out but Flabbly Marxton and hench men grab all of us.
Ryan: You won't get away with this!
Snidely: Why do you say that? I got through saying that. Uh script please.
A crewman come over to Snidely (Whos is played by Jim Carrey)
Jim Carrey: Yea thats it. Sorry about that. Ok back to the movie.
Goes back to Ryan who's in a chair tied up You won't get away with!
Snidely: Whats the deal with you kids?
Ryan: Were not kids. Were young adults.
Snidely: Oh I see. Young adults. Put them away in the dungon. I'll deal with them later. I still have that girl to mess with.
Hench Man: Yes sir. *drags Dr. Teeth, Ryan, Grover, Kyle, Herry, Cookie Monster and Rowlf*
Dr Teeth:This is going to be one blue monday.
Me: You said it Dr. Teeth.
Cookie M: Me want coooookkiessssss.