... ya know, considering the number of pretty girls out there with serious image issues, I'd have to say it's unfair of you to say that. You just need to find someone with lower standards.
Seriously, though, I really don't mean to make fun of you. That's just the way I deal with my problems, I make fun of them. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
In any case, I completely understand why you might feel that way, but, looking at the other side of the coin, there is a very good chance that you're not simply "the odd man out", seeing as how there are several people out there who most likely share the same interests as you do. Not just the Muppets, but everything else you might enjoy. And, I don't know what you look like, but if the people you know can't look past the physical, that's their problem. They're probably not worth your time anyway. I know of far too many girls who won't even look at me. That's their down fall, because, trust me, I've looked at them.

I don't know if I, personally, could ever date a superficial girl if I were worth the attention of one... but I think I'm off track, now.
I think there's someone out there for everyone. However, if a person is looking for the perfect mate, it's not out there. The only way true love exists is by working at it.
*gets down off soapbox and awaits confused/mixed reaction*