beaker said:
Thank ye kindly. Yeah it wasn't the easiest going 26 years without a girlfriend, I definately had to make the choice to avoid certain tempting situations or things I felt weren't right for me. I've been single for two years now(sometimes it seems like it'd be the spiffiest to have someone to hold and cuddle with during the holidays)
That's wonderful you two have met. It's always a bummer when people think they are bf/gf or "in love" if they havent even met...I really believe you need to meet the person first before claiming to be together. Im glad ya were what eachother expected.
Good for you for avoiding tempting situations and things that weren't right for you! That's really great. Lots more luck to you in finding that girl of your dreams. Someday, I know you will have that special girl to hold and cuddle with!
It's funny you bring that up, Cory, because I know that right before William and I met, I was a little worried that I wasn't going to be what he expected or what he wanted at all. I knew he thought I was pretty great based on how I was online, but I was worried that when he met me, I wouldn't be as great as he thought I would be. It sure seems that worry of mine was wrong, and I'm so happy about that!
Aw Matt, I do believe you will be this lucky one day. Like William said, maybe in ten years or maybe in three minutes, but I do believe it will happen for you, too. I know it sounds cliche, but she is out there somewhere.