Hee. I shouldn't have said bizarre. All I meant was that I can't think of a time that I've ever heard anyone use the word soda in a typical conversation.
TA, your school isn't really good then. Why try and dispel the truth?
I say "Eh" all the time and I love my country! And I love hearing stereotypes about us too. It's funny to see how we're actually perceived.
And I don't mind the Jean jokes, it's just cause I'm so PC. But keep making them and I'll keep laughing. In facts, I can dos that too, la.
And french fries aren't even french. You should just call them chips. ^_^ You don't have "French Fry" wagons, I hope. This is just me, but fries are never french fries, just fries. And they're always chips when you buy them from a chip wagon or get them with fish. ^_^ Mmm, oh I really want some fish and chips now. I've gone and made myself hungry...
Vic, **hugs** very well said. YAY for shattering stereotypes!
Oh and everyone who wants to see something really funny and cool, go here now:
And watch the video at the bottom labeled "French Comic". It's of a french comedian "struggling" to do his act in english. Of course, we all know that it's just the setup of the skit. But it's really funny, and go watch. I think it's a realplayer video.
EDIT: Whoops, forgot. That video has some adult humour. Clicker beware.
And anyone else who mentioned canadians having a good sense of humour (someone did) watch some other clips on there. Great show.