I know this is a little late, but I haven't been here long, give me a break
We have a lot of chickens too (hense the screen name)....
If you need "help" deciding which of the chicks are "boys" and which are "girls", take a chick, hang on to their feet and hang them upside down. 90% of the time, the to-be roosters will throw a fit when you hang them upside down, the to-be hens won't. This works most of the time, but I wouldn't bet the farm on the outcomes, but like I said, most of the time, it's a good test.
Just because they start to develop combs doesn't mean they're roosters either because hens have very small combs.
I am so happy to see there are others out there who love to own chickens. People think I'm crazy for having so many and that I keep them as pets (and for eggs, of course).
We have all kinds of breeds - silkies, bantams, barred rock, "meat" chickens (bred specifically to be eaten, but I can't do it), Rhode Island red, aracannas, and some "mutt" chickens that were given to us and we aren't sure what they are!!! We also have ducks, turkeys, and quail too! I love my poultry pets!
Enjoy your babies, and make sure you handle them a lot so they get used to it and won't run from you when they get older!
Okay, I will get off of my chicken soapbox!