I am in need of serious help. :(


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Ernie101 said:
I understand about the AIM.

Just nervous about tonight, haha. I have about 3 to 4 hours before she shows up. Things should go pretty smoothly.
Just let it be all about you and her. Nothing else. This is your time. Make sure she is appreciative too. Make sure she has a good time but don't push too much on her. Take it easy and relax. I look forward to hearing how it turns out. So does Oscar. Right, Oscar?

:grouchy: Get lost!

See? He loves ya! Have fun!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2002
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Thanks Bear, I definantly will.

You should have your updates at about..erm..let's see.. 8 hours..Haha.. I probally won't take her home till 9:30-10. So, I will get you posted tonight..

Until then.. Chill.

Elmo says he loves you Oscar! Doesn't that just make your day? Haha.


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2002
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Well.. The conclusion is in..

At about 6:15 we got to my house and talked a little bit, I told her how she looked and then we just talked about our days some. After that we went swimming until about 8:30. It was extremely fun, we let go of all the problems and I just had fun. Then we came in and ate and laughed and I complimented her and the night went as planned.

Their were two things she said to me tonight I will NEVER forget..

" I like things like this, I don't wanna mess up."

Showing her appreciation for how good we were doing.

"That kiss was magical to me".

Not to be gross, but I kinda just pecked her on the lips in the car and she said that. Maybe because I was loosened up so much, I was able to have so much fun.

She said since things went so well she doesn't think she will be able to handle it if things go back to the way they were. Now the only thing I need to work on, is maintaining the current happiness and calmness that I have achieved.

Thanks for all the luck and words of advice. It really paid off for me tonight.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Ernie101 said:
Well.. The conclusion is in..

At about 6:15 we got to my house and talked a little bit, I told her how she looked and then we just talked about our days some. After that we went swimming until about 8:30. It was extremely fun, we let go of all the problems and I just had fun. Then we came in and ate and laughed and I complimented her and the night went as planned.

Their were two things she said to me tonight I will NEVER forget..

" I like things like this, I don't wanna mess up."

Showing her appreciation for how good we were doing.

"That kiss was magical to me".

Not to be gross, but I kinda just pecked her on the lips in the car and she said that. Maybe because I was loosened up so much, I was able to have so much fun.

She said since things went so well she doesn't think she will be able to handle it if things go back to the way they were. Now the only thing I need to work on, is maintaining the current happiness and calmness that I have achieved.

Thanks for all the luck and words of advice. It really paid off for me tonight.
Oh yes! That rocks! Its like going back in time hearing this story. Some of this sounds very familiar. See? That is all you needed to do. Now, the only thing left really is to maintain it. If you ever feel yourself slipping into the old habits/routines, just remember tonight and remember those words she said to you. those are very important words. The things that happened tonight is what she has been wanting all the time. Don't let this night fade away either. Keep planning days like this once in a while for you to spend together. Maybe she will even do the planning sometime. You made the first major step tonight, keep on going!! Proud of you!!! :wink:


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2002
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Thanks Bear, I couldn't have done it without you guys here for encouragement because I don't always believe in myself.

I am hoping tommorow will be an even better night and that I can continue giving her what she needs and wants. So, I will work on maintaining this and I will also let you know if I can keep it up tommorow.. If so.. then you all have helped me on my way..



Well-Known Member
May 12, 2005
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YAAAAYYYY! I love it when things have a happy ending...um...beginning...um, middle bit...er. YAY! Congratulations, and you know if you ever feel yourself slipping again then we're here for you. ((((hugs))))

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Next advice for the future:

Keep in mind exactly the things you did that made last night good, and repeat--BUT! When you repeat, do it a little differently. Spontaneity is always good. Do things spontaneously, drop her a little love letter, or sneak over and put a flower with her name on it at the door, or if she drives under the windshield wiper of her car. Little things like that which she doesn't expect.


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2002
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Thanks, all three of you. You three have came back continueously to check up and support me. She called this morning just to tell me how great of a night she had and that she can't wait for tonight. I seriously felt like we had started over, and to tell you the truth I didn't expect things to go so well.

I'll let you in on what happens tonight and if things continue to go well, I will let this thread slip through the timeless atmosphere of MC and that'll be that.

If the saying is true, "What goes around, comes around." You all truly have some great things coming to you.

Thank you for all your help, and I couldn't ask for better friends.


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2003
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I'm glad to hear that things are going well.

I wish you the best and just go with the flow.......if it is meant to be...it will be.


Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Hey, we're all one big family here! If we can't help each other out: WHO CAN WE HELP!? Right? :wink: