I am in need of serious help. :(


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2005
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No problem. I'm just glad things are looking up for you.


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2002
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Yes, well just to let you all know that tonight went very well. So, maybe things are taking flight. I would sound a lot more enthusiastic but it's like 2 o' clock ..I got home late because we hit a deer. EEK!

Well, other than that things were awesome.

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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HOLY SMOKE! You hit a deer? Dear me!!

Hope you're both okay. Glad that its feet didn't slam through the windshiled. You know, people've been killed by hitting a deer. I hate long road trips at night when a deer might jump into traffic, but I dodge pretty good. You have to be able to dodge if you live in Memphis, because people here drive so randomly--and stupid!!

Anyhow, glad things are looking up! Keep working on it, and don't slack off. Proud of you!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2002
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Thanks Fozz. but yeah, it was pretty big..looked about the size of a mother dear. flipped up on the hood..My girlfriend screamed pretty weird, pretty funny afterwards.

Thanks for the praise bro.


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2002
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I just wanted to let you guys know what's going on, if i'm not on AS much as usual. I didn't want to make a new topic, just thought I would let you guys know.

Since Monday, I have been slightly "depressed". I've been thinking about the world, and the future, and everything in the world. I've been thinking about my relationship, and I've been thinking about my purpose in this world.

I feel like such a pawn in the world, such a small thing.. that makes no difference..and I have been seeing where my life will go. I don't wanna be in a little small town all my life, with such a simple life. I want to make a difference, and I feel so useless(like nobody actually NEEDS me.) All the sudden I went over to this girls website www.lalaine.net if you go to it you may know who it is. I talked to her, and I just see how she makes a difference in people's lives.

I realize even though she talks to me, that their is no way I could carry a friendship with someone like that. It just sucks how the world can intervene friendships from happeneing. I'm just being pulled towards her, so I took a chance and I've emailed her.

Then last night, I watched the movie forces of nature. This guy is about to get married, then he meets this girl, has an astounding friendship..and falls in love with her.

I don't know what all this means, I don't expect your help. Just wanted to let you three know this.

Your friend, Drake.

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Dude, you're 17. You're SUPPOSED to feel that way. It happens again when you hit 30-33 years old. I'm in that mood now.

If you don't want to be stuck in a little city, don't be. That's up to you. Get a job, post on monster.com, and such. Remember, "Life is a story, write your own ending." You can't get anywhere without trying, first.

I'm confused as far as what you mean with this person who owns the blog. You're looking for friendship or relationship? You JUST started getting things right with that girlfriend of your's, lean on her. Let her know what's up. OPEN UP! Don't let that all slip away because you're closing up from other fears, etc. I think anybody here will agree that being more open is helpful.

But, uh, NEVER tell deep secrets to ANYBODY you don't want told.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Foz is right. Don't be afraid to open up to your friends and especially your girlfriend. It is very important. I know that it is something that I need to work on doing as well. Its really easy to bottle things up because of pride or something, but it is always okay to ask for help. There is only so much room in a bottle before everything starts spewing out. Remember, you can always come here to MC whenever you want and vent your problems, frustrations, complaints and feelings in the General Discussion department and we will listen and do our best to help you. I have only been here for a few months but I have learned that this place isn't only for discussing how many Gordons there were or the ups and downs of the latest Muppet project. And I mean this for everybody, we have friends here. What a lovely community of people.



Well-Known Member
May 12, 2005
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The guys are right y'know they speak sense.

As for the girls, you're feeling quite unsettled right now - a condition I call Small Town Insanity - I know it well, I'm from a little tourist town myself. New things are always going to appeal but before you throw away everything you've just worked so hard to rebuild really think about it.

Is your interest in the new girl a mix of searching for something new and the influence of the movie or is it really really genuine? Because once you take a step in that direction it's hard to get back to the track you were on.

Sit down and really think about what you want to do with your life (girls aside) and work out how you can get to where you want to be. Once you have a goal and a purpose you might find your cloudy personal life clears up.

You're a whole heap of confusion right now bu the sounds of it and you really shouldn't make any brash decisions before your head's a little more together.


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2002
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I actually regret posting that. Not because you all haven't helped, but because I honestly feel bad for "throwing" my problems on you. I don't know what's wrong with me, and I don't want to over analyze it. I'm just going to take things a day at a time, and I'm not thinking of breaking up with my girlfriend.. I'm just over thinking things.. thank you for the blunt truth fozzie.

I guess that is really all I can say. I feel pretty embarassed for writing that.. so you know.

I talked with her about it and she helped me out. It was a fear of me being stuck in a small town, and not being able to pursue my dreams because of it.

Thanks for your time. That's all the thinking I'm going to do on that.


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2005
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I'm in the middle of what Ernie 101 went through

I've been dating this girl forever! I'm 17 too, Ernie 101, so I can relate....She's got the issue as u do. The jealousy thing. I did there for a while, but I realized that I've got her and others would just be jealous. Well, now me and her have fought about me going off to start my career. She's worried that I'll find someone else and leave her. Yet, I've devoted my life to her. But she doesn't trust other girls. There's been a lot of trouble too with one of my ex'es...She somehow ended up in the mix. Me and her were really close when we dated...even thoughts of marriage was there. Then, we broke up on account of differences. We're still close friends. Yet, my g/f is angry cuz I'm friends with her...Then, she worries that I'll end up getting "taken" away by some other girl's looks or charm. But my girl is sooooo beautiful...she's so cute and loving....I'm so passionate about her...yet, we find ourselves in a rut all time! I don't want to leave her nor does she me...Ernie 101, you've gave me the strength to talk about this...thanks...I'm use to helping others with relationship problems...now I'm in need...