How's the weather where you are?

Kimp the Shrimp

Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2004
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Breakfest: Golden Grahams
Lunch: Pizza Hut
Dinner: Pasta

80 degrees i actully swam today


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Ziffel said:
Glad you're okay, Katzi. Interestingly I used to work with a guy who was also right about your age and he would have a minor siezure once in a while. What makes it all the more interesting is he LOVED bowling. It was definitely his favorite hobby, he bowled every weekend either in league play or for personal fun, and he subscribed to a bowling magazine (I know because he always brought them in to read on breaks!). I always liked the game but haven't been for a long time. Bowled in a league from about age 12-14. On my 6th or 7th birthday mama took me and about 7 of my little friends out bowling. I think it was duck pins! (remember those? :smile: ). We all bowled scores in the range of 40-52! I recall everyone marveling at the boy who bowled a 52!
Well, I've gone on enough here so I'll SPARE you any more. Just thought I'd STRIKE up a convo about that. But don't worry. I'll get on the BALL here and not get PINNED down in this topic. Okay, I better SPLIT!
*giving Ziffel the hook* :stick_out_tongue:
Gotta 'fess up's a bowling team for the handicapped. So we use bumpers. (Call it cheating if you want,but it's much easier on a lot of us. Myself included. My hand -eye coordination is awful.So the bumpers are a big help)


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2005
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Nothing wrong with that Katzi. :smile: And it's a further neat coincidence because that guy I mentioned who loved bowling bowled for the special olympics. One time he bowled a 300 and got his picture in the local paper and at work we threw him a surprise party to celebrate. Someone got him his favorite snack: A GREAT BIG bag of Cheese Curls!


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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D'Snowth said:
You had a seizure? I'm so sorry to hear that Kathy, I hope you're okay. While, I've never experienced seizures before, I understand some are capable of having one hospitalized. What's it like to experience a seizure? Anyway, hope you're doing okay Katz!

P.S. I L-O-V-E bowling!
Hi D'Snowth!
Yeah...I had a seizure...but like I said,it was a minor one. Here's what happens during one of them:
1)metal like taste in my mouth
2)numbness from my left forearm downward (my left side is my weak side)
3)tiredness afterwards
So that's what happens. And I have experienced seizures that make me wind up in the hospital.(They're called gran-mal seizures)With those I see whirling colors in the orner of my right eye,my vision gets distorted & then I start having a convulsion (shaking & spitting) Trust me,it's NOT something you wanna experience!
So THAT'S everyone's lesson on "Kathy/Katzi428's Experiences With Seizures" Class dismissed! :smile:


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Ziffel said:
Nothing wrong with that Katzi. :smile: And it's a further neat coincidence because that guy I mentioned who loved bowling bowled for the special olympics. One time he bowled a 300 and got his picture in the local paper and at work we threw him a surprise party to celebrate. Someone got him his favorite snack: A GREAT BIG bag of Cheese Curls!
WOW Ziffel! That's GREAT! :smile: More power to him! The highest I can get is a 95,but's something!
PS...I LOVE your signature! The Electric Company was one of my fave shows as a kid


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Beauregard said:
Actually not! You can have Dinner at Lunch Time, but you can't have Supper at lunch time. In the UK Dinner often refers to the Main meal of the day, which can be at Lunch or Dinner/supper time. Tea refers to a light meal in the late afternoon, Supper refers to a main meal in the late afternoon/early evening. Dinner refers to a main meal at lunch time, and lunch reers to a light meal at lunch time. Supper can also be a bed-time snack!

When I say Dinner, I mean main-meal-lunch, when I say tea, I mean either Tea, or a Cup of Tea, or Iced Tea...wait...that's another person...when I say Supper I am ALWAYS refering to a snack after tea before bed.
<head spinning uncontrollably>
I am so lost..... Ok, I have breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It's that simple. This <points to quote from Beau> is just much too way too far too complexly complicated beyond comprehension. Please excuse me while I go try to sort that out... you know what, never mind, I'm not even going to try...


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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TogetherAgain said:
<head spinning uncontrollably>
I am so lost..... Ok, I have breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It's that simple. This <points to quote from Beau> is just much too way too far too complexly complicated beyond comprehension. Please excuse me while I go try to sort that out... you know what, never mind, I'm not even going to try...
LOL...poor T.A.! It's OK...I'm kind of confused too :smile:


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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It's kind of hot in the sun today, but the shade is nice. (Hm, I think I've typed that before...)

Breakfast was the best pancakes in the world- my daddy made them, and I just LOVE it when he makes pancakes. They're all nice and fluffy and delicious! Oh, and I had a glass of milk. But don't worry, the peanut butter will come later in the day, I assure you.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Would you believe that it's raining AGAIN here in Florida?Yeesh!*making squished Kermit face*
Today's breakfast was:brown sugar & cinnamon Pop Tarts
I don't usually eat lunch on Sundays
Not sure what's for dinner yet.Maybe I'll have a couple of BBQed chicken legs like I had last night.
Listening to:"Can You Picture That?" on MC Radio


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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D'Snowth's Daily Weather

Today: Whadaya think? HOT! High 89, with another 5-minute t-storm early today. Other than that: overcast.

For Breakfast: Yeah...
For Lunch: Sandwiches
For Supper: It sure is hot, maybe I'll have more cold cereal or something.