Glad you're okay, Katzi. Interestingly I used to work with a guy who was also right about your age and he would have a minor siezure once in a while. What makes it all the more interesting is he LOVED bowling. It was definitely his favorite hobby, he bowled every weekend either in league play or for personal fun, and he subscribed to a bowling magazine (I know because he always brought them in to read on breaks!). I always liked the game but haven't been for a long time. Bowled in a league from about age 12-14. On my 6th or 7th birthday mama took me and about 7 of my little friends out bowling. I think it was duck pins! (remember those?

). We all bowled scores in the range of 40-52! I recall everyone marveling at the boy who bowled a 52!
Well, I've gone on enough here so I'll SPARE you any more. Just thought I'd STRIKE up a convo about that. But don't worry. I'll get on the BALL here and not get PINNED down in this topic. Okay, I better SPLIT!