
Chip in? for what?
Rhonda: It's that silent sax guy's birthday. C'mon, pony up at least a twenty. I know ya just got paid.

My whole paycheck is only twenty-five!
Rhonda: Whadda you gonna spend it on?? Your roomie takes care of rent and utilities and food. You have a whole closetful of plaid. Cough it up.

*grumbling* Oh, all right...but I really wanted this month's issue of "Anchorese"...there's an article about Suitably Frazzled Hairstyling I wanted to read.
Rhonda *counting cash* Honestly. Why doncha ask our host here to get it for you? She adores you. You could certainly use a sugar mama.

Er...I...I don't have much of a sweet tooth, actually. Are you getting Zoot a birthday cake?
Rhonda: My queendom for a clue phone... sigh. I mean, you have an opportunity here, why not use it?

I don't follow you.
*Rhonda leans up to hiss in his ear. Newsie turns beet red*

Hah...wha...NO! What...what sort of Muppet would I be to take advantage of something like...like that?
Rhonda: Sugar Muppet.

Whu --you --er --
Rhonda: Take your time. Words must eventually come to even such a brain as yours, foamhead. See ya. I'm off to the mall for a giftcard to SlouchHatsRUs.