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Hensonville City 2011


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Jun 13, 2002
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Robin: One more day and I'm done!! They'll Email you my report card.
And no matter how you did ,I'll be proud of you
Robin: You will ?
Is there something I should know?
Robin: I'm not sure how well I did on history.
Do you think you'll have to go to summer school for it? I've seen your past grades . They've been in the low 70s ,and, needless to say , I'm not happy about that.
Robin: Oh, no...nothing like that. It's just that I think got about a 75 history final .
OK .:sigh: as long as you told me .
Robin. I freeze up on tests Mom!
But how did you do in home school classes ?
Robin: They boosted my grades.
All right then. You can relax. Like I said, I'm proud of you!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Robin: WOOHOO!! I'm FREE ! I'm FREE!!!!:excited: No more school!! At least until late August!! Diidja get my report card Mom?
Yep. You passed all your subjects! Congratulations! I told you not to worry!One your teachers said you a pain in the behind and to NEVER darken his doorstep ever again! But he said he was joking and that you were a joy to teach . .
Robin: Heehee...that'd be Mr. Gibson. English.
Yeah...that's the one . X. Gibson?
Robin: Xavier Gibson. One foot in the grave and another on a banana peel. He needs to retire, Ma.
That's up to him, hon
Robin: Anyway..I'd REALLY love to go swimming but I know I can't . So I'm gonna take a cold shower.
You do that.
(Picture Robin's English teacher Mr. Gibson like Professor Hastings like the REALLY old episodes of SS )


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Robin peeks his head into my room You awake and decent?
Yes on both .
He comes in. Did you hear there's a new movie coming out?
Robin: Yep ...it involves a glass casket and dead body.. It's called Remains To Be Seen! he starts laughing .
:rolleyes: Getouttahere!!! laughing Where did you get that from??
Robin: "Whose Line Is It Anyway"
How did I wind up missing that?Well anyway, I did . Very funny.
Robin: I'm going back to bed.
Goodnight sweetie. .mumbling under breath Remains To Be Seen for a glass casket ... SHEESH!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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a knock & then Prairie's voice: ..Kath? Can I come in?
Come on in Prairie.
She opens the door and twirls . showing me a shorter hairdo You like it?
VERY nice!
Prairie: Thanks ! A friend of Aunt Dusk's did it .
Oh no....not the one who told who called your aunt a cow....
Prairie: Kath.....I said a friend.. Besides THAT person has been kicked out of the club Aunt Dusk was in . She made a few other rude comments to people a few weeks after she said what she did to Aunt Dusk .
Ahhh...I see! So who's the friend who did your hair?
Prairie: Penny .I had to wear a mask but that was OK.
Looks great! :smile: Do you have any ponytail holders I could use.? I can't get to a beauty salon for awhile .The hair hanging down my neck is driving me nuts .
Prairie: Oh, sure. Want me to put it in for you?

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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:batty: Vhat has you smiling so much Ed?
Me: Every day spent with my niece during the moments I can while Mom's the true babysitter/caretaker. She loves the little kiddie pool, today she found out she can move her little feet to splash in the amount of water the pool's filled with.
:insatiable: She eating okay?
Me: Yes, though some days she's a bit more, er, resistant I guess would be the best word to describe opting only for her bottles of milk and pouches of cut-up mixed fruits. Although something I should post in the "What Made You Smile" thread happened on the weekend.
:insatiable: Wha happen with your niece?
Me: My sister sent us a video of her eating an ice cream drumstick. The outcome reminded me of that video when you were talking to a baby girl dressed up and in her highchair about the mess she was making while eating a chocolate cakelet.
:insatiable: Oh, me remember that.
Me: Yep. Just gotta keep an eye on her since her teeth are starting to grow. Still, she makes me smile.


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Jun 13, 2002
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Robin : Hi Mom!
Hey Robin! You look like you're in a good mood!
Robin: I am! I get to go to the swamp on Friday and see my frog family! I need a favor though. Next Sunday is Fathers' Day.
Yep, I know.
Robin: I saw something Online that my dad would like but I'm short a couple of dollars . I can order it tomorrow and it'll be here by Thursday. It's a fishing pole . So can you lend me about $10 ? I thought I had enough but I didn't . Please? I'll pay you back at the end of the month!
OK....since it's only $10.But how do you plan on wrapping it?
Robin: I guess I'll have to just put a bow on it,. Dad's not picky. I think it's the kind of pole you assemble anyway. . Thanks Mom!


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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knocking on the door to Robin's room and he answers with a Yeah?
It's Human Mom. Can I come in?
Robin : Sure!
All packed for the swamp I see !
Robin : Yep! Want a candied gnat? holding out a black thing
Ugh making a face :stick_out_tongue: I'll pass!
Robin: popping it in his mouth You don't know what good is! . :wink: Mmmm!!! Tasty!!!
I'm more the peanut butter and chocolate type. , Not the the chocolate covered bug . So you're taking a couple of buses to the swamp.
Robin: Yes. small exasperated sigh
Robin...don't sigh please .I just wanted to go over this again with you. for my benefit. .
Robin: OK. Sorry.
Thank you .
Robin: I take the bus from Hensonville, it makes 3 stops ,one of them being Sesame Street .......I get off at the third one wait for the second bus to come get on that one and get off Swampland Road.
OK! I'm convinced!
Robin: And talk to a LOT of strangers. Take candy from them if they offer it. And if they want me to smoke any funny looking stuff, say Sure, Why Not!! :rolleyes:
OK...I know I'm being overprotective
Robin: It's not just you.... I had the same talk with my frog mom earlier. .
Just one more thing
Robin: Yes Mom?
Call me when you get there!
Robin: I was going to.
hugging him Have fun! Tell your dad Happy Fathers' Day! And tell the rest of your frog family hi!
Robin :returning my hug I will!!

Skeeter Muppet

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2002
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Lily: Kim? Can I ask you something?
Kim: You just did. :wink:
Lily: Very funny. I wanted to talk about Father’s Day.
Kim: If this is about the card and present for your dad, don’t worry; I made sure I mailed them early enough that he would get them before Sunday. In fact, judging by the tracking number it looks like they’ll make it there tomorrow.
Lily: Oh, good! I was a little worried. But that’s not what I wanted to talk about.
Kim: Oh? What, then?
Lily: Um, can we do something on Sunday for...for Gillis?
Kim: [looks surprised] Gillis?
Lily: Yeah. I mean, I know he’s really Tosh’s uncle, and that Fraggles don’t really celebrate things like Father’s Day. But he’s kind of like our dad, just like you’re kind of like our mom. And I wanna do something special for him.
Kim: ...
Lily: ...I know. It’s a stupid idea, isn’t it?
Kim: Wh- no! No! [crouches down to her level] I think it’s really nice that you want to do something for Gillis, Lily. Now, since this is pretty short notice we won’t be able to do anything too big, but how about after work tomorrow I take you, Tosh and Boober shopping for cards and maybe a gift for him?
Lily: Yeah! Thanks, Kim! [hugs]


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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my Skype alarm goes off on my computer .So I switch it on Hello?
Robin's face appears Ribbit -ribbit & Hi Human Mom! How are you?
Hi Robin! How's things down at the swamp?
Robin: Things are good! How are things in Hensonville?
Fine here . How'd your dad enjoy the fishing pole?
Robin: He loved it! We fished today. We did the catch kiss & release though. .
Nice ...very nice.
Robin: I'm over Mom's now. She's making grasshopper pie with actual grasshoppers. Not the mint cookie type of grasshopper .
Sounds...er...uh... never mind.
Robin turns around in his seat and yells Hey Frog Mom!! Human Mom says it sounds delicious and to save her a slice!!:smirk:
I hear Leaper yell back.......I don't really think she said that, Robin!! You know...it's not too late for me to dump all this, mister!
Robin: Never mind!!

Smart kid!! So anyway .... I'm glad you got to the swamp safely!
Robin: You worried too much. But my frog family worried too. I'm having a LOT of fun here !! I miss you. I'll be home on Sunday though.
OK Robin. See you Sunday night!
Robin: See ya Sunday night! Love ya!


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Robin came home this past Sunday night
I hear Robin stamping around his room so I go to investigate I knock on his door & I hear an angry Who is it?
It's Mom....Human Mom , that is....What's up? Can I come in?
Robin: I guess
I come in and ask What was with the stomping around? Unless you were killing bugs. And I know you eat those .expecting to get a smile out of him . No luck. What's wrong, Robin? sitting on his desk chair
Robin: Since the virus is running rampant again , buses aren't running to the swamp. I didn't bring that virus there. I scrubbed like crazy! Even while I was there I was careful!
Robin rubbing his back take it easy . I know it wasn't you! It was probably some other jerks that weren't as careful !
Robin: But NOW we have to start fresh! I'll have spend visits with my parents by Skype! punching a pillow ......SPIT!!
I'm sorry honey...I know how unfair it is.