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Hensonville City 2010

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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2010
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Angie: I'm Li'l Red Riding Hood, and I'm lookin' fer my grampy, cause' I has a basket full of Trekkie-fanatics' merchandise crap XP

Dr. Strangepork: Nein! >__> What ever happened to th' good ol' dayz of witchcraft, anarchy and B-movies? XP

Angie: Rocky! Wanna come Trick-or-Treating w/ Link and I this year? ^__^

Raquel Porkbelly: I'm gonna be home with the baby, deary. Wanna see Al's costume? :3 Isn't he cute? X3

Alistair Link: *all dolled up as a minute jailbird prisoner* O___O...*squirms*

Angie and Annie Sue: *cooes* AWWWWWW! =D

Link Hogthrob: Heh. I know that no one is as cute and manly as Alistair Link. I was a chief police officer one time and I'd declare that Alistair Link is charged for attracting more predators into our home XP...

Alistair Link: *fusses*...>-<

Raquel Porkbelly: *sigh* =/



Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Kelly (walking around and overhearing Kathy's and Chef's costume ideas): Nononono, do what one of my coworkers did one Halloween ... she had little boxes of cereal with fake blood on it pinned to her shirt. She was a "cereal killer", get it? :big_grin:
after groaning,but then laughing at the punHmmm..good idea.Chef? How about being a "cereal killer"? No blood though.
Chef:also groaning,then chuckling Ookee.Cloowns scare littul kids ennyway.
Good! I'm thinking of being a gypsy.

A bit later on Thursday night
Hey everyone...come into my room,I want to show you something on TV
Everyone comes into my room where I'm watching The Doctors on TV
Now,thank goodness you don't have to worry about this anymore.But this is what you would have had to have done if I had a big seizure.
We all watch.
See? I know it would have looked like you wanted to put something in my mouth to keep me from biting my tongue.But that would have hurt me even more.
Robin:Looks scary.
I know Robinhugging him but I promise
you..it's never going to happen. So you can relax,OK?

just as I was falling asleep I feel my shoulder being tapped.I turn around and there's Robin
Robin? You okay sweetie?
Robinshakes his head I had a bad dream.
scooting over in my bed C'mon in.patting a spot
Robin climbs in
Want to talk about it?
Robin: I dreamt you had one of those bad seizures and I was the only one home. And I didn't know what to do.
Wow...that is scary. Well you know,the last time I had one of those real big seizures was when I was in the hospital. And that's only because they wanted me to have it. Since then I've only had small ones. And the last one was in August. It's my fault for showing you and the others that thing.I'm sorry. Robin,I was telling you the truth when I said that those bad seizures are never ever going to happen again,honey. As far as this headache goes,it's practically gone. So no more worries,all right?
Robin: OK. Can I sleep in here tonight anyway? Please?
You going to get up for school on time tomorrow?No Mr. Grumpy Frog?
Robin: Frog Scout promise.
OK.putting a couple of blankets on the floor and Robin's pillow,then setting the alarm
Robin hugs meThank you Human Mom. I love you
hugging him back You're welcome my sweet froggie son. I love you too. Have sweet dreams this time.
Robin snuggles under the covers OK.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2010
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Liza: *shuffles out in her Halloween costume-she's a mobster, and it looks like she just stole one of Johnny's suits* Howdy doo. :B

Gonzo: *wearing a Dorothy (Wizzy of Oz) costume; yes, scarring indeed* :concern: Where have you been? You've been all holed up in your room for days!

Liza: Meh. *flails arms, too-long sleeves a-flappin'* I'm a how yah say mobster. Fools. :I

Camilla: *dressed as the Wicked Witch* -.- ...


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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on phone Right...The ferris wheel and whip ride have to be at Hensonville Park by 3:stick_out_tongue:M. ...H-E-N-S-O-N...No,not Hanson...Henson...Yes...as in Jim Henson who created the Muppets like Kermit ,Miss Piggy and so on.:rolleyes: pretending to put a fake gun to my temple and pulling the trigger
Prairie stifles a laugh
continuing on phone...Okay,and I'll be down there to help set up the other booths.My name is Kathy....no,not with a C, with a K...A-T-H-Y..and I gave you my last name...yeah,right as in the invisible rabbit.Okay...see you this afternoon,So long. hanging up phone and sighing So help me Prairie,if this carnival turns out to be a bust,I'm going to raise h-e- double hockey sticks.
Prairie:Try to relax,Kath. You don't want your headaches to come back do you?Plus seizures due to being under pressure
Seizures are something I definitely don't want or need. Did Robin tell you about his nightmare last night?
Prairie: No.
He was home alone with me and I had a big seizure.And he didn't know what to do. So after he woke up he came into my room and we talked for a bit. Then he slept in my room the rest of the night.
Prairie:Awww..poor little guy.
Well,he should be okay now. I told him those type of seizures are never going to happen again.
Chef comes into the living room with a bunch of cereal boxes stuck onto a big boxWell?Yu like et?
Prairieand I laugh hysterically Oh Chef...that's fabulous!
Prairiestill giggling:You remembered the holes for your head arms and legs,right?
Chef:Yup!he starts showing us the holes for his head,arms and legsI foond this bux in thu guruge.
Oh yeah!I think it was the washing machine!
Chef:Ja.I bin up since reel urly this murnin mekking this costoom.
Prairie:How early?
Chef:Aboot 4.
4? Chef,you must be exhausted! You didn't have to go to all these extremes for a costume that you'll be wearing for only a weekend you knucklehead! Now why don't you go get some sleep.
Chef:Yu shure?
He leaves and about 5 minutes later we hear snoring..LOUD snoring


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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At The Hensonville Fair
I'm taking care of The Haunted House
Rosita: Ai yi yi! That Haunted House sure is scary!:eek:
Well I guess you can thank the Scare Crew when you see them.
Rosita:Scare Crew?
Yeah. The Count, Uncle Deadly and Ed.
Rosita:Ah. I'm going on The Ferris Wheel.
Have fun!waving,then looking around for Robin. He's OK; just with his Frog Scout buddies,who are with some adults
Chef's manning the Pumpkin pie eating contest booth: On yoor mark,get set,..GO! and people start eating pumpkin pie quickly.(There's only been one casualty. One kid threw up,but we got that cleaned up quickly)
Prairie's taking care of the funnel cake booth (she & Rosita are taking turns)
Grover's taking care of the Mirrored Rooms. He warns everyone to be careful and to not get hurt.
All is going well at the Hensonville Carnival!:big_grin:


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2008
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Spike (was hired seasonally as the bouncer for the carnival): I said, no.

Cotterpin (angrily): But I'm making a cameo!

Spike (shakes head): If ya ain't on the list, lil' bit, you don't get it, got it?

Pearl (dragging a huge rolling cart filled with goodies)

Spike: Nuh-uh.

Pearl (rolls eyes): Sugah, I got th' vittles. You don't let me in, you ain't gonna get fed.

Spike: O_O Good point.

Kelly: Are they still having that carnival?

Spike: What're you supposed ta be?

Kelly: Asleep. :stick_out_tongue:

Spike (sighs): I ain't gettin' paid enough.....

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Spike: What're you supposed ta be?

Kelly: Asleep. :stick_out_tongue:

Spike (sighs): I ain't gettin' paid enough.....


Carnival's up for the whole weekend peeps.
*Strolling through the grounds checking out the stuff...

Mmm, good spot Count picked for the test-your-strength machine.
*Swipes a bag of caramel popcorn and soda, leaves money in the till.

We'll be back later tonight to join the fiendly festivities. Have fun everyone.


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2010
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Link Hogthrob: *bonding with Alistair Link* Coochie Coochie Coo! ^__^

Alistair Link: O,O;,coo?

Raquel Porkbelly: Awww! <3 Keep goin', hun! ^_^ *kisses Alistair on the forehead then brushes his silky quality hair* Btw, my parents are coming over next month to do a family portrait with us. I've already booked in with a professional photographer for a Saturday. Wouldn't that be fun? XP

Angie: Do we have to dress up in our formal apparel? Ew! no! *hides* D:

Link Hogthrob: *mumbles to himself*....In-laws! *runs* D:

Raquel Porkbelly: *shrugs* XP


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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running into the apartment,changing quickly into my gypsy Halloween costume (makeup included) and then hightailing it to the carnival
OK...what'd I miss?taking a piece of funnelcake
Rosita:Hey!Two dollars for that!
Sorry fishing $2 out of my wallet and giving it to Rosita
Rosita:Thank you! So far you haven't missed too much. Everyone is where they belong. Except you. I think Mr. Gonzalez is starting to get impatient.
Uh oh..better haul a...er..butt.See you later Rosita.going to the Haunted House where a bespectacled man sits
Hi Mr. Gonzalez. Thank you for taking over for me.
Well it's about time you got here! I would like to see my kids enjoy this carnival with me,you know.
And rightfully so! Go have fun and again, thank you for taking over for me for a few hours.
He leaves with a HMPH! and calls to his kids in Spanish
Now,there's somebody's Christmas card list I know I won't won't be on, I muse to myself.
Along comes Robin holding a corn dog
Hey buddyplayfully putting the brim of his baseball hat down a bit Having fun?
Robin:Yep!Want a bite of corn dog?I know you like these.he offers it to me
Sure!taking a bite Mmmm...tasty! How much was it?
Robin:Yeah..the food here sure is expensive!
That's the bad thing about carnivals,fairs and theme parks, Robin. They charge you an arm and a leg in food. Have you been eating anything else?
Robin:Mrs. Appleby bought me and the other Frog Scouts cotton candy and soda.I thanked her.
Good boy.I'll pay her back later. How much money do you have left. Don't tell me out loud. Whisper in my ear.
Robin whispers $7.50.
OK. Keep it well hidden please. And you know what to do if a stranger approaches. I already heard that Spike is the bouncer here.So any problems if you're away from me,any of the adults that live with you,or if you're away from Mrs. Appleby,go to Spike or a policeman.
Robin:Gotcha. Want the rest of my corn dog?
Robin hands it to me and plants a kiss on my cheek See ya later Mom! and he's off to be with his buddies
I then remember that Grover,Rosita,Prairie,Chef & I have walkie-talkies to check on each other.So I decide to see how things are going at the pie eating booth
Gypsy Near The Haunted Place calling Cereal Chef---Do You Read Me?
Chef...it's me,remember. My name for here was Gypsy near the Haunted Place and you're Cereal Chef?
Chef:Oh..Ooh JA! Ja I hear Yu!
Great!How are things going over there!
Chef:Su far su gud...Pearl druped uff some poomkin pies.
Great!I heard that she was going to! Anymore incidents of people throwing up from eating too fast?
Chef:Nu...und dere bettur nut be I get sik wen I see throo up!
Yucchhh...Well I'll catch up to you later. A line is starting to form for the Haunted House. Over and Out!
imitating scary voice Good afternoon!How many boos and ghouls in your party?
AM Boy:1 Boo...er Boy...and 1 girl pointing to a little girl that looks like him It's okay Janie, it's not too scary!l
taking their tickets Have a good time!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*At the carnival... The scare crew stops at a section of the haunted house.
Uncle D, dressed as Chernabog from Night on Bald Mountain from Fantasia leads Ed who got some clothes to pass himself off as Jack Skellington and is blindfolded for the moment to the table/booth. Count, as Master Gracey from the Haunted Mansion tags along behind them.

The table/booth is lined with a few bowls and a cup with a slot in it for donations to take the guided tour.

UD: And now we come to the part of the tour where you get to feel the exhibits on decay.
Count: A quarter please.
*Ed drops a quarter into the cup.

UD: *Serving a glass of punch, first, a drink of blood.
Me: Mmm, refreshing.
Count: Next, move your hand to the first bowl...
*Ed sticks his hand into a bowl of cold spaghetti noodles.
UD: Do you feel them? The worms squiggling under your rotting flesh?
Me: Spooky...
Count: Another quarter please.
*Ed moves hand to a bowl of peeled grapes.
Count: Ah, it looks as if the ghostly eyes now have you. *Laughs.
UD: Another quarter please.
*Ed moves hand to a bowl of cold baby carrots.
UD: Mmm, and my personal favorite, plenty of fingers... Perfect to make some finger-licking sandwiches. *Evil chuckle.
*Ed moves his hand to the last bowl filled with liquid and pickled hearts.
Count: And here are some still beating human hearts. Ah, the tales these tell-tale hearts could tell.
UD: Go ahead and just fill the cup with all your quarters for the last exhibit.
*Ed drops them all in and is handed the last item.
UD: Last but not least... The human brain.
Me: Wow, this feels rully lifelike.
Count: Thanks... That's because we couldn't find anything else for it.
UD: We had to use the brain from that big 9th grader Jimmy Knockitoff.
Me: Oh... Well, I feel there's something I should've told you guys.
Count and UD: What?
Me: I love brains! *Takes bite out of the brain.
Both: Aaaaaaah! ! ! ! ! *The spooks run away.
Me: Mmm, boiled brain, I like it better than raw brain... That's the only kind I can't stomach.

*OOC: That wasn't a real brain, it was just a gray food colored cauliflower head.
The preceeding sketch was brought to you by the letters M, S, and T, and by the number 3000.
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