Ojo- A carnival? Sounds like fun! Will there be rides, and games, and CANDY?
Me- (chuckles) OK, Ojo. We'd better hide the candy from you! Did you eat alot of candy when you went trick-or-treating with Bear?
Ojo- Well, not really, because I got lots of other things. From Etta and Otto, I got candy clams, from Lois, I got some birdseed treats, and Doc Hoog gave me some caramel-covered corncobs. Oooh! Bear gave us candy, though! I still have my old bat costume! I'll probably give it to someone who doesn't have a costume this year.
Me- Aw, that's nice of you! And thanks for the Jack-o-lantern, Ed! I'm sure Tutter will love it...if he can learn to love Halloween again, that is.