I, for one, think it was presented well in a neutral point of view. And frustrated as I was seeing so many of the 70s-90s era stuff get taken down, Joe made a good point in the article - we aren’t entitled to these episodes.
That said, for me personally, I was more frustrated with the fact that when this first came out, it really was a huge dopamine-release of goodness for me with how insanely stressed out I was with the pandemic, the riots, and my real life situation of my folks selling our house that it really helped take off some tension. So when it was removed, it felt like a present I showed my absolute gratefulness with (instead of it being a situation where some fans are like “hOw CoMe ThIs EpIsOdE wAsN’t InClUdEd????”) was just taken away because “Herp derp entertainment industry life.” It felt just as frustrating when Flash discontinued and so many of my old childhood online games disappeared forever. (And yes, I did take that one personally).
Again while we’re certainly not entitled to them and I absolutely agree completely, it doesn’t also mean I’m just gonna force myself to accept it and move on. No, I do personally feel frustrated with these business decisions Warner has been making cause it honestly just feels like a case of them playing stupid games and winning stupid prizes.
But….. whatever. Life goes on in the end, and there’s nothing we can do but vent about it.