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Fanfic: Survival Of The Muppets


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2012
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The hiatus is over! It's time to head back to the action!!!!! YAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!
Episode 10

The camera rolls on Missy, whom is in a meditation pose on the dock.

Missy: Last time on Survival of The Muppets..............wait, what happened last time? It's been forever since this author has updated.

Cameraman: Fozzie was eliminated.

Missy: Oh okay. -turns back to camera- Fozzie was eliminated. So, our contestants left, to recap are Kermit, Miss Piggy, Animal, Scooter, Pepe, Janice, Annie Sue and Sam. 8 Muppets left on the island. We're getting down to the wire. Who's getting the boot tonight? Find out on SURVIVAL OF THE MUPPETS!!!!!

The boys cabin

Kermit: You know, it's actually been really quiet since Fozzie was eliminated.

Sam: Not quiet enough. We still have that abomination known as Animal.

Animal is then seen chewing on his pillow. The camera then turns back to Sam and Kermit.

Kermit: Yeah, but this still seems depressing.

Sam: This whole show is depressing.

Pepe: No eet isn't. Missy can't get eliminated, hokay.

Sam: She's not going to date you, Pepe. Admit it.

Pepe: I no admit it! -slaps Sam across the face-

Sam: Really?!?!?!

Pepe: Hey, I'm crazy, hokay?

Pepe: I'm a wild one.

Kermit then goes outside the cabin, where Scooter is sitting.

Kermit: Good morning, Scooter.

Scooter: Morning chief.

Kermit: How's Janice? Is she feeling better about loosing Floyd?

Scooter: She's better now. She just needed to hear his voice one more time, that's all.

Kermit: Oh.

Scooter: And plus, for revenge, she put a little surprise on Miss Piggy's bed.

Kermit: What?


The voice is Miss Piggy, whom is running out of the girls' cabin with ants in her hair. Annie Sue follows her. Miss Piggy is then rolling on the ground, trying to get the ants off.


Kermit: I'll go get a hose and wash out the ants! Don't worry, I'll be right back Miss Piggy! -rushes off-

Miss Piggy: HURRY, KERMIE!

Scooter then goes over to Janice, whom is standing outside the girls cabin.

Scooter: You are crazy.

Janice: Like I know.

Miss Piggy: -itching her hair- This is all Janice's fault! She is SO getting the boot tonight for this!!!

At the dining hall, later

Missy: Good morning, final 8! -looks over at Miss Piggy, itching her hair- What's up with her?

Annie Sue: Janice put ants in Miss Piggy's pillow.

Missy: -turns to Janice- Clever, girlfriend.

Janice: Like I know. I did that once in summer camp like years ago.......

Missy: I didn't say I needed to hear your life's story.

Pepe: You wanna hear mine?

Missy: No.

Pepe: Maybe later?

Missy: Pepe, do me a favor and SHUT UP! Anyways, contestants. Today's challenge will test your endurance skills. And stamina.

Kermit: What's the challenge?

Missy: See, my boyfriend, Chris, just got me this really really strong perfume. So, I bought the largest bottle there is of it and I'm gonna spray it on you guys to see how long you all can last with it on. Last one standing wins invincibility.

Miss Piggy: -while still itching her hair- This challenge should be a piece of cake! I've worn perfume for all of moi's life.

Missy: Oh good, Itchy Hog. Good luck all.


Missy: Buh bye!

Missy slams the door of the mess hall before Miss Piggy could karate chop her. Suddenly, there's an aroma of the strong perfume that goes around the dining hall.

Annie Sue: This must be the perfume....

Pepe: Ehhh, I prefer cologne. I don't wear ladies' scents.

Animal: Perfume strong!

Miss Piggy: Oh stop being such babies! -turns to Kermit- We can win this, right Kermie? Kermie?

Kermit has been knocked out by the perfume.

Miss Piggy: KERMIE!!!! -rushes over to Kermit's side- Oh Kermie, speak to me! SPEAK TO ME!!!!

Kermit: -weakly singing- I feel pretty. Oh so pretty. I feel pretty and witty and bright. -passes out-

Miss Piggy: NOOOOOOOOO! Moi shall win this for vous, Kermie!!!

Over by Animal, Scooter and Janice

Animal: Gaaaaaaaah.......

Janice: Like, I barely wear strong perfume. This is like rully ridiculous.

Scooter: Do you even wear perfume?

Janice: Fer sure. But nothing like this......................I think I'm gonna like pass out.

Scooter: Don't pass out, Janice.


Janice: -weakly- I'm....trying...not to........-passes out-

Scooter and Animal: JANICE!

Animal: NOOOOOO!

Scooter: She's gone, Animal.................I think I'm fading, too.

Animal: Don't fade!

Scooter: Go on without me, Animal! -passes out-


Animal: Every man for himself!!!!

Animal: Rue day! Rue day! AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!

Animal goes crazy and attacks Sam, Annie Sue and Pepe, thus knocking them out. He then goes to look for Miss Piggy.

Miss Piggy: The furball is attacking! Oh great.

Animal: You pay, pig!

Miss Piggy: What did I do?


Animal then breathes on Miss Piggy.

Miss Piggy: OH! GROSS! OHHH!!!! -passes out from Animal's bad breath-

Animal: Hahahahaha!

The perfume scent then goes away and Missy reenters the dining hall.

Missy: Well....someone went wild for perfume. Looks like you win the invincibility, Animal.


Sam: -waking up- He attacked us! He shouldn't win the invincibility.

Missy: Too bad, Sam. He didn't get knocked out by the perfume. He just went crazy.

Janice: Good old Animal.

At the campfire ceremony.

Missy: We're doing this the lazy way tonight. No votes. In fact..................-grabs the Wheel Of Losers-

Annie Sue: Oh no! Not again!

Missy: Animal, why don't you spin it tonight?


Animal spins the wheel roughly. The contestants are holding their breaths and hoping not to be eliminated. The wheel then lands on.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Janice.

Missy: Shocker, isn't it?

Janice: Oh no....

Miss Piggy: Au revoir, hippie.

Scooter: Wait! Janice shouldn't be the one eliminated. Take me, instead!

Missy: What are you, Scooter? Her second boyfriend?

Scooter: No! Her half brother/ cousin with the same "father" who passed away 20 years ago.

Missy: Deep.

Janice: Like, Scooter you don't have to do this.

Scooter: Janice, you don't wanna loose to Miss Piggy do you?

Miss Piggy then smiles and waves.

Janice: Stay strong, Scooter. I'll miss you.

Missy: So who's going on the Boat of Losers?

Scooter: I am.

Miss Piggy: WHAT!?!?!?!

Missy: Then go before you swim home.

On the Dock of Whining Losers.

Scooter: I deserve elimination more than Janice does. I'm gonna be honest. She's like the sister I wish I had. -sigh- I wish her the best of luck. -gets on the Boat of Losers-

Miss Piggy: THIS IS NOT FAIR! JANICE SHOULD'VE BEEN SENT HOME, NOT THE NERD! Next time, moi will make sure that no good valley girl gets eliminated! -evil laugh-

The camera then goes to Missy, on her hammock.

Missy: Shocking episode, wasn't it? But who will be heading home next time? Find out on SURVIVAL OF THE MUPPETS!!!!!!!!
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Survival Of The Muppets is back on the air after a hiatus! :excited: Although, I might have to limit the episodes to one a week, since I'll be starting school on Wednesday, I'll be pretty busy. So yeah. Hope you guys enjoyed its comeback episode.


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2012
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Yay it's back!
It was rully nice of Scooter to go for Janice.
Wow you start school Wednesday? Lucky I start tomorrow oh well
Anyways MORE PLEASE!!!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2012
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Wow you start school Wednesday? Lucky I start tomorrow oh well
My school has a tendency of always starting school on a Wednesday.....maybe because it's pizza day (every Wednesday is pizza day) and I don't even like my school's pizza. Come to think of it, I don't even like some of my school's food. :smirk:


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2012
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My school is always on a Tuesday and doesn't have good food either


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2012
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We have a cafeteria so we have to buy it so usually I bring my own lunch the few times I have bought lunch it wasn't very good


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2011
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Oh my gonzo! First fozzie, now scooter instead of janice? Aaaggghhh!
More please!