Cameo-ing in this episode is muppetfan24/7, galagr, miss kermie, floyd<3janice and surprise cameo. Enjoy!
Episode 12
The camera rolls on Missy, whom is relaxing on her speed boat while one of her interns is driving.
Missy: Previously on Survival Of The Muppets, the final seven had to face off against a The Mighty Swamp Gator. Some tried, some fought him off......and some almost wet their pants. But in the end, stupidly, Pepe was eliminated.......FINALLY, but dragged Annie Sue with him. Now let me explain why I am on this boat and where it's going. Today, we will not bother our final 5 left at Camp Creatorous. Now I know what thought has been on all of your minds since the beginning. What happened to everyone who was eliminated? Today....I shall show you.
The boat pulls up to a nearby, fancy dock.
Missy: Welcome to Perdant Paradis! A luxurious five star hotel where our losers go when they are eliminated. Yes sir, everything those losers' hearts desires, except their girlfriends, lies in this paradise hotel. And trust me, these Muppets hang out at the pool out back like there's no tomorrow. I don't blame them. I would do that, too. And speaking of them, let's check on them, shall we?
At Perdant Paradis's Paradise Pool
All of the losers are relaxing. Some are relaxing in pool chairs, some are in the pool, some are at the pool bar, and some are in the hot tub.
The camera then rolls over to the pool bar, where Fozzie and Sandy are.
Fozzie: This place absolutely AMAZING!
Sandy: No it isn't.
-ignoring Sandy- I mean, if I knew about this place earlier, I should've been eliminated in the first episode.
Sandy: Pffft. I SHOULD be in the final five right now. Not any of those losers. Especially Miss Piggy.
Fozzie: Oh c'mon, Sandy. You're worrying too much.
Suddenly, one of the pool girls (miss kermie aka Jaz) pops up from the pool and sits next to Fozzie at the pool bar.
Jaz: Excuse me, are you Fozzie Bear by any chance?
Fozzie: I think that's my name.
-coldly- It is your name.
-to Sandy- Stay out of this, blondie.
Sandy: Ugh!
-back to Fozzie- So anyways, I'm Jaz. And I'm here to tell you.....I'm your number 1 fan.
-spits out drink- Fozzie? A fan girl?
Jaz punches Sandy into the water.
Fozzie: Wow....a fan girl. A tough fan girl.
Jaz: No one EVER messes with Fozzie Bear.
Fozzie: wanna go grab some fruit?
Jaz: Okay!
The camera now goes over to the hot tub. Gonzo and Camilla are making out (*I know) in the hot tub. Pepe and Annie Sue are waiting out it.
Pepe: Eh, can you two hurry up? Me and Annie Sue need to make out in there next.
Annie Sue: But Pepe....
Pepe: Hush, querida. Hush.
Gonzo and Camilla continue to ignore Pepe.
Pepe: Hoh boy. POOL BOY!
Pepe's pool boy, whom actually turns to be a pool girl, (muppetfan24/7) quickly arrives.
Muppetfan24/7: Yes, Pepe?
Pepe:'re not a pool boy.
Muppetfan24/7: All of the pool boys are on break. I'm one of the pool girls.
Pepe: No no no no. There no such thing as pool girls. Girls at pools are lifeguards.
Muppetfan24/7: But we don't have a lifeguard.
Pepe: Then....then who's going to save me when I drown?
-shrugs- I don't know. Can you hurry this up? I have to give Floyd his daily back massage in 5 minutes......much to my dismay.
Pepe: Who cares about him? All he does is mourn the fact his girlfriend eez not here, hokay.
Muppetfan24/7: He doesn't do that. Now what do you want?
Pepe: Your number.
Muppetfan24/7 then knocks Pepe into the hot tub, which interrupts Gonzo and Camilla's make out session. Pepe then emerges from the hot tub.
Pepe: AAAAAAAHHHH! I got chemicals in my eyes!
Annie Sue:
-to Muppetfan24/7- I'll....take a root beer.
The camera then goes over to the snack bar. Scooter and Skeeter are getting a snack, when Rizzo pops up from Skeeter's plate.
Skeeter: RIZZO! What are you doing on my plate?
Rizzo: Hey, I need to ask you a question.
Skeeter: If it's "Will you go out with me?" then the answer is no.
Rizzo: That's not it.
Skeeter: What's the question?
Rizzo: Can I have your table scraps?
Skeeter shoos Rizzo off her plate.
Scooter: Sis, all he wanted was your table scraps.
Skeeter: Really?
Scooter: Yeah.
Skeeter: Oh well. He can always grab from the garbage.
Rizzo then goes over to eat from the garbage. One of the pool boys, (galagr) , then goes over to Rizzo.
Galagr: Hey, Rizzo.
Rizzo: Oh hey, Galagr.
Galagr: Rejected from food again?
Rizzo: Yeah.
Galagr: Hey, if you want, I'll bring over that giant garbage can we have in the kitchen.
-gasp- Really? You'd do that?
Galagr: Sure. You're my friend, Rizzo. I always look out for my friends.
Rizzo: Hey you wanna share some garbage with me?
Galagr: That depends. I think the food in the waste today is prawn.
-offscreen- Prawn es food? AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
Galagr: Maybe we should settle for the leftover Peanut Butter Cheese Bars. You like those?
Rizzo: Love 'em!
The camera then goes over to Floyd, whom is relaxing on his beach chair and playing something on his acoustic guitar. Suddenly, one of the pool girls (floyd<3janice) goes over to him and taps his shoulder.
floyd<3janice: Are you Sgt. Floyd Pepper by any chance?
Floyd: That's my name, don't wear it out.
floyd<3janice: Hi! I'm the new pool girl who's giving you your 2:30 foot massage today.
Floyd: What happened to Muppetfan?
floyd<3janice: Let's just say....she got into a little tussle with Pepe.
Floyd: Oh.
-sets down his guitar- Go on ahead, girlie.
floyd<3janice: Alrighty.
-starts to give him his foot massage-
Floyd: What'd you say your name was?
floyd<3janice: Oh, I don't tell. But let me just say that I am the biggest fan of you and Janice as a couple.
Floyd: Never thought I'd get a compliment for being in a relationship. Thanks.
floyd<3janice: You two should've been in the final five together. I swear.
Floyd: Well, that's life, girlie. You gotta let it go on.
floyd<3janice: Yeah, but you two are such an adorable couple.
Voice: Uhhhh I don't think so!
Suddenly, Sierra from Total Drama World Tour stomps immediately towards the two, thus making floyd<3janice pause her foot massage.
Floyd: I'm sorry, are you in the right show?
Sierra: Yeah! I'm Sierra. Not only am I the president of the Cody fan club, but president of the FloydxMiss Piggy fan club.
Floyd: What?
floyd<3janice: Ummm....excuse me? But, like, Floyd belongs with Janice. They've been dating for years.
Sierra: So, he kissed Miss Piggy. They belong together. He should've French kissed her.
floyd<3janice: Ummm no. It'd make Janice even more upset.
Sierra: Upset to dump him!
Sierra and floyd<3janice continue to bicker for a few minutes. Floyd then looks over to his right.
Floyd: At times like this, I wish was Animal was here. Oh well. A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.
Floyd then gets up from his chair and pushes Sierra and floyd<3janice into the pool.
Floyd: I'm anklin'. Later, ladies.
- takes his guitar and leaves-
-sigh- I got pushed into the pool by Sgt. Floyd Pepper. My life is complete. Eeeeee...
Later that evening, most of the losers and pool workers have all gathered around the pool. Gonzo then shows up with a really bad sunburn.
Scooter: Gonzo, what happened to you?
Gonzo: Oh nothing really.
Scooter: No, look at you. It looks like you got sunburned.
Gonzo: Oh yeah that.
-tries to sit down but can't because his sunburn hurts- OUCH! You know what, I think I'll stand.
Floyd: No, sit down, man. We got plenty of room.
Gonzo: No I think I'll stand.
Camilla: Bawk bawk. Bawk bawk (Gonzo. Sit down)
Gonzo: I'm sorry, Camilla. But I refuse to sit down.
Floyd: You wanna be the third person I push into the pool today?
Jaz: Oooh! Let me do it! Let me do it!
Gonzo: Uhhh....on second thought I'll sit.
-sits down, but it painfully hurts-
Rizzo: Hey, Fozzie, who's the chick?
Fozzie: Oh this Jaz, my number one fan.
Galagr: Times like this I wish I had a number one fan.
Rizzo: Me too.
Pepe: Oh I have plenty of number one fans.
Sandy: Really?
Pepe: biggest number one fan es my mama.
Muppetfan24/7: Oh brother.
Missy then magically shows up.
Missy: Ta dah!
Skeeter: Ah! It's Missy! Run for the hills!
-goes underwater-
Sandy: Skeeter, get up. This may be a trick she's pulling.
-Skeeter then emerges from the water- Someone check if she's real.
Camilla goes over to Missy and pecks her foot.
Missy: OUCH!
Camilla: Bawk bawk. (She's real.)
Sandy: Thanks, Camilla.
Missy: Yeah...thanks for a broken foot. Ahem. Anyways, losers....and pool workers...
Muppetfan24/7: Sit down, galagr.
Missy: You all have control of who you want off tonight.
Annie Sue: Off the island?
Missy: Yup. Who do you guys want off?
Everyone except Jaz and Missy: MISS PIGGY!
Jaz: Sam!
-looks around and sees everyone but Missy glaring at her- Okay, fine, Miss Piggy. You all win.
Missy: Well....that's a shocker.
Rizzo: It's not a shock.
floyd<3janice: We all talked it over and we all agreed. Miss Piggy has got to go.
Missy: Are you sure?
All but Missy: Yes.
Missy: Are you really sure?
All but Missy: YES!
Missy: Are you really really....
Missy: Okay.
Floyd: Finally, the Hog Princess is getting eliminated.
Scooter: You know, I just realized something.
Muppetfan24/7: What, Scooter?
Scooter: With Miss Piggy not there....doesn't that mean she's going to be over here?
There is a long silence until everyone screams.
The camera then rolls over back to Camp Creatorous, where Missy is trying to get Miss Piggy onto the Boat of Losers.
-gets pushed onto the Boat of Losers and it quickly leaves-
Missy: Well....that was hard. Anyways, who will be sent on the Boat of Losers next time? Find out here on SURVIVAL.....OF.....THE MUPPETS!!!!
I think this was my best episode. And thank you to everyone who volunteered to be cameos in this episode. Next episode will be here soon, so stayed tuned. We're coming down to the end.