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Fanfic: Survival Of The Muppets


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2012
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Episode 3
The camera shows Missy, on the beach, sitting on a beach chair eating potato chips.
Missy: -eating the chips-

Camerman: Ummmm....we're rolling.

Missy: -realizes the cameras are rolling and chucks down the bag of potato- Oops. Sorry viewers. Ahem. Previously on "Survival Of The Muppets," it seems our contestants have settled in quite "nicely" here at Camp Creatourous. Not really. But, they also had their first challenge: Jump off a 10,000 foot cliff into the lake. Some had no trouble. Some....I won't mention names. But in the end, the first contestant eliminated from the game was Scoo.....I mean Skeeter. Who will go crying home today on the Boat of Losers? Find out on "SURVIVAL..........OF THE MUPPETS!!!"

At Team Power Circle (Boys) Cabin

Pepe: Es too caliente here. And not the good kind of caliente.

Kermit: What other kind of "caliente" is there?

Fozzie: The kind you put on a dog. Ah! Wocka Wocka!


Kermit: Me too, Animal. I'm really hungry. I don't think I can eat anymore of that Chef's food.

Fozzie: How about you join The Garbage Club?

Kermit: Fozzie, I may live in a swamp, but I don't want to eat my own kind.

Fozzie: You're not eating your own kind. You're eating....garbage.

Pepe: Either way, I'm still going to starve. -eating potato chips-

Kermit: Where did you get that bag of potato chips, Pepe?

Pepe: Oh. I found these on the beach this morning.


Pepe: NO ANIMAL! NO!!!!

Animal tackles Pepe and eats the bag of chips.

Fozzie: Well. So much for sharing.

Animal: -burps- Sorry.

Missy: -over loud speaker- Attention, fresh meat.....I mean losers.....I mean....AH! Attention Muppets! Meet over by the campfire in 10 minutes for your next challenge!

Kermit: Oh why would we have a challenge on such a hot day like today?

Fozzie: Because Missy is a cruel host?

Pepe: I think she's muy caliente.

Kermit, Fozzie, and Animal stare at him.

Pepe: What? You've never heard of....gamecest?

At the campfire

Missy: Well. As all of you realize, today is a very exceptionally hot day.

Camilla: Bawk bgawk bawk bgawk bgawk bawk bawk!(I'm gonna turn into a KFC item menu by the end of today it's so hot out!)

Gonzo: Oh, Camilla, don't say that. You look beautiful even if you turn to food.

Camilla: Bawk....(Oye....)

Missy: Anyways, I believe I've made an extremely cool challenge.

Rizzo: By cool, I hope you mean that a freezer is involved.

Missy: No. Simple: Beat the heat.

Annie Sue: What do you mean?

Missy: You guys have to survive the extreme heat wave today. Whoever's team is still standing from the heat by nighttime, wins today's challenge. Loser votes someone off tonight.

Floyd: This should be a piece of cake.

Missy: Here's the rules. No going into any sort of shade. No sneaking into the freezer or refrigerator of the kitchen. No going into the lake or swamp. No stealing ANY sort of fans or air conditioners. No applying sunscreen. And no going into your cabins.

Animal: No ice pops?

Missy: No ice pops, Animal.


Missy: If you pass out or go into any shade, or steal ice pops, you're out. Have fun! I'll see you all tonight. -leaves-

Kermit: And I thought yesterday's challenge was crazy, but this is ridiculous. She's gonna have us burn to death. And then I'm really going to be forced to do that stupid Frogs Legs commericial Doc Hopper wanted me to do for all these years. Wonder how's he doing?

One hour has passed

Annie Sue: Did you call me, Miss Piggy?

Miss Piggy: Yes. Moi wants to form a.....oh what's it called....something where you team up with others to kick people off....

Annie Sue: An alliance?

Miss Piggy: Yes. With you.

Annie Sue: -gasp- Really? Oh thank you Miss Piggy! Thank you!

Miss Piggy: Don't touch me, okay? Now there's only person we need left to make this alliance work.

Annie Sue: Who? The only other female left on our team is....Janice. And she's dating Floyd. And you hate Floyd. With a passion.

Miss Piggy: Exactly. If I get Janice to join our alliance, she'll tell me ALL of Floyd's secrets. And then moi will crush him...ONCE AND FOR ALL!

Annie Sue: Miss Piggy went crazy there. But she's my friend and I trust her.

Miss Piggy: I'm only stringing Annie Sue along just so she doesn't vote moi off. Once we make it to the final three, I'll dump her.

On another side of the campground

Scooter: Anyone else have that bad feeling they're going to pass out?

Sam: Nope.

Rizzo: Not yet.


Scooter: Woah! That sounds like Gonzo needs our help!

Sam: Why should we help him?

Rizzo: Because he's on our team. And he's my best buddy!

Scooter: Yeah! C'mon guys! Let's.........-passes out-

Rizzo: Scooter! No!

Sam: Go on without me! -pretends to pass out to get out of helping Gonzo-

Rizzo: No! Sam! Not you too! Well I guess it's up to me, then! Hold on, Gonzo, I'm coming!

On another side of the campground, near the woods. Janice is playing her guitar, when Miss Piggy and Annie Sue approach her.

Janice: Oh like, hey guys.

Annie Sue: Hi Janice.

Miss Piggy: Annie Sue and moi have a proposition to make.

Janice: Like what?

Miss Piggy: We could help you go to the final three.

Janice: You mean like form an alliance?

Miss Piggy: No. Join MOI's alliance. What do you say?

Janice: Like, sorry, Miss Piggy. Floyd said to not trust you because you're like mean and stuff. And after yesterday, ya know.

Miss Piggy: Oh and if Floyd told you to go jump off the Empire State building, would you do it?

Janice: Maybe.

Floyd: Hey! Stay away from my girlfriend, Piggy!

Miss Piggy: How does he know what moi is trying to do?

Annie Sue: He's probably an over protective boyfriend.

Floyd: I am not over protective!

Janice: Like he's usually not. He just hates you, Piggy.

Miss Piggy: Why would anyone HATE MOI!?!?! HIYAAAAA! -karate chops Floyd into a tree and leaves with Annie Sue-

Janice: It's alright, Floyd. Miss Piggy has a tendency of doing that. Like I wasn't even going to
join anyways. Alliances are stupid. -hugs the knocked out Floyd-

Floyd: If there's one thing I love about Janice is that she doesn't let anyone boss her around without punching them. It's her free spirited nature. Or something like that.

Janice: Miss Piggy isn't a terrible person. It's just that this game like getting over her head. Fer sure.

In the dining hall

Rizzo: Gonzo! What are you doing here?

Gonzo: -in tears- My poor sweet Camilla.....my....

Rizzo: What? What is it buddy?

Gonzo: She....SHE'S TURNED INTO A THANKSGIVING DINNER! -holds out the roasted Camilla-

Rizzo: Oh no! But we gotta get you out of here! You'll be out if Missy finds you here.

Gonzo: Who cares? My world isn't complete anymore without....without.....CAMILLA!!!!! -cries-

Rizzo: Hey it's okay, Gonzo. Everything will be okay. I hope.

Rizzo: Gonzo is my best friend. I have to be there to support him. Through and through.


It is now sundown. With the challenge officially over, Missy goes over the campground and sees that every person has passed out from the heat or was caught in the shade. Missy then blows an air horn to wake up the passed out contestants.

Sandy: OUCH! You didn't have to blow that stupid thing so loud!

Sam: Those air horns make my ears bleed.

Scooter: I thought birds don't have ears.

Sam: Well I thought we did.

Missy: Well, well. I have good news and bad news.

Kermit: What's the bad news?

Missy: What does it look like? You guys can't stand the heat even if you had to survive a minute in the Sahara Desert. You all lost the challenge!

Everyone but Missy: -groan-

Animal: Good news?

Missy: No one is getting eliminated tonight.

Everyone but Missy: Yay! Woo hoo! Awesome! Yeah!

Sandy: Wait....has anyone seen Camilla?

Missy: That's why no one is getting eliminated. Camilla was cooked good in the sun. She became an item choice at KFC.

Janice: Like that's not nice.

Sandy: So....is she dead?

Missy: Shhh! Don't say that! Gonzo might hear you!


Fozzie: Hey, cheer up, Sandy. That means you get your own cabin now!

Sandy: Yeah....I guess you're right, Fozzie.

Missy:Uh no. Sandy, since you're the only girl left on Team Power Circle, YOU are bunking with the girls on Team Squiggly Line.

Sandy: -gulp-

Pepe: Good luck with Miss Piggy.

On the Dock of Whining Losers, later that night

Gonzo: Camilla....oh Camilla. If....if only I could see your beautiful white feathered body one more time. If only I could hear you cluck those gorgeous clucks one more time....

Voice: Bawk?

Gonzo: Yeah. Like that.

Gonzo then turns around and sees Camilla, standing before him.

Gonzo: CAMILLA!!!! YOU'RE ALIVE!!!! -hugs and kisses Camilla- Oh I'm so glad you're alive! I really am!

Camilla: Bawk bawk. Bawk bawk bgawk. (Gonzo, I never died.)

Gonzo: What do you mean?

Camilla: Bawk bawk bgawk bawk bawk bgawk. Bawk bawk. Bgawk bgawk bgawk. Bgawk. (I hid in the freezer the entire challenge. Unfortunately Missy found me and disqualified me from the rest of the game. Oh well.)

Gonzo: What? She disqualified you?

Camilla: Bawk. Bawk bgawk bawk bgawk bgawk. Bawk. (Yeah. The Boat of Losers should be here any time now.)

The Boat of Losers arrives on the dock.

Camilla: -gets on the boat- Bawk bawk bawk. (Goodbye, Gonzo.)

Gonzo: Camilla!!! I....I LOVE YOU!!!

Camilla: -blows a kiss to Gonzo and waves as the boat leaves the dock- Bawk bawk bawk bawk, bgawk! (I love you, too, Gonzo!)

The camera then goes back to Missy, whom is doing yoga on the beach.

Missy: Well, that was....shocking. What an egg-citing episode this has been. I better stop with the chicken jokes right now. Anyways, readers, it's that time again. Time to vote for who YOU want off the camp ground next. Who do YOU want voted off? Comment or send a message to MissMusical12. And we'll see you next time on "Survival....of The Muppets!!!"
How's this episode? Had A LOT of typing to do today (I had to type something as a summer project for a class I'm taking this year. So that's why.) And please, guys, make sure you vote. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2012
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I knew it! I voted for Camilla :cluck: off, 'cause she doesn't like the heat. Well, something bad was going to happen. All right, I will vote this time to go and that will be..........Sandy. Whew!

Other than that, I love this fanfic. I am glad Janice stood up for Piggy. Like she has no reason to rully treat Floyd badly. :flirt: :sing:
You mean stood up against Piggy? Anyways I had to add some FloydxJanice in there somewhere! :halo: It seems all the girls from Team Power Circle are like all getting voted off. Mehhh. I'm not crying.


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2012
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Okay.....I just came up with this really good idea for this episode! Very very shocking episode. Enjoy!
Episode 4
The camera rolls on Missy, whom is looking around by a tree for something.

Cameraman: Missy, we're rolling!

Missy: I know. I just really got to look for my $12,000 ring. Okay? -turns to camera- Anyways, previously on "Survival of The Muppets," the players had to beat the heat. Miss Piggy and Floyd's rivalry fumes up. And Gonzo had himself a cooked chicken.....not really. Because that frozen turkey earned herself a disqualification. Who will be the next Muppet heading home on The Boat of Losers? Find out here on "Survival.......Of.......The Muppets!"

Outside the now "Girls" Cabin. Miss Piggy is waiting patiently outside for something. Sort of.

Miss Piggy: Hmmmm. Where is it?

Annie Sue: Where's what?

A delivery man arrives.

Delivery Man: Package for Miss....Poogy?

Miss Piggy: THAT'S MISS PIGGY!!!! Now give me the package!

The Delivery Man gives Miss Piggy her package and hurries off.

Miss Piggy: Thank goodness this thing has finally arrive. -opens package-

Annie Sue: Hey, what did you order, Miss Piggy? You know there's no WiFi on this island.

Miss Piggy: Moi snuck into Missy's trailer and used her laptop last night to order.....THIS! -shows Annie Sue the book she ordered-

Annie Sue: A book?

Miss Piggy: Not just A book, Annabelle. THE book that will help moi win this stupid competition.

Annie Sue: -reading the cover- How To Manipulate Your Way Through A Dumb Reality Show by Heather MacInvine. Are you really going to rely on a book to help you win?

Miss Piggy: No. You, moi and the book. And Janice or Sandy if we can get them on our side. -goes through the book- Ah! Here's a good chapter! Chapter 6: "How To Break Down A Male Rival." Well that sounds like me.

Missy: -through mega phone- Attention, players! It's now time for your next challenge! Meet by the campfire in 3 minutes!

Miss Piggy: This book is moi's pride and joy for this competition.....oh and Kermie. -sigh- Kermie....

At the campfire

Missy: Okay. This next challenge will test your finding skills.

Kermit: What finding skills? I'm a part time detective and we did a movie all about a mystery. Right guys?

All but Missy: Yeah. I remember that. Yes. That was fun. We should've done another one.

Missy: Okay okay! All you have to do is find my $12,000 ring. I must've misplaced it somewhere and now I can't find it. Whichever team finds my ring first wins. Losers vote someone off tonight.

Sam: Who misplaces a $12,000 ring? That is pure clumsiness.

Missy: I don't think I need reminding from the Peanut Gallery, Sam. Alright teams, MOVE OUT!

The teams then head out to find the ring.

With Team Power Circle

Kermit: Okay guys.....

Sandy: Ahem!

Kermit: And Sandy. We should split up to find that ring. I'll go with Fozzie this way. Pepe, Animal and Sandy, you guys will go that way!

Sandy: Wait...why do I have to go with Pepe and Animal?

Fozzie: Because I'm Kermit's second in command. Sort of.

Sandy: This is going to be a long day.

Sandy: It's not that I don't like teaming up with Pepe and Animal....it's just that I really felt my security went down the toilet. Seriously.

With Team Squiggly Line

Scooter, Rizzo, Gonzo and Sam are by a tree. Gonzo and Rizzo are climbing up the tree.

Scooter: Hey! How are you guys doing up there?

Rizzo: No sign yet, Scooter!

Gonzo: And no ring either!

Sam: Do you really think Missy would hide a ring up a tall tree like that?

Scooter: Oh knowing Missy, I would think so.

Suddenly, there's a cracking noise on the tree.

Rizzo: Ummm....Gonzo...

Gonzo: What's up, Rizzo?

Rizzo: I think the tree is going to........

The tree falls on top of all four of the guys.

Rizzo: Fall.

Scooter: Ow! My aching head.

Sam: These trees in Canada are dangerous. I still think the Canadian government should shut this down.

Sandy, Animal, and Pepe are on the beach looking for the ring.

Animal: RING! RING!

Pepe: -picks up his phone- Hola? Hello? -puts away his phone-

Animal: RING! RING!

Pepe tries to pick up his phone, but Sandy knocks it out of his hands.

Pepe: Hey! That my phone! I had a call!

Sandy: No you didn't! It's just Animal looking for the ring!



Pepe: Hokay. Sorry if I thought Animal was my ringtone.


Sandy: I have an idea! Animal, can you dig in the sand?

Animal: Dig sand?

Sandy: Yeah.

Animal: Okay! -tackles Sandy-

Sandy: -screams- NOT ME, ANIMAL! THE SAND! THE SAND!

Animal: Oh! Why no say so? Okay. -digs in the sand, searching for the ring-

Pepe: Hahaha. He thought you were sand. Get it? Because you're name is Sandy? And you have Sand in it? Hahahaha

Sandy knocks down Pepe.

Pepe: I think Sandy likes me. Everyone likes Pepe. Except Miss Piggy.

Animal: SANDY! SANDY! SANDY! Ahahahaha

On the docks. Miss Piggy is waiting for something.

Miss Piggy: Okay. Where is she? Where is that Annie Sue?

Annie Sue brings over Floyd.

Annie Sue: I just don't know what's up with Miss Piggy.

Miss Piggy then pretends to cry.

Annie Sue: Maybe you should go talk to her, Floyd.

Floyd: -rolls his eyes- I can tell this will spell trouble.

Floyd then goes over to Miss Piggy. He is saying his upcoming lines sarcastically and sounding like he doesn't care.


Floyd: Oh, Piggy. What's the matter?

Miss Piggy: Oh nothing.

Floyd: Good. -tries to leave-

Miss Piggy: NO! YOU STAY!

Floyd: Why?

Miss Piggy: I have something very important to tell you.

Floyd: What?

Miss Piggy: Okay....so....Janice told the girls last week that she really can't stand you. She thinks you're a total cliche, your music sucks, and she's only stringing you along to get further in the game.

Floyd: What do you think I am? Stupid?

Miss Piggy: Yes.

Floyd gives her a cruel look. Annie Sue then signals that Janice is coming near.

Miss Piggy: Maybe Janice thinks your music sucks. But moi thinks you're really talented. -in her head: Forgive me, Kermie-

(Here's the shocking part, folks)

Miss Piggy then kisses Floyd! Floyd closes his eyes and suddenly bites Miss Piggy's lip roughly, thus making her release from the kiss and fall into the lake. Floyd then runs off.

Miss Piggy: -emerging into the lake- I can't believe that didn't work! I can't believe it!

Annie Sue: You were close, though.

Miss Piggy: Close is not enough!

Floyd: Janice is going to kill me.......

Floyd: Janice, wait!

Janice: -heartbroken and upset- I know. I like see now. You'd rather like spend your life smooching a hog than me.

Floyd: No....what? Janice, it was all Miss Piggy. She must've set up this plan to get me eliminated and you to join her alliance so that she can vote me off.

Janice: Then why'd you like close your eyes?

Floyd: I...I bit her lip roughly and she went into the lake. I was trying to shove her off.

Janice: I....I....

Floyd: -holding Janice- Jan.....I would never ever cheat on you like that. Never. Jan........I love you.

Janice: I wish you like said that to me earlier......before you kissed that hog. -walks off-

Floyd: I'm doomed.

Floyd is about to cry, when suddenly Gonzo and Rizzo appear.

Gonzo: Hi Floyd....what's the matter?

Floyd: -crying- Janice walked out on me.....

Rizzo: Why?

Floyd: Because she thought I kissed Miss Piggy......

Gonzo and Rizzo: EWWWWWW!

Floyd:...when really she was the one who kissed me.

Gonzo: Well you're not going to like our news either.

Floyd: What?

Gonzo: We lost the challenge. Animal found the ring in Missy's back pocket.

Animal: -running around with the ring- RING! RING! RING! RING!


Rizzo: Looks like we're voting off someone tonight.

Floyd: -gets an idea- Hey can I trust you guys with something?

Gonzo: Sure. What's up?

Rizzo: First Gonzo now Floyd. This show is very dramatic.

At the campfire ceremony

Missy: Well well, Team Squiggly Line. You've all casted your votes. When I call your name come up and get a Gummi Worm.

Scooter: Hey, Team Power Circle got marshmallows. Why do we get Gummi Worms?

Missy: Because Animal ate all of the marshmallows. Anyways, the person that doesn't recieve a Gummi worm will be sent home on the Boat Of Losers.

As Missy calls each persons's name, they get up to get a Gummi Worm.

Missy: First person is....Rizzo.

Rizzo: Yes!

Missy: Sam.

Sam: Thank you. -tries eating the Gummi worm but spits it out-

Missy: Gonzo.

Gonzo: Yay!

Missy: Scooter.

Scooter: Yeah!

Missy: Janice.

Janice: Fer sure.

Missy: Annie Sue.

Annie Sue: Yay!

Missy: Floyd, Miss Piggy, one of you two is going home on the Boat of Losers tonight......................................................

Floyd looks away in shame, while Miss Piggy looks up proudly.

Missy:.............................................................................................................................................................Miss Piggy.

Miss Piggy: -snatches the Gummi worm from Missy- Ha! Yes! Yes! Yes! -to Floyd- In your face!

Missy: Miss Piggy, you're going on a one way trip...............................................................................to The Boat of Losers!

Miss Piggy: -to Missy- What? What? WHAT!?!?!!?!

Missy: Floyd, you're safe.

Floyd: -sighs and snatches the Gummi worm from Miss Piggy- Who's laughing now, Hog Gone Wild? -laughs-

Janice: Bye bye, boyfriend kisser!

Floyd: -turns to Janice- Janice....you mean...you're not.....

Janice: Like no. I wasn't like rully mad at you. I was only like faking it for the ratings.

Floyd: -laughs- That's my girl.

Janice: -sits on Floyd's lap and kisses him- Fer sure.

Sam: Public display of affection? Really?


Missy: Miss Piggy, the Boat of Losers awaits.

On the Dock of Whining Losers

Miss Piggy: Kermie! Moi is so so sorry! I should've never kissed Floyd if I knew this was going to backfire! Stupid book! I don't need this book! -throws the book into the lake- MOI DOESN'T NEED THIS SHOW! MOI JUST WANTS KERMIE! KERMIEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

The camera then goes to Missy, sitting by the campfire surrounded by the rest of Team Squiggly Line.

Missy: What an exciting episode this has been. At least I got my ring back! -notices the ring is missing again- Grrrr. ANIMAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -runs off to find Animal and leaves behind Team Squiggly Line-

Scooter: Hey where'd Missy go? She still has to do the ending.

Floyd: I think she went off to go find Animal.

Scooter: So then who's going to do the ending?

Rizzo: Oh that's easy. All you have to do is turn to the camera, tell the readers to message MissMusical12 or comment saying who they want voted off next.....

Gonzo: And then excitingly say "We'll see you next time for another exciting episode of.......

All of Team Squiggly Line: "SURVIVAL......OF..........THE MUPPETS!"
What a very dramatic episode this was. Again some of the ideas were based off an episode of Total Drama Island. And here's a fun fact: The first name of the author of Miss Piggy's book is actually the name of a character on Total Drama Island. (Although, her last name is never really revealed. So I just made up a last name.) And make sure you guys vote, okay?


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2012
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Wow! That was shocking! Miss Piggy was the next voted off?/ Boy did I vote a wrong contestant to go home. All right, I am going to the guys now. I think the first guy voted off will be Pepe, I think. That's all I can say!
Someone voted for Miss Piggy to be off, and at the same time I was watching the episode of Total Drama Island where I got the idea for Miss Piggy's "Break Down Floyd By Kissing Him" plan. (Except Floyd is not as gullible (Scratch that....Floyd is NOT gullible.) as the guy who gets kissed in the video)

From :59- 3:24 is where I got the idea, if you wanna go ahead and skip to that part.


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2012
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Okay....me and my ideas for these episodes. There's a song in this episode! The song is "Before We Die" from Total Drama World Tour. Enjoy!
Episode 5

The camera rolls on Missy stepping out of an old airplane.

Missy: Hey, pilot! Thanks for letting me borrow the plane for today's challenge!

Pilot: Are you sure about borrowing it? This plane could break down in the sky at anytime while in flight.

Missy: If it explodes, it's even better. We haven't had one explosion on this show yet. Oh wait till these Muppets find out about today's challenge.

Pilot: Alright. I'm going to get some coffee before I die today. -leaves-

Missy: -turns to the camera- Ah, I see you're wondering about the airplane. Well, today's challenge is going to be a very high flying misadventure for our remaining 12 Muppets. But to recap from the last episode: The players had to find my $12,000 ring, which unfortunately was eaten by Animal by the end of last night. But in the end, it was Bye Bye Piggy when she was caught locking lips with Floyd. And I also just got word that Janice is not upset at Floyd, but at Miss Piggy. In other words, Floyd and Janice's romantic relationship is still rockin. Who will be the next contestant voted off the island? Find out here on "SURVIVAL.......OF.........THE MUPPETS!"

At Team Squiggly Line (Boys) Cabin

Rizzo: Hey Floyd, are you feeling better now that we voted off Miss Piggy?

Floyd is busy gazing lovingly at his framed picture of Janice and kissing it, thus ignoring Rizzo's question.

Rizzo: I'll take that as a yes.

Scooter: He's been like this all night since Janice forgave him.

Gonzo: What do you mean? He snuck out of the cabin at 1 AM just to sleep with her. Or was it the other way around.

Sam: I didn't hear any........

Scooter: Not that, Sam. I mean, he's so all of sudden obsessed with Janice.

Rizzo: -realizes something- Oh no! I've seen this on a show before!

Gonzo: What's the matter, Rizzo?

Rizzo: When a guy falls madly in love with his girl on a reality show, in other words is obsessed, he'll start throwing challenges. In other words, FLOYD'S GONNA THROW OUR CHALLENGES JUST TO IMPRESS JANICE!!!!!!!


Floyd: Guys! Shut up! What are you guys worrying about?

Gonzo: Rizzo said you're too much in love with Janice and you're going to throw our challenges just so you can make Janice happy.

Floyd: Why would I throw challenges for Janice if SHE'S ON OUR TEAM?

Awkward silence

All of the guys except Floyd: Ohhhhhhhhh.

Scooter: And for a moment I thought Rizzo was speaking the truth. I can't believe I forgot Janice was on our team. I should've known better. And to think Janice and I pretty much have the same father.....creator....person.....or do we?
Missy: -over loud speaker- Okay, Muppets. I've got a little surprise for you today.

Fozzie: There's no challenge?

Missy: -over loud speaker- Uhhh no, Fozzie. WE'RE GOING FLYING!

Janice: Like....in an airplane?

Missy: -over loud speaker- CORRECT! Meet by that airplane out back in 15 minutes!

Out back by the airplane.

Pepe: Ewwww. That the airplane?

Sam: This airplane does not look safe.

Missy: Well....it is.........not.

All but Missy: -gulp-

Missy: At any moment while flying, the plane will explode. And there are no parachutes. So you all will be falling out of the sky. The challenge is, you all have to land safely in the trees. The team that gets their members safely on to the trees, wins the challenge. Losers send someone home tonight.

Sandy: As if we've heard that speech before.

Missy: Have fun on the flight.

Pepe: Okay. I know this sounds crazy, but Missy is sexy when she crazy.

Sam: Explosions on a plane? This is not safe!

On the plane
With Team Power Circle

Sandy: I have an idea!

Kermit: What is it, Sandy?

Sandy: I think one of us should scout out where the explosions are on the plane. That way, we'll know when the explosion is so that we can land safely accordingly.

Kermit: So who's going to do it?

Sandy: Someone small....fierce......and knows about explosions....


Kermit: Who Animal?

Animal: PEPE!

Fozzie: Hey! Animal's got a point. Pepe would be the only one small enough.

Pepe: What about Pepe?

Kermit: Pepe, we need you to scout out where the explosions are on the plane.

Pepe: That sound simple. Hokay.

Pepe: That was no simple. NO SIMPLE!

Sandy: Pepe was our only choice. I wasn't going to trust Animal at all with the explosions.

In the cargo area of the plane. Pepe is sneaking around looking for the explosion. He suddenly comes across the time bomb, which is set to go off in 30 seconds.

Pepe: Uh oh.

Back in the passengers side.


All but Pepe: What?

The time bomb goes off, exploding the plane and making the Muppets fall out of the sky. Missy then shows up in her helicopter.

Missy: Well. What perfect timing.

Scooter: Perfect timing for what?

Missy: A song!

Floyd: Singing at a time like this!?!?!

Missy: This IS a Muppet fanfiction. You can't do one without a song. NOW SING MUPPETS! SING!

Before We Die
Janice: We're singing as we're falling!

Sandy: While some are cannon-balling!

Gonzo: Yeah!

Floyd: Our lives begin to flash before our eyes!

Kermit and Fozzie: We might just go ka-blooey!

Scooter and Rizzo: Get smushed and become chewy!

Everyone: 'Cept there's tons we wanna do before we die!

Sandy: Billionairess!

Scooter: Billiard's Champion!

Fozzie: Make it home to see my mama!

Pepe: Marry Missy!

Janice: Catch a barrel!

Annie Sue: Be an actress in a drama!

Sam: Corporate lawyer!

Animal: Prom destroyer!

Gonzo: Be a ninja with throwing stars!

Floyd: Lion tamer!

Rizzo: New food namer!

Kermit: Repairman for the parallel bars!

Everyone but Kermit: -speaking- What?

-back to singing-

Sam: But first we must cease dropping, our goal here would be stopping!

Annie Sue: Before we smash into the ground from the sky!

Fozzie: Flatten to little pieces!

Gonzo: Heads merged with our feet-ses!

Sandy: That would really suck and here's why:

Janice: We like to keep on living!

Floyd: So Missy, We hope you're giving:

Rizzo: Some wings!

Sandy: A jetpack!

Scooter: A rift in time!

Sam: Parachute?!

Pepe: Waterbed!

Kermit: A trampoline!

Gonzo: Springy shoes!

Floyd: Rocket boots!

Janice: A flying squirrel!

Annie Sue: Bubble bath!

Janice: Like, I change to bubbles too!

Animal: Mama!

Fozzie: A Pizza! No! Chips and some dip will do!

Everyone: Cause there's still so much to do before we die! Yeah, we said it! There's still so much to do, there's still so much to do, there's still so much to do before we die! Yeah!

-song over-

Everyone is still falling, but are nearly approaching the trees. From Team Squiggly Line, Scooter is the first one to to hold on to the branch of a tree, followed by Gonzo, Floyd, Janice, Annie Sue, and Rizzo. Sam perches onto the tree like a regular bird.


Sam: I know.

Annie Sue: Why didn't you tell us?

Sam: Because, you guys don't have wings like I do.

Scooter: Again, second time today we don't think.

With Team Power Circle, nobody perches on to the trees and all just fall on the ground. Pepe falls first followed by Fozzie, Kermit, Sandy, and Animal.

Kermit: Is everyone okay?

Fozzie: Yeah. I landed find on this soft mini couch.

Fozzie does not realize that he's sitting on Pepe.

Pepe: Hey! Get your big bear bottom off of me!

Fozzie stands up and now realizes he sat on Pepe.

Fozzie: Oh sorry Pepe.

Kermit: Ummmm....guys. I think we lost another challenge.

Animal: Why?

Kermit: We were supposed to hang on to the trees. We landed on the ground.

Missy overhears from her helicopter.

Missy: You are correct, Kermit! It looks like another victory for Team Squiggly Line!

Everyone from Team Squiggly: Yeah! Woo Hoo! YAY!

Rizzo: Okay we won. Now how do we get down?

Missy snaps her fingers and the branch that Scooter was holding on to breaks, making everyone from Team Squiggly Line, except Sam, fall to the ground.

Missy: Now that's gotta hurt.

Rizzo: I think it hurt more for me than it did for Pepe.

Scooter: Three things today we don't think about! Three!

Missy: Team Power Circle, it's time to vote someone off for the third time!

Fozzie: Oh come on.

Kermit: Fozzie, let's not give up hope yet. We can still win another challenge.

Pepe: Kermit. We have five people on our team. Squiggly Line has all but Miss Piggy.

Kermit: Wait.....they voted off....Miss Piggy?

Sandy: Kermit, you didn't hear?

Kermit: What?

Sandy: Team Squiggly Line voted Miss Piggy off last night because.......I don't want to break your heart or anything....but.....but....

Pepe: She kissed Mr. Bassman, Floyd, in order for him to be voted off. Instead, eet backfired and she got tha boot.

Kermit: -heartbroken- I.....I.....Why would she do that? I mean.....I think....I....

Fozzie: Kermit? Are you okay?

Kermit: I can't believe Miss Piggy would do that. Pick trying to win some dumb reality show over.....over....me.

At the campfire ceremony

Missy: In order to prevent Animal from eating the supply of food, I shall now give you rocks instead.

Fozzie: Rocks?

Missy: Rocks aren't edible. You don't eat rocks, do you?

Animal: I EAT ROCK!

Missy: Forget you, Animal. You're a lost clause. Anyways, you've all casted your votes. The person without a rock goes home.

As Missy calls each persons's name, Missy throws a rock at them.

Missy: First person....unfortunately, Animal.

Animal catches the rock and eats it.

Missy: Fozzie.

Fozzie: -catches it- Solid! Ha! Rock joke! Solid! Like a rock!

Missy: Sandy.

Sandy: -gets hit with it- Ouch! Really?

Missy: Kermit, Pepe. One of you two is going home tonight. The last rock goes to..............................................................................................................................................................................

Kermit has a sad expression on his face while Pepe looks around at Animal, Fozzie, and Sandy staring at him. Pepe is wondering why he's in the bottom two.

Pepe: What? Why is everyone staring at me like that? Did...Did I do something wrong?

Missy:.................................................................................................................................................................Yes you did, Pepe. And I guess that wrong, has gotten you eliminated.

Pepe: POR QUE!?!?!?! WHY!?!?! I did nothing!

Sandy: Pepe, you broke Kermit's heart by telling him the truth. We had to vote you off.

Fozzie: Yeah, and you're not very good at telling us when bombs come off either.


Missy: Kermit you are safe. -gives Kermit his rock-

Kermit: Thank you, Missy.

Pepe: This is....this is....this is....

Missy: Pepe, Boat of Losers awaits.

On the Dock of Whining Losers

Pepe: This is......this is.....this is.....this is......Missy call me! My number is 999-9991! Call me maybe. Hopefully.

The camera then rolls to Missy, whom is sitting on the main dock.

Missy: Call him, maybe? How about Call Him Never! But, in the meanwhile, we'll see you next time for another exciting episode of "Survival....Of The Muppets!!!!"

How'd you guys like this one? By the way, here's the song:


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Jul 12, 2012
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Episode 6
The camera rolls on Missy, whom is busy listening to her Ipod and singing along to a song from Wicked, badly.

Missy: -singing- So if you care to find me, look to the Western.....

Cameraman: Missy? We're rolling.

Missy stops singing and chucks down her Ipod.

Missy: NOBODY SAW THAT! -sigh- Ummmm.....oh! Previously on "Survival of The Muppets...." the players had a high flying misadventure; filled with explosions, trees......and singing. However, it was Pepe who was sent home on the Boat of Losers for breaking Kermit's heart by telling him what happened two episodes ago. -holds up picture of Floyd and Miss Piggy's "kiss"- I swear this is so Internet worthy. Ummmm. Hehehe. -gets rid of picture- Ummm....who will be the next Muppet sent home on The Boat of Losers? Find out here on "Survival....Of.....The Muppets!"

Inside the Girls Cabin

Sandy and Annie Sue are sleeping, when suddenly, Janice's guitar playing wakes up both of the girls.

Sandy: UH DIDIDIDDI! WILL YOU TURN THAT STUPID THING DOWN!?!?! I'm trying to sleep, Janice.

Janice: Like, you don't see me complaining whenever you have your IPod on loud. Besides, your songs on there are rully lame.

Sandy: How do you know?

Janice: I mean....rap music? I like cross the line at rap music.

Sandy: Well I don't have a problem with it. I love rap.

Janice: See? This generation is like....less rock....and more....block.

Sandy: What?

Annie Sue: Yeah...I'm going to go....step outside while you two cat fight.

Janice: Hey, we're not cat fighting. Cat fighting is for losers who wanna take it the hard way. We're just having like....a friendly argument

Sandy: Friendly argument? FRIENDLY ARGUMENT!?!?!?! I'VE HAD HERE! I'VE HAD IT! I'VE HAD IT WITH MISSY! I'VE HAD IT WITH THE FOOD! I'VE HAD IT WITH THE BOYS! AND I'VE ESPECIALLY HAD IT WITH ANIMAL!!!!! Look at me!!!! I'm living in a cabin with a follower and a hippie! AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!

Janice: Sandy's such a drama queen. Like, I think she's worse than Miss Piggy. Don't get me wrong, I still hate her for kissing Floyd, but at least Miss Piggy somewhat appreciates my music.

Missy: -over loud speaker- Good morning, campers! Enjoyed your sleep?

Sandy: No.

Missy: Good! Meet in the dining hall in 10 minutes for breakfast and your next challenge.

Sandy: Another day, another.....ugh.

In the dining hall

Almost everyone, except Annie Sue, Sam, Kermit and Sandy, are eating from the garbage because they refuse to eat the chef's food. Annie Sue is sitting with Sam. Kermit and Sandy are sitting at separate tables by themselves.

Gonzo: -emerging from the garbage- Hey! You guys wanna join us for some organic garbage? Look! Two day old egg rolls!


Kermit: -sigh- No thanks, Gonzo.

Sandy realizes that Kermit is still depressed about Miss Piggy. She then goes to sit by Kermit.

Sandy: Hey, Kermit.

Kermit: Hi, Sandy.

Sandy: What's the matter? It's not easy for you to be green today?

Kermit: Very funny, Sandy.

Sandy: Sorry. I guess your still depressed about what happened to Miss Piggy, right?

Kermit nods.

Sandy: Cheer up, Kermit. Things will turn out alright in the end. I think Miss Piggy will love you a lot more if you win the competition.

Kermit: It doesn't matter, Sandy. She did what she did. I've got nothing to do about it.

Sandy: This isn't like you Kermit. Not at all......Hey and if things don't work out.....I'm always available.

Kermit shakes his head.

Sandy: No. You don't want to...okay.

Sandy: Of all the guys here, the only one here that's decent is Kermit. I mean....he's such a sweet guy...for a frog of course. I think....don't kill me Miss Piggy....but I....think I have a crush on him. I mean look at all the other guys: Fozzie tries too hard, Animal is annoying, Gonzo is weird, Sam and Scooter are boring, I wanna punch Floyd and Rizzo in the face for being smart-alecks, and let's not get started about Pepe. PEPE WAS THE WORST OF THEM ALL! Thank goodness we voted him off last night.

Missy: Ok, players. Today's challenge will.....-notices the "Garbage Club" eating the garbage- Uhhhhh.....

Rizzo: You want some egg rolls? They're only two days old.

Missy: EW! Okay....um today's challenge will defy gravity for you.

Scooter: Don't tell me we're going flying again.

Missy: No. It's Wicked Dress Up Day!

Floyd: Wicked Dress Up Day?

Annie Sue: Ooooh! I love dress up!

Missy: Pick one player from your team, dress her....or him...up as a character from Wicked. Whose ever outfit is the best, wins the challenge. Loser votes someone off. You have three hours to dress your teammate up. Good luck! -leaves-

Rizzo: I'm the biggest fan of Wicked here. There's NO WAY, I could lose. And I know the perfect character to dress up as...........

Animal: WICKED! WICKED! WICKED! Wait.......I hate Wicked.

With Team Power Circle

Fozzie: Kermit, I don't know anything about Wicked.

Kermit: Nor do I.....-turns to Sandy- What about you, Sandy?

Sandy: All I know is, it's something involving....Wizard of Oz. Wait...guys, pick me! I should dress up as a character!

Kermit: What character?

Sandy: Glinda, The Good Witch. If I know Wizard of Oz, I should know a little about Wicked.

Kermit: Alright. But how are we going to set up the costume?

Fozzie: Yeah..if only Hilda was here. She'd know what to do.

Kermit: Yeah. I wonder what happened to her.

Animal: Beats me.

Sandy: I know a little bit about sewing...and costumes.

Kermit: Perfect! Sandy, you'll make the costume. We'll go find some glitter to glitter you up.

Fozzie: And a bubble!


Kermit: Sandy sure has the quality of a leader. Kinda like I do......wait...let's hope she's not a Mary Sue......please.

With Team Squiggly Line
Rizzo is changing in Team Squiggly Line (Boys) Cabin

Floyd: Hey, Rizzo, are you ready yet?

Rizzo: -from behind the door- Be out in a moment.

Scooter: What did he say he was going to be?

Gonzo: I don't know. He told me it was surprise.

Rizzo then comes out from the cabin in an outfit that makes him look like a toilet paper mummy bat. The rest of Team Squiggly Line has a confused expression on their faces.

Rizzo: TA DAH!

Sam: What....are you?

Rizzo: I'm Chistery! The flying monkey!

Janice: Like I don't remember toilet paper mummy bats in Wicked.

Floyd: -laughs- Good one, babe. -high fives Janice and kisses her cheek-

Janice: Fer sure. You know come to think of it. I don't remember anything about Wicked.

Rizzo: Laugh all you want and call me a toilet paper mummy all you........

Scooter: It's actually a toilet paper mummy bat.

Rizzo: Whatever. We're gonna win this! Right?

Gonzo: Yeah guys. We're going to win! Right?

The rest of Team Squiggly Line: Yeah. Yeah. I guess. Maybe. Uhhhh.

Floyd: Four words, man. Toilet

Scooter: Paper

Sam: Mummy

Janice: Bat

Annie Sue: What's a toilet paper mummy bat exactly?
The three hours are now up and it is time for Missy to judge the outfits.

Outside the cabins, a runway is set up to display the outfits.

Missy: Times up, teams! Team Power Circle, you're first!

Kermit: Good luck, Sandy.

Fozzie: Break a leg.

Sandy: What?

Fozzie: Nothing.

Missy: Okay, from Team Power Circle, Sandy comes on as.................

Sandy comes on to the runway, wearing a decent outfit that makes her look like Glinda. She is wearing a tiara, a sparkly pink dress, and is waving a stick (to make it look like a magic wand). Animal is blowing bubbles from the side.

Missy: Glinda the Good Witch, eh?

Sandy: Don't ask...I do not know Popular.

Missy: Thank Goodness.-turns to camera- Two Wicked song references in one episode. -back to Sandy- But on a brighter note, lovely outfit....and lovely use of Animal blowing bubbles.

Animal: Animal like bubbles!

Missy: Very good.

Sandy exits the runway, high five-ing Fozzie and Kermit.

Missy: Ok, Team Squiggly Line, you're up!

Gonzo: Good luck, Chistery!

Rizzo: Thanks Gonzo, for believing in me.

Floyd: Yeah, believing in the toilet paper mummy bat. -laughs-

Gonzo then throws Rizzo onto the runway.

Missy: What is this? I don't remember toilet paper mummy bats in Wicked.


The rest of Team Squiggly Line except Gonzo: Bat!

Missy: Then what are you?

Rizzo: Chistery! Oo oo! Ah ah! Look at me! I'm a flying monkey! -eats part of a banana peel-

Missy: This is a disgrace. TEAM POWER CIRCLE WINS!

Rizzo: What?

Team Power Circle: YAY! WOO HOO! YEAH! WOO!

Kermit: Nice job, Sandy.

Sandy: Thanks, Kermit. You're a great friend. -hugs Kermit-

Missy: How heart warming. -turns to Team Squiggly Line- Hey Squiggly Line, pick your loser. And I'll see you all tonight.

Sam: Nice going, "Chistery."

Rizzo: Finally! Someone calls me Chistery!

Floyd: We have all talked it over just now, without Rizzo or Gonzo. And we've all decided. We're putting the toilet paper mummy bat back into its tomb.

At the campfire ceremony

Missy: I hate to say it, but the results are unanimous. And funny.

Scooter: What do you mean by funny?

Missy: I shall be even crueler and read the votes everyone has cast in tonight. Voting box, please? -an intern gives her the voting box and opens it- Thank you. -takes out the first vote- Toilet Paper Mummy Bat. -second vote- Toilet Paper Mummy Bat. -third vote- Floyd -fourth vote- Toilet Paper Mummy Bat -fifth vote- Toilet Paper Mummy Bat -sixth vote- Floyd -last vote- And the funniest vote of the evening......Chucky, The Toilet Paper Mummy Bat.

Rizzo: HIS NAME IS CHISTERY!!!!!! Not Chuck E. the Pizza Rat, not Chuckie from that talking baby show, and definitely not.............

Missy: Toilet Paper Mumm.......Ahem, I mean Rizzo, The Boat Of Losers awaits.

The Dock of Whining Losers

Rizzo: CHISTERY! CHISTERY! CHISTERY! How many times do I have to say his name is Chistery!?!?!? C-H-I-S-T-E-R-Y! CHUCKY.........I mean Chistery.....I mean......Chucky the...............

Missy: -yells off screen- RIZZO! We're not giving anyone on Muppet Central nightmares! Now get going!

Rizzo: CHISTERY!!!!

The camera then goes to Missy, whom is standing behind the entrance to the Dock of Whining Losers watching Rizzo go.

Missy: Yeah yeah yeah. -turns to camera- I will never understand Rizzo as a giant Wicked fan. But for now, we'll see you all next time on "SURVIVAL........OF...................."

Rizzo: CHISTERY!!!!!!!!!!!
Ladies and gentlemen....the Wicked episode. How'd you guys like it? By the way, can you guys guess who put down the Chucky, The Toilet Paper Mummy Bat?


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2012
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That was hilarious, Miss Musical12! I have not heard Wicked the musical yet, but Rizzo as the toilet paper mummy bat and he is supposed to be Chistry, the mummy bat. This is great! The next one voted off will be......Sandy, maybe.
Actually, Rizzo is supposed to be Chistery, one of Elphaba (The Wicked Witch of The West's) flying monkeys. By the way, guess who put down Chucky The Toilet Paper Mummy Bat? (By the way, you me and galagr should discuss who goes next. Message me.)


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Jul 12, 2012
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Episode 7

The camera rolls on Missy, sitting by the campfire, eating a s'more.

Missy: -while eating her s'more- You know, I've never tried a s'more before. This is so good!

Animal then comes running in, with Floyd being dragged behind him.

Animal: S'MORE! S'MORE! S'MORE! S'MORE! -takes Missy's s'more and eats it and then runs off-

Missy: ANIMAL! Why that dirty little........-notices camera is rolling- Oh. Ahem. Last time on "Survival Of The Muppets," the teams went "Wicked". Some defied gravity. Some didn't. However, it was Chucky The Toilet Paper Mummy Bat......I mean Rizzo, who was sent home on The Boat Of Losers that night. Meanwhile, is there something secretly going on between Kermit and Sandy? Honestly? Sandy and Kermit? I don't see it. Anyways, who will be the next Muppet going home crying on The Boat of Losers? Find here on "SURVIVAL........OF..........THE MUPPETS!"

Team Squiggly Line (Boys) Cabin

Scooter and Sam are busy reading on their beds. Gonzo is not present at this moment. There is suddenly a knock on the door.

Scooter: Hey, Sam. Can you go get the door?

Sam: Fine.

Sam opens the door and in comes Floyd being dragged by Animal.

Animal: -running around the cabin in circles- S'MORE! S'MORE! S'MORE!

Animal soon gets tired and falls to the floor. Floyd gets up after Animal passes out.

Scooter: Hey Floyd, are you alright?

Floyd: I'm fine and still groovy.

Sam: Then what is HE doing here? -points to Animal-

Floyd: I was just taking Animal for his morning walk. Nothing much. I felt he was getting a little too lonely in the other cabin.

Gonzo then enters, carrying paint brushes and paint buckets. He soon sets them down.

Gonzo: Okay, guys. Let's get started!

Scooter: On what?

Gonzo: Redecorating our cabin, what else?

Sam: We never agreed to that.

Gonzo: Yeah you did. You guys agreed to do that for me in order to cheer me up after you guys voted off Rizzo.

Floyd: Oh. You mean Chucky? -laughs-

Gonzo: Who's Chucky?

Floyd: Never mind.

Missy: -over loud speaker- Good morning, Creatorous! It's time to start a brand new day!

Floyd: It'll be a brand new day once I'm outta here with the million dollars.

Missy: Who said you were going to win, Floyd?

Gonzo: He just said he was going to win.

Missy: Now......meet by the camp fire in 5 minutes. We're all going to have a little chat. Man to Muppet.

Fozzie: Don't you mean WOman to Muppet? Ah! Wocka wocka!

Animal: Brand new day! Brand new day!................Day need toilet water. -drinks from the toilet-

At the campfire

Missy: Players, let me just start off by saying congrats on making it to the Final 10. And let me now say, we are now merging.

Annie Sue: What does that mean?

Missy: No more teams. You all are on your own. You all are fighting for your own invincibility. Meaning, if you get invincibility, people cannot vote you off. And there can sometimes be a special prize that comes WITH the invincibility. Some good. Some bad. Some....yeah you get my point. And finally, you all are your own enemies. You all hate each other. So someone who once was your friend could now be your enemy.

Janice: Like I can't be enemies with Floyd. He's my boyfriend.

Missy: It's just a rhetorical statement, Janice. That doesn't mean it's going to happen.

Janice: Oh.

Missy: Now before we get to today's challenge.......-reveals a game wheel from a sheet- BEHOLD! The Wheel Of Losers!

Kermit: What's the Wheel of Losers?

Missy: Each of you players is on this wheel. If the wheel stops on your name........you are automatically eliminated.....from the rest of the show.

All except Missy: -gulp-

Missy: Round and round the wheel shall go, where it stops no one knows! -spins the wheel-

The Wheel continues to spin for a bit. The players are nervous and hoping they don't get eliminated. Except for Sam, whom is just sitting there, looking as stern as usual.

The Wheel finally stops on......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Missy: GONZO!

Gonzo: What!?!?!?!?

Missy: Gonzo, you are out of the game!

Gonzo: NOOOOO!!!! First Camilla.....then Rizzo.....now me? WHY DOES THIS HAPPEN TO ME! WHY! WHY! WHY!

Missy: Gonzo, quit your complaining....and I'll make a deal with you.

Gonzo: WHY! WHY! WHY......what deal?

Missy: I'll....let you compete in this challenge. But, you're still going home on The Boat of Losers, so there is NO way you are getting invincibility. And you're not aloud to vote someone off.

Gonzo: That........sounds perfectly fine actually.

Missy: Good. Now sit down....whatever you are.

Scooter: Wow. Gonzo would get the royal treatment.

Missy: The rest of you. Pair off in groups of three. Because you guys are going.....CAMPING!

Kermit: Camping? Oh that's nothing. We've gone camping before.

Missy: Hahahaha. Nothing? You guys are going camping in the deepest and darkest woods of Camp Creatorous: The Silent Scream Woods.

Fozzie: -gulp- Silent Scream Woods?

Missy: Otherwise known as....."The Forest Of No Return." No one has ever made it out alive in The Silent Scream Woods. Out there are the scariest creatures you'll ever see. You'll be so scared, you'll have to come and grab your blankie just to comfort you. The challenge is, whichever pair of three, unless you're with Gonzo, survives ONE night camping in The Silent Scream Woods, all three from the pair will win invincibility. And you have to stay there.......the entire night. If at all that you yourself leave the forest....your whole pair will be disqualified from the challenge. Have we got a deal?

The players nod

Missy: Now pair up!

Janice: Like I'm not going out there by myself. I'm gonna rully need Floyd for this challenge. Cause he's like so brave and strong and plus he like has Animal. And Animal can fight off anyone.

Fozzie: I've got the three greatest people by my side right now: Kermit, Gonzo, and Sandy. I'm....I'm sure they'll protect me from the deep woods. I mean, I'm a bear....I shouldn't be scared of........woods.

Annie Sue: I swear, I think even with Sam and Scooter, I'm still going to die out there.

In The Silent Scream Woods

With Kermit, Fozzie, Gonzo, and Sandy

Kermit: Geesh. This place really does give me the creeps.

Sandy: Me too.

Gonzo: Cheer up, guys. These woods aren't so bad. I mean.....look. The trees aren't that scary.

A tree moves its branches. Kermit, Fozzie, and Sandy scream and they hide behind a bush, shuddering in fear.

Gonzo: You guys are scared of a tree. A poor, innocent, tree. With.....apples.

Gonzo takes an apple off one of the tree branches and eats it. He then passes out from eating the apple.

Fozzie: Gonzo? GONZO?

Sandy: Oh no! He must've eaten a poison apple.

Fozzie: A poison apple tree? This place is scary!

Kermit: Yeah, you're right Fozzie. There's no way we could survive a night here.

Sandy: Guys, just remember something. Keep your heads held high and we'll be okay in the end.

Sandy: I hope.

With Floyd, Janice and Animal

Janice: Like, this place is rully scary.

Floyd: No way. I still think it's just Missy messing with our heads.

Animal: Heads.

Janice: Yeah, but it's going to be rully hard to win invincibility at this rate if we're all dead.

Animal: DEAD! DEAD!

Floyd: We're not going to die, babe. We're not.

Then suddenly, they hear a chainsaw noise.

Animal: Waaaah!

Janice: Like, what was that?

Floyd: I don't know. Probably nothing.

Janice: Nothing? Like, I thought I heard a chainsaw noise. Wait....this reminds me of something.

Floyd: What?

Janice: Like...some sort of horror movie where the chainsaw murderer kills the couple in the car making out.

Floyd: But, babe, we're not making out.

Janice: Oh.

Awkward silence

Floyd: You wanna make out?

Janice: FER SURE!

Floyd then grabs Janice into the bushes and the two start making out (* I know. Random FloydxJanice moment).

Animal: Ewwwww.

Animal then notices a shadowy killer figure approaching with a chainsaw. Animal's eyes widen and Floyd and Janice emerge from the bushes and they see a Chainsaw Murderer!

Janice: Floyd....

Floyd: Yes?

Janice: Like, now would be the right time for us to........

Animal: RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Floyd, Janice and Animal are then running away from the Chainsaw Murderer.

With Annie Sue, Sam, and Scooter.

Scooter: Ok....this place cannot get any creepier.

Annie Sue: You know what CAN make it even creepier?

Sam: What?

Annie Sue: Owls.

Scooter: Owls?

Annie Sue: Yeah. Owls.

Sam: Owls? You're creeped out by owls?

Annie Sue: Just look at their eyes. Don't they scare you guys?

Scooter: Actually, no.

Scooter's personal communicator goes off and he picks it up.

Scooter: Hey, I just got a message.

Sam: From who?

Scooter: Kermit. He said that Gonzo ate a poisoned apple and now he won't wake up.

Annie Sue: Does he need our help?

Scooter's personal communicator goes off again and he reads the next message.

Scooter: Wait. I got a new message. It's from.......Animal?

Sam: That thing can use instant messaging?

Annie Sue: What does he say?

Scooter: "uhnvuvididvjvikdtijdvituvtdvim"

Sam: In English, Scooter. What does it mean?

Scooter: How should I know? I don't speak Animal. But from the way he typed it, it sounds serious.

Scooter's personal communicator goes off, this time in a call mode. Scooter picks up the phone.

Scooter: Hello?

Floyd: -over the phone and still running for his life- Scooter! Is that you?

Scooter: Yeah, Floyd. What's up?

Floyd: Listen, man. We need you. We're being chased after by a.....

Scooter: By a what?

Floyd: By a....

Scooter: By a.........-the personal communicator hangs up- Floyd? Hello? Floyd?

Annie Sue: Oh no! Now we'll never know what they're being chased after by.

Sam: Maybe it's just a dragonfly.

Scooter: I don't know. From the way Floyd sounded, it didn't sound like he was being chased after by a dragonfly.

Sam: Well it's getting late, so we better go to sleep.

Scooter: That's okay, Sam. You and Annie Sue go to sleep. I'm going to go help Kermit and Floyd. -leaves-

Annie Sue: I love how dedicated Scooter is to his friends. He was so brave going alone out there.

Scooter: I couldn't just leave my friends to die. I had to do something.

Back with Kermit, Fozzie, Gonzo and Sandy

Sandy: I'm a brave girl...I'm a brave girl....I'm a brave girl....I'm a brave girl.

Kermit: Sandy. What's the use? Fozzie and I have tried everything. Even mouth to mouth. Let's face it. Gonzo is dead.

Sandy: For real?

Kermit: I'm serious.

Sandy starts to cry and hugs Kermit tightly.

Kermit: Too much affection! Too much affection!

Voice: Hey guys!

Kermit, Fozzie and Sandy look over and see Scooter.

Kermit: Scooter, what are you doing here?

Scooter: Don't worry, boss. I'm here to help.

Scooter then takes out a personal antidote he received and feed its to Gonzo. Gonzo then wakes up instantly.


Fozzie: Gonzo! You're alive!

Kermit, Fozzie and Sandy all gather around and hug Gonzo.

Kermit: Oh Gonzo! We're so glad you're okay.

Gonzo: What do you mean, you're so glad I'm okay?

Sandy: Gonzo, you ate a poison apple and passed out.

Gonzo: -takes another apple off the branch- Oh you mean this?

All but Gonzo: DON'T EAT IT!

Scooter knocks the apple out of Gonzo's hand before he can eat it.

Gonzo: What?

Scooter: Gonzo, you'll die again if you eat it.

Gonzo: Oh.

Fozzie: Thank goodness Scooter came in to save the day! Good old Scooter.

With Floyd, Janice, Animal, whom are still running away from the Chainsaw Murderer.


Janice: Like I'm tired of running! When is he like going away?

Floyd: I don't know! Animal, is he still behind us?

Animal: -turns his head to see and then stops- No. No Chainsaw Murderer.

Floyd and Janice then stop to catch their breaths.

Floyd: Oh good. He's gone.

Then suddenly the Chainsaw Murderer pops out from one of the bushes!


Janice: Like this is the end, Floyd! He's going to kill us!

Floyd: Janice, I have just one thing to say before we get killed by this maniac.

Janice: What?

Floyd: You are a better kisser than Miss Piggy!

Janice: Please, Floyd. Like, not before we die!

As the Chainsaw Murderer approaches near, a shot of pepper spray attacks the Chainsaw Murderer in the distance and then he runs off. Scooter then appears with the pepper spray bottle.

Floyd: Scooter. Is that you, man?

Scooter: Yeah. It's me, Floyd.

Janice: Oh he like saved our lives, Floyd! -hugs Scooter-


Janice: My half brother/ cousin is like our hero right now. I still can't believe Floyd couldn't knock off the killer with Animal. -shrugs-

The next morning, back at the camp site

Missy: Well well, players. I'm surprised you all made it out alive. Somewhat. So how was the Silent Scream Woods?

Fozzie: Silent.

Annie Sue: But we did hear screams.

Missy: I shall now announce the winner of the challenge..................

Kermit: Wait. I think that the invincibility should go to Scooter. Not his team. Just Scooter.

Annie Sue and Sam: WHAT!?!?!?

Missy: Why say so Kermit?

Gonzo: Scooter saved my life after I turned into Snow White.

Janice: Yeah. And Scooter saved Floyd, Animal and I from a freaky chainsaw killer.

Missy: Well.....well......I......Scooter?

Scooter: Yes?

Missy: You win the invincibility for this challenge.

Scooter: Really?

Missy: Yes.

Scooter: Wow! Thanks guys.

Kermit: Don't thank us. Thank yourself.

Floyd: Yeah man. We don't deserve that invincibility. You deserve it more than us this time.

Missy: Ok. This is getting too sappy. Everyone else start voting who you want off. Except don't vote for Scooter....and Gonzo. Gonzo, you start packing.

Gonzo: Why?

Missy: You're still eliminated, dude.

Scooter: Wow. I never thought I would ever win the invincibility. Especially in this challenge. Hmmm. Maybe having my uncle J.P Grosse as my boy scout troop leader wasn't so bad after all. Well....maybe.

At the campfire ceremony.

Missy: Gonzo's already on the boat. Who's going to join him?

Floyd: Let's hope not I.

Missy: I shall not second that. Because all of your votes won't count tonight.

All but Missy: WHAT!!?!?!!

Fozzie: But we voted and everything!

Missy: I know. Because it's time to play..............-brings out the Wheel of Losers- WHEEL......OF............LOSERS!

Annie Sue: Oh no! Not again.

Missy: -spins the wheel- Round and round she goes, where it stops no one knows!

The Wheel continues to spin and soon stops on.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Scooter.

Scooter: Wait....I thought I wasn't getting eliminated.

Missy: Oh I forgot to change that. You still have invincibility. Don't fret......what name comes before Scooter?

Kermit: Sandy.

Missy: Ok. Sandy, you're eliminated!

Sandy: WHAT!?!?!?!

Missy: You heard me. Tough luck having your name before Scooter's. Off to the Boat of Losers with Gonzo!

On The Dock of Whining Losers


The camera shows Missy, sitting on the regular dock.

Missy: Uh oh! Let's hope Miss Piggy doesn't find out what Sandy just said. Or else she'd be dead. Of course, let's say one more time.....goodbye to Sandra Dee. And we shall see you next time on "SURVIVAL OF THE MUPPETS!"
This took me 2 hours to type. 2 HOURS! And this is probably my longest episode. Hope you guys liked it!


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2012
Reaction score
Nice one! I am a fan of the Total Drama series (not so much, but good enough)!


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2012
Reaction score
Nice one! I am a fan of the Total Drama series (not so much, but good enough)!
I loved the first season the best! I stopped watching it after a few episodes of the second season and I only liked the songs from the third season. I'm not even bothering with the fourth season. I personally thought the show started going downhill when the DuncanxGwen relationship started to kindle. (And no offense but, I despise Duncan. Never liked him. Never will.)