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Episode 3
The camera shows Missy, on the beach, sitting on a beach chair eating potato chips.
Missy: -eating the chips-
Camerman: Ummmm....we're rolling.
Missy: -realizes the cameras are rolling and chucks down the bag of potato- Oops. Sorry viewers. Ahem. Previously on "Survival Of The Muppets," it seems our contestants have settled in quite "nicely" here at Camp Creatourous. Not really. But, they also had their first challenge: Jump off a 10,000 foot cliff into the lake. Some had no trouble. Some....I won't mention names. But in the end, the first contestant eliminated from the game was Scoo.....I mean Skeeter. Who will go crying home today on the Boat of Losers? Find out on "SURVIVAL..........OF THE MUPPETS!!!"
At Team Power Circle (Boys) Cabin
Pepe: Es too caliente here. And not the good kind of caliente.
Kermit: What other kind of "caliente" is there?
Fozzie: The kind you put on a dog. Ah! Wocka Wocka!
Kermit: Me too, Animal. I'm really hungry. I don't think I can eat anymore of that Chef's food.
Fozzie: How about you join The Garbage Club?
Kermit: Fozzie, I may live in a swamp, but I don't want to eat my own kind.
Fozzie: You're not eating your own kind. You're eating....garbage.
Pepe: Either way, I'm still going to starve. -eating potato chips-
Kermit: Where did you get that bag of potato chips, Pepe?
Pepe: Oh. I found these on the beach this morning.
Pepe: NO ANIMAL! NO!!!!
Animal tackles Pepe and eats the bag of chips.
Fozzie: Well. So much for sharing.
Animal: -burps- Sorry.
Missy: -over loud speaker- Attention, fresh meat.....I mean losers.....I mean....AH! Attention Muppets! Meet over by the campfire in 10 minutes for your next challenge!
Kermit: Oh why would we have a challenge on such a hot day like today?
Fozzie: Because Missy is a cruel host?
Pepe: I think she's muy caliente.
Kermit, Fozzie, and Animal stare at him.
Pepe: What? You've never heard of....gamecest?
At the campfire
Missy: Well. As all of you realize, today is a very exceptionally hot day.
Camilla: Bawk bgawk bawk bgawk bgawk bawk bawk!(I'm gonna turn into a KFC item menu by the end of today it's so hot out!)
Gonzo: Oh, Camilla, don't say that. You look beautiful even if you turn to food.
Camilla: Bawk....(Oye....)
Missy: Anyways, I believe I've made an extremely cool challenge.
Rizzo: By cool, I hope you mean that a freezer is involved.
Missy: No. Simple: Beat the heat.
Annie Sue: What do you mean?
Missy: You guys have to survive the extreme heat wave today. Whoever's team is still standing from the heat by nighttime, wins today's challenge. Loser votes someone off tonight.
Floyd: This should be a piece of cake.
Missy: Here's the rules. No going into any sort of shade. No sneaking into the freezer or refrigerator of the kitchen. No going into the lake or swamp. No stealing ANY sort of fans or air conditioners. No applying sunscreen. And no going into your cabins.
Animal: No ice pops?
Missy: No ice pops, Animal.
Missy: If you pass out or go into any shade, or steal ice pops, you're out. Have fun! I'll see you all tonight. -leaves-
Kermit: And I thought yesterday's challenge was crazy, but this is ridiculous. She's gonna have us burn to death. And then I'm really going to be forced to do that stupid Frogs Legs commericial Doc Hopper wanted me to do for all these years. Wonder how's he doing?
One hour has passed
Annie Sue: Did you call me, Miss Piggy?
Miss Piggy: Yes. Moi wants to form a.....oh what's it called....something where you team up with others to kick people off....
Annie Sue: An alliance?
Miss Piggy: Yes. With you.
Annie Sue: -gasp- Really? Oh thank you Miss Piggy! Thank you!
Miss Piggy: Don't touch me, okay? Now there's only person we need left to make this alliance work.
Annie Sue: Who? The only other female left on our team is....Janice. And she's dating Floyd. And you hate Floyd. With a passion.
Miss Piggy: Exactly. If I get Janice to join our alliance, she'll tell me ALL of Floyd's secrets. And then moi will crush him...ONCE AND FOR ALL!
Annie Sue: Miss Piggy went crazy there. But she's my friend and I trust her.
Miss Piggy: I'm only stringing Annie Sue along just so she doesn't vote moi off. Once we make it to the final three, I'll dump her.
On another side of the campground
Scooter: Anyone else have that bad feeling they're going to pass out?
Sam: Nope.
Rizzo: Not yet.
Scooter: Woah! That sounds like Gonzo needs our help!
Sam: Why should we help him?
Rizzo: Because he's on our team. And he's my best buddy!
Scooter: Yeah! C'mon guys! Let's.........-passes out-
Rizzo: Scooter! No!
Sam: Go on without me! -pretends to pass out to get out of helping Gonzo-
Rizzo: No! Sam! Not you too! Well I guess it's up to me, then! Hold on, Gonzo, I'm coming!
On another side of the campground, near the woods. Janice is playing her guitar, when Miss Piggy and Annie Sue approach her.
Janice: Oh like, hey guys.
Annie Sue: Hi Janice.
Miss Piggy: Annie Sue and moi have a proposition to make.
Janice: Like what?
Miss Piggy: We could help you go to the final three.
Janice: You mean like form an alliance?
Miss Piggy: No. Join MOI's alliance. What do you say?
Janice: Like, sorry, Miss Piggy. Floyd said to not trust you because you're like mean and stuff. And after yesterday, ya know.
Miss Piggy: Oh and if Floyd told you to go jump off the Empire State building, would you do it?
Janice: Maybe.
Floyd: Hey! Stay away from my girlfriend, Piggy!
Miss Piggy: How does he know what moi is trying to do?
Annie Sue: He's probably an over protective boyfriend.
Floyd: I am not over protective!
Janice: Like he's usually not. He just hates you, Piggy.
Miss Piggy: Why would anyone HATE MOI!?!?! HIYAAAAA! -karate chops Floyd into a tree and leaves with Annie Sue-
Janice: It's alright, Floyd. Miss Piggy has a tendency of doing that. Like I wasn't even going to
join anyways. Alliances are stupid. -hugs the knocked out Floyd-
Floyd: If there's one thing I love about Janice is that she doesn't let anyone boss her around without punching them. It's her free spirited nature. Or something like that.
Janice: Miss Piggy isn't a terrible person. It's just that this game like getting over her head. Fer sure.
In the dining hall
Rizzo: Gonzo! What are you doing here?
Gonzo: -in tears- My poor sweet Camilla.....my....
Rizzo: What? What is it buddy?
Gonzo: She....SHE'S TURNED INTO A THANKSGIVING DINNER! -holds out the roasted Camilla-
Rizzo: Oh no! But we gotta get you out of here! You'll be out if Missy finds you here.
Gonzo: Who cares? My world isn't complete anymore without....without.....CAMILLA!!!!! -cries-
Rizzo: Hey it's okay, Gonzo. Everything will be okay. I hope.
Rizzo: Gonzo is my best friend. I have to be there to support him. Through and through.
It is now sundown. With the challenge officially over, Missy goes over the campground and sees that every person has passed out from the heat or was caught in the shade. Missy then blows an air horn to wake up the passed out contestants.
Sandy: OUCH! You didn't have to blow that stupid thing so loud!
Sam: Those air horns make my ears bleed.
Scooter: I thought birds don't have ears.
Sam: Well I thought we did.
Missy: Well, well. I have good news and bad news.
Kermit: What's the bad news?
Missy: What does it look like? You guys can't stand the heat even if you had to survive a minute in the Sahara Desert. You all lost the challenge!
Everyone but Missy: -groan-
Animal: Good news?
Missy: No one is getting eliminated tonight.
Everyone but Missy: Yay! Woo hoo! Awesome! Yeah!
Sandy: Wait....has anyone seen Camilla?
Missy: That's why no one is getting eliminated. Camilla was cooked good in the sun. She became an item choice at KFC.
Janice: Like that's not nice.
Sandy: So....is she dead?
Missy: Shhh! Don't say that! Gonzo might hear you!
Fozzie: Hey, cheer up, Sandy. That means you get your own cabin now!
Sandy: Yeah....I guess you're right, Fozzie.
Missy:Uh no. Sandy, since you're the only girl left on Team Power Circle, YOU are bunking with the girls on Team Squiggly Line.
Sandy: -gulp-
Pepe: Good luck with Miss Piggy.
On the Dock of Whining Losers, later that night
Gonzo: Camilla....oh Camilla. If....if only I could see your beautiful white feathered body one more time. If only I could hear you cluck those gorgeous clucks one more time....
Voice: Bawk?
Gonzo: Yeah. Like that.
Gonzo then turns around and sees Camilla, standing before him.
Gonzo: CAMILLA!!!! YOU'RE ALIVE!!!! -hugs and kisses Camilla- Oh I'm so glad you're alive! I really am!
Camilla: Bawk bawk. Bawk bawk bgawk. (Gonzo, I never died.)
Gonzo: What do you mean?
Camilla: Bawk bawk bgawk bawk bawk bgawk. Bawk bawk. Bgawk bgawk bgawk. Bgawk. (I hid in the freezer the entire challenge. Unfortunately Missy found me and disqualified me from the rest of the game. Oh well.)
Gonzo: What? She disqualified you?
Camilla: Bawk. Bawk bgawk bawk bgawk bgawk. Bawk. (Yeah. The Boat of Losers should be here any time now.)
The Boat of Losers arrives on the dock.
Camilla: -gets on the boat- Bawk bawk bawk. (Goodbye, Gonzo.)
Gonzo: Camilla!!! I....I LOVE YOU!!!
Camilla: -blows a kiss to Gonzo and waves as the boat leaves the dock- Bawk bawk bawk bawk, bgawk! (I love you, too, Gonzo!)
The camera then goes back to Missy, whom is doing yoga on the beach.
Missy: Well, that was....shocking. What an egg-citing episode this has been. I better stop with the chicken jokes right now. Anyways, readers, it's that time again. Time to vote for who YOU want off the camp ground next. Who do YOU want voted off? Comment or send a message to MissMusical12. And we'll see you next time on "Survival....of The Muppets!!!"
How's this episode? Had A LOT of typing to do today (I had to type something as a summer project for a class I'm taking this year. So that's why.) And please, guys, make sure you vote.
The camera shows Missy, on the beach, sitting on a beach chair eating potato chips.
Missy: -eating the chips-
Camerman: Ummmm....we're rolling.
Missy: -realizes the cameras are rolling and chucks down the bag of potato- Oops. Sorry viewers. Ahem. Previously on "Survival Of The Muppets," it seems our contestants have settled in quite "nicely" here at Camp Creatourous. Not really. But, they also had their first challenge: Jump off a 10,000 foot cliff into the lake. Some had no trouble. Some....I won't mention names. But in the end, the first contestant eliminated from the game was Scoo.....I mean Skeeter. Who will go crying home today on the Boat of Losers? Find out on "SURVIVAL..........OF THE MUPPETS!!!"
At Team Power Circle (Boys) Cabin
Pepe: Es too caliente here. And not the good kind of caliente.
Kermit: What other kind of "caliente" is there?
Fozzie: The kind you put on a dog. Ah! Wocka Wocka!
Kermit: Me too, Animal. I'm really hungry. I don't think I can eat anymore of that Chef's food.
Fozzie: How about you join The Garbage Club?
Kermit: Fozzie, I may live in a swamp, but I don't want to eat my own kind.
Fozzie: You're not eating your own kind. You're eating....garbage.
Pepe: Either way, I'm still going to starve. -eating potato chips-
Kermit: Where did you get that bag of potato chips, Pepe?
Pepe: Oh. I found these on the beach this morning.
Pepe: NO ANIMAL! NO!!!!
Animal tackles Pepe and eats the bag of chips.
Fozzie: Well. So much for sharing.
Animal: -burps- Sorry.
Missy: -over loud speaker- Attention, fresh meat.....I mean losers.....I mean....AH! Attention Muppets! Meet over by the campfire in 10 minutes for your next challenge!
Kermit: Oh why would we have a challenge on such a hot day like today?
Fozzie: Because Missy is a cruel host?
Pepe: I think she's muy caliente.
Kermit, Fozzie, and Animal stare at him.
Pepe: What? You've never heard of....gamecest?
At the campfire
Missy: Well. As all of you realize, today is a very exceptionally hot day.
Camilla: Bawk bgawk bawk bgawk bgawk bawk bawk!(I'm gonna turn into a KFC item menu by the end of today it's so hot out!)
Gonzo: Oh, Camilla, don't say that. You look beautiful even if you turn to food.
Camilla: Bawk....(Oye....)
Missy: Anyways, I believe I've made an extremely cool challenge.
Rizzo: By cool, I hope you mean that a freezer is involved.
Missy: No. Simple: Beat the heat.
Annie Sue: What do you mean?
Missy: You guys have to survive the extreme heat wave today. Whoever's team is still standing from the heat by nighttime, wins today's challenge. Loser votes someone off tonight.
Floyd: This should be a piece of cake.
Missy: Here's the rules. No going into any sort of shade. No sneaking into the freezer or refrigerator of the kitchen. No going into the lake or swamp. No stealing ANY sort of fans or air conditioners. No applying sunscreen. And no going into your cabins.
Animal: No ice pops?
Missy: No ice pops, Animal.
Missy: If you pass out or go into any shade, or steal ice pops, you're out. Have fun! I'll see you all tonight. -leaves-
Kermit: And I thought yesterday's challenge was crazy, but this is ridiculous. She's gonna have us burn to death. And then I'm really going to be forced to do that stupid Frogs Legs commericial Doc Hopper wanted me to do for all these years. Wonder how's he doing?
One hour has passed
Annie Sue: Did you call me, Miss Piggy?
Miss Piggy: Yes. Moi wants to form a.....oh what's it called....something where you team up with others to kick people off....
Annie Sue: An alliance?
Miss Piggy: Yes. With you.
Annie Sue: -gasp- Really? Oh thank you Miss Piggy! Thank you!
Miss Piggy: Don't touch me, okay? Now there's only person we need left to make this alliance work.
Annie Sue: Who? The only other female left on our team is....Janice. And she's dating Floyd. And you hate Floyd. With a passion.
Miss Piggy: Exactly. If I get Janice to join our alliance, she'll tell me ALL of Floyd's secrets. And then moi will crush him...ONCE AND FOR ALL!
Annie Sue: Miss Piggy went crazy there. But she's my friend and I trust her.
Miss Piggy: I'm only stringing Annie Sue along just so she doesn't vote moi off. Once we make it to the final three, I'll dump her.
On another side of the campground
Scooter: Anyone else have that bad feeling they're going to pass out?
Sam: Nope.
Rizzo: Not yet.
Scooter: Woah! That sounds like Gonzo needs our help!
Sam: Why should we help him?
Rizzo: Because he's on our team. And he's my best buddy!
Scooter: Yeah! C'mon guys! Let's.........-passes out-
Rizzo: Scooter! No!
Sam: Go on without me! -pretends to pass out to get out of helping Gonzo-
Rizzo: No! Sam! Not you too! Well I guess it's up to me, then! Hold on, Gonzo, I'm coming!
On another side of the campground, near the woods. Janice is playing her guitar, when Miss Piggy and Annie Sue approach her.
Janice: Oh like, hey guys.
Annie Sue: Hi Janice.
Miss Piggy: Annie Sue and moi have a proposition to make.
Janice: Like what?
Miss Piggy: We could help you go to the final three.
Janice: You mean like form an alliance?
Miss Piggy: No. Join MOI's alliance. What do you say?
Janice: Like, sorry, Miss Piggy. Floyd said to not trust you because you're like mean and stuff. And after yesterday, ya know.
Miss Piggy: Oh and if Floyd told you to go jump off the Empire State building, would you do it?
Janice: Maybe.
Floyd: Hey! Stay away from my girlfriend, Piggy!
Miss Piggy: How does he know what moi is trying to do?
Annie Sue: He's probably an over protective boyfriend.
Floyd: I am not over protective!
Janice: Like he's usually not. He just hates you, Piggy.
Miss Piggy: Why would anyone HATE MOI!?!?! HIYAAAAA! -karate chops Floyd into a tree and leaves with Annie Sue-
Janice: It's alright, Floyd. Miss Piggy has a tendency of doing that. Like I wasn't even going to
join anyways. Alliances are stupid. -hugs the knocked out Floyd-
Floyd: If there's one thing I love about Janice is that she doesn't let anyone boss her around without punching them. It's her free spirited nature. Or something like that.
Janice: Miss Piggy isn't a terrible person. It's just that this game like getting over her head. Fer sure.
In the dining hall
Rizzo: Gonzo! What are you doing here?
Gonzo: -in tears- My poor sweet Camilla.....my....
Rizzo: What? What is it buddy?
Gonzo: She....SHE'S TURNED INTO A THANKSGIVING DINNER! -holds out the roasted Camilla-
Rizzo: Oh no! But we gotta get you out of here! You'll be out if Missy finds you here.
Gonzo: Who cares? My world isn't complete anymore without....without.....CAMILLA!!!!! -cries-
Rizzo: Hey it's okay, Gonzo. Everything will be okay. I hope.
Rizzo: Gonzo is my best friend. I have to be there to support him. Through and through.
It is now sundown. With the challenge officially over, Missy goes over the campground and sees that every person has passed out from the heat or was caught in the shade. Missy then blows an air horn to wake up the passed out contestants.
Sandy: OUCH! You didn't have to blow that stupid thing so loud!
Sam: Those air horns make my ears bleed.
Scooter: I thought birds don't have ears.
Sam: Well I thought we did.
Missy: Well, well. I have good news and bad news.
Kermit: What's the bad news?
Missy: What does it look like? You guys can't stand the heat even if you had to survive a minute in the Sahara Desert. You all lost the challenge!
Everyone but Missy: -groan-
Animal: Good news?
Missy: No one is getting eliminated tonight.
Everyone but Missy: Yay! Woo hoo! Awesome! Yeah!
Sandy: Wait....has anyone seen Camilla?
Missy: That's why no one is getting eliminated. Camilla was cooked good in the sun. She became an item choice at KFC.
Janice: Like that's not nice.
Sandy: So....is she dead?
Missy: Shhh! Don't say that! Gonzo might hear you!
Fozzie: Hey, cheer up, Sandy. That means you get your own cabin now!
Sandy: Yeah....I guess you're right, Fozzie.
Missy:Uh no. Sandy, since you're the only girl left on Team Power Circle, YOU are bunking with the girls on Team Squiggly Line.
Sandy: -gulp-
Pepe: Good luck with Miss Piggy.
On the Dock of Whining Losers, later that night
Gonzo: Camilla....oh Camilla. If....if only I could see your beautiful white feathered body one more time. If only I could hear you cluck those gorgeous clucks one more time....
Voice: Bawk?
Gonzo: Yeah. Like that.
Gonzo then turns around and sees Camilla, standing before him.
Gonzo: CAMILLA!!!! YOU'RE ALIVE!!!! -hugs and kisses Camilla- Oh I'm so glad you're alive! I really am!
Camilla: Bawk bawk. Bawk bawk bgawk. (Gonzo, I never died.)
Gonzo: What do you mean?
Camilla: Bawk bawk bgawk bawk bawk bgawk. Bawk bawk. Bgawk bgawk bgawk. Bgawk. (I hid in the freezer the entire challenge. Unfortunately Missy found me and disqualified me from the rest of the game. Oh well.)
Gonzo: What? She disqualified you?
Camilla: Bawk. Bawk bgawk bawk bgawk bgawk. Bawk. (Yeah. The Boat of Losers should be here any time now.)
The Boat of Losers arrives on the dock.
Camilla: -gets on the boat- Bawk bawk bawk. (Goodbye, Gonzo.)
Gonzo: Camilla!!! I....I LOVE YOU!!!
Camilla: -blows a kiss to Gonzo and waves as the boat leaves the dock- Bawk bawk bawk bawk, bgawk! (I love you, too, Gonzo!)
The camera then goes back to Missy, whom is doing yoga on the beach.
Missy: Well, that was....shocking. What an egg-citing episode this has been. I better stop with the chicken jokes right now. Anyways, readers, it's that time again. Time to vote for who YOU want off the camp ground next. Who do YOU want voted off? Comment or send a message to MissMusical12. And we'll see you next time on "Survival....of The Muppets!!!"
How's this episode? Had A LOT of typing to do today (I had to type something as a summer project for a class I'm taking this year. So that's why.) And please, guys, make sure you vote.