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Fanfic: Survival Of The Muppets


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2012
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This episode is rated PG, for certain sexual references..........
Episode 8

The camera rolls on Missy, whom is relaxing on a hammock while an intern is fanning her.

Missy: Mister, cameraman. I'm actually paying attention this time. Happy?

Cameraman: Whatever.

Missy: You better be happy or my agent will send you straight to the unemployment line. -faces the camera- Previously on "Survival Of The Muppets," the players spent an ooky kooky night in the Silent Scream Woods. Where anything scary and poisonous can happen. Gonzo fell in the Snow White wrath, while Floyd, Janice and Animal ran for their lives from our Jason Vorhees wannabe here. -points to the intern fanning her- Wave to the camera, Frank.

Frank: Hi mom!

Missy: I said wave, not talk. Now keep fanning me. -turns back to the camera- But in the end, Gonzo AND Sandy were eliminated. Poor Sandy's name was right before Scooter's. Who will be eliminated and heading home on The Boat of Losers tonight? Find out here on "Survival.....Of The Muppets!"

The Boys Cabin

Sam: It is too crowded in here.

Scooter: Sam, there's only six of us in here. It's not that bad.

Fozzie: Yeah, and I'm even taking the bottom bunk just so you can't hear me snore at night.

Sam: Or shake the bed.

Fozzie: Or that.

Floyd is busy tuning his bass guitar, when he hears Kermit sigh.

Floyd: Hey why so low, Kerm?

Kermit mumbles something under his breath.

Floyd: What?

Kermit mumbles again.

Floyd: Speak up, man.

Fozzie: Maybe he's still upset since you kissed Miss Piggy.

Floyd: Are we SERIOUSLY going back to this again?!?!? It was her fault, not mine. Hers!

Fozzie: Oh and also Sandy's elimination.

Floyd: Take either one. Just don't take Janice because she's mine. And Kermit, Sandy loves you.

Kermit: No she doesn't. We're just friends.

Floyd: Oh so you didn't hear her last night while she was walking down the Dock of Whining Losers.

Animal: -mimicking Sandy- I love you, Kermit! I love you! I love you! I love you!

Kermit: Did she.....really say that?

Scooter: Apparently she did. I heard it too.

Kermit: Sandy has to realize that I can't love her. Miss Piggy will kill me if she's sees me with another girl. But then again....the kiss.......why is love so complicated?

On the dock, a little later

Missy: Congrats on making it to the final 8.......we're now expanding.

Annie Sue: What do you mean?

Missy: We are bringing back TWO contestants! By popular demand. And they'll be here any time now.

Floyd: Please let it not be Piggy. Please let it not be Piggy. Please let it not be Piggy.

Voice: Bonjour, losers! Moi is back!

Floyd: Oh no!

Missy: By first popular demand...........Miss Piggy!

Miss Piggy: KERMIE! I missed you! -runs to Kermit and tackles him. She then kisses him all over-

Kermit: -gets up- Hi....Piggy.

Annie Sue: Yay! Our alliance is back together!

All but Annie Sue: Huh?

Miss Piggy: Honey, that alliance ended months ago. Moi flies solo now.

Voice: Hey babe! I miss you!

Missy: Oh no........not............


Missy: -not amused- Hello, Pepe.

Pepe: Hey, Missy. You did not call me.

Missy: I'm not aloud to.

Pepe: Why not?

Missy: Gamecest.

Pepe: So....es not as bad as incest.

Missy: Pepe.....welcome back. Go over there.

Pepe: Hey where Gonzo?

Fozzie: He got eliminated yesterday.

Pepe: And Sandy?

Scooter: Her too.

Pepe: Ugh! I'm stuck with the boring people.

Miss Piggy: Missed me, Floyd?

Floyd: Life was much more peaceful when you weren't around.

Miss Piggy: Thanks to moi's little flirty tactic, there are people already supporting us as a couple.

Floyd and Janice: WHAT!?!?!?!

Miss Piggy: You heard moi. They said we're the next DuncanxCourtney.

Floyd: This cannot be happening!

Janice: Like I thought Floyd loved me. I wasn't like expecting shippers of another couple.

Floyd: Missy, is this all true? About Miss Piggy and I?

Missy: Well the Total Drama fanbase who have never seen anything Muppets related in their entire life seem to be supporting you two as a couple. And look....it's a love square!

Kermit: What's a love square?

Missy: It's like a love triangle....only worse....much worse.

Kermit: -gulp- How much worse?

Missy: A lot. DuncanxGwen= FloydxJanice. The stereotypical couple. DuncanxCourtney= FloydxMiss Piggy. The Bad BoyxGood Girl couple. I've been hearing about fan wars between these two couples like crazy.

Janice: Like, Floyd and I have been dating for years....he can't all of a sudden fall for Miss Piggy.

Floyd: And I don't. I'm with Janice, and that's that!

Missy: We'll see about that after your little challenge today, requested by the oblivious Total Drama Fans. And this challenge is ONLY for our love square today.

Sam: Oh thank goodness. No challenge for us today.

Fozzie: Okay guys. Let's go celebrate by eating out of the garbage!


Pepe: Eh....what do you think es in the garbage today, Fozzie?

Scooter: I heard it was pizza bagels.

Pepe: Pizza bagels? OOOOOH! My favorite!


The rest of the contestants leave to go eat in the garbage, except Floyd, Janice, Kermit and Miss Piggy.

Missy: Well....well....if this was the final four, this would be interesting. And you four are in for a treat of a challenge.

Janice: Like I'm too scared to wonder what it is.

Missy: And ultimate......torturous......Truth or Dare.

On the stage.

Set up are four cages, with each of the players (Floyd, Janice, Kermit and Miss Piggy) inside the cage.

Kermit: Why are we in this cage?

Missy: It's part of the challenge. So none of you can escape. Answer the truth and you're good. Lie and you're electrocuted. On the dare side, depending on the dare, you'll either step out of the cage or stay in. Do the dare and you're good. Don't do the dare....................and you're automatically eliminated and will be sent home on the Boat of Losers tonight.

Miss Piggy: Moi is NOT going back on that boat this time.

Missy: Kermit....I'll start with you. Truth....or dare.

Kermit: I'll.....go with the truth.

Missy: -reading from the card- "Is it true that you have a crush on Sandy?"

The audience, which is filled with the other remaining contestants, ooooooo's.

Kermit: No. I don't

Kermit is electrocuted.

Miss Piggy: YOU! Have a crush on that.....BLONDE?

Janice: Like, I'm a blonde, too.

Miss Piggy: Not you. Sandy! Sandy's a real real blonde! Why would you have a crush on Sandy, Kermie? I thought......you loved me.

Kermit: Miss Piggy, I do.

Kermit is electrocuted again.

Kermit: I was speaking the truth!!!!!

Missy: Not according to the Total Drama fanbase.

Kermit: What IS this Total Drama fanbase that she's speaking of?

Missy: Moving on....Janice, truth or dare?

Janice: Uhhh.....uhhh.....

Floyd: Pssst. Janice....go with the dare....

Missy: HEY! No help from the other prisoner!

Floyd is electrocuted.

Janice: Like, I think I'm gonna go with the dare. Just as long as I don't have to take my clothes off. Like, I don't do that for anyone.

Missy: Even Floyd?

The Audience: Ooooooooooo.

Pepe: Heh. Thees es getting interesting. Pass me a pizza bagel.

Fozzie hands him a thrown out pizza bagel.

Pepe: Gracias.

Janice: -blushing- Uhhhhhhh......uhhhh......errrrr.....no.

Floyd: We only went second base..................................... -quietly- 72 times. And we've only made it all the way home........twice.

Missy: I'll count that as a truth for you, then, Janice.

Miss Piggy: Can you imagine that, Janice? Having to convince to the world that you went all the way with Floyd.

Janice: Twice. And like you're barely on second base.

Missy: And speaking of you Miss Piggy, truth or dare?

Miss Piggy: Dare!

Missy opens Miss Piggy's cage. Miss Piggy steps out.

Missy: -reading from card- "I dare you to eat from the garbage."

Miss Piggy: What? What do you think I am, a pig?

Missy: That's what the card said. Hey audience. Give us some garbage!

Animal brings up the garbage can. Miss Piggy becomes nervous at first, but then eats an moldy piece of bread.

Missy: Now...how was it?

Miss Piggy: I think I'm going to barf.......

Miss Piggy then runs offstage to throw up and then comes back on the stage and into her cage.

Missy: Oh Floyd.......your turn.

Floyd: Great.....

Missy: Truth or dare?

Floyd: I think I'll take the truth.

Janice: Like, you got this, Floyd.

Missy: -reading from card- "Is it true that you closed your eyes when Miss Piggy kissed you?"

Floyd nods. Janice gasps.

Janice: Floyd..I.....

Janice is electrocuted.

Missy: It's the truth, honey.

Janice: Like, he didn't have to say that. It can't be true! It just can't! I knew he bit her lip, but I didn't know he closed his eyes!

After a while of dares, truths, and electrocutions, it is now time for the four's last truths or dares.

Missy: Having fun?

Floyd, Janice, Miss Piggy, and Kermit: No!

Missy: Good. Audience?

Pepe: We are having a fiesta!

Fozzie: Yeah! We're having a garbage fiesta........whatever that is. Look, I found a wish bone! Who wants to pull it with me?


Floyd: I would miss a garbage fiesta for this.

Missy: Floyd....it's your turn again. Truth or dare?

Floyd: Give me a dare this time.

Missy opens up Floyd's cage and he steps out. She also opens up Miss Piggy's cage.

Floyd: What.....what is.....

Missy: You're not going to like this one, Floyd. "I dare you to French kiss Miss Piggy!"

Miss Piggy: French Kiss? Floyd, don't do it.

Janice: Like I can't believe I'm saying this, but Floyd, you have to kiss her!

Floyd: Uhhhhhh..........

Miss Piggy: I'm only saving moi's lips for Kermie, not yours.

Janice: Please, Floyd, you and I can still make it to the final 2 together. Just kiss her!


Janice: KISS HER!

Kermit: WHO'S KISSING WHO!?!!?!

Kermit is electrocuted.

Kermit: Ok, why am I always getting electrocuted?

Missy: I don't know. Because I love messing with your head, Kermit.

Janice: KISS HER!

Miss Piggy: DON'T!

Audience and Janice: KISS HER!

Miss Piggy: DON'T!

Audience and Janice: KISS HER!

Miss Piggy: DON'T!

Audience and Janice: KISS HER!

Miss Piggy: DON'T!

Floyd: WILL YOU ALL SHUT UP!!!!!!!!! I'm not kissing Miss Piggy. I promised I'd never kiss another girl other than Janice, after that day. I promised.

Missy: Well, that little promise........just got you a one way ticket to The Boat of Losers, Floyd.

Janice: Floyd! No!

Floyd: I don't even care anymore about this stupid competition! I just wanna be with Janice, okay?

Missy: Well.....have it your way, then, Floyd. Now, go start packing.

Floyd: I will!

Janice: -crying- Like, I can't believe he did that. I know he loves me, but I rully wanted him and I together here. Now....I don't know anymore.

Floyd then enters the confessional, even though Janice is still in there.

Janice: Floyd! What are you doing here?

Floyd: Door was open. Look, babe, I'm sorry. I really love you and I didn't want to kiss Miss Piggy again. Especially French kiss.

Janice: But you and I......

Floyd: -holding Janice- Jan, listen to me......win this for us, okay? You know I'll always be here in your heart. I'll be watching and rooting for you back home, okay? -wipes away a few of her tears-

Janice: Floyd....I rully love you.

Floyd: And I love you too, babe.

The two then kiss sweetly. Floyd wraps his arms around her waist, pulling her close to him.

Missy: -opening the door of the confessional- Floyd! -Floyd and Janice break from their kiss when they see Missy- You better get on that Boat of Losers, or you're swimming home!

On The Dock of Whining Losers.

Janice and the other contestants (except Miss Piggy) are on the dock as The Boat of Losers pulls out. Floyd blows one last kiss to Janice, in which she catches. The rest of the contestants wave to Floyd as he leaves. Miss Piggy then shows up, behind them.

Miss Piggy: Oh gee, moi would love to stick around and stay for Floyd's Farewell Party, but moi must hit the showers. See you all in the morning.

The camera then goes to Missy, whom is back laying on her hammock.

Missy: Look whose going to be crying a river for a while. The Floyd and Miss Piggy rivalry has lingered to a tragic end, in some cases. But....who will be getting the boot next time? Find out here on "Survival......Of.......The Muppets!"
Sometimes, I just can't help but be descriptive in some parts. How'd you guys like it?


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2011
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OMG I loved when Miss Piggy got kicked off.
She was sooooooooooo happy that she won...
Until she lost.


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2011
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Ok, I just did... Wow... Intense

More please!

And BTW, I love Floyd's comment about second base.


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2011
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I wish I was in this show so I could slap Sandy for saying Fozzie tries too hard!
He's so cute.
He tries just enough.


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2012
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I wish I was in this show so I could slap Sandy for saying Fozzie tries too hard!
He's so cute.
He tries just enough.
I made Sandy as though she was excited at first but then she's like she just doesn't like everyone anymore. She's too fed up. She just wants Kermit (If Sandy wasn't eliminated, Miss Piggy would've probably killed her by now.)


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2011
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Well, Imma do my Cee Lo impression just for her!

"Forget yooooooooooooou!!!"

*Hugs Fozzie because Sandy hurt his feelings*


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2012
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Announcement: Guys and girls, I'm going to be away on vacation from Tuesday to Sunday. So this will be the last episode of Survival of The Muppets until I return. Please do enjoy!
Episode 9

The camera rolls on Missy talking on her phone.

Missy: -on the phone- Yeah, Chris. You should've seen their faces. They headed straight for the garbage....How's Season 4? Not so good? I told you you should've brought back those old losers instead of those new ones. Nobody likes them. That's why your ratings went down......I don't know.......

Cameraman: Missy?

Missy: -realizes camera is rolling- I'll call you back later, Chris. Love you, bye. -hangs up-

Cameraman: Chris, again?

Missy: Yup. He's my main squeeze who knows knows how to please. And speaking of main squeezes who knows how to pleazes, previously on Survival of The Muppets: Miss Piggy and Pepe made their grand returns. Especially Miss Piggy. Everyone had a pizza bagel garbage fiesta, except our only lovebirds left on the island. They played a little electric Truth or Dare, thanks to our oblivious Total Drama Fans. In the end, the Sargent Floyd Pepper bird was the one to go extinct.....from the show that is because he refused to French kiss the Miss Piggy bird. Leaving behind his one true main squeeze that knows how to please: the Janice bird. Now I know their guitars won't be the only things weeping at night. Who will be the next Muppet taking a one way trip on the Boat of Losers? Find out on today's exciting episode of SURVIVAL......OF THE MUPPETS!!!

The Girls Cabin

Janice is playing her guitar on her bed, when Annie Sue and Miss Piggy enter.

Janice: -singing and playing her guitar- I miss you, love. I miss you so much. I rully hate the stupid Total Drama Fanbase. I especially rully hate the fact everyone believes you and Miss Piggy are a couple because she kissed you. So you closed your eyes and you pushed her into a lake. And no one believes you love me. But like you do.

Miss Piggy: Janice, do moi a favor and stop singing that song!

Janice: Like I don't write my best stuff when.....Floyd's not here!!! -starts crying again-

Miss Piggy: Oh for crying out loud, you've been crying all night since your boyfriend left.

Janice: Like I still think he should've kissed you.

Miss Piggy: Your his girlfriend. You'll feel jealous seeing your man kiss another girl.

Annie Sue: French kiss.

Miss Piggy: Stay out of this.

Janice: I'm not the jealous type at all. In fact, I'm not like a lot of the girls in a relationship. Like, remember when I went out with Zoot?

Annie Sue: You two as a couple? -laughs but stops when Janice and Miss Piggy glare at her- Sorry.

Miss Piggy: When did you two ever go out?

Janice: First season. Ok, like, continuing. So like, when Zoot broke up with me, I didn't shed ONE tear. Not one. And when I found out you kissed Floyd, I knew was your fault the entire time.

Miss Piggy: Then what was the whole "Oh, I wish you told me earlier" thing about?

Janice: I was only playing it for the cameras, remember? Like that's what got you eliminated in the first place, hello. Like, I trust Floyd. I don't trust you.

Missy: -over loud speaker- Good morning, campers. Time to start another bright and sunny day!

Sam: Bright and sunny? It's cloudy today.............


Missy: I've heard enough complaining about Floyd from Janice! I don't need it from you, Animal! Anyways, today's challenge is test your bravery. YOU guys are going to bring back..............The Electric Eel Of Creatourous.

Scooter: Where are we going to find that?

Missy: It's somewhere around this campground. Whoever brings it back first will win invincibility! Good luck guys!

(Animal and Pepe are in the same time)
Pepe: She is crazy. But I gave her my number. She hasn't called me..........

Animal: Maybe?

Pepe: Maybe. Do you want to say something, Animal?

Animal: I MISS FLOYD!!!!! -starts crying-

With Kermit, Fozzie and Miss Piggy

Miss Piggy: So Kermie, I was just wondering that, if you or I win, you'll help set our second honeymoon?

Kermit: Piggy, we're not even married.

Miss Piggy: Yes we are.

Kermit: No we're not.

Miss Piggy: Yes we are.

Kermit: No we're not.

Miss Piggy: Yes we....

Kermit: NO WE'RE NOT!

Fozzie: Geesh, you two fight like an angry couple.

Miss Piggy: Yes, but fighting makes this relationship grow stronger. -hugs Kermit-

Kermit: Where'd you learn that?

Miss Piggy: Cosmopolotin.

Fozzie: Don't you mean Cosmo....Pig Latin. Ah! Wocka wocka!

Miss Piggy: You're not helping, bear.

Fozzie: Helping? I help Kermit....I'm not sure about Miss Piggy, though. I mean, if I have a girlfriend, I would never fight with her. Otherwise, she'd be a total Boar! Ah! Wocka wocka! Get it? Boar? Boar like pig!

With Pepe, Scooter and Animal

Scooter: Janice!

Pepe: Hey, Janize! Where are you?

Animal: Janice!

Annie Sue and Sam arrive.

Sam: What are you guys doing?

Scooter: Looking for Janice.

Sam: That's not the challenge. We're supposed to be looking for the Electric Eel thing, not Janice.

Pepe: Hokay, well. Janize, she still depress over Floyd.

Sam: She still is?

Annie Sue: Yeah, she sang a song this morning about it.

Scooter: Oh you heard that song, too?

Annie Sue: Yeah.

Scooter: I heard her singing, and complaining......and pretending a tree branch is Floyd and making out with it all night last night just from outside the cabin. This isn't like her at all.

Annie Sue: Yeah, she's been crazy since Floyd was kicked off. It's like she's obsessed with him.

Scooter: This whole show is making all of us crazy, Annie Sue. Everything is falling apart.

Pepe: Even my sesy boxers are falling apart from Animal eating it.

Sam: Shrimps don't even wear pants, Pepe.

Pepe: Well, I do, hokay. And it's PRAWN! -slaps Sam across the face- Oops. Lo siento.

Sam: What was THAT for?

Pepe: I went crazy. Do you want my number?

Sam: Why are you always referring to that song? Don't you know what it's really about?

Pepe: Actually no, hokay. What es it about?

Sam: Ugh!

Annie Sue: Scooter's right. We've all gone crazy because of this show. Miss Piggy is a manizer, (whatever that is), Kermit has a crush on Sandy, and Janice has gone love cuckoo. And what have I done? Nothing. Sometimes there are episodes when I don't even say anything. That's just sad. Really really sad.

Janice is up on a tree, when Animal and Scooter climb up and find her.

Scooter: Jan.......

Janice: Like what are you two doing here?

Scooter: We're here to confront you.

Janice: Why?

Scooter: Because you're depressed.

Janice: Over......

Animal: Floyd!

Janice starts crying again.

Scooter: Don't cry! Don't cry!

Animal: No cry!

Janice: Why not? I just like lost the love of my life to a bunch of weird fanatics of something else. Life is like not fair, man.

Janice hits her head against the tree and The Electric Eel of Creatourous (which is really a stuffed animal electric eel) falls into her hands.

Janice: What's this?

Scooter: The Electric Eel for today's challenge! You won the invincibility, Janice!

Janice: Who cares? I just want Floyd......I think I'm going to like go tell the others to vote me off tonight.

Missy comes flying in on her helicopter.

Missy: Oh I don't think so, Janice. You don't get voted off with invincibility.

Missy leaves.

Janice: Great. Now I'm stuck here.

Scooter: Janice, this isn't like you. Now what would Floyd be telling you right now?

Janice: About what?

Scooter: You being depressed and winning invincibility.

Janice: I.....I........

Scooter's personal communicator goes off. Animal takes it out of Scooter's back pocket and answers it.

Animal: HELLO?

Scooter: Animal, give me that! -Animal gives Scooter his personal communicator- -into the phone- Hello?.........I'll put her on. -to Janice- It's for you, Janice.

Janice: -receives Scooter's personal communicator and talks into it- Hello?

Voice: Babe, you won invincibility?

Janice: -gasp- Floyd! Is that you?

Floyd: It's me alright.

Janice: Oh I like miss you so much!

Floyd: I miss you, too, babe. Now I hate seeing you depressed like this. I know you miss me, but remember what I told you before I left. You can do this. You can win this for us.

Janice: But I feel weak without you.

Floyd: Don't fret. Scooter and Animal are by your side, if anything. They'll help you.

Janice: You rully think so?

Floyd: Absolutely. Now go out there and rub that invincibility into Miss Piggy's face and beat her to the ground!

Janice: Will do, hon! I love you so much!

Floyd: And I love you, too, baby doll. I gotta go. See ya!

Janice: Bye.

Floyd hangs up and Janice gives Scooter back his personal communicator.

Scooter: Well?

Janice: Thanks, Scooter. Just hearing Floyd's voice again makes me like....back to my old self!

Scooter: You're welcome, Janice.

Janice: You know, you're like the brother I wish I had.

Scooter: Well, you and I have the same half-father person.

Janice: Yeah, Richard right? I wonder how he's doing up there. -looks up-

Scooter: You miss him, too? -looks up-

Janice: Fer sure.

Animal: Richard....you are missed.

Back down on the ground.

Kermit: Hey what's going on up there?

Fozzie: Scooter and Animal went to go confront Janice.

Miss Piggy: Well that confrontation is about to be cut short by...............HIYA!!!!!

Miss Piggy karate chops the tree, but it's the wrong tree so it falls on her.

Fozzie: Uh oh. I don't think Miss Piggy should have made that tree bark. Wocka wocka!

Miss Piggy: -under the tree- You're next, garbage brain. And so is nerdling.

Fozzie: What did I do?

Miss Piggy: Everything!

At the campfire ceremony

Missy: Miss Piggy, Janice won invincibility fair and square! Now deal with it.

Miss Piggy: No way! Moi wants her eliminated. I think she wants to be her "Floyd"

Janice: Like, get a grip, Miss Piggy. All I needed to hear was Floyd's voice one more time and it like brought back my confidence.

Miss Piggy: Grrrrrrrrr.

Missy: Okay.....let me see..........let's see who's getting voted off tonight. You guys know the drill.......

When Missy calls the person's name, they go up to get a rock.

Missy: Janice, Miss Piggy......

Janice: What?

Miss Piggy: Ha ha. Moi is still here.

Missy: Animal, Pepe, Sam, Annie Sue, Kermit......A twist of change. The person with the LEAST amount of votes goes home tonight.

Scooter: What?

Janice: Least?

Kermit: You never told us that.

Missy: You're right. Scooter and Fozzie both have no votes. Janice has invincibility and all of you pretty much voted for Miss Piggy. Anyone know who Miss Piggy voted for?

Annie Sue: She didn't vote.

Missy: Why?

Annie Sue: She said she wouldn't vote unless Janice didn't have invincibility.

Janice: What did I do?

Miss Piggy: EVERYTHING!!!!!!

Scooter: If there's a person to blame, Miss Piggy, it should be me. I was the one that helped Janice get to Floyd.

Miss Piggy scribbles something on a blank sheet of paper and hands it to Missy.

Missy: Scooter you're safe.

Fozzie and Miss Piggy: WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Fozzie: I have no votes.....then why am I going home?

Missy: I don't know. Maybe I don't like you anymore. Fozzie, exit stage right to the Boat of Losers.

On the Dock of Whining Losers.

Fozzie: Kermit, I never did anything this episode. Why am I getting eliminated?

Kermit: Hey don't blame us, blame Miss Piggy.

Fozzie: Ok. I do blame Miss Piggy for getting me eliminated.

Kermit: Hey, I'll miss you Fozzie.

Fozzie: I'll miss you, too Kermit. Just don't go all Janice and freak out over loosing me.

Janice: I did not like freak out.

Fozzie: Well you went psycho.

Janice: So?

Fozzie: You're all better?

Janice: Fer sure. Scooter helped me. And if you see Floyd on The Boat of Losers, give him this. -gives Fozzie a sheet of paper-

Fozzie: Hey! Isn't that the song you wrote this morning?

Janice: I like fixed it up. So it doesn't sound too like "I miss miss miss you" but more "I've got confidence now from you."

Fozzie: Oh. Okay well....this is it.

Kermit: Yeah.

Fozzie: The end of the episode.......and the end of my career here.

Kermit: Yup.

Janice: Fer sure.

Fozzie: Okay well........bye.

Kermit and Janice: Bye, Fozzie

Fozzie steps onto The Boat of Losers and it soon pulls out from the dock. Fozzie is waving to Kermit and Janice as the boat leaves.

Kermit: Sooooo.....

Janice: Sooooo.....

Kermit: Do you think there's anymore leftover pizza bagels from yesterday?

Janice: I heard it was french fries now. With cheese.

Kermit: Cheese fries from the garbage? If there's flies on it, I'll go for it.

Janice: There was a wasp on a pizza bagel Animal ate yesterday.

Kermit: Oh. -looks around for Missy- Hey where's Missy?

Janice: Talking to her boyfriend on the phone, maybe. I don't rully know.

Kermit: So she's not doing an outro.

Janice: Nope.

Kermit: -shrugs- So........-turns to camera- See you all next time on Survival of The Muppets, then.

Janice: Yeah like, bye.

Kermit: So long.

Janice: We'll like save you all some garbage cheese fries then.
Sorry for the boring episode. I could've made it more exciting, but ya know I couldn't think of any ideas for the challenge. Sorry, again. When I come back, I'll make sure to make the next episode better! :halo: