Fan-Fiction: The Revenge of Elmo


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Chapter 10: A Glimmer of Hope

commentary: Ok, I'm back. And Pepe's here, so like I was saying, it's about time huh Pepe?:end commentary

Pepe: Si, si, but it was very mean of jew to pull me out of Phil's fan-fic. Hokay? I was having fun.:end Pepe

commentary: Sorry.:end commentary

"Well, what do we do now?" Rowlf asked.

"Um, we could call the police." Grover suggested.

"ThAt WoN't Be NecCeSaRy." Robin said as he emerged from the castle.

"Robin!" Sweetums cheered as he ran over to hug his friend.

Robin did not want a hug right now. So Sweetums was sent flying by Robin's tiny fist.

Pepe: Wow, dat is one strong frog. Hokay?:end Pepe

"Sweetums!" Rowlf cried as Sweetums flew over his head and landed on the ground.

"Are you okay?" Grover asked.

Kermit hadn't moved since the castle doors opened.


Piggy had fallen asleep at the hair salon. She had cucumber slices in her eyes, and her hair under a curler.

"Miss, miss!" The hair salonist said as she shook Piggy trying to wake her.

"What, what! I'm up!" Piggy said as she jolted up right sending the cucumber slices out of her eyes. "Huh?" She said as she looked around the once beautiful hair salon and saw that it had been changed into hideous crayon drawings.

"Miss, please, we have to get out of here!" The woman said. Piggy nodded and looked at the salonist, she saw her name tag which read "Kay."

commentary: There's my Mom!:end commentary

Pepe: Jur mother?:end Pepe

commentary: Yep!:end commentary

"Thank vous miss Kay, but why must we leave?" Piggy asked, confused.

"First of all it's misses." She said as she held out her hand to show off her wedding ring. "And second, we have to get out of here because we're closing the salon."

"But why? Vous seemed to have good buisness." Piggy said as she followed Kay out of the salon.

"We're all going home to our families, to make sure there all right." Kay explained as she walked out the door.

Piggy followed her, into a new world. She looked at everything. Everything on Sesame Street had been changed into the same hideous crayon drawings as inside the salon. "But how?" Piggy asked.

Pepe: She es always out of de loop. Hokay? She never knows what's going on.:end Pepe

"No one knows. But I suggest if you have loved ones you need to get to, you should get to them now." Kay said.

"Thank vous dear, you've been most helpful." As Piggy ran off towards the site where Elmo's Building used to stand.


"Don't worry Camilla, I'll have us out of here in no time!" Gonzo said as he began fidgeting around inside the barrel.

"Bawk?" Camilla clucked.

"Oh, I know, just watch!" Gonzo said as he began stomping his foot on the base of the barrel. Gonzo knew that the barrel was now made of crayon, how he did not know. And he also knew; from one of his more recent stunts; that crayon gets very delicate in water.

commentary: Don't ask...:end commentary


"Alright!" Gonzo cheered as the barrel began to break under his feet.

"BAWK!" Camilla cried.

"What?!? You can't..." Gonzo started to say as the floor broke beneath him and he and Camilla fell into the water. Gonzo managed to surface himself in the rapid water. "Camilla!" He called. He saw Camilla float to the top of the water gasping for air. Funny, Gonzo thought. She can't swim, yet her mini-game on Muppet Party Cruise revolves around swimming under water. Hmm. Gonzo swam to Camilla and grabed her with his left arm and a hanging tree limb with his right. He pulled himself and the chicken out of the water and on to shore. "Oh no!" Gonzo cried. "She's hyperventalating, she needs mouth to beak recesitation!" Gonzo said as he placed his mouth on Camilla's beak and started giving her air. "Are you alright honey?"

commentary: I loved that part.:end commentary

"Bawk." Camilla sighed.

"Phew, well, what do we do now?" Gonzo asked her.

"Excuse me!" A man dressed in red on top of a horse said as he galloped to Gonzo. "Can I help you?"

"Yeah! What impecable timing!" Gonzo said.

"Well, with all this buisness of the world bein' turned to crayon, we mounties are everywhere lookin' for straglers like you and your chicken there." He explained. "Can I give you a ride?"

"That'd be great! Can you get us to Sesame Street?" Gonzo asked him.

"Well, if you can tell me how to get to Sesame Street, I don't see why not." He told him. As he helped Gonzo and Camilla onto the horse. "By the by, my name's John, and this," pats his horse. "This is Robby."

commentary: There's my dad and brother!:end commentary

Pepe: Jur brother es a horse?:end Pepe

commentary: No, I just named the horse after him.:end commentary

Pepe: Oh, well, dat was nice of jew.:end commentary

"Nice to meet you, I'm Gonzo, and this is Camilla." Gonzo told him.

"Now, which way do I go?" John asked as Gonzo pointed him in the right direction.


"It's no use." Zoot said as he pulled the door lever once more.

"Shoot!" Dr. Teeth said as he slammed his fist on the steering wheel. As set of keys fell from Dr. Teeth's pocket. "Hmm," he said as he picked them up. "I wonder?" He placed a key in the ignition and turned it. The engine started. "Ha ha! Well Zoot, I'll tell ya one thing, whoever locked us in here's must not've been to smart!" Dr. Teeth said.

Pepe: I thought de little froggy took out de motor.:end Pepe

commentary: Well, um...he...just wait, and you'll find out.:end commentary

"Yeah, well, I bet whoever did this to us is also behind this whole crayon thing!" Zoot said as he glanced around the Mayhem bus, redecorated. Floyd, Janice, and Animal were still sound asleep in the crayon seats. "I can't even play my sax! It tastes like wax!"

"My my Zoot, you're a poet and you didn't even know it!" Dr. Teeth laughed as he put the bus in drive and headed on the road again.

commentary: Ha! That's good!:end commentary

"So where are we gonna go?" Zoot asked.

"To Sesame Street. We gotta see if we can help Kermit." A determined Dr. Teeth said.


"Alright, everyone ready?" Bunsen asked as he looked around the Muppet Boarding house.

"Ready!" Crazy Harry said gripping the plunger of a dynamite ignition.

"Bork Bork!" The Chef said preparing to finish a meal. The way he usually does.

"Mee Mee!" Beaker said as he positioned the Muppet Labs Turn Objects Into Cheese Ray to point towards the house wall.

Bunsen looked at Lew, he had bandages on his head, and was holding an ice pack to it. He gave Bunsen the thumb's up sign.

"Alright then, go!" He cried as Harry blew open the front door, Chef created a hole in the kitchen wall, and Beaker turned another wall into a hunk of swiss cheese.

Pepe: Oh, so dat was what all dos holes were...:end Pepe

"Wonderful! Now quickly everyone, to my car!" Bunsen said as everyone ran out the door, I mean hole, trampling Beaker.

"Mee mo." Beaker said as he lay squashed on the floor.

"Come on Beaker, we don't have all day!" Bunsen cried as he took driver's seat, Beaker took passenger's, and Lew, Chef, Beauregard, and Harry crammed in back of his lime green Volkswagen Beetle, now composed of crayon. "To Sesame Street!"


"Well what do we do now!" Rizzo said, rather than asking. It apeared as if he demanded an answer.

"Well, Ritzo, I don't see jew coming up with any bright ideas!" Pepe said as he held a frying pan, and Clifford held a burnt out match. "We are trying de best we can. Hokay?"

Pepe: Dat try didn't work very well. Hokay?:end Pepe

"Well, if you wanted my help, you should of asked me." Rizzo said as he walked over to the side of his bed. He pulled the nightstand aside to reveal a small rat, or, prawn sized hole. "See ya!" Rizzo said as he jumped through the hole.

"Adios Clifford!" Pepe said as he to jumped through the hole.

"Those little rats!" Clifford said.

"Very nice work Ritzo." Pepe said as he joined Rizzo on the outside.

"Whoah." Rizzo said as he looked around and saw everything turned to crayon.

"Hey shrimp!" Clifford yelled through a window. "If ya'll don't get me outta here, I'm gonna step on your cell phone!" Clifford threatened.

"My baby!" Pepe cried as he ran to the door and yanked it open.

"Thanks man. Oh, and check your pocket." Clifford told Pepe.

"Why?" Pepe asked as he reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone. "Mios dios, jew are a very tricky man. Hokay?"

commentary: That's funny to!:end commentary

Pepe: No it isn't.:end Pepe

"Aww man, it's worse than I thought." Clifford said as he looked around the crayon world. "Well, I know what I gotta do." Clifford said as he pulled a small remote with a single button on it. He pressed it.

"What is that?" Rizzo asked.

"Just watch." Clifford said as he looked into the sky and saw a helicopter landing in front of the trio.

"Sorry it took so long Mr. Clifford." Pops said from the helicopter's driving seat. "I was asleep."

commentary: That's so cool!:end commentary

"That's okay Pops!" Clifford said over the whirl of the propelor.

"Nice." Pepe and Rizzo said simoultaneously as they hopped in the helicopter.

"Well, being co-host does have its small perks." Cliffod laughed as he climbed in. "Can ya get us to Sesame Street Pops? We're kinda in a hurry!"

"No problem!" Pops said as he flew the copter towards Sesame Street.


Scooter and Skeeter had already inflated their raft and headed down the river inside the cave.

"So sis, where do you think this river leads?" Scooter asked as they floated down.

"Hopefully out of the cave." Skeeter replied.


"Here we are Mr. President!" Sam said as he lead the president down a flight of stairs. "The control room." Sam flipped a light switch and a whole wall of computers suddenly turned on, along with a whole ceiling of lights.

"Well I'll be." President Bush said as he gazed at the computers.

Sam approached them with care. And entered a password, granting him full access. "Now Mr. President, I have a favor to ask of you. Do you mind if I use your satelites to check on my um... friends?" Sam reluctantly said.

Pepe: He called us his friends. Huh, I thought he didn't like us. Hokay?:end Pepe

"You let me call Laura. I wouldn't have it any other way." George W. said as he placed his hand on the crayon chair.

"Thank you sir." Sam said as he searched the files for satelites.


"Sal," Johnny said.

"Yeah Johnny?" Sal asked as he continued to search for a way out.

"I need more canolis!" Johnny said as he licked his finger.

"Right." Sal sighed as he approached the front desk and ringed the bell.

A new person walked through the kitchen doors. He wasn't the same guy that had taken Sal's order before. This guy was tall, with brown hair and hazel eyes, the other was kinda short with blond hair.

"Can I help you?" The new cashier asked. Sal saw his name tag that read "Hello my name is Ryan!" and under that it said "Carbondale, IL."

Pepe: Is that jew?:end Pepe

commentary: Yep.:end commentary

Pepe: Jur kidding! Jew were in dis to?:end Pepe

commentary: Yeah, you know it! I had to!:end commentary

"Yeah, if you don't mind me asking. How'd you get here?" Sal asked.

"Oh, I'm on internship here in Italy, this is just a job to make a little cash." Ryan told him.

"No, in here. The front door's locked!" Sal said.

"Oh. I came in the back. I didn't even realize the front's been locked. It's been kinda crazy since this whole crayon thing." Ryan told him.

"Well, if you don't mind, could we go out the back? We've been trying to get out since yesterday." Sal explained.

"Oh no problem. Right this way guys." Ryan said as he opened the kitchen door for them to get through.


"It'S oVeR." Robin said.

"Fine. You win. Take us away." Rowlf told Robin. He didn't want anymore of his friends to get hurt.

"I kNeW yOu'D sEe It My WaY." Robin replied as he motioned for them to follow him.

"NOOOOOO!!!" Piggy screamed as she was running towards the group. "Stay away from them! I'll judo chop you so hard you'll..." Piggy stopped, she saw Robin standing there. She saw Kermit, motionless. She saw Sweetums on the ground. She saw Grover, trying to help. And she saw Rowlf, petrified.

commentary: I like Piggy.:end commentary

Pepe: What is wrong with jew?!?:end commentary

"Or WhAt?" Robin demanded.

"Or I'll, or I'll, I'll..." Piggy stopped. She shed a tear. "Okay, you win. Take us away."


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Chapter 11: Friends in all Places

"Fozzie. Fozzie dear, get up." Emily said to her son as he slept. "FOZZIE GET UP!!!" She finnaly screamed causing Fozzie to awake with a jolt.

"What? What? I didn't do it!" Fozzie cried.

Pepe: Hey, der's Fotzie!:end Pepe

"Fozzie get up!" Emily told him. "We've gotta get outta here!"

"But Ma, it's early morning, and we're locked in the house!" Fozzie wined.

"Not anymore we're not!" She explained. "While you were sleepin' someone turned the house into crayon. So I grabbed that flamethrower your crazy cousin gave me for my birthday last year and melted the front door."

commentary: Really liked that part.:end commentary

"Are you crazy?!?" Fozzie asked.

"Bein' crazy's better than bein' afraid of everything!" Mrs. Bear said.

"Well, what do you want me to do?" Fozzie asked.

"Go." She told him. "Go to Sesame Street, find your friends, make sure they're okay."

"Okay." Fozzie said as he walked out the hole where the front door used to be. He walked outside and observed the world of crayon for the first time. "Who..." Fozzie mumbled as he hopped into his uncle's studebaker. He never had come back from hibernation. I hope he's okay... Fozzie thought. "You're not coming with me?" Fozzie asked his mother.

"No dear, it's not my place. And besides, I've got to redraw the front door!" She said as she waved goodbye to her son as he drove away in the car. Please be safe. Was all she could think.


How could I be so foolish? Kermit thought as Baby Bear restrained him and his friends on the wall. All the right clues were there. The merchandise, the persuasion. He was even allowed to create his own world! Kermit thought as Elmo approached.

"Kermit, Miss Piggy, Sweetums, Rowlf, and Grover." Elmo said. "Elmo's first catch of the day, and it's Elmo's most important."

"What are vous going to do with us you little red menace!" Miss Piggy demanded.

"Nothing. Yet." He chuckled. "Elmo must wait for the rest of Elmo's bait to arive."

"Bait?!? You are going to pour worms on us?!?" Grover cried.

"No, you fool!" Elmo yelled. "The rest of your friends! They're all on their way. On their way to doom."

"Our friends?" Rowlf asked. "Oh no. Fozzie, Gonzo, Floyd..."

"No, those friends are all trapped in their vacation places." Elmo explained. "I meant the friends from Sesame Street."

commentary: But Elmo got a little surprise didn't he?:end commentary


Bert and Ernie walked out of the 123 building to see Elmo's World. They stopped in front of Oscar's can. Even the trash was now crayon.

"Yuck!" Oscar said as he was tossing out trash.

"What are you doing Oscar?" Bert asked.

"I'm getting rid of all this stuff made of crayon, it's to cute!" Oscar explained.

"Well Oscar if you're getting rid of all the crayon, you'll have to get rid of your can." Ernie told him.

"I don't care! I just have to get rid of all of it!" He told them.

"Or, you could just come with us to try and find out why this is happening." Bert told him.

"What? Come with you?" Oscar asked. "Well, if it'll get rid of all this crayon." He climbed out the top of his can. "Come on, let's get going!"

The trio approached Big Bird's nest. They walked in.

"Come on Bird," Mr. Snuffelupagus said. "Let's go see if we can find our friends."

"We're some friends!" Ernie told them.

commentary: Yep, they're some friends all right.:end commentary

"Ernie, Bert, Oscar!" Big Bird cried as he ran and gave them all a hug, at once.

"Oh no!" Oscar cried. "More mushy hugs!"

Just then five honks were heard outside. They all ran out to see The Count in his Countmobile.

"Ahh, look, I was correct! Five, five vonderful friends!" Count said.

"Seven!" Herry Monster said as he and Cookie Monster approached.

"What going on?" Cookie asked. "Me cookies taste yucky!"

"I was hoping you guys might know! Because Gordon sure doesn't!" Susan said as she, Gordon, and Rosita walked towards them.

Pepe: Dios mios, it's Rosita...:end Pepe

commentary: Aww, do you two have a date?:end commentary

Pepe: Um...well...hokay, fine, si, we do have a date tonight. Hokay? Are jew happy now?:end Pepe

"Ya, I did not know what was going on either." Rosita said.

"I hope everyone else is okay." Ernie said.

"Well, we are." Maria said as Zoe, her, and Bob ran to catch up with their friends.

Pepe: MARIA!!! Now, dat es a foxy lady. Hokay?:end Pepe

"Where's Elmo?" Zoe asked. "Is he here?"

"Yeah, and where's Kermit?" Bob asked.

"I'm sure they're all fine. Now let's go to Elmo's building and start looking there." Gordon said.


The Sesame Street gang approached Elmo's castle in shock. Then the questions poured in.

commentary: Oh, Lisa did this in her fan-fic, so will I, I'll tell you everyone speaking!

"What in the world?"


"How did this happen?"

Big Bird

"Who could of done this?"


"Why would they want to?"


"Where's Elmo's building?"


"That's one, one scary castle of crayon!"


"Aye Carumba!"


"Let's all try to stay calm!"


Ring! Ring!

Kermit's cell phone...wait...:end commentary

Everyone stopped talking. They looked down on the ground and saw a green cell phone.

Gordon answered it. "Hello?" He said.

"Hello?! Mr. Kermit?" A deep voice asked from the other end.

"No, this is Gordon. From Sesame Street." Gordon said. "Are you looking for Kermit the Frog?" He asked.

"Yes, if he is there please relinquish the phone to him. Tell him it is Sam Eagle." Sam said.

"He's not here." Gordon sighed.

"Well where is he?!?" Sam asked.

"We don't know. Where are you? What did you need to tell him?" Gordon asked back.

"I am in the White House! The secret underground base did not have it's phone line cut!" Sam explained. "I needed to tell him that the satelites here have showed me that my other Muppet um... friends, are headed his way!"

"The rest of the Muppets are headed this way?!" Gordon exclaimed.

"Yes indeed! In fact..." Sam began to say before...

"This is the place John!" Gonzo said.

"Well, we made great time!" John the mounty said.

"Thanks again!" Gonzo said to him before he rode off. He looked at the group. "What are you guys doing here?"

"We live here!" Big Bird told him and his little chicken friend.

"Oh, yeah." Gonzo said.

Just then a helicopter landed 25 feet away from the group.

"Thanks Pops! Catch ya later!" Clifford screamed as he, Pepe, and Rizzo hopped out of the helicopter.

"Alright Mr. Clifford!" Pops screamed as he flew away.

"Hey ya'll what's shakin'?" Clifford asked.

"I haven't stopped shaking since this whole crayon mess!" Maria said.

"Mios dios!" Pepe said as he approached Maria. "Look at jew, jew very pretty lady jew! My name is Pepe. Hokay. Single. If jew are looking."

Pepe: Ha ha, she es so hot! Hokay?:end commentary

"You little rat!" Maria cried as she slapped Pepe.

"Actually I'm the rat." Rizzo said.

A lime green volkswagen beetle flew above and landed where the helicopter did. Except harder.

"Crazy driver!" Crazy Harry said as he got out of the car.

"I thought he was Bunsen, not Crazy Driver!" Beauregard said.

"Beau, my head hurts enough all ready, don't make it worse." Lew Zeland said.

"Feeshie man hees a heedache! Bork bork!" The Swedish Chef exclaimed.

commentary: Bad, bad, mock Swedish.:end commentary

"Well Beaker, you make an excellent co-captain!" Bunsen said stepping out of the car.

"Meeee..." Beaker said as he walked out, petrified.

"Oh, hello all, nice to see you again." Bunsen said as he saw everyone.

Then, a tan studebaker crashed into Bunsen's car, and Beaker, sending him flying.

commentary: Ha! That's funny to!:end commentary

"Oops, sorry 'bout that." Fozzie said as he got out of the car.

The loud screeching of brakes was all the music the Electic Mayhem bus played as it came to a halt just missing the two car pileup. Animal was the first one out of the bus. Probably because he was the only one who could break the crayon bars on the doors. And because he had to go potty. Floyd was right behind him holding onto his chain, desperatly. Janice, Zoot, and Dr. Teeth followed.

"Hey check it out. The gangs all here!" Dr. Teeth said.

"Fer surely! I'm like totally glad to see you all!" Janice said.

"Yeah." Zoot remarked.

"AHHHHHHH!!!" Johnny and Sal cried as they sky dove to the ground.

"Phew. Sal, I can't believe you talked me into that!" Johnny said.

"But Johnny it was your i..." Sal started.

"I don't wanna hear it Sal!" Johnny finished.

commentary: I love Johnny and Sal! Don't you Pepe?:end commentary

Pepe: Si, der hokay. De monkey does have a mean karate chop. Hokay?:end Pepe

"Sam, I'll have to call you back..." Gordon said as he hung up Kermit's cell phone.


"And once they are all in Elmo's castle, Elmo's master plan will be unleashed!" The demon exclaimed.

"Wasn't your master plan to take over the world?" Piggy asked him.

"No, Piggy, no. Elmo's master plan is much bigger. Elmo's master plan is to clone Elmo's self. Once Elmo's clones are made, Elmo will be able to be everywhere at once! No one will disobey Elmo!" He explained. "But for now, how about a little torture? Robin, begin." Elmo said as the frog android approched. He was ready. Ready to do whatever Elmo told him to.

commentary: So said...:end commentary


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Well, I'm glad Pepe's been enjoying "Phil's" fanfic.

More wonderful commentary, prawncracker, and just the laugh I needed. I mean, sad part in the story, but comedic commentary can change things so much...


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Chapter 12: Strike Back

"So what do we do now?" Fozzie asked.

"We've got to go into the castle and find Elmo!" Zoe said.

"We can't do that!" Bob said. "We could all get hurt!"

"But we have to find Elmo!" Zoe told him. "He's my best friend."

"Me think Zoe right!" Cookie Monster said. "We not want loose Elmo. He good friend!"

commentary: You have got to love irony!:end commentary

"I say we just leave the little furball and go home!" Oscar suggested.

Pepe: Si, me to. Hokay?:end Pepe

"Oscar!" The group said at once.

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Gordon asked. "Let's go find Elmo!"

"But what about Kermit?" Gonzo asked.

"Yeah, we can't forget about him!" Big Bird said.

"Well, Robin has been playing at Elmo's World, so maybe Robin's here to, and he'll know where Kermit is." Ernie said.

"Ernie. Kermit said he was going to spend the day with Robin today!" Bert said.

"We'll never know unless we try," Dr. Teeth said. "I say we go in there since we're already here and find whoever we can!"

commentary: Very wise that Dr. Teeth...:end commentary

"Good idea Dr. Teeth." Susan said. "So what are we waiting for let's go!"

The gang follows Susan inside.

"Oh sure," Gordon said. "They listen to her."

commentary: He he, funny.:end commentary


"Mistew Elmo sew!" Baby Bear said. "Thewe hewe!"

"Good. Take Dorothy, Mr. Noodle, and Baby Natasha to meet them." Elmo said as he sat on his throne. "Robin, take Mr. Kermit and his friends to the dungeon to be tortured."

"YeS mAsTeR." Robin said as he and the group were teleported to the dungeon.

"Robin, please do not hurt us." Grover said. "We are your friends!"

"Come on little buddy, I know you're in there!" Sweetums said.

"It's not often you see a guy so green be so mean Robin!" Rowlf shouted.

"Kermie say something!" Piggy told Kermit who hadn't said a word in the longest time. He just sat there, head hanging. Piggy was worried. "Kermie?"

commentary: Pepe, big tear jerker here. Do you have the Kleenex?:end commentary

Pepe: Si, right here. Hokay?:end commentary

"It's not easy bein' green." Kermit began to sing.
"Havin' to spend each day the color of the leaves,
When I think it could be nicer
Bein red or yellow or gold,
Or somethin' much more colorful like that."

commentary: To quote Lisa, "SQUEEEEE!":end commentary

Pepe: Crazy nagging Phil, jew have to love her. Hokay?:end Pepe

Robin looked at Kermit. He wanted to sing with his uncle but he couldn't. There was no Robin left. No brain. Just his heart. But his heart was what he needed. His heart is what kept him from really demotorizing the Electric Mayhem's bus. His heart is what kept him from really injuring Sweetums and Lew. His heart is what will make him sing.

"It's not easy bein' green." Robin sang.
"It seems you blend in with so many other ordinary things.
And people to tend to pass you over,
'Cause you're not standin' out like
flashy sparkles in the water,
Or stars in the sky."

commentary: Kleenex Pepe!:end commentary

"Robin!" Sweetums cried. "You're you again!"

"What is it with frogs singin' "Bein' Green" in dungeons?" Rowlf asked.

commentary: There ya go, a reference to "Destination Home" by TogetherAgain(Lisa) and "And What's on the Other Side" by Beauregard. Thanks for the stories you two.:end commentary

Kermit shed a tear, his nephew was back.

"But green's the color of spring,
And green can be cool,
And friendly-like.
And green can be big like a mountain,
Or important like a river,
Or tall like a tree." Kermit continued the song.

"When green is all there is to be.
It could make you wonder why.
But Why wonder? Why wonder." Robin sang.

"We're green." They both sang.
"And we'll do fine.
It's beautiful.
And we think it's what we wanna be."

Robin began to cry as he unlocked his friends from the wall and hugged his uncle.

"Uncle Kermit." Robin said. "I'm so sorry."

"It's okay Robin." Kermit comforted him. "It's okay."

commentary: Ok, I'm done, no more crying...:end commentary

Pepe: Wimp.:end Pepe

commentary: Oops, I sat on your cell phone.:end commentary

Pepe: WHAT?!? *cries*: end Pepe

commentary: Look who's calling the kettle black! Oh, and by the way, I really didn't sit on your cell phone.:end commentary


The group walked through the doors of the casle into a large room. The room was decorated with banners and rugs drawn from crayon. Above them a large chandelier hung. Ahead of them a staircase led to three hallways. They walked up the stairs.

"I guess we'll have to split up." Rizzo said.

"No, don't split me! I like my body whole!" Beauregard cried.

"I want to go with the hotty. Hokay!" Pepe shouted as he ran over to Maria.

"Please, I'm married!" Maria told him.

"That's hokay, we'll date in private!" Pepe said.

commentary: That's what got us the PG rating.:end commentary

Pepe: Dis es rated?:end Pepe

commentary: I dunno, it sounded good though.:end commentary

"I wanna go with this cutey!" Rosita said as she ran to Pepe and hugged him.

"Mios dios! What are jew doing?" Pepe asked.

"Everybody quiet down!" Bob said. "We'll have to divide into three groups. Susan and Gordon will lead a group, Maria will lead another, and I'll lead one. Cookie Monster, Herry, Rizzo, Fozzie, Bunsen, Beaker, Beauregard, Ernie, Bert and The Count will go with Susan and Gordon. Pepe, Rosita, Big Bird, Snuffy, Gonzo, Camilla, Oscar, and The Electric Mayhem will go with Maria. And everyone else come with me!" Bob told everyone as they split into groups.

"What do we do if we get in trouble?" Fozzie asked.

"We can call each other from our cell phones." Bob said. "Maria has Pepe's, Grodon has Kermit's, and I have Clifford's."

Pepe: Maria can use my cell phone whenever she wants. Hokay?:end Pepe

"Be careful Bob." Gordon told his old friend.

"I will. Good luck, call if you find anything." Bob told him.

Gordon shook his head yes and he and Susan lead his group through the far left hallway.

"Bob, why'd you give me the shrimp?" Maria asked.

"Just trying to make everyone happy." Bob said.

"I am not a shrimp, I am a king prawn!" Pepe shouted.

Pepe: To true.:end commentary

"I like you whatever you are!" Rosita said.

"Good luck Maria." Bob told her.

"I'm going to need it." She replied.

Maria lead her group in the far right hallway.

"Ready guys?" Bob asked his group.

"Bob." Zoe said.

"Yes Zoe?"

"Will we find Elmo?"

"I hope so Zoe. I hope so."

commentary: More irony! Yay for irony!:end commentary


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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<hugs TogetherAgain back>

In case you're wondering why I've posted so much commentary today, it's because I really wanna finish this story and start a new one. The problem is, I don't have any ideas...sigh...oh well.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Chapter 13: A Bump In The Road

Kermit and Robin hugged for a long time. They knew that they were finnally back together. But not completely. Robin still didn't have his brain.

"Robin, why have you been so, so, so not yourself lately?" Kermit asked him.

"It was Elmo." The young frog explained. "He used that brain sucker thing that they almost used on Gonzo when he was trapped in the alien place!"

Pepe: Dat was fun. Hokay?:end Pepe

commentary: What?:end commentary

Pepe: rescuing Gonso from de bad peoples. Hokay?:end commentary

"And he actually took your brain?" Rowlf asked.

"Yes." Robin began to cry again.

"Don't worry Robin, no matter what, we will get your brain back." Grover reassured him. "I promise!"

"So how do we get outta here?" Sweetums asked as he pointed to the bars.

They all looked at him. "Well, now would be a good time for you to put that buldgy body into action!" Piggy said.

commentary: Why does Piggy have to be so mean?:end commentary

Pepe: Because she's her.:end Pepe


Scooter and Skeeter gently floated to shore on their raft. They got out. They could see they were surrounded by stalagtites and stalagmites. Skeeter tuned on her flashlight. Directly ahead of them was a wall, a dead end.

"Great. We're stuck!" Scooter said.

Skeeter walked closer to the wall and shone her flashlight in front of her. "Scoot come quick!" She called.

"What? Did you find a way out?" Scooter asked.

"Maybe." Skeeter said as she showed Scooter the wall.

commentary: Reference time! More reference to Beauregard's fan-fic "And What's on the Other Side?":end commentary

Pepe: I wasn't in dat one was I?:end Pepe

commentary: No, I don't think so. I don't think Beau likes you very much...:end commentary

Pepe: Well, maybe I don't like him very much. Hokay?:end Pepe

The drawings were beautiful. They depicted a once proud kingdom on one side. And the other, a war. A hideous war. Skeeter and Scooter could almost imagine this war happening.

"That drawing looks like Kermit!" Scooter said.

They observed and saw a figure that looked to be Kermit atop a horse leading his troops.

"It does." Skeeter replied.

"So how do you think we can get out sis?" Scooter asked.

"Remember when we drilled through the rainbow to find Raenbu? Well, maybe if we drill through the picture of the kingdom, we'll find the kingdom..." Skeeter started.

"And from there we can find our way home!" Scooter finished. "Great idea sis!"

They got their drills out of their backpacks and started drilling.


Maria's group was doing fine. Aside from Pepe filirting with Maria, Rosita flirting with Pepe, Maria slapping Pepe, Rosita getting mad at Maria, then everyone was mad.

Pepe: Dat hurt...:end commentary

"How could you take my man Maria?" Rosita asked. "Or hit him?"

"I didn't take him!" Maria explained. "And I hit him because he wouldn't leave me alone!"

"Maria, you don't hit people if you want them to leave you alone. You ask them nicely to stop." Big Bird told her.

commentary: Ha! That's to funny!:end commentary

"Thank you Big Bird I..." Maria began to say.

But she stopped when she heard loud crashing noises coming from ahead of the group.


"Gordon. Me hungry." Cookie Monster said.

"Yeah, Gordon I'm hungry to." Herry told him.

"I like the way these guys talk!" Rizzo said.

Pepe: Dat's Ritzo for jew.:end commentary

"Well, if I had my Muppet Labs Turn Ordinary Objects into cheese ray, I could make you some cheese!" Bunsen told everyone.

"Mee Mee!" Beaker meeped.

"Alright, if we find some food, you guys will be the first to have it." Gordon told them as he continued walking while the others stopped. "Now I don't want to hear anymore about it!"

"Gordon!" Susan started.

"I said I don't want to..." Gordon began to say before he walked right into a pool of water.


"So Bob, what's been goin' down here at Sesame Street lately?" Clifford asked.

"Well, until today, everthing was going the same as normal." Bob told him.

"Well, I wish I could say the same, but with us things are never normal." Clifford said. "Everything always has to be crazy or blown up or somethin'."

BOOM!!! Crazy Harry blew something up after Clifford said blow up.

"See what I mean?" Clifford said before he crashed into an invisible wall.


"Everything is in place Baby Bear?" Elmo asked his lackey.

"Yes sew." Baby Bear said.

"Good, soon, there will be no one to oppose Elmo, and Elmo will rule the world!" The demon chuckled. "The end is now."

commentary: No, the end is in Chapter 20...:end commentary


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Yay for more wonderful commentary! I like your little exchange with Pepe about Miss Piggy being mean. And "The end is in Chapter 20". That was cool.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Chapter 14: Fight!

Sam Eagle glanced at the monitors once more. Still no sign of any of the Muppets on Sesame Street.

They must have gone inside the castle. Sam thought to himself. I hope they're okay.

"Hey Sam you hungry?" The president asked.

"Only if you are Mr. President!" Sam said as he jumped to attention.

"Well you think there's any food around here?" He asked.

"Of course sir. Right this way!" Sam said as he led him up the stairs.

Then on the monitos something appeared on Sesame Street. A small magenta dot. Except, it wasn't a dot it was...

Pepe: Oh no! Not a magenta dot! Hokay?:end Pepe


"Where is everyone?" Telly said to himself, expecting an answer. "And what is this huge castle?!?"

Telly gazed at the castle of crayon wondering if his friends might be in there.

"Hmm. I hope they're not in there!" Telly said. "If they are, I'm not going in!"

"What are you chicken?" An aged voice said from behind him.

"If he is the weirdo sure would like him!" Another said.

commentary: Ok, not the greatest S&W joke ever written...:end commentary

"Do ho ho ho!" Both voices lauged at once.

Telly turned around, facing two old Muppet curmudgens. "Who, who, who are you?" Telly said frightened.

Pepe: Dey scare me to. Hokay?:end Pepe

"I'm Statler!" The taller one said.

"And I'm Waldorf!" The short one said.

"Well what are you doing here?" Telly asked them.

"We're here to see what's going on! We were just minding our buisness on a beach in Jamaica," Statler said.

"When everthing turned to crayon!" Waldorf added.

"Then everything melted in the sun!" Statler continued.

"And then everyone left." Waldorf sighed.

"And no more bikinis!" They both said.

Pepe: So sad...:end Pepe

"Well, I'm Telly Monster. I live here." Telly told them.

"No you don't." Statler said.

"Yes I do!" Telly said. "Why would you say that?"

"Because in order to live somewhere you have to have a life!" Waldorf said.

"Do ho ho ho!" They both laughed again.

"Oh boy. What have I gotten myself into." Telly sighed.

commentary: Poor Telly...:end commentary


"Ow!" Clifford said. "My nose!"

"Clifford, are you okay?" Johnny asked him.

"If Johnny Fiama wants you to be okay, you'd better be okay!" Sal yelled at Clifford.

"Guys I'm fine. Chill." Clifford said as he looked in front of him. And saw nothing.

"Ker de Ciliffki bumpski into wall de dishapear!" The Chef said.

commentary: Shout out! To Beauregard! Who wrote this line for the Chef!:end commentary

"What?" Bob asked.

"He said that there isn't a wall for Clifford to bump into!" Lew Zealand explained.

"Sure, and there's not a box around me right now either!" Clifford yelled as he was hoisted into the air in an invisible box.

"Clifford!" Bob yelled up to him. But before he knew it, he and everyone else were being trapped in the same boxes.

"Bob help me!" Zoe cried.

"Don't worry Zoe, I'll think of something!" Bob said.

"Hey who's he?" Lew asked as a human with a black mustache, and red suspenders approached the group.

"It's Mr. Noodle!" Zoe shouted.

Pepe: Noodle...:end Pepe


"Will someone get me out of here please?!?" Gordon shouted.

"Well, if you wanted to get out, you shouldn't have gone swimming." Beauregard said.

"Come on Count let's get him out!" Fozzie said.

"Yes, that's von, von good idea." Count von Count said as he and Fozzie grabbed Gordon's hands and pulled him out of the water.

"Thanks." Gordon said. "What a strange place to put a swimming pool!"

"MEEEEEEEE!!!" Beaker cried as he looked behind Gordon and saw a huge, orange, fin.

Pepe: Orange...:end Pepe

Just then, Dorothy jumped out of the water, but she was 15 times her normal size.

"It's Dorothy!" Ernie shouted.

"She must be 10 times her normal size!" Bert said.

"Actually, she's 15 times her normal size." Bunsen told him.

commentary: *Hysterical laughter*:end commentary


"What is that noise?" Maria asked, already knowing that no one knew the answer.

"Don't worry my sweet! I will protect jew no matter what it is! Hokay?" Pepe said jumping in front of Maria spreading all four arms is protection.

"Aww, thank you Prawnie!" Rosita said as she hugged Pepe.

Pepe: Prawnie...:end Pepe

commentary: Stop!:end commentary

Pepe: He he, sorry.:end Pepe

"Mios dios." Pepe sighed.

"BIG BABY! BIG BABY!" Animal shouted.

"What are you talkin' about man?" Floyd asked.

"Like I think he's talking about that!" Janice said as a giant baby crawled towards them.

"It's Baby Natasha!" Big Bird cried.

"But she's huge!" Snuffy said. "Bigger than me!"

"And I think she's hungry!" Dr. Teeth exclaimed.

"Cool!" Gonzo shouted.

commentary: I love Gonzo.:end commentary

Pepe: But jew are not a chicken.:end commentary
"Thank you Sweetums." Grover told him as he walked out of the hole Sweetums had blown in the bar. shortly followed by Piggy. "Are not you going to say thank you Miss Piggy?" He asked her.

"Ha. As if. Moi does not give "Thank you's" to big oafs like him."

"That is not very nice." Grover told her.

"Get over it blue boy!"

commentary: Love that part.:end commentary

"Sheesh." Kermit sheeshed. "Well, guys let's get going! Robin lead the way to Elmo's throne room."

Robin pointed straight ahead and said,"Alright Uncle Kermit this way!"

"Need a lift?" Sweetums said as he picked up Robin.

"Thank you Sweetums." Robin said.

"See, you could be nice like little Robin!" Grover said to Piggy.

"I could... Or vous could just leave moi alone!" Piggy shouted as she ran to catch up with Kermit.

Grover turned to Rowlf. "She is so mean!" He said.

"Welcome to my life." Rowlf replied.

Pepe: Si, and mine to. Hokay?:end Pepe