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Fan-Fic: We Know That It's Probably Magic


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Chapter 3: Friends, Family, and Muppets

The precedings of the funeral was held at the Muppet Theater. It was the only place large enough to house all the geusts. Refreshments were served to all, and everyone shared their favorite stories of their green hero.

If you didn't know better, you might think this was a welcome home party.

But Kermit wasn't coming home. He would never come home again.

Fozzie mingled with some of the geusts, but he knew his presence was needed elsewhere. He slipped away casually from the conversation he was in and walked backstage. There he was surrounded by every Muppet. Whether they be Fraggle, Monster, Pig, Chicken, Dog, Frog, whatever, they were there.

"Hey ya'll keep it down!" Clifford yelled over the crowd.

"Yeah, we've got buissness to take care of!" Scooter cried.

"QUIET!!!" Grover screamed.

"So I told him, listen bub, this is a funeral, and I tottally don't think that's appropriate!" Janice said to Traveling Matt. "Oh sorry, continue."

Ironic, Fozzie thought, that the insanity could still ensue even after their fearless leader was lost.

"Well, we all know why we're here," Miss Piggy began. "We're planning the tribute show for Kermit."

"Right!" Dr. Teeth said. "We'll be sure to play some groovy tunes."

"And we could sing!" Gobo Fraggle cried.

"Me could eat cookies!" Cookie Monster grumbled.

"We could begin with the National Anthem!" Sam Eagle preached.

"Alright, alright! One at a time!" Scooter said as he furriously scribbled on a clipboard.

"We could have some dancing ladies. Hokay?" Pepe said.

"I'd pay money to see dat!" Rizzo agreed.

"I'd dance for you Prawnie!" Rosita hugged Pepe.

"Could we keep this PG please?" Piggy asked.

"Why would we make it only pretty good?" Grover asked. "Why not great? Or really good? Or pretty good if you are thirteen?"

"I don't think that's what those stand for." Herry Monster told him.

"Does anybody have any good ideas?" Sweetums asked.

Robin looked from side to side as the Muppets argued. Rowlf stood next to him. He whispered something into his ear.

"Hey everybody, keep it down!" Rowlf hollered. "Robin has an idea!"

Everyone quieted down. They all turned towards Robin. "Um...thanks. I thought that maybe Rowlf and I could sing 'Bein' Green...' But you guys probably don't like that idea." Robin sighed.

"Elmo loves that idea little Robin!" Elmo told the young frog. "Robin has a great singing voice." Elmo smiled at him. Robin smiled back.

"I agree!" Rowlf patted him on the back.

"Me two!" Big Bird rose his hand.

"Me three!" Gonzo stood up.

"Bagawk!" Camilla clucked.

"Ah that's four, four agreeing friends!" The Count chuckled. "Ah ha ha!" Lightning and thunder filled the backstage area.

Beauregard pulled out an umbrella. "It always seems to rain when that guy's around." He said.

"Ok! Ok!" Miss Piggy yelled. "So, we all agree, Robin and Rowlf will sing 'Bein' Green.' Any other ideas?"

"What about 'Rainbow Connection?'" Fozzie asked. "We could all sing that together like at the end of The Muppet Movie."

The Muppets all nodded. Another idea they could agree on.

"I'm not singin' any dumb rainbow song!" Oscar grimaced.

"Come on Oscar, it's for Kermit!" Telly told Oscar.

Oscar sighed. "Fine, I'll sing your crumby song."

"Good." Piggy said. "But, we'll need more than two songs." She told them.

"Oh I know!" Ernie shouted. "Bert, don't you have some pictures of Kermit from when he lived on Sesame Street with us?"

"Well yeah, but what does that have to do with...Ernie! You're a genius! We'll make a slideshow honoring Kermit!" Bert said.

"Moi can assist vous in that dear." Miss Piggy said. "I have pictures of Kermie we can use."

"And I'll put 'em all on my computer and format 'em into a PowerPoint presentation!" Scooter said.

"We could use pictures from all our movies and shows!" Rowlf said.

"And us Fraggles could have the Doozers build a statue of Kermit!" Wembley said.

"I hope it's clean." Boober said.

Uncle Deadly watched below. What fools those Muppets be, he thought. He turned behind him. "They really don't know you're here do they?" He asked into the darkness.

A green figure emerged from the darkness. "Nope. And it has to stay that way." The ghost of Kermit the Frog said in a scary voice not sounding like Kermit should.

The two ghosts walked along the rafters and away from the chaos below.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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It starts a little bitter sweet.
theprawncracker said:
If you didn't know better, you might think this was a welcome home party.

But Kermit wasn't coming home. He would never come home again.
And then, it sort of... shifts into this... typical Muppetness.
theprawncracker said:
"So I told him, listen bub, this is a funeral, and I tottally don't think that's appropriate!" Janice said to Traveling Matt. "Oh sorry, continue."
And that... I needed that, by the way.
I also have to say something about how you've been refering to Kermit. "Their green hero." "Their fearless leader." Painting this noble picture of him that we know fits him just as perfectly as his collar does. It does something... well, its real effect comes later.
First, you let us relax a little. You remind us that it is, after all, the Muppets. And Muppets are funny. So they're funny. Cookie Monster wants to eat cookies as a tribute to Kermit. Sam wants the National Anthem. Pepe and his dancing ladies suggestion. Rosita's offer to dance for Pepe. Piggy's plea for PG. Grover's interpretations of PG.
Then you remind us that it is, after all, the Muppets. And Muppets are heartwarming. So they warm our hearts. Robin wants to sing "Bein' Green." Fozzie mentions "The Rainbow Connection," like at the end of TMM. (This is where I start getting choked up, by the way.) But they're still being funny- Beauregard complains about Count's thunder, Oscar doesn't want to sing "any dumb rainbow song," Boober hopes that the Doozer's statue of Kermit is clean.
And then... then you hit us with this.
theprawncracker said:
Uncle Deadly watched below. What fools those Muppets be, he thought.
Those two sentences, and all the shivers and chills and goosebumps came right back. And then he turns...
theprawncracker said:
"They really don't know you're here do they?" He asked into the darkness.
And... somehow, I had hoped, The Boss just... wouldn't just kill Kermit just "to find out." I had somehow thought, he's not really dead, it's some crazy trickery... but then... Well, then those descriptions of Kermit I mentioned earlier came back to haunt us. Literally.
theprawncracker said:
A green figure emerged from the darkness.
He's here.
theprawncracker said:
"Nope. And it has to stay that way."
But, Kermit, why? Can't you see they miss you? Can't you see they're heartbroken? Doesn't it break your heart, too?
theprawncracker said:
The ghost of Kermit the Frog said in a scary voice not sounding like Kermit should.
Dear lord... that's where I just fall silent. There's no more to say there. No point in trying to say something. Silence says it better.
theprawncracker said:
The two ghosts walked along the rafters and away from the chaos below.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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What can I say that Lisa hasn't said?

The...well, it's kind'a awe inspiring. Beauregard's line was brillient! I loved it. And...Janice's line was one of the best. Also, does anyone else think she could hook up with Travelling Matt one day?

And...*shiver* Then that Ghost and...whooo...


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
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So touching, so heart-wrenchingly sad.
I have just one question, Ryan. Please don't take offense to this, but, why? Why, exactly, did you set out to write this? I guess if youu decide to do so, you will tell us the answer after, in commentary form. It's entirely up to you; I just have this burning curiosity is all.
But you are going to bring Kermit back, right?


Aren't you?

*more silence*

*choked whisper* Please...


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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This was a great chapter Ryan! I loved how you could bring in some humor even though things are so sad! I really loved Janice's line! I also like how the insanity continues even without Kermit. But, like Kate, I hope you're bringing Kermit back. Lisa, I think I'm going to need another teddy bear.


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2002
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I laughed when Beauregard pulled out the umbrella when the Count did his thing. That bit had me cracking up.



Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Chapter 4: The Truth

Uncle Deadly and the ghost of Kermit made their way to the roof of the theater. Kermit peered over the edge, Uncle Deaddly stayed behind and watched.

"All the geusts are leaving." Kermit said.

Uncle Deadly nodded. What had happened to Kermit? He was once the fearless leader of the Muppets. But now, he'd been reduced to this. Death had changed him.

"The other's probably won't leave for awhile." Kermit watched the crowd leave. "They'll stay here and plan the show."

Uncle Deadly knew he was right. He couldn't stand it anymore. "Frog?" He asked. "Why are you torturing them so?"

Kermit turned around. He stared at the phantom for a moment then sighed. "They need me to." He told him. "Or, I need to."

"But why Frog? Why?"

"Because!" Kermit snapped. "They have to learn to get along without me! If they don't, they'll end up relying on me, they have to learn to move on!"

Uncle Deadly stared.He really had changed. The old Kermit would have never snapped at anyone. But he did have a point. "Yes. I do suppose you're right."

"Come on everyone we have to have the show ready by the end of the week!" Clifford hollered to all the mobile Muppets. Rizzo and Beauregard were busy constructing the scenery, and the rest of the Muppets were all practicing their acts.

Fozzie was the only acception. He was sitting outside in the ticket booth. A cold breeze blew through the small opening. He wiped his eyes with his tie. Kermit was gone. And not coming back. His best friend was gone forever and Fozzie never got to say goodbye.

"Time to say goodbye to your home.
Places you've known.
Heart like a stone as you go.
Time to scramble down from the dream.
Missed rock and stream.
Golden and dream while you grow.

Goodbye, goodbye, and every eye is dry.
Leavin' there's no greavin'
Just a rainbow in the sky.
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye." He sang. He didn't notice the small body of Gobo Fraggle walk come up behind him. Gobo knew this song. He sang this song. And he'd sing it again. With Fozzie.

"Time to say goodbye to our own.
To our only home.
Only place we've known like a glove.
Every dream we've dreamed happened here.
Laughter and tears.
Moments and years that we've loved." Both friends sang.

"Goodbye, goodbye, and every eye is dry.
Leavin' there's no greavin'
Just a rainbow in the sky.
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye..." They finished.

"You miss him to huh?" Gobo asked taking a seat on the counter in front of Fozzie.

"Uh huh." Fozzie replied. "He was my best friend Gobo. Of course I miss him! How could he just die like that! It's not fair!"

"Fozzie," Gobo told him. "Sometimes life isn't fair. It'll be ok Fozzie don't worry. Kermit would want you to be happy. Not sad. How's that song go? Oh yeah! Sing of happy! Not sad!" Gobo smiled at Fozzie.

Fozzie smiled back. "Thanks Gobo. You're a great friend."

"Well whadaya say we go back inside. It's cold out here, and there lookin' for ya to practice your act!"

The duo stepped out of the ticket booth and walked back inside.

"Hmm..." Gobo said to himself, looking around the theater. "I think all talk to the guys about putting a Fraggle door here."