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Fan-Fic: We Know That It's Probably Magic


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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OH DON'T YOU EVEN! DON'T! YOU! EVEN! You post the next chapter right NOW, prawncracker!!!!!!!!!!! And you KNOW I was going to- well, okay so you don't know, but I'm about to tell you- I was JUST going to wait until I had finished some more homework and (in theory) had somewhat recovered from reading that heart wrenching chapter and THEN I was going to tell you how amazing it is and beg for MORE MORE MORE so FOR THE LOVE OF HOLY MOSQUITOES, POST MORE!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Chapter 18: A Deal With Death

Kermit stared into Death's hood. Although he couldn't see Death's eyes, he knew that Death was staring right back.

"I'm ready to go." Kermit told him.


"And he has some pig!" Piggy said as she walked up behind Kermit.

"And some bear!"

"And some Fraggle!"

"And one cute, adorable, blue monster!"

"And one frog!"

"And one whatever!"

The six Muppets tood beside Kermit. "And one deadly uncle." Uncle Deadly said from the floor.

"That's right Death! You can take Kermit away, but you cannot hurt him!" Uncle Deadly told his boss. "For if you do, he has legions of frogs, and dogs, and birds, and bears, and chickens, and whatevers, that will take you down!" Death lossed grip of his scythe. Uncle Deadly stood up. "Which is why, his family loves him so much. Because he'd stand up for them as well. That's why he's part of my family." Uncle Deadly told him. "Because I love him, and he protects me."

The Muppets nodded. "And even if he dies, he's not really gone Death." Uncle Deadly continued. "He'll always be here with the children, and adults, and everything else that made his dream come true! He'll be in their hearts Death. And nothing you can do will change that."

Kermit held back a tear. "That's right. So go ahead, take me away, don't let me come back! But just remember, I won't really be gone." He said. "They won't forget me."

The Muppets agreed. Miss Piggy wiped her eyes.


Kermit nodded. He expected this. "I understand." Kermit looked at his feet.

"Kermit..." Fozzie sighed.

"We'll miss you old friend." Gonzo patted his back.

"Well froggy baby, I guess this is goodbye." Grover wiped his eyes with his cape.

"I always enjoyed your company Mr. Frog." Matt said.

Robin stood silent. Was his uncle really leaving? Again? Kermit bent down to Robin's height. "Robin?" He asked.

"Uncle Kermit?" Robin asked.

"Just remember, it's not easy bein' green." Kermit told him. "But, green can be big, and imprortant, and tall. And don't you ever forget it. Ok?"

Robin cried. "Ok Uncle Kermit. I won't." He hugged his uncle.

"Good." He turned to Miss Piggy. "Piggy?"

"No mon capitan!" She said dramatically. "I won't say goodbye again. It was hard enough the first time, I won't do it..."

He stopped her. He kissed her lips then pulled away.

"Fozzie, Gonzo, Grover, Matt, Uncle Deadly." Kermit adressed them. "Take care of everyone ok? Tell them I miss them. And I always will."

He walked to Death. "Alright Death, let's go."


"Yes sir." Uncle Deadly agreed.

"Bye guys..." Kermit said his last words.

Death erected a circle of black flames around them. And then, they dissapeared.

"Let us go." Uncle Deadly sighed.

The Muppets sulked back to the theater, they gained their frog, then lost him, then gained him again, then lost him again. It had been a long day.

Death and Kermit reappeared in a bright place. In fact, all Kermit could see was light. He looked around, nothing. Nothing but light. "Where are we?" Kermit asked.

"THAT IS SOMETHING YOU WILL HAVE TO FIGURE OUT FOR YOURSELF." Death said. He vanished in another circle of flames.

Kermit wasn't surprised, Death worked in mysterious ways. He looked around. Nothing, still.

"Kermit?" A familiar voice asked.

Kermit turned around. He couldn't believe what he was looking at.

Gonzo, Fozzie, Matt, Grover, and Uncle Deadly walked through a rift in the atmosphere. Uncle Deadly walked over and turned off the Muppet Labs Dream Projectatron. Miss Piggy woke up instantly.

In a corner, Bunsen and Beaker were asleep on the couch.

"Guys." Fozzie sighed.

They woke up instantly. "Oh! Mr. Deadly! We were just um...watching with our eyes closed yes!" Bunsen told them.

"It's alright guys." Gonzo sighed.

"Where's Mr. Kermit?" Bunsen asked.

"Gone Dr. Honeydew." Fozzie explained. "Death took him away."

Scooter burst open the door. "Guys! Guys! You're back! And just in time!" Scooter said. "C'mon! We're all getting ready for the closing number!"

They all ran out, and took their positions, they waited, for the music to play, and their hearts to sing.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Oh my...oh goodness...I just have a feeling about something...about who the voice belongs to...I don't even want to speculate who Kermit's going to talk to, but I just have a feeling....

This chapter was so sad, I hope there are happy moments around the corner? And just let me say again, yea for Uncle Deadly. He's been a real hero in this story and that's been nice to see.

All right, hurry and show us what happens next because I just have to know!


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Ok folks, this next chapter will also be the last! Enjoy...


Chapter 19: It Didn't End With A Bang, It Ended With A Song

Kermit stared directly into the face of Jim Henson. He opened and closed his mouth.

"Hello Kermit." Mr. Henson said.

"Jim?" Kermit asked. "Is...is it really you?"

Jim nodded. "You don't know where you are do you?" He asked.

Kermit shook his head. "But now that I see you, I think I have an idea." He said.

"Well what are you standing around for?" Jim asked him. "Let's go."

Kermit stared. "Go? Where?"

Jim smiled. "I think you'll like it."

"Why are there so many songs about rainbows?
And what's on the other side?" Miss Piggy sang as the curtains opened.

"Rainbows are visions but only illusions,
And rainbow's have nothing to hide." Fozzie continued.

"So we've been told and some choose to believe it,
I know their wrong wait and see." Gonzo sang.

"Someday we'll find it, the Rainbow Connection,
The lovers, the dreamers, and me!" All of the Muppets sang.

"But Jim," Kermit said. "Where are we going."

Jim turned around in his long white cloak. "Be patient Kermit, we're almost there."

"But...Alright, let's keep going." Kermit agreed.

"Who said that every wish," Scooter sang.

"Would be heard and answered?" Rowlf continued.

"When wished on the morning stars," Clifford sang.

"Somebody thought of that," Floyd and Janice harmonized.

"And someone believed it," Dr. Teeth continued.

"And look what it's done so far!" The Fraggles sang together.

"What's so amazing that keeps us star gazing?" Rizzo and Pepe sang.

"And what do we think we might see?" Ernie and Bert continued.

"Someday we'll find it, the Rainbow Connection,
The lovers, the dreamers, and me!"

"Ready Kermit?" Jim asked.

"Ready Jim."

"Alright, come on, help me push." Jim and Kermit pushed open two huge doors, multicolored light flooded them.

"All of us under it's spell," Big Bird sang.

"We know that it's probably magic!" Uncle Deadly continued.

"Jim! What's going on?" Kermit yelled.

"We've found it Kermit! We've finally found it!" Jim laughed. "I needed you to do it Kermit, but we've done it!"

"Have you been half asleep?" Grover sang.

"And have you heard voices?" Sam Eagle projected.

"I've heard them calling my name!" Beauregard continued.

"Is this the sweet sound that calls the young sailors?" Sweetums sang.

"The voice might be one in the same." Oscar sang with Marjorie the Trash Heap, Philo, and Gunge.

"We've heard it to many times to ignore it." Johnny and Sal sang.

"It's something that we're s'possed to be." Everyone sang.

"Jim? What is it?" Kermit asked as he and Jim walked into the doors. The room was one big rainbow, and in the middle an opening.

"The Rainbow Connection Kermit." Jim said blankly. "We've found it." He smiled. "The lovers," he smiled at Kermit, "the dreamers," the Muppets appeared in the opening. "And me."

Kermit smiled. It was true, they'd found it. The lovers, the dreamers, and him. He hugged Jim. "Thank you Jim." Kermit said. "For everything."

"Someday we'll find it." Robin sang.
"The Rainbow Connection."

"The lovers, the dreamers, and..." They held the note.

Bunsen flipped on the Memory Projectatron, Kermit was projected onto the stage curtain. He waved at everyone.

"Him..." The Muppets sang the last line. Miss Piggy, Gonzo, Fozzie, Scooter, Rowlf, Clifford, Sam Eagle, The Electric Mayhem, The Fraggles, Ernie and Bert, Grover, Oscar, Pepe, Rizzo, Oscar, The Trash Heap, her rats, Uncle Deadly, Big Bird, Snuffy, Elmo, Zoe, Rosita, Johnny, Sal, Crazy Harry, Lew Zealand, The Swedish Chef, Cookie Monster, Herry Monster, and Robin.

They all still cared for Kermit.

"And they always will Danny L." The Boss said turning off the television screen.

"But boss, they were so sad, but then the song-" Daniel tried to protest.

"The song brought them back together." The Boss said. "You saw what happened, Kermit and Jim found the Rainbow Connection, and them finding it caused it to react, making the Muppets remember, that Kermit loved them, and he will always be in their hearts."

"So all your saying," Daniel began. "Is that all they had to do was connect some rainbows?"

"No, Danny L. not at all." The Boss shook her head. "All they had to do, was find the Rainbow Connection. Entirely different."

"So you're saying, that all along the Rainbow Connection was all they needed to be happy?"

"In a nutshell yes." The Boss said. "But, also no." She grinned. "Think about it Danny L." She stood up. "Just think about it." She looked at her watch. "Well, Spongebob's coming up next, nice talking to you Danny L." She pushed him out of her office.

"But Boss I-" She slammed the large black door on his face.

"Well, that's that Mr. Henson. Does it answer your question?" She asked the man who suddenly appeared on the couch.

"Yes Boss, it certainly does." He smiled.

"Good, now move over, you're in my seat!"

Kermit scribbled on a clipboard. "Pigs in Space up next!" He called into the intercom.

Link Hogthrob and Dr. Julius Strangepork walked behind him. Miss Piggy followed them closely.

But she stopped. Right behind Kermit. She stared at him. "Kermie?" She asked.

"Yes Piggy?" Kermit didn't look at her.

"I love you." She ran up and kissed him on the cheek. "And I always will!" She ran onstage.

Kermit scrunched up his face. "Sheesh, doesn't she think I know that already?"

Someday we'll find it...
The Rainbow Connection...
The lovers, the dreamers, and me...