I had a rather Muppety dream last night! So, I now have 8 official evil exes (you think Ramona Flowers would have made me learn my lesson and I got confused between if I had 8 or 9 as it pertains to my dream)
Anyhow, in my dream, my most recent evil ex was trying to hurt me, he was some big vaccuum monster that was sucking all the clean air away and emitting cigarette smoke into the air which is lethal to me! (due to asthma)
Next thing I knew, I fell down, in some dirt and hurt my ankle, I almost fell forward into the dirt which I now discovered was mud, but, two blue arms caught me. It was Gonzo and Camilla flew in next to him. They were a superhero couple team and they protected me from my evil ex monster and defeated him and got me to safety

Then we ended up by the beach, Camilla got into a boat, Gonzo got on a parasail thing attached to the boat and they invited me to come with them, so, I did and then we rode off into the sunrise (yes, sunRISE not sunset) and then Gonzo made a wonderful crash landing! He got in the boat at this point, and I thanked him and Camilla again and we shared a group hug!
It was very pleasant to wake up after that