Dreams about Muppets...


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Apr 3, 2006
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I had another dream (Mostly Muppet performer related) but I put in a VHS which showed some kind of Rap concert like show and as the credits rolled the names Stephanie D'Abruzzo and Jennifer Barnhart were listed as contributors.

and another dream I had was when I was in my bedroom and I had a Gameboy in hand and I was playing a Muppet game which included Muppet show characters as well as Characters from Sam and Friends.


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2017
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I've had a few Muppet related dreams before.

Back in September 2016, I had one dream that had three parts, and the last part actually had to do with the Muppets. I don't remember all the details, but at one point, I was pulling Sweetums out of a sewer or hole of some sort, USING A FISHING POLE! I had to reel him in, but it was hard to, because he was so big! Then I was doing something else with the Muppets (I can't remember what), but I woke up afterwards.

And then in April 2017, I had another one where I got to meet some of the Muppets again. I didn't really do much with them, though. I can't remember exactly which Muppets were there, but I remember seeing Fozzie. I think we were having lunch outside at a park, and we sat a picnic table. I just said 'hi' to them, and that's it. I don't really remember anything else from that dream.

If I ever have any more Muppet dreams, I'll post them here.
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Well-Known Member
May 18, 2016
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A few days ago I had a dream of Judge Judy on The Muppet Show. I don't remember much but she was nice to them and gave Floyd and Janice tickets to something which was cancelled shortly after so they gave the tickets back, but it wasn't cancelled in the end and as the credits started to roll Floyd asked Judy, ''Hey, about those tickets...''

That's all I remember.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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There was actually a really weird dream I once had a long, long time ago when I was a kid where I was sleeping in my bed, and then the Muppets from "Fat Cat" were for whatever reason trying to find me. Bip was leading the trio of those shaded Muppets and I was hiding under my covers in fear.

I've also had NUMEROUS dreams of "Wet Paint" by How Now Brown and the Moo Wave, usually with the music video being different but same concept (paint coating the background and eventually the screen), but I've also had weird dreams where these random walls have paint oozing down on them and also a dream I was at a water park with color-dyed water with "Wet Paint" playing in the background over and over..... Um.... Yeah.

Also had alot of dreams about "NTV"/"The Letter N" by Nick Normal and the Nickmatics, including one where the Nickmatics introduce themselves before playing.

Also had alot of Little Jerry and the Monotones dreams. Surprise, right?

Then there was once a dream I had where Ernie was part of the back up on Bert's "He's Got to be Clean."

Last one I can also recall at the moment is another complication Sesame tape I had where eventually everyone that appeared in a skit came together and sang a goodbye song.

I can tell you a few skits I remember:

Big Bird singing about the letter X: "X, X, X..... Spinning around....." Is all I remember though

A stop motion cartoon of a girl exploring her room at night

A Little Chrissy song

And believe it or not, a skit involving Spongebob....yes, Spongebob.


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2017
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I had the best Muppet dream ever last night.

I was at a huge party with all of the Muppets (that for some reason was in a school gym), and Fozzie was the DJ. I was just dancing with everyone and having a good old time.

But then, something bad happened at the party. I didn't see what happened, but everyone had to be evacuated out of the gym.

Later, I was walking through the school hallways with Fozzie, and we were sad that the awesome party was over. He told me, "That party was a disaster." I told him, "No it wasn't. It was really fun and it brought everyone together. To see everyone so happy together makes me happy." "Thanks." "You're welcome."

Suddenly, we saw all of the Muppets that were at the party marching through the halls in a protest, holding signs that said stuff like "Felt lives matter" Maybe some big fight broke out or something?

Even though it had a sad ending, it was an awesome dream overall.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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I had one last night that had Cookie Monster and Thomas the Tank Engine arguing about "Who had a better shade of blue."

(I won't lie though when I say I always wanted Sesame Street and Thomas the Tank Engine to crossover as a kid).


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2016
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I just had a dream last night about Matt Vogel's Kermit finally debuting on a new Muppet video promoting a new web series they were gonna do, but he wasn't gonna appear in it. Kind of strange??

In my dream, he sounded like a combination of Jim Henson/Steve Whitmire's voice. It was so weird.

But then there were a bunch of comments saying that no one wanted to watch the web series. I guess because Kermit wasn't gonna have a part in it.