**YEA!! I can post again!!**
“Piggy, you shouldn’t be up there!” Kermit yelled as he watched Piggy climb to the top of Gonzo’s high-wire. “Use your common sense and come back down!”
She either didn’t hear him or was ignoring him as she continued to climb until she reached the very top. Once up there, she took his unicycle and sat upon it.
“No, Piggy, don’t do it!” Kermit yelled again, looking frantically around the stage. Where was everyone? Why was there no safety net? He saw Beauregard mopping the floor on the other side of the theater.
“Beau!” he hollered, but the janitor just waved one hand at him.
“Hello, Mr. Kermit.” Then he took out a rag and began to wipe down some props, not even noticing the drama unfolding just above him.
“Beau, come over here!”
Beau scratched his head, puzzled. Cover the air? What did that mean? “I’m sorry, I don’t know what you want.”
Kermit stamped his foot impatiently. “Over here!” he pointed towards the spot he was standing on.
Beau still stood, his frown deepening. Did he miss a spot mopping?
Kermit glanced up, giving up on getting Beauregard to help. He was on his own now.
Piggy was now fully balanced on the cycle and was preparing to push off for the long ride across the stage and some 200 feet up.
“Stop!” Kermit yelled towards the ceiling, trying to make his voice carry over the distance. Somehow instead of echoing, it grew quieter instead. There had to be something he could do.
He ran across the theater, his eyes never leaving the sight of Piggy. She wobbled with the first few pedals then seemed to balance perfectly as she rode along the thin wire.
Kermit’s breath caught, and he thought for a moment, everything would work out. But then the unthinkable happened and he was powerless to prevent it. The unicycle tipped and Piggy tried to counterbalance it, but overbalanced instead. He heard her scream in terror as she fell off and headed down towards the solid hard oak floor below.
The drop seemed to take ages, and he could see her blaming him in her eyes as she fell. ‘This is your fault, Kermit,’ they seemed to say. ‘Your fault there is no net.’
He leapt forward planning to use his own body to break her fall, but found himself rooted to the floor. He couldn’t look away, couldn’t turn from the sight of her picking up speed and impacting with the solid surface below.
“Nooooooo!” he screamed. “PIIIIIGGGGYYYYYYYY” and reached out for her…
And found himself sitting bolt upright on a couch, the quilt that had been covering him tangled around his legs and drenched with sweat. His heart was pounding a mile a minute and his breath came in hitched gasps still full of terror.
It had only been a dream, right? The room he was in was darkened, with the exception of one light in the hallway. He tried to take in a breath of fresh air but found he was fully congested again and his head was spinning. “Piddy?” He called out for her, hoping she was nearby.
The room was silent. He heard the whir of the fans powering the ventilation system but no other sounds. His heart was still pounding and he tried to calm himself down. She was safe, she wasn’t on any high wire, he told himself.
His breath began to hitch and he pulled the damp quilt up in time to sneeze into it. “Heh-Etshhh! HahTshhh!”
Where was Piggy? She wouldn’t have left him alone like this, right? He wiped his nose on the edge of the quilt. He was going to have to check the rest of the condo. Maybe she was in bed. He knew he would not be able to sleep again until he knew she was okay and that it had been a dream.
Cautiously, he moved the damp fabric from around his feet and placed them on the carpeted floor. The room was spinning and his stomach felt like it was on a roller coaster as he stood up.
He used one hand to guide his way, holding on to whatever furniture he could find. The darkness, combined with the unfamiliarity of the place caused him to first bump his shin and then stub his toes.
He had made it halfway towards the light in the hallway when his sense of balance was thrown off by another ill-timed sneeze. “Heh ehTshh! HehKeshhh!” The floor seemed suddenly closer as he fell forward.
Piggy finished brushing her hair and picked up her robe from it’s place on the bed. As she put it on, she considered what she was going to do for the rest of the evening. The last time she had checked on Kermit, he had been sleeping peacefully. She had gotten up and taken a shower, then dressed for bed, stopping once to brush her hair.
She wasn’t sure how well she was going to be able to sleep tonight. What if Kermit needed her? Would she be able to hear him from the bedroom? She wasn’t sure. Just to be safe, she would leave her door open.
She got up and walked across the room and opened the door. She would check on him once more before turning in. As she walked down the hallway she heard something, like moan then a soft sneeze.
“Kermit?” she said as she crossed the distance of the hallway to the living room and snapped on the nearest lamp.
She almost tripped over him, as he was laying in the middle of the floor, his head buried into one arm as he sneezed again. “Heh-Eshh!”
“Piddy?” he croaked out towards her, reaching his other hand up. She instantly knelt and scooped his feverish body into her arms. He tried to push her away but she refused to let go and he was forced to press his face into her robe as he sneezed again. “AhEssshh! HehKesshh!”
“Bless you,” she cooed quietly and carried him back to the couch. “What are you doing out of bed?”
“Didemare,” he tried to explain. “Nedded you.”
Piggy reached for the box of tissues on the coffee table and pulled a few out of the top of the box. “It’s okay now, I’m right here.” She held the tissues up to Kermit’s nose. “Blow, love.”
He blew and felt the pressure in his head lessen some. She wiped his nose and then the tears that had leaked from his eyes. “Whede did you do?”
“I took a shower,” she shrugged. “I didn’t know you were going to wake up, or I never would have left you.” She went to grab the quilt and grimaced at the dampness of the fabric. “Oh now this isn’t good.”
“No?” Kermit said hoarsely, then sneezed again, barely managing to turn his head aside in time. “Do blandet?”
Piggy shook her head. “There is only one more thin one on my bed, I’m afraid.”
Kermit hung his head. “I’m soddy.”
Piggy lifted his chin. “You have no reason to be sorry, Kermie. You didn’t ask to be sick.”
“I dow.”
Piggy considered something for a moment then without another word, scooped Kermit up in her arms.
“Piddy?” he asked her as his head spun again. Just what was she doing? His stomach flip-flopped once and for a second, he thought he was going to get sick. He squeezed his eyes tightly shut and rested his head against her chest while clutching her robe in both hands.
She carried him into her bedroom and placed him gently on the bed. “No arguments, Kermie.” She said and covered him with the last blanket. “This way I won’t have to keep checking on you, for you will be right here with me.”
He was too tired and sick to argue anyway. He just waved one hand in the air before sneezing harshly. “Hek-EtKESSHH! AKEHShhh!”
“Bless you,” she remarked. “I’d better go get the tissues.” She kissed the top of his head once, then left the room, only to return minutes later with his pills, the box of tissues and a glass of water.
After administering the pills and wiping his nose she settled on the bed next to him.
He felt comfortable in the big bed, much more so than the sofa and he relaxed into the pillows. “Piddy?” he called out to her. “I dond wand you do ged sick.”
“Shh.” She said and stroked his arm with one hand. “I won’t get sick. But I do want you to let me take care of you, okay?”
Not that he could come up with any better solution, he shrugged. If she did get sick he would have to reciprocate. “Oday.”
With the lessening of the terror from his previous nightmare and the comforting presence of Piggy nearby, he felt like he could finally fall back asleep. Knowing better but caring less for the moment, he reached out both arms to her and gave her a good night hug. “Dank you.”
She whispered softly to him, “You’re welcome, Kermie.”
That was the last he heard before falling asleep in her arms.
~To be continued in Part 15