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Behind the Romance, There is Reality


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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*decides to hop up and down with excitment*

And please note this decision has nothing to do with needing the toliet

Beth C

Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2004
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Part 12, I think.. I'm losing track!


Piggy sat beside Kermit, worriedly touching his face with the back of her hand. He was hot, and getting hotter by the second. “Oh Kermie,” she said as she tried to wake him.

This was not a good thing. She played a vet in the skits but in reality, she had no real experience. Afraid of what was to come, she got up and made her way to the phone. She knew someone to call, at least.

She picked up the phone and dialed the number to Rowlf’s apartment. It rang twice before she heard him pick up with a quiet, “Hello?”

“Oh, Rowlf, you’ve got to help me!” She was watching Kermit from across the room. If he so much as moved, she was going to drop the phone and run over.

“Miss Piggy?” Rowlf questioned. “What’s wrong?”

“It’s Kermit,” she said and had to bite back her earlier tears. “He’s over here and he passed out on the floor.”

Rowlf could hear the edge of hysteria in her voice, and knew how melodramatic she could be. “Calm down, I’ll be right over.”

“Thank you, Rowlf,” she said and hung up.

Rowlf stared at the phone as the dial tone rang in his ear. Whatever was going on, if it had Piggy that worked up, it couldn’t be good. He made a quick call to Fozzie and informed the bear where he was going and to be on standby in case it was something serious, then set out for Piggy’s place.

Piggy went and got a washcloth from the bathroom and wet it with cool water. She returned to Kermit’s side, and found him breathing deeply but still with no sign of waking up. He was also shivering, probably from the fever, so she also went and got the quilt off her bed. She tucked it around him and then proceeded to wipe him down with the cool cloth.

She could feel the heat radiating through the thin folds of the fabric. Had he been sick all along and just refusing to show it? “Please wake up, Kermie,” she said quietly.

There was no response.

It seemed like forever before Rowlf showed up. When there came a knock on her door, she had jumped, and ran to answer it. When she saw him standing there, she dragged him inside, forgoing the greetings.

“Oh, Rowlf, I’m so worried. He won’t wake up!”

Rowlf knelt next to the couch and touched Kermit’s skin with one hand. She was right to be worried, for his froggy friend was indeed hot. “How long has he been this way?”

“Not long,” she answered and her breath began to hitch as the tears began. “We were out on the beach talking and then he said he was cold so we came back here. He passed out as soon as we got inside!”

Rowlf frowned at her. “Well, get control of yourself, then. You can’t help him if you’re a weeping mess.”

The tone of his voice shocked her, and she quickly quieted down.

“That’s better,” he said. “Now I want you to call Fozzie and tell him that we do have a problem and to get over here right away.” He took the cloth that Piggy had been using and wiped down Kermit’s head and neck. The first thing he had to do was to lower his friend’s temperature. “Once you’ve done that, I need you to call any 24 hour vet you can find. He needs to be looked at by someone who knows more than I do.”

Piggy ran for the phone and followed his instructions. She came back to see Kermit moving about slowly and mumbling something unintelligible. It was all she could do not to break out into sobs. “Kermie?”

“He’s regaining consciousness,” Rowlf said but didn’t stop sponging his friend off. “What did the vet say?”

“The vet is on the way, as is Fozzie,” she relayed then knelt next to the couch to take one of Kermit’s hands in hers. “Can you hear me, Kermie?”

He shifted around, mumbling again but did not open his eyes.

Long moments passed in which there was nothing anyone could do but sit and wait. Rowlf kept up his cooling down, and instructed Piggy to get a basin of cool water, which she did promptly. He had started to include Kermit’s chest and arms now.

By the time the vet and Fozzie showed up, Kermit was indeed much cooler but had yet to regain full consciousness. Piggy had let them in, and Rowlf had relinquished his spot to someone with more experience.

He explained the whole situation to Fozzie, who was wringing his hat through his hands in worry.

Piggy stood by the couch and waited as the vet examined Kermit. She wanted to push the man away, and just hold Kermit herself, but knew she had no experience in dealing with sick frogs.

The vet took Kermit’s temperature, pulse, and asked a few general questions of Piggy and her friends, before finally putting his things back into his black bag that doctors always seemed to carry.

“Miss Piggy?” he asked to get her attention which was focused on Fozzie and Rowlf talking across the room.

She snapped back to reality looking at the vet. “How is he? Will he be okay?”

The vet smiled, taking away some of her tension. “He’s going to be just fine, he’s just caught himself a very bad cold. He’s going to need a few days of bed rest, and he will probably feel miserable the whole time. Give him lots of fluids and these pills,” he reached into this bag to pull out a small container and handed it to her, “if his temperature climbs again. Other than that, just try to keep him as comfortable as possible.”

She nodded. “Thank you, Doctor.”

“You’re welcome,” he said and headed towards the door. “I’ll send my bill to the studio. Now you guys take care of him.” Then he left.

Now Piggy sat on the couch and lifted Kermit’s head into her lap. “Kermie, I’ll take good care of you,” she said as she stroked his cheek.

Rowlf and Fozzie approached the couch. “Don’t worry about the theater or the show.” He told her and Fozzie nodded. “We will handle that. Will you be alright now?”

She nodded, “I think so.”

“Call us if you need us,” Fozzie said. “We will be checking on him for the next few days.”

“Should we take him back to his home?” Piggy asked worriedly.

Rowlf shook his head. “Nah, I think it’s better than he stay here. His place is kinda nippy compared to this.”

She nodded in agreement. “I’ll call you then if I need anything. Thanks, guys for coming by.”

They smiled at her then left.

Piggy looked down into Kermit’s still-closed eyes. “I’ll take good care of you, Kermie.”

She only hoped that statement was true.


~To be continued in Part 13


Active Member
Feb 9, 2004
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Excellent story- it keeps getting better and better. I'm eagerly awaiting the next chapter.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Oh, ohhh. Need more. At least you don't have teh plot inconcistance's of mine. I went and stuck one cahracter in two places at once. Am I stupid, or what?

Beth C

Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2004
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Nah, you're not. I just re-read over each part before I post it and try like heck not to mess up! I'm loving your story, Beau. Did ya get my email about posting it on my site?

I could do a pretty picture.. :wink:

~Beth C

To everyone else.. look for an update soon! Really soon.. We gotta get Kermit well, right?


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I don't got your e-mail yet, but I have to go to bed now, so I'll check in zee morning.

C Ya

(and I'll have to find some other time we're both on to send you 'Halfway Down...')

Beth C

Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2004
Reaction score

Kermit awoke slowly, his head feeling like someone was pounding upon it with a mallet. He reached up to brush away the offending object, but found instead a pair of hands touching him gently.

He opened his eyes to see a blurry figure hovering over him. He attempted to focus his vision, but that only served to increase the pounding sensation. He groaned and rolled over. The groaning now advised him that his throat was dry, scratchy and sore.

He wished the blackness would take him away again, but that was not to be the case. He could feel something soft and warm covering him, and he snuggled into it, grateful for at least this one piece of comfort.

Piggy watched as Kermit struggled, then carefully reached out and caressed his cheek. “Kermie?”

She heard another groan and a mumble. “Kermie?” she asked again, not sure if he was fully awake or just dozing.

Kermit licked his lips and attempted to speak, hoping this would work better than his attempt to see. “Piggy?” he croaked miserably.

“Yes, Kermie, I’m right here.” She said as she straightened the quilt covering him. “Can I get you anything?”

“Water,” he said hoarsely, dying for anything cool to quench the burning fire in his throat.

He heard her get up and leave the room, only to return a few minutes later.

“Come now, I’ll help you sit.” He felt arms go around his chest and lift him gently into a sitting position.

He chanced to open his eyes again and the room swam before him. He reached out one hand to steady himself and soon the world solidified into something he could at least recognize. He felt the water glass being pressed into his hand and the took a few grateful sips, relishing the coolness as he swallowed.

“Ugh.” He groaned as he attempted to push the glass back into her hand.

She took it from him and placed it on the coffee table. Reaching over she picked up the quilt and draped it across his back. He had started shivering slightly as the cool water had hit his system.

“Piggy?” he moaned slightly then started to lean over, unable to keep himself upright as the room started to swim. She quickly sat next to him and let him lean against her, using one arm to hold and comfort him.

“I’m right here, Kermie.” She adjusted the quilt again until he was swaddled against her, nestled in a cocoon of warmth.

The effort to stay conscious was too much for him and he felt his eyes sliding shut against his will. He was tired, so exhaustingly tired. She felt good to him, nice and warm and soft. He allowed himself to relax against her, “That’s nice.” He said sleepily.

“Shh.” She soothed and rubbed his back until he was snoring against her. She was content for the moment to just allow him to rest. There was nothing in the world she wanted more right then. Just having Kermit near her was plenty. “Feel better soon, my love,” she said sweetly and kissed the top of his head.

Kermit just snuggled closer and continued to dream.


He awoke again hours later to find himself laying flat on the couch, the pounding in his head replaced with what appeared to be cement. He found his nose blocked and breathing difficult.

He coughed and winced as the fire in his throat flared up. He moaned miserably. “Piddy?” He tried to call out for the one he knew had to be in the room, but his voice came out as a whisper. His attempt to clear his throat didn’t do much but aggravate the soreness.

He heard a toilet flush and then a door open. “Piddy?” he tried again, reaching one hand out into the cool air.

“Oh! Kermie!” he heard her respond and walk over to him. “You’re awake.”

He nodded slightly, finding movement a bit easier than speech. “Wader.” He said and pointed to the general direction of the coffee table.

She helped him sit and noticed that his temperature was up again as his heated skin touched hers. When his eyes opened, she smiled at him. “I’m right here, Kermie.”

He nodded again. “I see.” She placed the glass of water into his hand and he took a few swallows, feeling a bit like he was burning from the inside out.

“Kermie?” she said as she uncapped a bottle of pills. “I need you to swallow two of these. Do you think you can? They will bring your temperature down.” She shook out two small white pills and capped the bottle again.

He looked at them miserably. “I’ll dry,” he said and then attempted to sniff through blocked sinuses.

She placed the pills in his hand and watched as he popped them into his mouth and followed them with a gulp of the water.

It was like swallowing boulders, for the feel of them on his inflamed throat was not a pleasant one. It took two tries for him to get them to go down and he groaned at the effort.

“My poor Kermie,” she said as she held him close.

He finished up the water and handed her back the empty glass. “Dank you.”

She took the glass from him and replaced it with a handful of tissues. “Here, honey. Try to blow to clear the congestion.”

He frowned down at the tissues. Blow? He could barely take air into his body, let alone blow it out.

She clucked her tongue as she watched him, then took them from him and pressed the soft squares against his face herself. “Come on, love. Blow gently.”

He tried, with little results. He was blocked completely.

“Try again,” she encouraged.

He took in a deeper breath of air through his mouth and put forth a bit more effort, and this time managed to clear some of the fluid blocking his small nasal passages.

“Wonderful.” She said sweetly at his effort and wiped the small nose flaps that were on the outside of his face. “You did great, honey.”

He nodded, and was thankful for the help. He could breathe a bit better, but he still felt like his head was being used as a concrete block. “Dank you.”

“Is there anything I can get you?” She asked him, watching as he swayed miserably. Sitting up was definitely something he should not be attempting for long periods, she decided. “Would you like to lie down again?”

Instead of answering, she felt him lean towards her and practically fall into her lap. “Jusd led me sleedp.” He said drowsily and closed his eyes, but not before patting her leg softly.

She smiled. He could sleep all day and night on her lap. Whatever it took, she was going to take the best care of him that she could. She rubbed his back through the quilt and had to smile again. Nothing felt more right to her than this. Now she could feel just how good they were together.

Why did they always have to fight?


~To be continued in Part 14