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Behind the Romance, There is Reality

Beth C

Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2004
Reaction score
*Fanfare please! The next part is UP!*


The next morning Piggy awoke to find Kermit buried beneath the covers, his head off the pillow and laying flat on the sheets. He had one arm tucked under his head slightly and the other one was lying across Piggy’s middle.

She sighed lightly. Now this was a nice way to wake up. She could do this every day for the rest of her life. Part of her wanted to reach around and pull him closer, but she knew that might wake him and he really needed his rest.

She reached over and tested his skin with one hand. He was cool. She was glad of that, for now she wouldn’t have to wake him to take his pills. As she listened to his breathing, she could hear his congestion with each intake of air.

Well, that wasn’t going to change overnight.

She knew today she was going to have to get Kermit to eat a little something, even if it was broth, for he hadn’t really eaten much yesterday. He had to keep his fluids up too, or he would become dehydrated.

She felt him shift beside her and watched as he tried to get comfortable. He rolled one way and then the other, releasing his hold over her before rolling back to his first position and coughing slightly.

She gently lifted his head a bit and slid the pillow underneath. He seemed to find that comfortable enough for he pressed his head back and sighed. He also had reached out for her and pulled himself closer to her warmth.

Yes indeed, this was nice. Piggy didn’t move at all, preferring to just watch him sleep. She lay there, memorizing every curve of his face, the way he would smile slightly as he dreamed, the way his body was so relaxed beneath the covers.

If there was a Heaven on Earth, Piggy was sure this was part of it. Nothing felt more right to her than being in the arms of the one she loved. She closed her eyes and rested next to him, never wanting this morning to end, but knowing that soon enough it would. About 45 minutes later, he stirred again, this time chancing to open his eyes.

He saw Piggy sleeping next to him and was embarrassed about the way he was holding her. Sure it felt good and he was pretty darn sure she didn’t mind, but still, they hadn’t made up fully after their last fight and he shouldn’t be clutching her like this.

He went to lift his arms up and heard her stir. “Please don’t.” she said quietly and opened her eyes.

He coughed lightly and swallowed before answering her. “Piddy, dis is nod ridt.”

“It feels right, Kermit, can’t you tell?” she replied and stroked one of his arms with a finger. The sensation made goosebumps appear on his arms and he shivered but not from cold.

He sniffed some and tried to explain why it wasn’t right, although she did have a point. “Id may have beed ridt at one dime, Piddy,” he said, hoping she could understand his congested speech. “Bud now, we arndt togeder, we shoudn’t be cuddling like dis.”

To his surprise, she nodded and let him go. “I know,” she sighed. “Just for a moment, I wanted to experience what it would be like. I’m sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable.” She moved away from him and lifted the covers as she got out of the bed. “I’m going to get dressed, I want you to relax and stay warm. I’ll get something for you to drink.”

He was both relieved to see her not fighting him, but sorry that she did give up so easily. He watched her select some clothes from her closet and leave the room.

He wasn’t sure if it was his illness that was making him feel so needy but he really wished she had put a bit more effort into the discussion. His side of the bed now felt cold and lonely and he scooted over to the warm spot she had just left. He closed his eyes and could almost feel her again, her warm arms providing the comfort he needed so badly.

“Sdop fooding yourdelf, Kermid.” He said to the empty room. “Id is bedder if she knows dow how you feel.” The problem was, he wasn’t sure how he felt right now. He was sick, and he really wanted to feel better so he could sort out the rest of his feelings.

She came back into the room a bit later, carrying a tray that had some food and drinks on it. He smiled when he saw her, and felt his stomach rumble at the sight of the food.

She placed the tray across his lap, letting him choose from the items upon it what he wanted. She had brought some fresh fruit, juice, toast, and some pastries that he normally enjoyed.

She was happy to see him dive into the meal, knowing that as long as his appetite was good, he was in no danger of getting any sicker. He sipped at the juice then finished another slice of toast. “Aredn’t you goidg do ead?”

“Don’t worry about me, Kermie,” she said. “I had something while I was getting your food ready.”

He nodded, then finished off a slice of orange that she had peeled and set into sections on the plate. Once he was done eating all he could, he pushed the plate aside. “Ah, dat was good.” He wiped his mouth and hands on the napkin and laid it across the plate. “Dank you.”

“You rest now, Kermie and I’ll go clean up the kitchen. I’ll be back when I’m done to check on you.” She tucked him under the covers.

He pulled one hand up and stopped her from leaving. “Pleade, don’t be long.” He didn’t know why he said that, just that he didn’t want to be alone in this room.

“I won’t,” she said and tucked his arm back under the blanket before picking up the tray and leaving.

He was satiated now and terribly sleepy, but he didn’t want to fall back asleep until she returned. He passed the minutes stroking her pillow and thinking about the way he had woken up. Sure, he wanted to do it again. Who wouldn’t? Having a comforting presence nearby when you woke was much better than waking up in a cold bed alone.

But was he being fair to her? Did he want to stir the romantic pot that bubbled between them? To bring those emotions back to the surface now might be more than he was able to handle. He sighed again and pulled her pillow close to his body. He rested his head upon it and continued to mull over his feelings until, unable to stop it, he fell asleep holding on to what he considered to be his source of comfort and dreaming about her.


To be continued in chapter 16

Beth C

Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2004
Reaction score

Piggy came back into the room to find him sleeping again. She smiled at the way he was holding her pillow. He looked so cute while sleeping.

She left the room again, this time cracking open the door, and was going to sit out in the living room to watch some TV when a knock came on her door.

She opened it to find Rowlf there, holding a covered pot.

“Hello, Rowlf.” She greeted him and stepped aside to let him in.

Rowlf entered and nodded to the pot. “I’ve brought you some chicken soup. I thought it might help. How’s Kermit?” He looked towards the couch and frowned when he saw it was empty.

Piggy took the pot from him and brought it into the kitchen. She came back out and indicated that Rowlf should take a seat.

He did, and she sat on the couch, pushing the quilt aside. “Kermit’s sleeping right now, he had a rough night.”

“Aw, I’m sorry to hear that. Is there anything I can do?” he offered.

She fingered the quilt, knowing it would be better if Kermit was kept warmer than the thin blanket on her bed. “Um, if it wouldn’t be a bother, do you think you could take this quilt to be washed?”

“No problem,” he said with a small smile. “Tell Kermit when he wakes not to worry about tonight’s show. We have it all in hand.”

“Do you need Moi there?” Piggy asked, knowing that she should at least try to do her skits.

He shook his head and his ears flopped. “Nah, unless you really want to be there. I’d feel better myself if you stayed with Kermit.”

“Thank you, Rowlf,” she said.

He stood and accepted the quilt from her. “Always a pleasure, Piggy. I’ll be back soon with this all cleaned for you.”

She bid him goodbye and he left. It was less than ten minutes later when another knock on her door came. This time it was Robin. “Hello, Miss Piggy. Is Uncle Kermit awake?”

“No, Robin, he’s sleeping.”

He looked a bit disappointed but held out a piece of paper. “Well, when he wakes can you give this to him?”

She took the paper and found it to be a hand-drawn get well card. “Certainly, Robin. I’m sure it will make him feel better to know you are thinking about him.”

The small frog brightened at her words. “Thank you, Miss Piggy. I’ll go now so he can rest.”

She watched him skip off down the hall and marveled at his energy. Was Kermit ever that bouncy at that stage? She closed the door and placed the card on the counter.

It was nice that his friends were thinking about him. She knew that she was going to need their help as she really didn’t want to leave Kermit’s side.

Not until he was well.


Over the course of the next 3 days, she did her best to nurse him. She had to help him with the meals, helped him to and from the bathrooms so he could bathe, she held him when his temperature rose, and comforted him with his nightmares.

She wiped the sweat from his brow, held the tissues for his sneezes, stroked his back and arms when he complained that they were sore. She whispered words of comfort to put him to sleep and made sure he was warm.

She greeted his friends and accepted what help she could from them. Gonzo was bringing over copies of tapes of the show, so Kermit could be kept up to date. He would watch each show while being held by Piggy, nodding and noting that all their friends were doing a good job of keeping the show going without him. Granted the ratings weren’t as high as they could have been but neither were they the lowest they had ever been.

Fozzie brought over magazines, and books to read. He would stand in the doorway worriedly twisting his hat in his hands, asking about Kermit. Piggy could tell he was really worried, and tried to reassure the bear that Kermit was indeed getting better.

Bunsen and Beaker dropped by with a contraption that was supposed to keep the air in the room moist and help with Kermit’s congestion. When it was plugged in it did quite the opposite, drying out the air until the room felt like a desert, then exploded, filling the room with black smoke.

Beaker had meeped and ducked down into his lab coat, trying to explain with all his meep meme meeping that she had set it up wrong. Bunsen had to fan the smoke out the window while Piggy tried to keep Kermit from choking. Suffice it to say, she didn’t bother with the machine after that.

Rowlf was the biggest help of all, as he continued to bring over food and even brought over some of Kermit’s clothes. He would sit and talk to Piggy, even checked on Kermit personally before offering his help again and then leaving politely.

The other muppets contributed as well. Beauregard kept bringing up flowers until Piggy said that there was plenty of them in her living room and Kermit would not been needing any more get well gifts.

Suffice it to say after the three days had passed, Piggy was exhausted. Taking care of Kermit and his well wishing friends had drained her. The only thing she looked forward to was the nights that she would get to spend sleeping next to him.

Even with the clean quilt, Kermit had not returned to the couch. He allowed Piggy to keep him in the bed, for it was the least he could do for all her help. He knew she enjoyed the moments they spent together, curled up in peaceful slumber.

His congestion cleared after the fourth day, and he could get up from bed for hours at a time without feeling dizzy or sleepy. His cold had been reduced to the occasional sneeze or a cough. He was feeling much more like his old self.

Which brought up a new problem for him to face. He was going to have to leave her condo soon, and get back to his life. He was dreading the moment he had to leave, and he couldn’t figure out why.

At one point he had gotten up out of the bed to check on what was taking Piggy so long to come back when he found her passed out on the sofa, the TV on but unwatched. He had stroked her face gently, then leaned down, and much like the fairytale, kissed her gently to wake her up.

Her eyes had slid open at the touch, and he smiled at her, then escorted her back to bed where he tucked her down for a good rest. She had protested until he crawled up next to her. Then she fell right to sleep.

Once she had awoken from the nap, he guessed it was time for them to have the dreaded talk about the future. He put down the magazine he had been reading. “Did you sleep well?”

She propped herself up on one arm, “Well enough, thank you.”

“Well, you certainly needed the rest.” He fiddled with the covers, trying to find a way to broach the subject. “Um, Piggy,” he started to say.

“How are you feeling?” She interrupted him, touching his forehead gently.

He moved her hands away. “I’m much better, but Piggy, we need to talk.”

She nodded. “I’m guessing here, this is the part where you tell me that you don’t need me anymore and thanks for the help, blah, blah, blah.” She moved away from him to sit up, leaning against her pillow. “Well, let me save you the time. You’re welcome, I was happy to do it, and when you are ready, you can go.”

He could hear the undercurrent of disappointment in her tone. Was that what she really thought? “No, Piggy, that’s not it,” he began, then shook his head. Who was he lying to now? Himself, that’s who. “Well, actually its part of it, but there is more.”

“There is?”

He nodded. “I do want to thank you for being there for me, but I also want to tell you that even though I was sick I enjoyed what you did for me. There are not many people that would do the things you did.” He scooted himself a bit closer, and gave her a reassuring hug. “I may have to leave, but I’ve decided that I don’t want to be gone from your life completely.” He took a deep breath and plunged in. “I’m willing to give you another chance.”

She did a double take as her heart speeded up. It was all she could do not to start jumping up and down with excitement. “Oh, Kermie!” She planted a kiss right on the top of his head. “Thank you, thank you. I’m so happy now.”

He could clearly see that. “Calm down, Piggy. Just to make sure you understand, we are going to take this slowly this time. The wedding isn’t back on, but we are. Do you understand?” He waited for her reaction to this bit of news, pretty sure that she was going to express her displeasure at that.

He felt her settle down. “Mmm-hmm. I know. Right now I’m just happy that you are willing to see me. Taking care of you these past few days has had Moi thinking as well. I realize now that I don’t need fancy flowers, swans, or expensive cards.” She reached over and took one of his hands in her own. “What I need in my life is you.”

He blushed. “Aww, Piggy, that is so sweet.”

“It’s true.”

Now he felt like he had finally done something right. Maybe this time it would work. Maybe this time it would finally be the way it was supposed to be between them. He knew he loved her, and she loved him. They were supposed to be together, for why else would he have these feelings that ran too deep for him to describe? He gave her hand a small squeeze. “And I need you.”

The kiss that followed was sweeter than any other he had ever shared with her.


~To be continued in Part 17


Active Member
Feb 9, 2004
Reaction score
Oh no! Our fearless storyteller has abandoned us! Just kidding.
However, I am eagerly awaiting the next installment of your story!

Beth C

Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2004
Reaction score
I'm still here.. still working on the next part. AND I'm getting pictures of something for ya..

Yes, the next chapter will have PICS to go with it. (How's that grab ya?)

So I had to stop writing for a small wee bit.

But do not fear.. the story is not over yet. :wink:

~Beth C

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
Reaction score
You're making this into a big thing, sister! Maybe Henson---er, Dizzy---should just publish this thing with the pictures and everything!

Okay, ready for more story.

BTW: I caught cold like Kermit Saturday night...not at a beach, though; but, in a hot hotel while performing as a Ghostbuster, went outside to cool down too many times. blah.

Convincing John

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2003
Reaction score
This story ROCKS!!! MORE! MORE!!!

"Oh, pretty please with cream and sugar on top?"-:smile:

Convincing John

Beth C

Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2004
Reaction score
Hi guys,

Normally, I'd post an update at this time, but today was terrible. I had to pull a 12 hr shift at work and when I got home I found out one of my AOL screen names had been used to spam some 500 emails. ICK!

I had to sit and unsend as many as possible. :eek:

So now I'm way too tired to type, and my brain stopped working after the first 250 emails.

So, please, forgive me. I'll get the next part up tomorrow night. Gotta love working. :frown: It just takes away all my fun.

~Beth C

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
Reaction score
Beth, I hope you called AOL about your screenname being used for spam; they can tell you how to keep it from happening in the future.