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Behind the Romance, There is Reality

Beth C

Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2004
Reaction score
Well, I called them, and was sitting on hold for like 20 minutes on my cell phone.

I gave up after that. I tried online help. They told me to email TOS (Terms of Service)

I got a canned reply. (Form Letter)

I was logged on my laptop at the time. I'll just run a virus checker. Or just stay off the internet on the laptop until it's fixed. :boo:

I'm still working on the story! So hang on guys. It's coming.

~Beth C

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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So, um, what about the REST OF THE STORY!? HELLLOOOOO?! :frown:

Beth C

Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2004
Reaction score
I fell behind. :frown: I didn't forget, just haven't had much time to type it up. I promise it will be up this weekend.


~Beth C

Beth C

Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2004
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Click Links For Pics :smile:


Two months later he stood in front of Fozzie’s blue jeep. “Piggy?” He called out to her. “Piggy?”

She poked her head around from the other side of it. “Yes, Kermie?”

“Are you all packed?” He lifted up his sleeping bag and carried it around to the back. “Are you done yet?”

She stuffed her pink sleeping bag into the back of the jeep. “Moi thinks so. I packed the cooler, the blankets, the sleeping bag, extra food, fresh water, ummm…” she said thinking of all the things she had already stuffed into the small trunk space.

“Piggy,” Kermit groaned. “We are just going camping for a weekend, not a month in the wilderness.” He had to twist his backpack to get it to fit. Piggy had packed so much stuff that he was afraid it was going to spill out onto the road if he hit any heavy bumps.

“It’s the same thing.” She told him as she put on her hat. “Moi doesn’t want us to have to be without anything we might need.”

He finally got his sleeping bag to stay. With one hand he secured the remainder of their stuff and with the other picked up his guitar. His banjo had finally worn out beyond all repair, and he had picked up the guitar after John Denver had last visited the show. He preferred his banjo, but the guitar was not too bad. At least it wasn’t electric.

He hooked the guitar on an inside hook and then climbed into the driver’s seat. He noticed that Piggy was still standing outside the car. “Well?”

She glared at the car door. She tapped her foot. And glared again.

“Sheesh.” He muttered then got out to open up her door for her. She gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek. “Well Moi is a woman, after all.”

He shook his head and closed the door then again got behind the wheel. “Can we leave now?” (pic)

“But of course!” She waved to the other muppets standing outside the theater. “We will be back soon. Kissy, kissy.”

“Kermit, be careful not to scratch the paint.” Fozzie said while touching the side of the car. “I just had it waxed.”

“I’ll be careful.” Kermit reassured him. He reached over and turned the key and the engine roared to life.

They waved goodbye and soon were on their way. (pic)

“Oh, Kermie, this is going to be so romantic,” she said to him, a twinkle in her eye. “Just me and vous under the starry sky, a campfire blazing and nature all around us.”

He glanced over to see her staring at him dreamily. “Umm,” he cleared his throat, “yeah, that’s about it.”

It only took him two hours to drive to the campsite, and he parked the jeep. They unloaded pretty quickly, and set up camp. Piggy took care of getting all the food ready, and he set up the sleeping bags and gathered the logs for the fire. (pic)

The sun was setting as they sat down for dinner. “You know, Piggy, you’ve surprised me.” He took a sip from a canteen of water.

“I have?” She finished off her sandwich and wiped her mouth. “Why do you say that?”

“Well, because, I really wasn’t sure what to expect from you, ever since that fight about our wedding.” He passed her over the canteen and accepted a bag of chips from her. “You have been so sweet to me, it’s almost like I don’t really know you. You haven’t tried to make me jealous at all, nor do you try to get me to stick by your side all the time anymore.”

She laughed lightly. “Isn’t this what you wanted, Kermie?” Her face fell as a thought occurred to her. “Or did I misread you?”

He put his food down and sat closer to her. “No, no, It just feels different is all.” He reassured her. “I just feel like I’m seeing another side of you, one that you had never shown anyone before.”

She was about to respond to him when a stick landed in her lap. “What the??” Kermit had jumped up and was looking around.

A large brown, white and black puppy came bounding out of the nearby woods. He went to sit by Piggy’s feet, his tail wagging eagerly as he stared at the stick. She picked up the slimy thing and threw it. “Ewwww.”

He bounded after it and then returned, dropping it at her feet. “Kermit! Make him go away!” She got up and moved away.

The dog followed her.

Kermit had to stifle a laugh. He whistled to get the dog’s attention and waved a hot dog in the air. “Want this, boy. Come here, boy.”

The dog’s ears perked up and he bounded over to where Kermit was. He sat up and begged.

Kermit had to laugh. “Look, he knows tricks. He must have had an owner at one time.” He tossed the hot dog down at the dog’s feet. As he petted the animal, he saw that there was no collar or tags.

“Well,” Piggy was huffing. “Maybe he should go find his owner and leave us alone.” She dusted off her shorts. “He’s making a mess over here.”

“I don’t think he has one anymore,” Kermit replied as he fed the dog another bite of hot dog. “There is no collar or tags.”

“Wonderful.” Piggy grunted, not at all happy about their interruption.

“Aw, Piggy, come on. You don’t really want him to go away, do you?” It was obvious that he liked the puppy. The dog was now laying across his lap.

“Alright, he can stay.” She muttered and sat back down. Once she did the dog as if hearing that, leapt up from his spot and went to sit by Piggy. He licked her cheek once and she grimaced. “Eww, doggie germs.”

Kermit had to laugh at that and went to start the fire. The sun was setting and the chill of night would soon be upon them. “We need to give him a name.”

“Name? I said he could stay tonight, I didn’t say we were adopting him.” She picked up a small ball and rolled it towards the dog. He happily used his head to roll it back to her. (pic)

Kermit had started to see a wisp of smoke on the logs. He blew on it a few times until the spark caught and the fire started. “We can discuss that tomorrow, Piggy. Still we can’t call him ‘hey dog’ all night.”

“What do you suggest then? The only dog Moi has ever had was Foo-Foo.” She frowned at the new dog. “You are definitely not a Foo-Foo.”

“How about Frisky? He certainly is that.” Kermit suggested.

“He’s also a pest,” Piggy said under her breath. “How about Bandit?”

Kermit shook his head. “Nah, that doesn’t seem right.” The dog was now finishing up Kermit’s bag of chips. “Why don’t we just call him Chips?”

“Fine, that works for me.” Piggy sighed. Chips was now licking his lips and looking for more food. “No more for you.” She packed up the rest of the food. “You’ll eat everything we have left.”

The fire was now blazing merrily and Kermit picked up his guitar. He strummed a few bars then began to sing: (pic)

It's a song that every heart can sing,
It's a voice we all can hear.
It's the song of love, it's the voice of hope,
It's a new world drawing near.
Feel the earth so wise, so wonderful,
As she wakes to make things new.
See the same blue sky for me, for you,
See the same dream coming true.

For an hour. For a day.
We will share the time we can.
All the world, fresh and new,
We will hold within our hands.

When I look through your eyes,
I can see a different view:
All your joys, all your dreams,
That you want the same things, too.

Hope for peace in the world,
Must begin with you and me.
It will spread; it will grow,
Until every heart is free.

The melody tapered off and Piggy sighed. “Oh Kermie, that was nice.”

He smiled at her and sang a few more traditional songs, Home on the Range, Grandma’s Featherbed and then, as the night fell, he ended his sing along by singing this one song:

May all your dreams bloom like daisies in the sun
May you always have stars in your eyes
May you not stop running not until your race is run
And may you always have blue skies

A dream is something you can make to keep within your heart
To build on when you're sad, or when you're world's been torn apart
A dream is something all your own that no one else can steal
A dream is something you can make come real

May all your dreams bloom likes daisies in the sun
May you always have stars in your eyes
May you not stop running not until your race is run
And may you always have blue skies

You can share a laugh with any stranger you may meet
You can share your money...with a beggar on the street
But you can only share a dream when love has set it free
Please won't you share yours with me.

He placed the guitar down now, next to his sleeping bag as the last strains of the melody lingered on.

Chips was now asleep in front of the campfire, happily snoring away. Piggy got out a bag of marshmallows. “Care to toast a few with me, Kermie?”

He picked up two sticks. “Sure.”

She placed the marshmallows on them and he put his arm around her as they reached the sticks towards the fire. He could smell her perfume as they roasted the sticky chunks of gooey sugar in the flames. “I’m glad we came here, Piggy.” (pic)

“Me too, Kermie,” she said as she pulled one of her marshmallows off and popped it in her mouth.

He ate one of his. “These would be better with chocolate and graham crackers.”

“Oh really?” she smirked at him and then pulled out both of the ingredients from the cooler. “You think Moi doesn’t know about smores?”

After the nighttime snack they both snuggled up in their sleeping bags. Chips had crawled between them and was again sleeping. “Piggy, lets do this again sometime soon. I can’t get enough of nights like this with you.”

She reached over and took his hand as she snuggled against him. “Me either, Kermie. I love you.” (pic)

The stars twinkled overhead as they fell asleep, under the black velvet of the night.


~To be continued in Part 18


Beth C

Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2004
Reaction score
Just a quick post to let y'all know I'm not going to wait a whole week to update again.

I'll try to get the next part up by Wed. Not sure if there will be pics this time, depends on if I can work them into the story.

~Beth C

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
Reaction score
This is really cute! Love the pics, too. I love this story.

Beth C

Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2004
Reaction score
I know I said I would update.. but I just got suckered into working late this week at work. :frown: Good money, but it eats up all my free time.

~Beth C

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
Reaction score
That's when you sneak around and write at work and then email the results to yourself at home.

Not that I would ever do a thing like that...(I say as I play at MC from work all day long).

Beth C

Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2004
Reaction score
I got in trouble the last time I tried to write at work. I"m in the Cafe now, and I only get 15 mins on the computer. Not enough time to write.


~Beth C


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2003
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soooo, is there ever gonna be a new instalation?