Ken, is the Chef's final hair color going to be as shown on and your icon?
Yes, with minor changes. We may address the lightening of the hair when Series 3 is ready to got through painting reviews at the factory.
Would this be further security concerns about Beaker? Someone else had problems getting their Muppet labs through airport security.
Perhaps it's because Beaker and Bert have the same general hairstyle...and we all remember the Bert-Bin Laden posters, right?
Sorry...Beaker wasn't in the suitcase.
BTW when can we see pics of Statler and Waldorf, my most anticipated figures?!?!
We'll probably show them and just about everything else for the year around Toy Fair in February.
My first question is, you arm wrestle Bill Barretta. Who would win?
Bill. He works with a puppet all day. I figure he has the arm strength.
Next question. This arm wrestling competition turns into a fight. Bill has Godzilla on his side. Who do you want on your side?
My ex-girlfriend Carrie. She could continually beetch at Godzilla and easily subdue him with her mutant Annoyance Factor.
Oops. Since my above post, I've come to realize that one of the concerns is that Janice's arms will be molded to only look good if she's holding a guitar, so I guess what I typed is known. Oh well.
To me, being a collector of McFarlane Toys, having that type of mold wouldn't bother me. I'm used to figures that only look good in a certain pose
The jury is far from finished as far as what we will do with her arms. Heck, most of these Muppet figures have a ton of joints added after it gets to Asia.