Having said that, and knowing that it's probably a moot point, i would like to suggest possibly a thin shaft of whatever metal you can use in each of the legs.
Th only way to insert ANY metal or other material would be for the legs to have spru holes in the back of the legs. Would you want the aesthetic of the figure altered in that fashion? If I were to insert metal, it would by its nature be bendable. What I'll have to do is just try to use the hardest plastics I can there if there is no inserted pieces.
Also, i'm curious...thinner usually means "less stable". Will Janice have a stand of any kind, even though she's coming with the playset? or will her feet/balance be enough that it's not necessary?
It wouldn't be inconceivable that she have a stand, she might need one because she will be difficult to stand up. I want to work her out so she can stand on her own, but if for some reason she can't then yeah I would be inclined to toss something like a base in there. But the primary goal would still be to just get the legs to work!
Lastly, how does it feel to be back in the good old (air contitioned) US of A? were there any problems traveling back into the country that close to 9/11? (was it actually ON 9/11?) just wondered if you had any stories.
No real stories, although security was tighter. In every security checkpoint I had to take my portable hard drive out to be bomb sniffed by those little swabs they rub on them. When I arrived at the HK airport, I had to explain what the MEGA Muppet prototypes were because I had four sculpt prototypes of future ones packed in my bags. Had to pull out my card, explain that I was in the toy business and explain what they were made out of, cause some of the parts I guess were large and suspicious.
As for the air conditioned US, I will say this...great to be back home. No place like it!