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Arthur - Where is the Show Going?


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Yeesh. Syndication edits... that ain't right...
It depends on what masters these companies get. Lionsgate ALWAYS had access to crappy masters (look at any TMNT set but the first), at least ONE episode looks like it was taped off a bad tape... like a bootleg. And official bootleg. I remember reading on series had to have the syndication cuts due to some idiotic rights hiccup, but I guess part of the others are access to certain masters that's the problem.

BUT Mill Creak's re-release of sitcoms (Roseanne, That 70's Show, and Third Rock) are uncut. They even boast that on the packaging... and for less money. It sounds like a commercial, but I'm pretty shocked.

Though 3rd Rock's the only one I'd actually get.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Okay, so Season 15 started this week... now, ocrrect me if I'm wrong, but didn't I read like a couple of years ago or so that Season 15 would be the last?

Either way, I'm reading the synopsises for the new episodes, and once again, I find myself saying to myself, "Those writers have so run out of ideas..." take the details of today's new episode for example...

TV Guide said:
"New, "I Wanna Hold Your Hand; Whistling in the Wind", (2011), Binky's caught doing an uncool thing at the mall: holding his mother's hand; Tommy and Timmy Tibbles look and act the same, but Tommy can whistle while Timmy can't. (Educational).


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Okay, so Season 15 started this week... now, ocrrect me if I'm wrong, but didn't I read like a couple of years ago or so that Season 15 would be the last?
Aparently not... there's gonna be at least 2 more seasons... they're in production right now.

Either way, I'm reading the synopsises for the new episodes, and once again, I find myself saying to myself, "Those writers have so run out of ideas..." take the details of today's new episode for example...
I gotta admit... YES! YES YES YES! But I am looking forward to some of the other episodes. I dunno if we have to wait until April, but I am desperately looking forward to the broadcast premier of "Muffy's Book Club." That was one of the funniest ones I've seen in a while.

I will say that Whistling episode does have some insight as to why Grandma Tibble never really disciplines the Twins that hard.... you have to see it to see what I mean.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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I will say that Whistling episode does have some insight as to why Grandma Tibble never really disciplines the Twins that hard.... you have to see it to see what I mean.
Well shoot, I mean that's something we lerned in Grade 3... grandparents simply never say no... they just don;'t... kids ask their parents for something or whatnot, they say no, but kids know they can ask their grandparents for that same something, and they say yes. Arthur had figured that our waaaaay back during Season One, when he figured since hisparents wouldn';t get him Moon Boots, or let him have the money for the Moon Boots, he'll just as Grandma Thora, because SHE wouldn't say know... unfortunately, she already was made aware of Arthur's desires, and HAD to say no to him that time.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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She seems very reluctant to put forth any discipline, yet she is trying very hard to conceal the fact she doesn't actually like their behavior/she's finally seeing what everyone else sees them as.

Of course, the episode where they try to learn manners so they can go to the same Restaurant D.W. had to learn to like Spinach for, you could tell that also.

It's like she wants to do something but then she doesn't.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Aparently not... there's gonna be at least 2 more seasons... they're in production right now.
Ohhh... end it... just end it now, please... between the lack of decent kid voice actors for Arthur and D.W. and others, and the writers obviously being out of ideas and such... just end the show and out it out of its misery.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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It's like how I feel about the Simpsons.

When they recently had that actor pay decrease threat, the show was about to face cancellation no matter if the actors accepted or not (if they accepted, there would only have been one more year). Now, I'm one of those guys who wants the show to end because it hasn't been great for years.. sure, there would be the occasional great episode followed up with a meh one. Then again, I can't really face a future without the show. So I want it to end, but I don't want it to end too soon.

Same with Arthur... some of the new episodes are strange... friends of friends of Arthur or his sister get the show... you can go an entire episode without even seeing Arthur say more than a line (to quote Stretch from Casper of why the show's called Casper if he's barely in it "MOICHANDISIN'!)... but I don't want to see the show end quite yet. There have been some funny episodes in season 14/15. Mostly Muffy based ones (the book club one is too funny for words)... and there are some well written episodes... but then you get "In My Africa" (blehhh!)


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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I too have found myself comparing Arthur to Simpsonsfor similar reasons like that...

And I had heard something about that pay decrease thing, but I hadn't gotten all the details, I remember thinking, "Am I aimagining things? The Simpsons finally coming to an end?"

Iused to worry about the idea of a Simpsons finale beating the record of the M*A*S*H finale being the most-watched TV program of all-time... but sadly, the last three Super Bowls have dethroned that record already.

Sgt Floyd

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2006
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I've been saying the Simpsons should have ended years ago. The Simpsons and Arthur are suffering from staleness and "We've done it all, so what do we do now?" syndrome.

While I was upset King of the Hill was cancelled, it probably was better to go out while the show was still decent than wait for it to implode on itself.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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While I was upset King of the Hill was cancelled, it probably was better to go out while the show was still decent than wait for it to implode on itself.
King of the Hill was a very good show, but I really don't think it could have sustained itself past when it ended. Simpsons and Family Guy make money... KOTH didn't even sell enough DVD's to keep the entire series on there... the merchandising didn't materialize (the action figures sucked. You had to wait until series 2 for Boomhauer, Hank didn't come with Propane OR propane accessories). Plus, the show was repeating itself pretty bad the last couple seasons... something happens Hank doesn't like, either Bobby, Peggy or Bill get sucked in... Hank's right about the whole thing. Over and over like that. Plus, Fox shoved them in the 7:30 deathslot, and they could only show half a season per season because it got preempted for Football (same thing that killed Futurama the first time).

Simpsons and Family Guy, as meh as the writing for both has gotten still manage to pull in good ratings and good toy/DVD/t-Shirt sales. I'm going nuts collecting the BK Simpsons Treehouse of Horror toys (Only need Kang and Bart). I'd buy the new Playmates FG toys if they weren't 10 bucks each and would just find a loophole to get Cleveland Jr. and Rallo in there (Roger and Stan Smith would be a stretch). I still manage to tune in every week and get a couple chuckles out of each, even though they're both past their prime. Yet, as much as I'd like them to end, I wouldn't want to see them go.

As for Arthur, I'm actually surprised they're seeking 2 new seasons... my channel, the PBS station that's the production company mind you, pretty much dumped it off in the early hours while it's focus group is still in school. And I never see any merchandise anymore. It's still on the air and all...