Arthur - Where is the Show Going?

Sgt Floyd

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2006
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Yeah, I'm trying to get the BK toys (been stalking our local BK) I still need 4 of them (I have Bart, Kang, Marge, and Scratchy) I kinda wish Bart was raven Bart instead of Fly Bart...buuuuuuut...yeah :stick_out_tongue:

Has Arthur even had any merchandise?


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Yeah, I'm trying to get the BK toys (been stalking our local BK) I still need 4 of them (I have Bart, Kang, Marge, and Scratchy) I kinda wish Bart was raven Bart instead of Fly Bart...buuuuuuut...yeah :stick_out_tongue:
Actually, it should have been Stretch Dude Bart to go with Clobber Girl Lisa and Comic Book Guy Collector. I RULLY hope they weren't the first ones released. found out about it when it was Maggie and Homer. I've been to one every week since.

Has Arthur even had any merchandise?
Early on for a few years when the show was starting up. Off the top of my head, Eden toy Plush of Arthur, D.W. and Buster, Playskool "action figures" (I distinctly remember my sister having both color variants of the mother... I never got any of them except "Camp Arthur"), an interactive talking doll that was used with an internet site or something (the referenced the toy's stilted robotic speech multiple times on the show) Wooden puppets from Schilling (I have the Arthur) and gumball capsule finger puppets (I got Binky and never saw any of the rest of them).

Just... nothing now.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Okay... alright... we now have even more evidence that the writers are OUT OF IDEAS...

Buster has a secret admirer. Buster has a secret admirer? BUSTER?! Are you kidding me? I mean, unless she's a new student at Lakewood and hasn't even gotten to know him, what self-respecting girl would admire Buster? He's too weird, strange, eccentric for his own good... believe me, I'M weird, strange, and eccentric, and no girl in all my school daze ever admired me... the only time I was even remotely the object of interest of any girl was at a party I went to, and this girl I never knew or even met before came out of the blue and asked me to dance with her... three times...


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Okay... alright... we now have even more evidence that the writers are OUT OF IDEAS...

Buster has a secret admirer. Buster has a secret admirer? BUSTER?! Are you kidding me? I mean, unless she's a new student at Lakewood and hasn't even gotten to know him, what self-respecting girl would admire Buster? He's too weird, strange, eccentric for his own good... believe me, I'M weird, strange, and eccentric, and no girl in all my school daze ever admired me... the only time I was even remotely the object of interest of any girl was at a party I went to, and this girl I never knew or even met before came out of the blue and asked me to dance with her... three times...

Spoiler... it's his mother.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Helicopter parent, much? Doesn't Fern's mother already fit the bill?
Nah, apparently is another one of their made up holidays (like Baxter Day), and Buster forgot and thought it was someone else. He then gives gifts to every girl in school and embarrasses himself... honestly, yeah... they ran out of ideas. Pretty stupid episode, actually.

And the second episode was all about D.W.'s friend James. Like I care that he has his own episode.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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:laugh:, you know what kills me as far as fanfics go? A lot of fanfic authors put the kids in high school (seems logical), and in spite of that very fact, who ends up being one their teachers? Mr. Ratbite? Mr. Ratburp? No, Mr. Ratburn! WHYYYYYY? Because apparently, he always manages to prove himself so tough and strict a teacher, that years later, he was transfered to high school, and just so happened to end up with a lot of his old students from Lakewood Elementary. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Something that's just come to my mind that's inconsistent with the characters' histories...

We all know that Banana Boy (Binky) was held back and had to repeat third grade, right? That makes him at least one year older than Arthur and the rest of the gang, right? Yet, in flashbacks, Binky's always there in their preschool class... unless the preschool basically saw preschoolers of all ages, but I would think usually they would at least split the kids into age groups, wouldn't they? I mean, I don't know, I asn't enrolled in pre-school.

But then again, it's also kind of like in one episode, we see Muffy being transfered to Lakewood in Grade 2, yet again, occasionally in flashbacks, she's in the same preschool class as the others (specifically in one flashback where she mentions spilling juice on herself, and George giving her his before running away).


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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They always manage to screw up their continuity, even when they're trying to reference past episodes. Like what was Arthur doing with Buster's costume from the Edison play in that one where he had to clean up his room? And why does Binky say he likes Macaroni and Cheese in one episode, yet he hates it when they go to the museum sleep over?

But then again, which is the REAL Simpsons wedding? They call back to all of them anyway.

You know what's fun? Surely, you know of that "CHOCOLATES!?! I'm alerrrrgic to CHOColates! EVEN the woooord CHOColates gives me a RASH!" guy I always use in my stuff? Finding him in every episode... even color swapped to be a different character.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Right. When you've got a show on the air for 15+ years, and the setting of the show is stuck in a specific timeframe, I suppose inconsistencies are a hazzard.

Another one can think of is "April 9th": the episode basically establishes as Buster and Mr. Morris meeting each other for the first time, even Arthur tells Buster had it not been for that fire, he and Mr. Morris would've never met... but surely, Buster at least knew Mr. Morris before then... after all, when he (and Fern) investigated the Binky graffitti incident, Mr. Morris was one of the witnesses he questioned... I THINK perhaps he also questioned Mr. Morris in the missing quarters incident as well (I forget that episode title, I hven't seen it in ages)... so they were at least acquainted well before "April 9th".