Arthur - Where is the Show Going?


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Wait... there's a dad? I thought her mother was a single parent, that maybe they divorced, or maybe she was widowed or something...
Her dad probably has a LOT of business meetings or something. They never said she was from a single parent house hold, something they would discuss in length as Buster is from one. For that matter, I've never seen Prunella's dad, and if I did, I forget what episode he was in. The Tibbles DID mention their mother works overseas a lot in that Omble episode(which is why they live with their grandmother).


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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I honestly can't believe I never even wondered or questions where the Tibble Twins' parents were, or why they live with their grandmother... but that probably explains their constant bad behavior, asenabling grandparents is a stereotype, and that seems to be pretty evident int he Arthur universe thatthe elder Mrs. Tibble never says no to the boys, let alone punishes them for anything they've done (like where they dug a hole in the yard that Mr. Haney fell into, and all she did was tell them they didn't have permission to dig the hole).


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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I was going through old tapes again, and I figured out why some speculate why that little poodle in D.W.'s preschool is Fern's little sister... because in that episode where Sue Ellen decides she wants a sibling, the two of them are seen together in that three-legged race.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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I wish I could remember what that strange fanfic was that I read a couple of years ago...

I forget what the story was about, but onething that stood out was a suplot about Buster always being high because he was on drugs; remember the episode where he hated to read, and Arthur had him try to read a book about blue for a book report? Well, in this fic, Buster actually did a book report about colors, and rambled on and on and on and on about how he had yet to "master the wonders of secondary colors". Oh, and the kids were in high school, so... lol.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Wow! I mean seriously, WOW! We must have been on our best behavior, or PBS must have had mercy on us or something to just have five straight weeks of good episodes from good seasons for a change! Seriously, that's the longest period of time we've had such episodes in a loooooooooong time, we usually only get a week or two at best in between five-to-eight week periods of bad episodes from bad seasons. I've even got to see episodes I forgot had existed, like D.W. learning to ride a two-wheeler, or Francine wanting Arthur off their soft ball team. It's been great!

But, looks like the fun's over, we're back to bad episodes... like Drtooth's personal favorite is on today: the Africa musical episode.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Wow! I mean seriously, WOW! We must have been on our best behavior, or PBS must have had mercy on us or something to just have five straight weeks of good episodes from good seasons for a change! Seriously, that's the longest period of time we've had such episodes in a loooooooooong time, we usually only get a week or two at best in between five-to-eight week periods of bad episodes from bad seasons. I've even got to see episodes I forgot had existed, like D.W. learning to ride a two-wheeler, or Francine wanting Arthur off their soft ball team. It's been great!

But, looks like the fun's over, we're back to bad episodes... like Drtooth's personal favorite is on today: the Africa musical episode.
I've killed this thread, lol.

But surprisingly, after just two days of bad episodes from bad seasons, we're getting another good one today for a change, the original snowball episode; it's been great having so many good episodes on for a change, it's been doing wonders for my "morale" I have to admit, it's a little hard to imagine how a daily dose of Arthur does me good.

I just have to wonder though if there's any development on continuing DVDs... they randomly released Season Ten and Eleven (I think) a couple of years ago... neither of which are good easons, but whatever.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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But surprisingly, after just two days of bad episodes from bad seasons, we're getting another good one today for a change, the original snowball episode; it's been great having so many good episodes on for a change, it's been doing wonders for my "morale" I have to admit, it's a little hard to imagine how a daily dose of Arthur does me good.
I wish the Simpsons would take a cue from that. Every time I see the syndicated rerun rebroadcast, it's always something from the last 5 seasons. I can't afford to go out and get every classic DVD set out there, and sometimes I want to watch the "Baby on Board" Barber Shop Quartet episode or something and it's always something I saw 2 years ago in broadcast.

As for Arthur, I'm waiting impatiently for the new episodes that were done well over a year ago that EVERY country in the world got but us that WGBH was in a snit fit and had to pull everything down for it.

The Shoe Fairy

Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2008
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I wish I could remember what that strange fanfic was that I read a couple of years ago...

I forget what the story was about, but onething that stood out was a suplot about Buster always being high because he was on drugs; remember the episode where he hated to read, and Arthur had him try to read a book about blue for a book report? Well, in this fic, Buster actually did a book report about colors, and rambled on and on and on and on about how he had yet to "master the wonders of secondary colors". Oh, and the kids were in high school, so... lol.
I read that! I found it highly amusing, but not as good (or bad?) as the Sue Ellen x Fern as teenagers slashfic I found - that was pure gold, intentional or not.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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I read that! I found it highly amusing, but not as good (or bad?) as the Sue Ellen x Fern as teenagers slashfic I found - that was pure gold, intentional or not.
THAT'S IT!!! That was the fic! Yeah, I remember now the main plot had to do with Sue Ellen and Fern basically trying not to get caught while trying to almost get caught at the same time, but still, Buster and the drugs, and those secondary colors were hilarious... and when he jumped off the balcony of his apartment trying to fly or something. XD

I don't usually read slash fics, but I've often thought that Fern and Sue Ellen would make an interesting slash couple, I kind of wish there were more fics about that.

As for couples, who do you guys think should be with who? The only thing I can think of is Binky and Sue Ellen seem to have some hidden irresistables for each other, especially since Binky wonders if she's written lovey-dovey stuff about him in her lost diary... but in that same episode, Sue Ellen gives Arthur a not-so-subtle hint that she's written nice things about him. But also, they often seem paired together in stories, like when Binky went obsessive compulsive over that butterfly. And so many people like to think Arthur and Francine should end up together, I think at one point, someone edited Wikipedia to say that Francine openly had a crsh on Arthur, but that of course hasn't happened, they may haven taken the square dance episode out of context (where both Arthur and Francine are lead to believe the other is in love with them).


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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And so many people like to think Arthur and Francine should end up together, I think at one point, someone edited Wikipedia to say that Francine openly had a crsh on Arthur, but that of course hasn't happened, they may haven taken the square dance episode out of context (where both Arthur and Francine are lead to believe the other is in love with them).
And the ending of "And now let's talk to some kids" where they're either married or in the same retirement village and no one else is around. There are some implied pairings, but that's what fan fic is all about... exploiting implied relationships and overuse of single episode appearing character. I'd almost call the Rescue Rangers BOOM published comics official fan fics, considering the way they used Dale and Foxglove.

Of course, it was also hinted in the lost diary episode that Sue Ellen liked Arthur ("I've written some pretty nice things about you").

That said, back to the show... can anyone pinpoint the exact moment where Brain started becoming Brainy Smurf? I know the Kafka's Metamorphoses parody Pest episode was a key point in that... but I can't help that it started earlier.