On the topic of Bob's Burgers (which I know we have a thread for already), but considering this is about [adult swim] which airs Bob's Burgers, I don't want thread the about Bob's to get too off topic so I'm going to post my top 4 favorite things about Bob's Burgers right here:
1. The Comedy - The humor on the show is always creative, bright, witty, and smart. Don't get me wrong, I love dumb comedy (Happy Tree Friends, epic fail videos, and Family Guy are some of the things that set me off giggling the most;my uncle even had to stop quoting Family Guy in front of me because I would laugh uncontrollably every time), but either way, Bob's Burgers knows how to appeal to both smart people AND dumb people with it's comedy. There's enough immature fart and poop humor to keep the Adam Sandler fans entertained, but there's also a large amount of extremely clever, intelligent wordplay that will make adults roll on the floor laughing. Heck, kids wouldn't get a lot of the jokes, not because they're inappropriate or anything, but because they appeal to their much smarter parents. A lot of the jokes are based on pop culture references that kids shouldn't know in the first place (Parsley, Sage, and Rosemary Thyme Burger? Great way to reference an awesome Paul Simon song that was used on one of my favorite Muppet Show episodes,

2. The Characters and Quotability - There is not one character on the show I don't like;they all make me laugh a lot and I quote the majority of them constantly. Most of the shows I'm a fan of have a few characters that I find either boring or just not funny (some attempts at comedy just don't work for me. I will laugh something as simple as a character saying something in a funny tone of voice or reacting to something in a funny way, that's why those scary maze game videos crack me up). An example of a character that I just simply don't find funny or interesting on an otherwise good show is Toothy from Happy Tree Friends. I like the majority of characters but Toothy's personality is so bland that he doesn't appeal to me at all plus he doesn't make me laugh near as much as the others (the blind Mole that doesn't even talk is funnier than him). But on Bob's Burgers, practically every character has said at least 20 things that I quote on a regular basis, some of which have become a part of my regular vocabulary. Sometimes I'll say "Don't have a crap attack," when somebody overreacts to something in an extreme way, I will also say "Uhhhhhhhh," the same way Tina does when I make a reference that nobody gets. Finally, I don't know many times I've said "If guys had uteruses, they'd be called duderuses," or "I wanna slap his beautiful face," just to throw people off. Just remember not to say, Louise's quote "I WILL SEE YOU IN ****!" and never say Gene's quote "YOU'RE A COUPLE OF SL#TS!" that he yelled from the top of a Ferris wheel either. As with any adult cartoon, remember to watch what you quote and when you quote it and to quote Bob's Burgers in moderation, trust me as far as overquoting things goes, I've been there, when I was 15, I would quote Family Guy so often that my family got tired of hearing it all the time, it felt almost like the Ripped Pants episode of Spongebob when you have to hear me saying "Freaking sweet," "Giggitty giggitty goo," "Shut up Meg," and "What the deuce?" over and over again. I also had a habit of referencing a certain line from Herbert (that I'm not going to say in fear of getting banned) every time I'd eat popsicles and singing the song from "Into Harmony's Way about buttering poptarts every a poptart came into conversation.
3. The Music - The music is SO catchy and good on this show. The songs are very creative and funny, especially when they get celebrities to sing them, like the REAL Cyndi Lauper singing Taffy Butt is one of the show's best moments, although this show has best moments piled up on each other and it seems to me that practically episode has at least 10 hilarious moments that stick out in my mind. There's such a thing as too much brilliance, and the Bob's Burgers writers certainly have that amount of brilliance and the songs are no exception. Practically every time a character sings on this show I either want to get up and dance, sing a long with them, or laugh like a hyena. Some of my favorite songs include the slightly inappropriate one that Linda sings outside of the museum (I believe it was called the Yum-Yum song), the duet between Bob and Louise when Bob was stuck on the toilet (I don't know what that was called), the parody of Pink Elephants on Parade with Gayle's anus pictures dancing around in Linda's nightmare, the Schoolhouse Rock parody in Gene's story about "Fart School for the Gifted," and the forementioned Taffy Butt song. We watch this show as a family and we always look forward to the credits scenes because they make us laugh a lot and show a lot of talent from the writers and voice actors both. Dad has always said that his favorite part is the credit scene because they always choose the right songs and dance moves to go with the previous episode you just watched. Unlike most shows that have songs all the time, there really haven't been any stinkers, they've all been really funny and well written, heck, even when they do cover songs it's hilarious just because of the pure shock value of hearing a song you know in that character's funny voice (when they gave the Teddy the chance to sing in that one credits scene;we had to play it back 3 times it was SO funny).
4. The Family Dynamic - On most adult cartoons there is one family member that they treat like ****. On Family Guy, they frequently abuse Meg, calling her names, calling her ugly, stupid, and fat (even though her dad and brother are way fatter than her) and even going as far as to say that if criminals broke into their house, she's too ugly for them to rape, which is really not cool to say to your daughter. On The Simpsons, Lisa is the one that gets regularly picked on even though she's brilliant and 100 times smarter than her dad, brother, and mom. She is an A+ student and very good at playing the saxophone, cut the girl some slack. On South Park, it's obviously Kenny with all the stupid "Oh my God, they killed Kenny again!" crap you've heard 100 times for at least 20 years by now that wasn't funny to begin with and still isn't funny now. Finally on The Cleveland Show, it's Roberta who they regularly refer to as a "sl*t" and outright disrespect. Heck even on Happy Tree Friends, it's kinda that way with Pop and Cub, which is debatable, but you know, Pop is certainly overprotective of Cub but the fact Pop's stupidity kills his own son on a regular basis makes me wonder if Pop honestly hates his son and enjoys seeing him die, I know it's a dark thought, but maybe Pop is more of a selfish ******* than the way they portray him,but that's just my theory, you know. But on Bob's Burgers, it is obvious that the family loves each other. Bob and Louise in particular are best friends and Louise shows how much she loves her "daddy" which I think it's sweet that she still calls him that, Cleveland gets angry every time Cleveland Junior calls him "daddy". But also the 3 siblings are shown to be best friends that stick up for each other and care about each other like when Gene got the Norwegian Stink Hold to save Louise. But one of the sweetest moments to me is the My Little Pony episode, say what you want about that one, but I think they portrayed bronies in a positive light. But either way, the fact that Bob pretended to be a brony, dressed up as a female pink pony character, and almost got a tattoo of a pony just so he can get his daughter's special pony toy back, just shows how much Bob truly cares about and loves his daughter. Seeing Bob as a pony boy was hilarious though. LET'S DO IT FOR JOHNNY! Wait, that's a different kind of pony boy, LOL!