a weezer fan to a muppet fan

Aug 13, 2002
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hey, well i'll start of by saying my names lindsay, and im from the weezer.com board. you've probably gotten a lot of my "kind" here lately, but i thought it'd be cool to stop by. caution: this is going to be a long *** post... so beware :big_grin: i tend to not shut up when i talk about weezer. i didn't even knew a muppet board existed until a very rad boardie of yours came over to the weezer board and did exactly what im doing right now, only in reverse. this place is very cool. if im in the wrong forum for this, eek.. sorry. so many forums! we only have like 4 or 5!

basically i just wanted to know what you guys think of keep fishin' as a song, of course you probably love the video because well, the muppets, and after all this IS a muppet board. the video rocks, its probably my favorite video, and would be my favorite video even if it wasn't my favorite bands video. thats a lot of favorites. anyway, keep fishin' is on weezers newest album called maladroit (you probably already know that). a lot of weezer fans argue that it, along with the green album (its actually self titled, released in 2001) don't live up to weezer's first two albums (self titled 1994, nicknamed "the blue album" and pinkerton, released in 1996). so, if you like keep fishin', i highly suggest you check out the blue album. it's an amazing album, and even more amazing that its weezer's debut. i've never heard one negative comment about it. it's what made me the weezer fan i am today.

anyway, we were told by karl (runs weezer.com, does everything humanly possible for the fans and the band) awhile ago that something would happen on june 23. we were all anxious to see what it was, and when the day finally came, we got this picture, and this picture only:

sooo... we all FREAKED out, and knew what was happening. we were so excited that the keep fishin' video(we already knew keep fishin' was the next single after dope nose cause it had radio play) was going to be with the muppets! we knew it would be as big, if not bigger, than buddy holly (weezers first smash hit video). i mean, two great things, weezer, and the muppets coming together in a music video. we waited... and waited... and waited... AAAND waited for the video to air. when we finally saw it, we realized it was better than what we imagined. also it was kind of strange since a message boarder by the name of ace claimed to be rivers (the cute one next to rowlf with the glasses), and told us he shaved. (he had a beard before the video shoot, and everyone hated it. i've never seen so many people get so riled up about hair before! sheesh.) a lot of people including myself already knew ace was rivers, but that proved it, 'cause the next day, we got that picture, so it was a shock.

props to marcos siega for coming up with the idea for the video. a lot of people doubted him before this video. before weezers hiatus, all of the videos were directed by a very rad director by the name of spike jonze, you've probably heard of him. he directed being john malkovich (sp?). then, five years later they came back with the green album, with its first single hash pipe. the hash pipe video was directed by marcos, and a lot of people hated it. he also did the first shoot of island in the sun (spike did the second) and dope nose. those videos weren't too good, but kf video DEFINITELY makes up for them.

well, yes, i know, im blabbering. just a few more things to say: if you have any questions at all about weezer, you can ask me. imo, they're an amazing and talented band that deserves recognition. whatever you hear about rivers in the media, ignore it. its most likely going to be negative. don't judge weezer on that. ive met him myself, and he is (along with the rest of the band, i didn't get to meet pat though) a very cool person. very shy, but cool nonetheless. he frequents the weezer board, so don't be shy and come on over. one more thing: i never knew there was so much to the muppets! this site is incredible.

btw - one of my all-time favorite movies is muppet treasure island :smile:

oh, ive read in previous threads that some of you don't have mtv2 and didn't get a chance to see the making the video. well, karl put it on the audio-video page on weezer.com. heres a link: http://www.weezer.com/audiovideo/index.html its there, along with the video. again, i apologize for such a long post!

- Lindsay


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Hey Lindsay,

I just wanted to say welcome to the forum. You just got the prize for getting as many drug references in a message as possible ! LOL !

I like the Weezer video and song - both are kinda funky and very mainstream like 'Buddy Holly'. I don't think either will beat that though because it's just sooooooooo good, but the Muppet video has Penguin tossing so that'll give them a head start !

It's cool to see the actual Weezer band members on the Weezer forum. We actually had a few Muppet puppeteers on here but they kinda got mobbed and ran away. Though i'm sure they're probably lurking around here somewhere ! *eyes other people suspiciously*


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Welcome Lindsay!

Muppet Central is no ordinary forum. Muppet freaks galore here :smile: Glad you like Muppet Treasure Island, did ya know it's available on DVD? LOL!


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2002
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The Blue album is definately my favorite. I do think there recent work is better than pinkerton though.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Welcome to the insanity! Were hoping the Muppets do more media stuff with different bands so we can assimilate more of you in music land! bahwahahahwhahahwhahaha!
Aug 13, 2002
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yeah, most people who aren't that familiar with weezer can't stand pinkerton. it was a commercial failure, but it really is genius. its a masterpiece. it takes a few concentrated listens to love it. i listened to it for about a week when i first got it, and i honestly didn't like it at all, besides 'pink triangle', 'el scorcho', and 'the good life'. it took about a month before it was my favorite all-time album. the lyrics are mind-blowing.

do you guys like keep fishin'? would you consider buying any weezer albums because of it? keep fishin' is a strong song, strong single imo. it could fit on any of the albums. in rivers' words, "i love the drums. they make me wanna stab somebody."

animal was a good fill-in for pat! they should take him on tour with them ;p

oh, and hello to zack the dog. he was the one who came over to weezer.com.

Cantus Rock

Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
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Hello Lindsay, welcome to the MCForum. What part of Florida are you from? I hail from the south, in Miramar near Miami. Anyway, enjoy the company of the fine people on this board, they all do rock very hard. :big_grin:



Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2002
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Man how many people on here are from Florida? Im in Kissimmee.

Cantus Rock

Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
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Oh you are the lucky one aren't you. :smile: I'm up there all the time (were constantly at WDW), but it would be easier if we lived there. We live about 3 hours away.
