A Heart of Gold

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Very good chapter.

Heh, I'm chuckling about the opening.
There were enough Muppets lined to be in the parade.
In the parade?!? Heck, they could "be" The parade.
Good work with the barbecue and fireworks... And of course Kermit's inner thinking mode which oddly enough is resonating loud and clear for all of us to read.
As always... More please!


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Gee, I'm beginning to run out of things to say about each chapter that won't sound like I'm repeating myself! This overall is such a good story and this was another fantastic piece of it. I love the talk about the parade and where they would go and Pepe and Rizzo were pretty funny. Cheerleaders. Hee hee. Then nice touch with the veterans and Kermit saluting, that part gave me chills. I like then later with them all scattered on blankets ready to watch the fireworks and Kermit contemplating and seeing all the people and how they lived in a free land and that was what he was fighting for. It was so touching and heartwarming. Beautiful. Lisa, you are just outdoing yourself with this story, I don't know what else I can say about it. It's great.


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
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Oh Lisa, my most sincere apologies for not reviewing sooner! I was propperly shocked and horrified when I didn't see the little tag before the thread saying a number of posts I had! I have been reading and injoying the whole thing though!
It seems a bit strange to think of Kermit in the military. After all, I thaught, if Kermit isn't exempt from the draft, who is?
Then I was surprised to find out that Kermit was in the marines, (for some reason I just assumed he was in the army). My uncle was in the marines, you see, so I sort of did a doubletake at that.Somehow, before he said it, I knew what Kermit had done by the way he was acting.
I have to agree with Ryan; Kermit is certainly acting rather too sexational for my liking, and yes, that is a very good word!
And Piggy. At first she reminded me of her in MTM, being sensative and supportive, but now it seems like she's acting as if she's the only person in Kermit's life. Yes, I know that sounded a bit rambling...

More please!


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Chapter Twenty-Five

Kermit stepped out onto the front porch and took a deep breath of the slightly cooled evening air.

The late evening was among his favorite times of day. It was almost as good as the early morning.

...Actually... It was better.

The late evening included the best part of the night- tucking in Robin. They would talk, or read a story, or read a story and talk, and generally sit up together later than the young frog should have been awake. It was their together time. Tonight, they had talked about the parade and the barbecue and the fireworks, and had bid each other one last "Happy Independence Day" before finally turning out the light.

That was the best part of the night. But this part, right now, was a very close second.

He stood and stared out at the night sky, waiting.

Finally, a soft voice came from behind him. "Are you going to stand there all night, or are you planning on sitting down?" the voice smiled at him with a gentle impatience.

He grinned. "Just seeing how long you would take it," he said simply. He turned, sat down in the porch swing, and took her hand. "Hi-ho," he whispered.

She smiled. "Good evening, Kermie," she whispered.

"How are you?" he whispered.


He watched her, waiting.

Her head settled against the swing, and she squeezed his hand with her silky glove.

"You're in a very patient mood tonight," he observed with a smile.

"Trying." She reached out and wrapped him in her arms. "Failing." She pulled him in close. "Come here."

"About time," he murmured, and he happily settled against her chest.

She held him tight and kissed his cheek again and again and again before sighed and settling into the swing again. "Since when are vous the impatient one?" she murmured lazily.

"Mm…" He let her utterly perfect scent surround him. "Since then," he mumbled.

She giggled and rubbed his arm. "Did you have a nice Fourth of July, Kermie?"

"Mm-hm." He craned his neck to look up at her. "Much better than last year."

"Mm-hm," she sighed. Had it only been a year ago that they had found themselves watching the days pass until Kermit had to leave? At the fireworks last year, Kermit had held Robin snug in his lap, and had held her hand, rubbing her fingers absent-mindedly. So much had happened in a year...

He found her hand, scooped it up, and touched it to his lips. "I wonder what next year will be like," he mused.

She lifted her hand from his and touched it to his cheek. "Maybe it will be even better," she whispered.

"Maybe," he said, letting her press his head against her chest. "I don't know, though. This year will be pretty tough to top."

She curled slightly and sweetly kissed the top of his head. "Nothing's impossible," she whispered.

"Yeah," he sighed happily. "...Except for tolerating this stupid sling."

She giggled and gave him another kiss. "Kermie?" she asked, smiling. "What were you thinking about at the fireworks?"

He snuggled into her more firmly. "I told you," he mumbled. "What I fought for."

She sighed. "There was something else," she reminded him. "Something you only wanted moi to hear?"


He was quiet for a very long moment.

"I wasn't... just fighting for... for what I could see tonight," he said. He looked up at her, wondering if she understood. "I wasn't just fighting for us," he frowned. "I was... I was fighting for them, too."

She slowly stroked his cheek. "How?" she whispered.

He took a slow, deep breath, looking into her eyes. "Sometimes we would meet people, on the way, between towns and stuff," he said quietly. "And… well they were scared of us, because- well, because we were big and different and there were a lot of us. But... But they were scared of everybody," he said. "They were scared, because if they said the wrong thing to the wrong person, they'd have to pay for it. Maybe they'd lose all the wealth they'd ever had, or... or maybe their father or son or brother would be forced to fight, or..." He shook his head. "When they found out we were American... some of them... Some of them asked us to help them. They wanted to get away, and… to be safe. ...That's all anyone really wants, I guess. But they don't have it. And… And we do."

He set his hand over hers and let himself gently rest in her arms for a moment.

"You know something, Piggy?" he whispered. "Sometimes- Well, a lot of the time- Well... every day, really... I feel like I still owe them something. Like there's something more I should do... But I don't know what."

She settled her head down against his. "I don't know either, Kermie," she whispered.

For a moment, he held perfectly still, absorbing just how close she was, and enjoying it. He put his hand on her cheek. "But, what I do know-" He kissed her.

"Mm!" She leaned back into the swing again. "Yes," she sighed, "I know that, too..."

"Is that the show is in one week," he grinned at her playfully.

She narrowed her eyes and tightened her grip on his arm. "Vous had better know more than that," she informed him.

"Well yeah," he said with a lopsided grin. He slipped his arm around her and let his fingers walk up her back. "But you've gotta admit, you're excited."

She held herself very stiff and still in his arm. "...Excited," she said quietly. "...What was it we were talking about?"

He shrugged. "Who knows," he said. He lay in the cradle of her arms and reached his hand up to her cheek. "I like this," he said. "How long do we get to be out here for?"

"Same as every night, Kermie," she sighed. "Not nearly long enough."

She held him close and nuzzled her head into his shoulder.

"Mm, careful," he winced. "That's the bad one." He let his arm drape around her neck.

"Mm-hm." She kissed the shoulder in question and looked into his eyes. "Mon Capitan," she murmured. "And his silly shoulder."

"Very silly," he agreed.

The front door opened, just a crack. "Are you staying out all night?" Fozzie's apprehensive voice called to them.

Miss Piggy sighed quietly. This was the part where Fozzie was tired and wanted to go to bed, but being the sort of bear he was, wanted to make sure his friends didn't spend the night outside where it was relatively cold and not as safe. Or at least, that's what they guessed his reasons to be.

"We'll be in soon," Kermit assured him.

"Okay," Fozzie said. "Well, I'm gonna go to bed. Good night, Kermit! Good night, Piggy!"

"Good night, Fozzie," they both said.

"Sweet dreams," Kermit added.

"You too!" Fozzie said, and the door slid shut.

Kermit sighed and looked up at Miss Piggy. "Time's up," he said reluctantly.

"See? I told you." She kissed his cheek. "Not nearly long enough."

He grudgingly sat up. "I don't seem to recall disagreeing," he said.

"You didn't," she said cheerily. She elegantly held her hand out for him to take. "Care to escort a lady to a room?"

He grinned as he stood up and took her hand. "Hers or mine?"

She growled at him as she stood.

He laughed and kissed her hand. "I would be honored to," he said genuinely. He linked his arm with hers and led her inside.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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*hugs half* I love it. I so love it. One week til the show. One week... Wow.

Fozzie, love him, am him basically, great job.

And yes... I... The Prawn... Enjoyed the ushy gushy immensly.

(((HUGS))) More please.


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2006
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Love it, love it! Love the precious Robin time, and the ushy gushy Piggy time and Fozzie, for reasons that he probably doesn't entirely understand himself, checking up on them.

There's so many different kinds of love in Kermits life, and in this scene... and its very affecting.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Mmmmm ushy gushy goodness! I love how you're writing Kermit and Piggy's relationship in this story. It's almost as if they've grown as a couple. It's really nice to see. I loved their conversation, how comfortable Kermit is talking with her and I could just seem them on the porch swing sitting together in a similar fashion to how they sat in the carriage in TMTM. Cute with Fozzie wanting to make sure they're all right before he went to bed. Cute stuff with Robin too. I'm going to say it now because I don't think I have yet, this is my favorite of all the stories you've written Lisa. You've reached a new level with this one that I just can't describe and it's wonderful. Great job, keep it coming!


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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You know something, Beth? I could be mistaken, but I honestly believe that every time I post a new story, you say it's your favorite of mine. I guess that means I'm getting better, right? :stick_out_tongue: Hugs to you.

Now honestly, what is this? It's not Wednesday, it's Friday. I exist today. Why have I not posted story? Shame on me. I'll go fix that. (And by the way, don't get used to this.)


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Chapter Twenty-Six

"Twenty seconds to curtain, Boss!"

Kermit repeatedly shifted his weight from side to side and grinned a lopsided, edgy sort of grin. "I can't remember the last time I was actually nervous about this," he said to no one in particular.

Suddenly there were silky gloves on his cheeks and tender lips colliding with his. Before he could react appropriately, the lips were gone and he was looking into bright blue eyes.

"For luck!" she smiled, and she pushed him towards the stage. "Now go!"

He suddenly found himself poking his head out of the giant O. "Ladies and gentlemen- It's THE MUPPET SHOW! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!" And the music was played and the lights were lit and the curtain was raised and it was time!

After the theme song, he scurried offstage for a brief moment, rubbing his right shoulder.

"Are you okay?" Miss Piggy asked.

"Note to self: I can only wave one arm," was Kermit's explanation.

"Did you get a look at the audience?" Fozzie asked.

"Not yet," Kermit said. "You two should get ready; you're both pretty early in the show." With that, he turned to re-enter the stage.

The audience burst into applause at the sight of him.

"Wow! Hi-ho, there! Thank you! And WELCOME to the-"

"WELCOME HOME, KERMIT!" someone shouted.

Instead of dying down, the applause magnified, joined by shouts and cheers as the seats became empty but the audience remained full.

From backstage, Scooter peered out into the audience. "It's a full house!" he whispered to those behind him. "And they're giving him a standing ovation!"

"Even Statler and Waldorf?" Fozzie asked.

Scooter peered at the balcony. "Well they're not standing," he said, "But they are cheering!"

Kermit stood on the stage and stared at the audience, astounded at this sudden outpour of support. After a good solid moment, the audience members quieted and took their seats.

"Wow," Kermit said, genuinely touched. "Thank you! That was... That was unexpected."

"Why are you all sitting down?" Statler called down to the audience.

"Yeah, get out while you still can!" Waldorf added.



"Save yourselves!"

Kermit laughed. "Boy, is it great to see you guys again!" he grinned. "I was wondering if you'd still be around when I got back. I mean the last war you two were young enough to serve in was... What? The Revolutionary War?"

"Oh no! He fights back!" Waldorf said.

"And it's personal!" Statler added.

"I gave some lines to Fozzie, too, so be careful," Kermit grinned.

"Lucky bear," Statler said.

"Yeah, he needs all the help he can get!"

"Sheesh." Kermit shook his head. "Anyway, thank you all for coming, it's great to see you all and to be back, and we've got a terrific show for you tonight, so let's get started right off with a great big bang!"

An explosion behind the curtain cued the start of the act, and Kermit slid offstage with the opening curtain.

"Gee," Kermit grinned when he was safely in front of his desk, "It's good to be home."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~​

"Morning, Rowlf!" Kermit said with a smile as his flipper met the bottom step.

"Morning, Kermit," Rowlf grinned from the piano bench.

"Y'know something great?" Kermit said.

"I know lots of great things," Rowlf said. "What's on your mind?"

"You see this sling?" Kermit said. "When I take it off this morning, I never have to put it on again!"

"Congratulations!" Rowlf grinned at him.

"Thanks!" Kermit went outside and raised his flag a little quicker than usual. He was excited. He came inside and sat down. As slowly and carefully as ever, he gently removed himself from his sling. Instead of folding it neatly and storing it in his lap while he rubbed and stretched, he took great pleasure in dropping the sling onto the floor.

Rowlf struck the piano keys. "Born free," he sang teasingly, "As free as the wind blows..."

Kermit laughed. "Free at last," he grinned as he rubbed and stretched his shoulder. He picked the sling up and began to repeatedly toss it into the air and catch it. "I wonder if Gonzo could use this in an act somehow."

"That would destroy it," Rowlf pointed out.


They laughed.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~​

“You hardly look like you’re ready to fall asleep,” Kermit said that night as he followed his energetic nephew into the young frog’s room to tuck him in.

“Does that mean I can stay up late?” Robin hopped.

“Nope,” Kermit said. “Come on. In bed.”

“Aw…” But Robin complied. He hopped into bed and pulled the blanket up, but did not lie down. “Can we read a story? A really long one?”

“Sure,” Kermit said. “Which one?”

Robin hesitated. “Um…” He thought about it. “Black Beauty!”

“Black Beauty?” Kermit said. He took the book off the shelf. “Well, we can’t read all of it tonight…”

“Why not?” Robin asked.

“Well, because it’s so long!” Kermit said. He sat next to his nephew on the bed and wrapped his newly-freed right arm around him and opened the book. “We can read a chapter or two, though.”

“Only two?” Robin asked.

“Well, we’ll see,” Kermit smiled. “Now are we going to read this book, or just talk about reading it?”

“Read it!” Robin said. He settled in against his uncle’s side. “Start with the title-“

“I know, I know,” Kermit smiled. “Okay. Black Beauty, by Anna Sewell…”

Robin nuzzled into his uncle’s side and, despite his apparent energy, was sound asleep by the end of the first chapter.

Kermit set the book aside and hugged his nephew close. “Sweet dreams, Robin,” he whispered. He kissed the young frog’s head, settled him against his pillow, turned out the light, and slipped out of the room, glancing at the sleeping little lump in the bed once more before closing the door.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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*glomps other half* You know why. And you know how much I love you. Thanks. ((((HUGS))))