I, like everyone else here, enjoyed the film lots and agree that it was the best of the post-Jim Muppet era. And while there were some things I would have loved to have been added in or explored, the movie was still enjoyable the way it turned out in the end. Because trust me, the movie would have been REALLY bad if...
-It was all in CGI, with the Muppets voiced by people other than the Muppeteers, and Muppets Studio having nothing to do with it whatsoever.
-It was another literary adaptation movie like MCC, MTI, and MWO
-Mary acted like a selfish, whiny, manipulative brat who would get back at Gary for forgetting their anniversary by attempting to jump off a cliff
-The movie was geared towards kids rather than all ages
-The Muppets sparkled in sunlight
-The movie was done entirely with sock puppets posing as Muppet characters
-The characters rapped, swore, did drugs, and other un-Muppety things, giving it a PG-13 rating
-The Muppets sparkled in sunlight
-They stuck with the original plot from the early drafts about Gary being a ventriloquist and Walter as his dummy
-Kim Kardashian (why is she famous, exactly?) made a cameo...more than once
-The Muppets sparkled in sunlight
-The movie was sped-up real fast, with everyone sounding like Chipmunks
-Tommy Wisseau produced, directed and wrote the film, and starred as Gary ("You're teaaaarrrrrrring me apart, Mary!", "What a story, frog! Ha-ha-ha!", "Oh hai, doggy! I would like to buy these flowers. Thank you. Please. Goodbye!")