Oh I like it...I loved all the Christmas feeling stuff but it's also good to see some conflict, and your analogy about Piggie was beautiful! Loved it! So...here is my first chapter, I hope you enjoy it...and by the way, see if you can spot the reference to your story...because there will be more...please review Figgie! I'm depending on you!
Kermit woke up early, like he always did. Ever since he had a been a tadpole he had learned to be up before the crack of dawn when the light coming through the window pane was a pale milky yellow: the best time to catch dragon flies besides the evening. Now a days he didn't have to catch flies to eat, in fact he rarely did unless they got too close, but the habit of enjoying the fresh morning air had never left him. This morning things seemed quieter than usual, and it took Kermit a minute or two to understand why. He walked downstairs into the living room of the large boarding house all the Muppets occupied,and out onto the front porch, opening the front door to a blast of cold air. Winter had finally set it, and right on cue. He closed the door again, unable to stand the chill. Surveying the empty living room, he yawned happily and flopped down on the couch. First day of real cold inevitably meant...
“Uncle Kermit?”
“Oh, hi-ho Robin. Didn't see you there. How long have you been up?”
“Just a minute. Uncle Kermit, is today the first day of Christmas?”
“Christmas is just one day Robin.”
“Oh I know that, I meant the Christmas season.”
“Because it's so cold?
“Because it feels like Christmas.” He replied happily.
Kermit smiled. “I suppose so.”
Fozzie's voice suddenly cut in. “Oh boy! Are we gonna get a Christmas tree?!”
“Fozzie? I didn't expect to see you up so early on a cold morning like this.” The honey-colored bear pulled his robe tighter around him. “If it gets much colder I may go in for hibernation.”
Rowlf shuffled sluggishly into the living-room, followed by Scooter. “What are we talking about?” Asked the former.
“Hypothermia.” Piped up Robin.
“No, no, that's hibernation. And we were talking about Christmas.” Corrected Kermit. Rowlf and Scooter looked confused.
“Kermit's gonna buy us a Christmas tree today.” Added Fozzie.
“Oh boy, that's great boss! I know where you can get the kind with the candle holders already attached to the branches...” Put in Scooter.
“Wait a minute, I never said we were getting one today! And besides, nothing with a fire hazard, you know how Gonzo is.”
“I resent that!” Gonzo hopped onto the couch in his night hat. “You know I would never burn something as unoriginal as wood! ...Although, a flaming Christmas tree would be a lot more interesting than the regular kind--”
“Kermit, I think we'd better do plastic ornaments this year. The glass kind is just asking for injuries.” Added Rowlf.
“Moi was thinking more about a pink tree this year. With red and white ornaments.”
“Oh, good morning Piggy.”
Scooter was scribbling things down on a clipboard. “So we want red and white plastic ornaments, electric lights and a pink tree?”
“What? No! At least-- not today. We've got work to do.”
“Oh Kermie, what could be more important than the Christmas spirit to inspire us?” Miss Piggy had the look on her face that proved she was at her favorite game: needling her frog.
“Erm...not spending all our money before we buy the sets and costumes for the next show?”
“The way I figure it, if we go wholesale on the tree, do only plastic ornaments, one color lights and I mention that my uncle owns the tree farm, we should be able to fit it into the budget.” “Wha...but...it's only been a week since thanksgiving!”
“Oh please uncle Kermit?”
“Yeah, c'mon Kerm...”
“I promise I won't set it on fire before Christmas day!”
“Where's your Christmas spirit?”
“Gut inspureshun tu hefe-a tu be-a cuukeeng fuud fur Chreestmes!
“All right, all right, all right!” Kermit was defeated and he knew it. Just like every year. “Clifford, your in charge of breakfast. Piggy, you and Gonzo are in charge of finding whatever's left of last year's ornaments. Fozzie, Scooter and Robin will come with me.”
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Finally able face the cold and escape the rush of early morning, Kermit sat on his favorite seat on the front porch and watched his breath in the frosty air. The day was bright, and fog was lifting off the street and white-tipped grass. He pulled his robe tighter around him as a soft but cold breeze stirred the air and made shapes in the mist. None of the neighbors had lights on their houses yet, but the Muppets were trend setters and seemed to be starting early: hints that they were ready for some Christmas had been leaking through for a few days, and something about the atmosphere of this morning demanded it. Scooter came out routinely to bring coffee, but it was his red Christmas mug. Kermit made a face. “Are we bringing out the holiday ware already?” “Well, there is a slight shortage of dishes since Animal's incident at Thanksgiving.” Kermit shrugged and took a sip. “Mm—what did you put in this?”
“Peppermint.” Said Scooter. “Peppermint is good in coffee.” He added a little wistfully before hopping back inside for the next batch. Kermit smiled as he sipped, a feeling of peace enveloping and warming him like the sweet coffee. Inside he could hear Rowlf, starting on the piano just like every morning: only today the song was Winter Wonderland. He took another sip. “Mhm...” he thought happily “Peppermint sure tastes...”
“Good-- isn't it?” Said Miss Piggy coming up behind him in her fluffiest red winter robe.
“Yes,” Said Kermit, startled. She sat down beside him, pulling her legs up and rocking back and forth. Kermit thought suddenly that he liked the cold: it seemed to define things. It certainly defined Miss Piggy, flushing her cheeks and putting color into those gorgeous blue eyes even icier than the air.
“It's a be-autiful day, isn't it dear?”
“Yes it is.” said Kermit without taking his eyes off of her. She looked at him with a little knowing smile
“What are vous thinking about?” She asked, before savoring another mouthful of coffee.
“You...” He said dreamily. Her smile increased. “Oh...did I...I meant, whatever your thinking about...” He stammered, a foolish smile creeping onto his face too. Miss Piggy flipped back her curly strands of blonde hair, and looked at the pink early-morning sky, and the mist, and the evergreen trees in the yards.
“Moi was just thinking...” She suddenly grabbed his flipper softly. “That it will be very nice to be together this Christmas.”
He smiled at her. “Aren't we together every Christmas?”
“Yes, but...we seem to get...more together every year, don't you think?” He nodded knowingly.
“I know what you mean. He listened to the sounds inside, all the lusty out-of-tune voices singing together and chortling and talking. “Not just me and you, but us. That's what makes it all worth while.”