Ive greatly studied the protest era of the 60's. Black civil rights, the student/catholic/deserter anti war movement. post Stonewall. None of that magic really exists anymore, people are just pacified or misdirected(tea party)
Or completely silenced by the mainstream media. The funny thing is, the same party that used the word "terrorist" and "9/11" to justify everything they've done (which bankrupted us, and pulled money from where it needed to be, only to be forced to slash budgets to continuously pay for the same stuff) is now using the word "jobs" to do everything from destroying the EPA, killing unions, and giving the rich even more money to blow on not hiring. Stuff they'd do anyway. Same concept. What really bugs me is the fact we're basically going after the president for blowing barely over half a billion on a failed company despite warnings... and the very same terrorist organizations we're supposedly fighting got more of our money than that. I mean, yeah.. it's great you actually HAVE a scandal instead of the made up ghost stories of birth certificates and whatever the heck Acorn did... but that's like washing a pair of pants with a 20 in it compared to all the no bids and rebuilding crap whe did there.
How come it's okay for us to blow billions of dollars rebuilding a country that doesn't even like us, only to find out the construction company ran off with the money, but it's horrible that we have to spend OUR own money to rebuild OURSELVES?
As for the difference between Afghanistan and Iraq... simple. We had proper warning about the invasion of Iraq. Bush was pretty much touting that as his pet project since the debates. No one paid attention. And even with the obvious scandal of the 2000 election, if people had any foresight, they wouldn't have voted for someone who was so bloodthirsty to go to war with a country that his father helped the dictator come to power. And if the Gulf War were so galldurn important back then, he would have actually gotten rid of him in the first place. Afghanistan was knee jerk. A knee jerk reaction of an unfocused angry populous. And that anger and fear was exploited because stuff happened. And that very same stuff will be held over our heads with each pointless anniversary. Not to mention the fact that it gave Bush, who EVERYONE forgot was talking about Iraq during the debates, unjust cause to go to war with a country because it's sort of in the same region. Even then, we should have just left after we killed Saddam and let the Chief Wiggums in the Iraqi army take care of it.
Seriously... why are we so heck bent on NOT coming up with an artificially made feul and oil substitute? I mean, hippy dippy EPA stuff aside, I am SICK of having OUR tax payer money and our standing in the world destroyed over Magic make car go juice. Why is it we don't have to buy books or CD's anymore because we can download it onto phones (which is killing jobs that would be lost to obsolescence anyway), but we're still slaves to the internal combustion engine technology we've had since the 30's? I am sick of going into the Middle East and making uneasy friendships with people we have to wind up going back after and killing. Really... give us artificially made fuel that Exxon and Mobil can gouge the price of and create phoney shortages of so we can finally turn our backs on that crazy area and use the money to fix our OWN problems.