But I do have to ask: Where was the Tea Party BEFORE Obama was elected? What, did Washington all the sudden become corrupt?
At the root, everyone wants the same thing, but they want polar opposites of how to get it. I don't think ANYONE wants wasteful government spending. It all takes away from the spending we need. The only reason we wanted to go to war was because loudmouths were getting on our case, milking a national tragedy, and making a fortune. Now all the stuff coming out about how much money we blew in the two countries, and that a LOT of it was funneled to the very same people we're supposed to be fighting... why are people more angry at a watered down, easily repealable health care plan? And why don't we have the same righteous indignation about greedy CEO's that get all this government money to do nothing the same way they were about the bailout? We complain about how the politicians get money from these corrupt companies, and then point the fingers at them when one of them goes wrong, yet we didn't complain when the Supreme Court allowed Super Pacs. And my personal favorite, the politicians we had over the past 10 years who kept slashing budgets unwisely to pay for their drunken debauchery. Now we have to make even more painful cuts because some politicians wanted to run for higher office (Cough...Romney...cough cough).
It's ALL bad stuff. It's all stuff that affected us negatively, and we're pointing the wrong fingers at the wrong people. Our problems aren't Bush, Obama, Reagan, Clinton ...etc... it's this guy:
The idiot CEO of any given company that buys the government up so he can do whatever he wants, run his own company into the ground, and then run away with a huge golden parachute, effectively getting rewarded for screwing up. At least with government, you can vote someone out of office and even label them for life. These guys only have to make the filthy little monkeys we call stock holders happy.
That said, if you think I'm being a bit hard on the Tea Party (which is COMPLETELY blind to everything I just said, and so afraid that any change to that would be Commynism), I freaking hate the heck out of Hippies too. I mean... "OOOH! We hate the war so much, we're not going to bathe, smoke pot, and have sex! Why is no one taking us seriously?" And thanks for being so annoying the Religious Right was created just to spite you. Seriously, everyone that lived through that thinks they're so great. They DIDN'T change the world, and when they grew up, they voted for Reagan. Or their spoiled rotten kids did.