Hensonville City 2011


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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going into Robin's room Hey medium sized, green & adorable..you OK?
Robin: Oh hi Mom...yeah,I'm fine.Thanks for not callin' me small.
You're welcome. I know that when Prairie called you "small" you nearly bit her head off.What gives?
Robin:Well,I'm not small! At least to me I'm not. then mumbling An' Nancy too.
Hmm? What was that?
Robin: Nothin'.starting to squirm
Robin honey....placing my hand on his shoulder something's wrong. I can tell. It's not healthy to keep things bottled up. And you know by now I won't laugh at you. Talk to me. Please? You thinking about my niece again?
Robin squirming even more Well... I hope you won't be upset.But I don't have a crush on your niece anymore. I mean, she's pretty an' all.. but she lives far away an' she's older than me. Besides there's a..er..girl in my class named Nancy Kidd. She's real nice an' funny an' cute! An' I *gulp* kinda have a crush on her. I dunno if she likes me or not! Mom...what if she doesn't!
Well my precious froggie son kissing him and giving him a BIG hug a word of advice from your ol' mom. DON'T go up to her and ask her. Because if she doesn't ,and I wouldn't know why because if I were a 9 year old ,I'd sure think you were cute.Anyway I wouldn't want your feelings to be hurt and have her laughing at you. Uh..by the way...she's not like that Penelope girl from last year is she?
Robin: Nuh uh! Nancy's a goat. She's not wacko like Penelope was.
WHEW! OK. But still pay attention to what I said,all right?
Robin looking about 100% happier than when I first started talking to him Thank you Mom. You're the BEST! And I love you around the world and back again!hugging me
Eh ...you're pretty okay too.:wink:
Robin looks crestfallen
C'mere you...grabbing Robin in a tacklehug.....I wasn't going to just get away with telling you " Eh, you're pretty okay too". I love Mr. Robin T. Frog Around The Whole Universe smooching one soft green cheek And Back Again!smooching the other soft green cheek and looking into his eyes And you better not forget it!
Robin : Never. G'nite Mom.
Goodnight sweet one. Pleasant dreams.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Big sigh. Finished fixing the chapter headings for Ru's opus. And the good news is... Electricity's back! And even better, hopefully the fixed ICE unit gets picked up and installed tomorrow.
Still waiting to hear from Kells about the Fazoobs though, meh, I'm sure she'll reply when possible.
*Collapses into bed with a good sigh.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2003
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Piggy: Moi is confused--what did Ed do for you?
Ru: Well, I've been writing this big, um, thing.
Kermit: Oh--what's it about?
Ru: About? Well, it's about, um, well--this big thing, and, well, since I'm the writer and the editor and the typo-police I'm not always managing everything well. There have been problems like, um, (mumbling) er, I misnumbered the chapters.
Kermit: Well anybody can make a mistake.
Ru: Twice.
Kermit: Okay, a lot of folks can make a mistake twice.
Ru: Er, maybe two and a half times.
Piggy: (in an impatient and not-really-interested sing-song) Moi is still confused!
Ru: (rushing) So Ed, um, went in and corrected the chapter numbering for me. It was a huge undertaking.
Piggy: I thought undertaking was right up his ally.
Kermit: Piggy!
Piggy: Just saying....
Ru: Well, I'm just saying...THANK YOU! THANK YOU ED! You are wondermous!
Piggy: Is there any food to be gotten out of this?
Ru: Well, I was thinking of making him brownies--wanna help?
Kermit: I'll help.
(Kermit and Ru walk to the kitchen.)
Kermit: So what's this big thing about? I never have known.
Ru: Brownies or blondies?

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*After finishing dinner...

You're sure all the bugs have been worked out of the system this time?
:batty: Yes, we've gone over the layout and sorted the demons that have been plaguing the runthrough with doubt.
Okay then, let's fire up the MCR and get to counting from 0 all over again.

*Sits down to do some haunter organizing.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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opening the door to Apt. 2 Come and greet me with hugs if you missed me!!!extending arms
Robin comes running into my arms Mom! Hi! gives me a gigantic hug I missed you!
hugging him back and giving him a kiss I missed you too Green Stuff! What's new?
Chef: Hey! Whut em I..Chupped livur?Doon't I get a chance tu hug yu?I missed yu too yu know!
Awwww!I'm sorry!
Chef encumbers me in a big hug Hoow wus der fud?
hugging him back Not as good as yours .But tasty.
Chef: Yu lie aboot der fud nut being as gud as mine. But I knoow you saying it so yu won't hurt my feelings. Did they build Sveden in EPCUT yet?
Uh Chef? I think they're just going to keep Norway to cover Scandanavia.
Chef: HMPH! Dey just doon't know whut gud Svedish cooking iz!
That's right,Chef..they don't...patting him on the back to make him feel better.
Grover (who was behind Chef) : Kathyyyy!!!! gives me a BIG hug Did you have fun?
A bl...er yeah..a LOT of fun!!!hugging lovable furry Grover back.
Prairie gives me a big hug on the right side and Rosita hugs me on the left We missed you SO much!
Awww!!hugging them I missed you all too! Now let me go into the kitchen to get something to drink & then I'll tell you guys about my trip.
Prairie takes a Fruit 2-O off the counter & gives it to me. :You've got one now. So start telling us.:wink:
laughing How did you know I wanted this flavor?
Prairie: Just a guess.
Okay. Well to start with I am NEVER going on Big Thunder Mountain again. I forgot how rough that ride was! But I did promise my niece I'd go on Splash Mountain and Big Thunder Mountain with her. At the end of Big Thunder Mountain.....
(if you want to read the rest you'll have to go to Friends & Family.:wink::stick_out_tongue: )

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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:batty: They never built an area for Russia down in EPCOT either. It's not Transylwania/Romania, but eh, close enough to encompassing the eastern European Old Vorld.
*Fondly reminisces about his last trip back home.

UD: At least you can say the Scandinavian pavillion by way of Norway has the best ride out of the entire World Showcase...
Me, from computer: They have the only ride in the World Showcase!
:batty: Vhat about the River of Time in Mexico?
Me: Please... That's a slow straight-on tunnel ride. Now the Maelstrom, that's a ride!

*Glad to have people back here at HV again.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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:batty: They never built an area for Russia down in EPCOT either. It's not Transylwania/Romania, but eh, close enough to encompassing the eastern European Old Vorld.
*Fondly reminisces about his last trip back home.

UD: At least you can say the Scandinavian pavillion by way of Norway has the best ride out of the entire World Showcase...
Me, from computer: They have the only ride in the World Showcase!
:batty: Vhat about the River of Time in Mexico?
Me: Please... That's a slow straight-on tunnel ride. Now the Maelstrom, that's a ride!

*Glad to have people back here at HV again.
My 11 year old niece tried to get my mother to go on the Maelstrom..But my mother doesn't like rough rides.
(BTW...I almost read "Russia" as "Rosita" I thought to myself "They have Mexico there." But then I read it again."Russia"...got it.:wink: )

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*In :smile: voice: Oh good. Haven't been down there in two decades, so there's a lot of stuff that I've never ridden that's been added after. Did you get any pins? If you follow the hobby you might want to check the Pincast and/or join us in the listener's fan group by answering the member questions (or not, your choice of course).


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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*In :smile: voice: Oh good. Haven't been down there in two decades, so there's a lot of stuff that I've never ridden that's been added after. Did you get any pins? If you follow the hobby you might want to check the Pincast and/or join us in the listener's fan group by answering the member questions (or not, your choice of course).
No.Sorry...I didn't buy anything.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Meh, is okay. I'm not a big buyer, but I have a few good ones. You can check my collection at www.pinpics.com, search for me as Numbervania.