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Hensonville City 2011

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Listening to MCR to take away some of the stress from these last few days of dealing with "real" life. :frown: :sigh: :sleep:

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*A thunderclap can be heard from outside as we finish our counting for now.

UD: So, how high have you gotten up to now?
Me: *Happy sigh, it's back at 9.
UD: What? After all that time, only 9?
:batty:, as a white ghostly 9 appears in the sky, he means 900.

*Uncle D looks at the gathering list of haunters, effectively affirming that the Count's tableau once again has been filled up in a perfect 30 square formation.
Me: Only another hundred left and then we can start working on them all.
UD: So, are you satisfied with this haul?
Me: Well... I'm not sure about choosing Kim Boggs to go with Edward Scissorhands to complete the Tim Burton World group of haunters over the Beldame from Coraline, might have to get an outside opinion on that.
And there's the Princess Who Never Smiled. Having trouble visualizing her properly Muppet-like, but she's needed to complete the Sesame Street Storybook Alphabet group—from the illustrated book of the same name—so she'll stay as part of the tally for now.
*Notices the ghostly 9 floating away.
Hmm, better leave a message for Kathy to keep Gaffer inside unless she wants to get struck.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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(I usually keep Gaffer inside,but thanks anyway Ed.:wink:)
sigh Darn...my flag is getting all wet. But I'm sure that the sun will be out later.
Chef: Did yu call your oldur bruther?
No...I think he's out at a ceremony today honoring the firemen that survived and some that were killed too.
Chef: Ah..well if yu do, tell him thet he's gut sum people down here thet are proud uv him too.
Aww...that's sweet! Thanks Chef!
Robin: Mom, when I told Mr. Rodriguez about your brother, he was really impressed! Some of the kids didn't believe me . Nancy did though. blushing a little
Well do you want me to come to the school and show them the articles?
Robin:No..that's okay,thanks. Mr. Rodriguez found your brother's name on the Internet an' showed us after lunch on Friday. So everyone said they were sorry for not believin' me. Everyone thought that it was cool that I have a famous frog uncle an' a sorta famous human uncle.
laughing a little Yeah..it is kinda neat huh?
Grover:So you do not hold a grudge against him for breathing pickle juice in your face when you were a little girl?
giggling We were kids. Brothers and sisters are supposed to torture each other! Hey, I could have had it MUCH worse! One of my friends told me that her brothers and sisters would hold her down and pass gas in her face!
Chef: My bruther und I luved tu torture our sisturs. But we NEVUR wuld do THAT!
Smart thinking Chef!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Reads through the Mindset's first part brakedown of the new Muppets parody trailer.

Oh boy... Kermit's gonna have some splaining to do if Aunt Ru finds out about that torn TMTM wedding picture.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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after reading a story at the computer I have the urge to look in on Robin. Standing in his doorway I look closely to see if he's breathing. He is,thank goodness. I exhale a silent sigh pf relief. Oh Robin,sweet one,I mean every single word when I tell you how much I love you.You're the same thing as a child of my own flesh. I tiptoe into his room,tuck the covers around him,kiss his soft green sleeping head and whisper,"Goodnight my froggie son." Then I tiptoe out and go into the kitchen where Chef is fixing himself a snack.
Chef: Hey dere..yu hungree?
Just gonna have some milk pouring myself (what I think) is milk
Chef: Erm Kathy? Det's coffee creemur.
Oops.:embarrassed:standing over the sink and trying to put it back in
Chef: Heer..I'll do thet then looking at my hands Hey..yore hends are sheking! Sit down und I'll get the milk und some cookies. Yu luuk like yu've seen a gost! Yu okee?
Just the milk,thanks Chef.
Chef: Okee..then the cookies fur mi. chuckling a bit.pouring milk for me and him then getting a pack of sugar cookies out Yu want tu talk aboot it? Yu weren't watching those stupid scary moovies were yu?
No...no...nothing like that. I was on the computer and reading a story about a little boy who got hit by a car and I was up to the part where his heart stopped for a minute or so....
Chef:...Und yu thought uv Robin didn't yu? Ohhh Kathyholding out his arms to hug me
crying Chef ..I love that little guy with every fiber of my being.He's not my flesh and bone of course .But if anything ever happened to him ,I just don't know what I'd do. I stood at his doorway for about 5 minutes before just watching him sleep. I'm just glad he didn't wake up and see me staring at him or I would have scared the daylights out of him.
Chef :Well if it helps eny, yu're a wunderful mama tu him. Und now dat Kermit lives here, he looks out fur Robin too. Everyone here keeps a close eye on Robin. Even me. Und there's a speed limit here in Hensonville.I hefen't heard uf eny car eksidents lately.So yu try tu releks OK? Der teensy ..well...mebee he's NUT so teensy enymore hoppity hop hop is okeedokee,all rite?giving me a couple of tissues Wipe dose purrty eyes und blo det nosekissing me on the top of the head
Thank you Chef hugging him
Chef: Hey..I may meke weird meals. But I'm a good listener.Und I try tu give gud edvice.:wink:
Actually your meals have improved!:wink: Goodnight Chef.
Chef: Gudnite,dear.Sweet dreams.:smile:

Muppet Newsgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2006
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Erin: (on phone) ...one order of the palak paneer, two orders of the chana masala...just a moment. (to Storyteller) Hey, Storyteller, what did you say you wanted, again?
Storyteller: (in hut, trying to make sense of her scroll shelf) The radish raita and the cucumber salad.
Erin: Gotcha. (back on phone) One cucumber salad with radish raita...right. Yes, and to finish off, ras malai for five...very good. Thanks. (hangs up) Okay, people, dinner will be here in half an hour.
Scooter: That works - Nora and Beige are both running late.
Erin: Why, what's going on?
Scooter: Nora had to help out with something at the bookshop, and Beige called to say that traffic in the Matt Fraggle room was a nightmare.
Storyteller: Tsk...there's probably a flock of Toe-Ticklers blocking one of the tunnels again, I'd wager.

(few minutes later)

Nora: What a night...Mr. Farley brought his pet salamanders to the shop again, and they got loose in the philosophy section. (holds up a tattered butterfly net) I've never seen Mrs. Farley's face turn that shade of purple before.
Beige: (emerging from Fraggle hole) I tell you, that tunnel's been backing up since the World's Oldest Fraggle was a kid. At this rate, they'll have that extension built when Gorgs learn to fly.
Storyteller: You know, that reminds me of an old legend where...
(cut off by doorbell ringing)
Erin: Hold that thought - dinner's here.

(soon, all are settled around the table, tucking into some of the city's best Indian cuisine)


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2009
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Me: (looking on the Internet for a costume) Ugh...Why did I wait so late to do this?!

Ojo: What's going on, T?

Me: There's a convention in a few weeks that I'm going to, but I need a costume because I want to dress up!

Ojo: Oooh! Like Halloween? :big_grin:

Me: W-well, it 2 weeks before Halloween, so yeah, kinda like that.

Ojo: You could borrow my bat costume! (starts "flying" around the room) Eeeky, eeky, eeky, eeky!

Me: (giggles) Silly bear cub... No, thank you.

Ojo: (stops "flying") What costume are you looking for?

Me: Something different... Everyone is going to be characters from Star Trek and Harry Potter and Star Wars and stuff like that... I want to be someone different... Guess I'll keep looking.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Wha huh? Someone actually posted here? Order up!
*Sends T a few sesame seed block cubes, wrapped of course.

Ugh, and we've got the Halloween festival to plot to see if some action picks back up at this place.

UD: Agreed, it's getting so boring I might consider calling the Ajax Company, mayhaps have some fun folling those foolish mortals.
Don't you have an event at the Haunted Mansion this weekend?
UD: Couldn't get tickets unfortunately.
Oh okay.

BTW: Anyone have an MP3 of Thriller they could send me please? Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2009
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Me: Whoa! Thanks, Ed! I could use a little snack. I've been glued to my computer for so long looking for a costume, and I'm so HUNGRY!! Is there a place around here that delivers?

Ojo: You had pizza yesterday! I think you should have a healthy snack today.

Me: Aw, Ojo...

Ojo: Now, T... I watch Sesame Street, too! And when they talk about sometimes food and anytime food, I always think about what you eat! And trust me, you eat more pizza than apples...

Me: Oh, really? (gets up and tickles her) What was that, you silly bear cub?

Ojo: (giggles) Stop! Stop! Stop!

Me: (stops tickling her and sits in front of the computer) Well...I guess I can have some fruit salad today. And yes, I watch the Wiggles, too. :wink:

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Comes back from having lunch downstairs and putting the bowls and plates in the dishwasher.
No prob T. The major food joints in town deliver, like the R&R Deli or the Rising Dim Sum. And hey, sesame seeds are plenty healthy.
*Sends some cubes to other peoples here at HV.