Hensonville City 2011


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Oct 24, 2003
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(When Piggy comes into Apartment #5, she hears humming and conversation coming from the kitchen."

Piggy: (standing in the doorway between the kitchen and dining room) Wouldn't it just be easier to move the comfy chair in here?
Fozzie: I'm comfy. (He takes another big bite of his sandwich.)
Kermit: (chewing and swallowing before speaking) I'll sit wherever Ru wants to feed me.
Ru: (grinning) What's the matter, Honey? Don't like the kitchen furniture or don't like the kitchen crowd?
Piggy: (making a face and waving Ru's words away with a languid move of her hand) Moi is just wondering why we always seem to congregate in here. What are you eating, anyway?
Ru: Tomato sandwiches! Want one, Sweetie? The tomatoes have come in with a vengeance.
Fozzie: (nervously) Um, they didn't that once when we were doing the show. (his voice gets smaller) Right in the middle of my act.
Kermit: (patting his bed bud on the back) It's okay, Fozzie. I think Ru just meant that we have lots of tomatoes getting ripe now.
Piggy: Can Moi have a tomato and cucumber sandwich instead?
Ru: Sure thing, honey. White or wheat or rye?
Piggy: Rye.
Ru: Mayo and brown mustard or just mayo.
Piggy: Um...both, I think.
(Ru makes the sandwich, layering tomato slices and cucumber slices onto the dark bread. She cuts it into little triangles and puts it in front of Piggy on a paper towel.)
Piggy: (looking pointedly at the towel) What--now we're foregoing plates?
Fozzie: (eyeing the sandwich) If you don't want it--
Piggy: Back off, fuzzy wuzzy.
Ru: (dryly) Somebody's got a bee in their bonnet.
Kermit: Hmm. I wish.
Ru: (flashing him a smile) Sorry, sweetie--I don't deal with the live ones. (to Piggy) What's the matter, Piggy--having a bad day?
Piggy: (sighing dramatically) I have a headache and I got a parking ticket and they were out of my favorite lipstick and my feet hurt.
(For a moment, no one speaks, a little surprised by this outburst of complaining, then there is a general rush to comfort. Ru comes over and gives Piggy a little hug.)
Ru: Let me get you something for your headache, Honey--you might have gotten a little over-heated outside today.
Fozzie: Was your ticket from Bobo?
Piggy: (hissing a little) Yes! I--I tried to explain that I was just unloading a big package--
Fozzie: (confidently) I can get it fixed for you. (They all turn to stare at him, and Fozzie reacts nervously to their scrutiny.) What? I can--I know the bear in charge. He takes care of all of Bobo's, um, boo-boos.
Piggy: (sounding surprised herself) Thank you, Fozzie. That would be lovely.
(Kermit has reached over and pulled Piggy's feet into his lap. He takes off her strappy cork wedges and begins to rub her feet gently but firmly.)
Piggy: Ooh! Ah--watch the ticklish spots--oh! Stop, Kermit!
(But Kermit stops teasing her with tickling her feet and she does not pull away. Ru puts a glass of water on the table and two pills into Piggy's satin-gloved hand. Piggy takes them, then sighs.)
Ru: Better, Sweetie?
Piggy: Yes. (hesitates) Yes--thank you, roomies.
Kermit: You're welcome, Piggy--that's what roomies are for.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Hmm... Next thing you know, we'll have the theme from that movie about monster tomatoes playing.
*Uncle D, lays out clothes for after his shower.

You going out?
UD: Yes... Poker game down at the old haunt tonight.
Oh, who'll be there?
UD, picking out his socks: Mmm, I think Medusa, Oogie Boogie, and Davy Jones.
Did you ask Pew if he wanted to go?
UD, selecting a skull adorned necktie: Yeees... But he ate the invitation, so it's anybody's guess if he'll even show up.
Okay then, hope you have fun with your fiends.
UD: Thanks, have a defrightful night with that wrestling stuff.
*The phantom dragon grabs his ghost sheet towel and robe, heading off for the bat-room for a foggy shower.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2003
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Ru: (Knocking on Ed's door) Yoo hoo! Y'all want to come over to the common room tonight to watch "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes" tonight? Bring snacks and, um, teddies for the scary parts! (muttering under her breath) Assuming you can be scared by a movie when you live with a Count, a dragon and a skull.

(Knocking on Kathy's door) Knock-knock! We're going to watch an old "B" movie tonight--"Attack of the Killer Tomatoes"--in the common room. Bring food and friends!

(muttering to self) I hope the others are doing better than I am getting the word out!

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Huh? *Wonders what a "Court" is. :stick_out_tongue:
:batty: grabs the bag of pita chips with some thin humus while Ed hops in for a quick shower.

BTW: Are we watching the first one or the sequel?
:batty: Vhat difference is there between the two?
Ed, chuckling, the sequel's the one I kinda remember... And it's the one that the animated series kindof drew it's inspiration from.
(Yeah, the animated form of Tara when human was one of my early toon crushes. And others from that era. That was back in 92 when FoxKids debuted here in PR with so much awesome shows and I still had good enough sight to watch TV well... :sigh: :dreamy:)
*Gets lost in memories while humming as I bathe.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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(Knocking on Kathy's door) Knock-knock! We're going to watch an old "B" movie tonight--"Attack of the Killer Tomatoes"--in the common room. Bring food and friends!

(muttering to self) I hope the others are doing better than I am getting the word out!
All righty..we're coming!
Chef: I think I've werked with sum uv those tomatoos!
giggling You think so?
Chef:Well..der ones thet weren't throon et Fozzie!
Chef..you're a nut! OK everyone!Chop-chop! Robin..grab your teddy bear in case the movie gets too scary.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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*Exits the shower and heads off to get dressed in some clean at-home clothes. *Remembers to serve Fatatita her dinner, hoping she's not picky tonight like sooome other cat I heard about through the grapevine.

Okay Count, you got the snacks?
:batty: Yes, ready and counting the seconds to Movie Night.
Good. *Grabs a big bottle of lymon soda and plastic cups before leaving for the common room.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Oops! :oops: Forgot the snacks! grabs a few bottles of Coke for Grover Rosita and Prairie,root beer for Chef ,orange soda for Robin and a couple of Fruit 2Os for me and a bag of kettle corn..then gives Gaffer a pet on the head and goes running out the door


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2003
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(Food is on the coffee table and the end tables. Folks are sitting on the couch and on cushions and blankets on the floor. Kermit is in front of the television, working with the video-player.)
Kermit: Thank goodness this video-player is old enough to play VHS tapes. (grinning at Ru) How old is this video, anyway?
Ru: Not so old. I got it when I was...okay--it's not that old, smart guy. Just put it in.
Fozzie: (putting his blanket over his face) I'm not watching the scary parts. Just tell me when I can look.
Piggy: Moi seriously doubts that garden produce is going to be that scary.
Fozzie: Oh yeah? Well, you've obviously never done stand-up at the Muppet Theater!
Piggy: True.
Kermit: Okay--it's playing. Turn out the lights! (He scurries over and wedges himself between Piggy and Fozzie on the couch.)
Ru: Shh! (puts her arm around Fozzie and whispers) Here--you hold on to me and I'll hold on to you.
Fozzie: (whispering) Tell me when to look!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Count leads Ed down onto a cushion to get comfy, sitting himself nearby as the lights are turned off. Both become absorbed in the movie as it starts out, smiling upon recognizing John Astin's voice as the movie's villain(?)


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2003
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Ru: (whispering to Piggy) Sheesh--John Astin is sooo sexy.
Piggy: You are sooo weird.