What are your thoughts on Facebook?


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2011
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and I can see my family in person anytime I want, so I really don't need Facebook.
I don't use facebook to stay in touch with family. I need to get in touch with a family member? I call them. For me, facebook is good for staying in touch with all my friends from middle school, college, acting classes, etc. It's just a nice way to stay connected.

As for twitter, I do have one. However, whereas on facebook I'll do dull statuses like "I'm reading so-and-so book", I usually go to Twitter when I have more interesting/humorous things to say.


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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I love my family, but have recently found it necessary to limit their access to my Facebook feed. It's not that I'm posting wild content. I'm fairly conservative compared to many of my friends. It's just the older my family members get the more they turn into Quakers. It's best to keep their access to a minimum so I don't have to hear from the peanut gallery. :wisdom: And de-friending family members entirely is out of the question. I mean, it's family!


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2008
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I love my family, but have recently found it necessary to limit their access to my Facebook feed. It's not that I'm posting wild content. I'm fairly conservative compared to many of my friends. It's just the older my family members get the more they turn into Quakers. It's best to keep their access to a minimum so I don't have to hear from the peanut gallery. :wisdom: And de-friending family members entirely is out of the question. I mean, it's family!
i think i may need to look into that. hahaha. i have had a few problems with my family and facebook....


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2006
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Sorry, but it IS a very optional AND feasible choice to not have one. I have zero desire to be on FB, and for once that's a conscious decision and not due to the limitations of webtv or poverty (though webtv doesn't get along well with FB - but i could still set up an account at the library if i chose to)

FB is TMI personified that can bite one in the butt in too many ways. The thought of everyone in my family, co-workers, and various circles of friends all being able to see everything about everyone else is quite honestly, HORRIFYING! It's too much personal info in one convenient place not only about myself but everyone i'm connected with - especially since so many people don't give any thought as to the consequences of the stuff they put online. FB is a huge target on one's back that says "HEY EVERYONE, HERE'S ACCESS TO ALL MY SECRETS, WHERE I AM AT A GIVEN TIME SO YOU CAN ROB OR VANDALIZE MY APARTMENT
OR CAR, STEAL MY IDENTITY, OR FOR PEOPLE I DON'T WANT TO EASILY FIND ME TO DO SO!" Potential employers or other people in positions of power to make major decisions regarding your life use FB more and more to "check you out". It's total market research about everything regarding your life open to abuse by too many others - i shudder to think what the Bush administration would use it for if they were still in charge!

It's a glorified fad that's been sold as "an essential" that i'm not buying and never will.
Ah, someone who shares the same opinion as me. Probably the first person I know to say it, mind you- with the exception of my parents. x3 I'm not gonna criticise people with a facebook, because I can understand why people use it (and secondly, that's /alot/ of people I'd be criticising, cripes), but it's really not my cup of tea. For the record, I'm a member of a good number of sites, but the closest I've ever gotten to the whole social-networking thing is tumblr (I did/do have a myspace, which I made about 5 years ago, and I honestly didn't log into it once), and I can't lie... I really like the site- it's lyk a virtual scrapb00k guizzz! But seriously, I can't lie, I am a wee bit addicted. xP that an dA, and even though I do share personal info I /guess/ with my dA i.d. and occasionally in my journal I don't consider it a social-networking website.

I don't have a facebook or a mobile phone, and as a teen my peers obviously find this really weird. I like it, but whatever. xD I don't want a mobile phone, and I don't intend on getting one until I /really/, desperately need one. In the meantime, I don't want people texting me and being able to contact me where ever I go (I must sound really anti-social, but that's not the case, I assure you). Secondly, my parents would have to end up paying for it, and I wouldn't want them to, but I wouldn't pay for it either. x33 It's hard to explain. ;p

I had my first /real/ exposure to facebook (if that makes sense) not too long ago at a friends place. It was... I don't know. Weird. She had people in her contacts that she never talked to, including people who she -to be honest- didn't really like. Everyone adds eachother to facebook, and yet many of these people wouldn't be caught dead talking to you in 'real life'. This could be just a teen thing, keep in mind. Not to blame facebook as such, but some of the stuff that people put up there is... far out. *__* The pictures! I know it's up to the individual but those people are gonna have a rough time finding a job, some of the stuff on it is just wow. But yeah, I don't intend on making one. ;P I /do/ have a twitter, but I barely go on it. I made one because an old friend had one and it did look kind of fun but I haven't got anything to say. xD Cookies to those people who have really witty or just generally awesome posts (all my friend did was just complain about being tired :stick_out_tongue:), but I am bad with it. Maybe if I'm a famous person one day in another life peeps will follow me. :stick_out_tongue: I just suck at it, and again, tumblr is brill.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Did you guys hear the disturbing story on the news last night about this lady who accepted a friend invite from a guy she didn't really know that well from high school? She accepted his invite, assuming he was reaching out to her and was wanting to reconnect, and suddenly he started sending her disturbing messages all the time about how back in high school, he wanted to have kids with her, and telling her things like he could've chopped her up and no one would know it, he could've slit her throat and drank her blood, etc. Her mother, who happened to be a cop, found out about it, and told her to contact the police, and he's been arrested and faces I forget how many years in prison, without bail, for planning her death.



Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2011
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Did you guys hear the disturbing story on the news last night about this lady who accepted a friend invite from a guy she didn't really know that well from high school? She accepted his invite, assuming he was reaching out to her and was wanting to reconnect, and suddenly he started sending her disturbing messages all the time about how back in high school, he wanted to have kids with her, and telling her things like he could've chopped her up and no one would know it, he could've slit her throat and drank her blood, etc. Her mother, who happened to be a cop, found out about it, and told her to contact the police, and he's been arrested and faces I forget how many years in prison, without bail, for planning her death.
This is exactly why I only add people that I know/trust.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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this coudvle just been because of the friend you added..facebook guesses at the people you know in real life and sometimes its right sometimes its completely off
See it's that kind of thing that some people are annoyed about regarding Facebook. It takes far too many liberties with people's information. Someone in one of my classes talked about how Facebook announced what movies she had just bought tickets for because she used an online service. What's next, Facebook telling everyone what bank you used?

Funny thing about our liberties, they're often taken away from us gradually so we think it's no big deal, before we even know what's going on.


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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See it's that kind of thing that some people are annoyed about regarding Facebook. It takes far too many liberties with people's information. Someone in one of my classes talked about how Facebook announced what movies she had just bought tickets for because she used an online service. What's next, Facebook telling everyone what bank you used?

Funny thing about our liberties, they're often taken away from us gradually so we think it's no big deal, before we even know what's going on.
I don't fault facebook for any of that. It is up to each individual to monitor their own privacy settings. It's not so difficult and if an individual still can't figure it out they can google how (like anything else). Facebook, like any other social media, is as private or as open as the user allows. However, to the uninformed it can be like giving a monkey a gun. I'd rather not dumb things down for people who don't think before they act.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2004
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I don't fault facebook for any of that. It is up to each individual to monitor their own privacy settings.
agree as well...its up to the user what he or she wishes to share....no matter what website its asks you first if you want to post this information on Facebook...it never forces you to post it

freddyfrills as for you...even with fake info you must've done something , searched for a friend or maybe the email you used...it doesn't just automatically assume who you are