What are your thoughts on Facebook?


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2004
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Myspace is dead. They might as well just close the site.
going to have to agree with this. and technically its "My[__]" now. i just officially finally closed mine about a month ago, everyone i know is basically on Facebook so i just use that instead and its alot easier to connect with people..

true the constant changes are annoying but you get used to them


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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At this point, virtually everyone not living off the grid is on facebook. to me it's like having a phone, I don't even see it as an optional or feasible choice to not have one. If you have friends, family or associates you need a facebook, just like you need a phone and physical address.
Sorry, but it IS a very optional AND feasible choice to not have one. I have zero desire to be on FB, and for once that's a conscious decision and not due to the limitations of webtv or poverty (though webtv doesn't get along well with FB - but i could still set up an account at the library if i chose to)

FB is TMI personified that can bite one in the butt in too many ways. The thought of everyone in my family, co-workers, and various circles of friends all being able to see everything about everyone else is quite honestly, HORRIFYING! It's too much personal info in one convenient place not only about myself but everyone i'm connected with - especially since so many people don't give any thought as to the consequences of the stuff they put online. FB is a huge target on one's back that says "HEY EVERYONE, HERE'S ACCESS TO ALL MY SECRETS, WHERE I AM AT A GIVEN TIME SO YOU CAN ROB OR VANDALIZE MY APARTMENT
OR CAR, STEAL MY IDENTITY, OR FOR PEOPLE I DON'T WANT TO EASILY FIND ME TO DO SO!" Potential employers or other people in positions of power to make major decisions regarding your life use FB more and more to "check you out". It's total market research about everything regarding your life open to abuse by too many others - i shudder to think what the Bush administration would use it for if they were still in charge!

It's a glorified fad that's been sold as "an essential" that i'm not buying and never will.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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At this point, virtually everyone not living off the grid is on facebook. to me it's like having a phone, I don't even see it as an optional or feasible choice to not have one. If you have friends, family or associates you need a facebook, just like you need a phone and physical address. To think, some nerdy kid created something that changed life as we know it!
I would like to be on Facebook and connect with people I haven't seen for awhile. But the whole privacy issue makes me nervous; they've been in the news way too many times. There's just too many bad things that can happen through the Web and people are getting very careless.

And btw there are still people in the U.S. who can't afford to have phones. Doesn't mean there's something wrong with them. I know that's not what you meant, but just saying. :smile:

Sgt Floyd

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2006
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While I admit, the reqired real name really bothers bothers me, my name is so weird that I highly doubt anyone would find me. I really dont have any personal info on my facebook. What I do have is all private to friends only. Heck, I dont even have any pictures of myself on there. My profile picture is a drawing I did...

But really I just go on facebook to play Zuma. I find it horrifying that people literally revolve their lives around facebook. Like all those people who claim they would die without facebook seriously need help. Facebook is like a digital drug to a lot of people :/


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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One thing that's really outraged me is that here a few months ago, like Julio pointed out, MySpace COMPLETELY changed, going from MySpace to "My[__]", or whatever it's supposed to be called... and it's JUST like Facebook in that it's slow, hard to navigate, not user-friendly, etc.

Everyone always talks about being able to "connect" with everybody on Facebook... well, I've been able to do that just fine without it... if I want to connect with people, I can PM them, e-mail them, strike up a chat on Y!M, and I can see my family in person anytime I want, so I really don't need Facebook.

Now, although I've always said that Twitter is completely useless, as its purpose is essentially a feature on BOTH MySpace AND Facebook, I have been considering getting a Twitter account: I used to use MySpace for both blogging and status updates... well, MySpace has been effed up beyond comprehension, so I've got Blogger for blogging now, so I basically just use MySpace for status updates now, but the slowness, and the difficult navigation really isn't worth the hassle anymore.

Sgt Floyd

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2006
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I refuse to get a twitter account. Its everything I hate about facebook. Pointless "I'm taking a shower," "I'm sleeping," "I'm eating" updates :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2004
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Privacy on FB isnt that bad at all... people make it out to be like all your info is posted there for all the world to see...but you can chose what and whatnot to put on there...you can also make your profile extremely private( i have it so certain family members cant see my pictures because they are super religious and some have accused me of hanging out with certain ladies but anyways)

basically i have it so you can find me and add me but good luck seeing anything besides my name email and profile picture


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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Privacy on FB isnt that bad at all... people make it out to be like all your info is posted there for all the world to see...but you can chose what and whatnot to put on there...
Oh I know it's just that there's been too many occasions where the management has change privacy settings without telling anyone. Plus any system have a glitch and break down.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2004
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actually one of the last privacy updates that supposedly no one know about ended up being bogus i learned this when i went to go check into it and realized none of my settings had been changed

but i know people on both ends of the scale i know those people who have the fb just to keep in touch with those friends who are to far away to talk to or see on a daily bases...i also know ones who post every single little thought that pops in their there head and publicize their lives on fb


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2004
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I can see my family in person anytime I want, so I really don't need Facebook.
see but here you come to my case..i have 3 brothers and 3 sisters...i used to live in CA they live in MA, im back in MA but 3 of them live almost 2 hours away one sister lines 1 hour away i see once in a while...my other brother lives in China...

my youngest sister i havent seen in 15 years

our dad lives in Puerto Rico and other family lives across the US( we range from East to West Coast) ....Facebook has allowed us to share things keep in contact and talk to each other at times that we wouldnt be able too