Disney Enlists Segel & Stoller for new Muppets movie

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Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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The way I see it, we've got every right in the world to be optimistic about this. We have PUBLICITY for this thing ALREADY. I mean, gosh, the script hasn't even been written. This is big people. Really big. Disney executives have bought, purchased, and now OWN the rights to the next Muppet theatrical project, and the pitch for it was good, it was classic, it was Muppets. I'd say we can be optimistic.
Prawnie...I'm just gunna stand over here by you, 'k? Just here in your shadow, here, ok? I love you man.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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*pushes a litte pile of dust onto Prawnie's shoes*

But seriously...(Serious? HA!)...the excitment is palable!


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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The way I see it, we've got every right in the world to be optimistic about this. We have PUBLICITY for this thing ALREADY. I mean, gosh, the script hasn't even been written. This is big people. Really big. Disney executives have bought, purchased, and now OWN the rights to the next Muppet theatrical project, and the pitch for it was good, it was classic, it was Muppets. I'd say we can be optimistic.
Just taking into consideration how most of the time Disney breaks their promises when it comes to the muppets.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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I used to be pretty skeptical and pessimisstic about these things. But the way I look at it, being negative just takes up too much energy. Being hopeful is a bit more risky, but ultimately more rewarding. Don't get me wrong, I'm realistic about it all. But as they say, "pessimissim does not equal wisdom." :wink:


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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But seriously...(Serious? HA!)...the excitment is palable!
Just taking into consideration how most of the time Disney breaks their promises when it comes to the muppets.
Hmm...Seems some of us are using that palable enthusiasm to make pink playdough bunny's and some to make green grumpy grouches...

*makes enthusiasm into paper dolls*


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Just taking into consideration how most of the time Disney breaks their promises when it comes to the muppets.
One question... What promises?

Disney never PROMISED any of those failed projects. Never ONCE did we get word that Disney executives were "excited" about a new project. We've never had a report saying that Disney executives bought a script "on the spot" because they liked it so much. We've had nothing PROMISED to us, we've just had rumors. We've had things filmed to TEST the waters, we've never had PROMISES. I'm not saying that this is a PROMISE yet either, but it's as close as we've gotten in four years, and it's close enough to a promise for me.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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*chimes in from shadow of Prawnie*

"Maybe I was wrong when I said I never promised anybody anything...I promised me..."


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2007
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Snowth obviously does not understand completely how Hollywood works. If for example Segel had went in with a decent idea and impressed them but, they weren't quite sure they would have mulled this around for much longer. Then, giving him the go ahead to write it - they would have been much more on the down low.

What happened from my "Hollywood experienced perspective" is that he went in and knocked it out of the park at the right time. Timing is everything in Hollyweird and he just happened to fall in that. I'm sure with all the renewed interest in the website and award winning and selling muppet show dvd's and the Emmy - Disney has been concentrating more fully on doing a film with them. When you are rolling snake eyes - you keep gambling and they can afford it trust me - coming off of one of the best years the studio has ever had. They can afford to roll the die one more time! We are all lucky that those things have lined up and our gift from the god's (seems like) is that Segel laid his hand at the right "time"!

Yes, he is sweating bullets to write an excellent script and have the almighty "green light" but, not really. I will tell you this - that circle of writers keeps earning nothing more than rave reviews and high fives and connections with the actors & groups that are suddenly carrying golden halo's... This all plays into the political Hollywood situation... Disney will not be able to turn their noses up to such a rare opportunity and they knew that in the meeting and is why he was awarded a green light in the first meeting. That is a rarity and in Hollywood it signifies many amazing positive things.

Whoever said "Dumb" execs should go back and review Disneys intake this year.

I wholeheartedly think this is the best muppet news i've ever heard and i've been following them for a long long time.
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