Disney Enlists Segel & Stoller for new Muppets movie

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Aug 8, 2003
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Oh ok - you're so right. Disney will just sit on the franchise and never do another thing with it. They will build a brand new website, collect the muppet emmy and just relegate themselves to making money off the previous DVD's. Get real! Hollywood doesn't work that way, they sat on it, concentrated on other things, came across a viable project/talent team and pounced. If they weren't eventually going to use their assets they would liquidate them... It's basic business principles at work.
I'm JUST saying...


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2006
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Okay I just found an article from someone who's actually seen "Forgetting Sarah Marshall" and here's what he has to say about the puppet work in it:
" This isn’t as out of left field as it sounds. Once you see Forgetting Sarah Marshall it’ll make sense. Puppets actually figure pretty prominently into the [COLOR=#E79902 ! important][FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif][COLOR=#E79902 ! important][FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]movie[/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR], and the film ends with a big puppet musical number, with Jason playing puppeteer to a singing Dracula character (who bears more than a passing resemblance to Sesame Street’s The Count). Believe it or not, it’s stupendous. The guy obviously knows what he’s doing with a piece of felt on his hand, and it was that experience in Sarah Marshall which gave Segel the confidence necessary to make a Muppets pitch to [COLOR=#E79902 ! important][FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif][COLOR=#E79902 ! important][FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]Disney[/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR]."

The link is here: http://www.cinemablend.com/new/Jason-Segel-Writing-A-New-Muppet-Movie-8155.html

But it's pretty exciting to hear that his puppet work in the movie is "stupendous." I can't wait!


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2004
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His simple story about the gang putting on a show to save the studio will utilize the classic characters and fully developed human characters.
Ummmm, we've already seen this idea it was called a very merry muppet christmas movie...
"Bringing it back to the Muppets putting on a show and working together, there's such a sense of hope that comes from the old Muppet movies. I just remember watching and thinking I could do anything.
That line right there makes me hoefull that he knows what he's doing.
The original movies, the Muppets are all treated like they're actors in the movie.
Charles Grodin in The Great Muppet Caper is unbelievable. Nowadays it's just someone walking through going, 'Hey, was that Tom Selleck?' That doesn't interest me."
BINGO was his name-o! and that's what we need some high profile stars not low life flavor of the week pop stars.
"They haven't really been doing much with the Muppets."
Nice to know we're not the only ones who notice...:rolleyes:
And there is a weird spattering of laughter and then uncomfortable silence, like, 'Really? That's why you're here?'
See folks, that's what they think of the Muppets..nice..
And I gave them the pitch and they really loved it. They bought it in the room
Must be really dang good if laughing jerks shut up and bought the idea on the spot.
Darklighter writes:
on Mar 19 2008 10:06 AM

Hanna Montanna better not make an appearance in this.
hahahahahahahaha, and I swear that person isn't me!:stick_out_tongue:

And yowza there sure are some sick pervs on that site lol
But it's pretty exciting to hear that his puppet work in the movie is "stupendous." I can't wait!
It is and I am now going to see this movie because of this, There needs to be more Puppets and Muppets in movies.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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I like that he is a life long Muppet fan, and can't wait to see what happens with this movie.

Hey Shoth Oscar the Grouch wants his can back lol geez some people can look at gold and want silver.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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I can't believe this... this is quite possibly the greatest news I have heard in a long, LONG time. Reading these articles makes me giddy with delight, I just couldn't be happier with this right now. Segel sounds like an incredible guy who really, really understands our Muppets. I'm incredibly impressed that the Disney execs bought it on the spot, that's just amazing.

People, this is gonna be big. There's talks of bringing Rowlf and Mayhem back into the spotlight, talks of a movie centering on KERMIT THE FROG for the first time in over 25 years, talks of having a classic feel to the movie, talks of big name stars making cameos, THERE ARE TALKS OF A NEW MUPPET MOVIE! A NEW BIG-BUDGET, CLASSIC FEELING MUPPET MOVIE PEOPLE!

Really all I can think of to say about this right now is this...

It's gonna be big.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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I can't believe this... this is quite possibly the greatest news I have heard in a long, LONG time. Reading these articles makes me giddy with delight, I just couldn't be happier with this right now. Segel sounds like an incredible guy who really, really understands our Muppets. I'm incredibly impressed that the Disney execs bought it on the spot, that's just amazing.

People, this is gonna be big. There's talks of bringing Rowlf and Mayhem back into the spotlight, talks of a movie centering on KERMIT THE FROG for the first time in over 25 years, talks of having a classic feel to the movie, talks of big name stars making cameos, THERE ARE TALKS OF A NEW MUPPET MOVIE! A NEW BIG-BUDGET, CLASSIC FEELING MUPPET MOVIE PEOPLE!

Really all I can think of to say about this right now is this...

It's gonna be big.
Try not to get TOO excited, Prawnie, you know how Disney never keeps their promises when it comes to our muppets.


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2007
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Snowth - I can understand your concern but, I beg to differ - this has not happened in quite the same way... ugggh!

Keep dreaming and believing and for Henson's sake put out good energy. You get back what you put out people.:smile:


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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Try not to get TOO excited, Prawnie, you know how Disney never keeps their promises when it comes to our muppets.
Well as I said in my first post, I'll be excited, but also keep a healthy amount of caution. That's really all you can do :smile:

It's also really not that unusual for a number of projects or pilots to be suggested but not come about. All it takes is one, but it can take a long time to get there. :wink:


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Try not to get TOO excited, Prawnie, you know how Disney never keeps their promises when it comes to our muppets.
Uppity is right, Snowthers. This is the most official thing that we have seen for ages. Remember things like the "Mockumentary Pilot" were never sent out by the studio, they were sniffed out by avid dogs...I mean, fans.

This has been on Rotton Tomatoes within days of our first finding out about it. That is no leak, that is a release.

This isn't an empty pipe dream...and even if this particular script is not produced and on tv by 2010, big names are going to start sitting up right now. They will listen to him pointing fingers (which he said he wouldn't do, then did :stick_out_tongue:) and we'll have people like Tom Selleck IN the movies.

He mentioned The Great Muppet Caper by name. What more can we ask for?
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