I mean, to be fair, poor eating habits aren't the only cause for high blood pressure - sometimes, it's also a genetic thing. It runs in my mom's side of the family: my mom has it, and my nana also had it, and my nana was pretty much thin as a twig her whole life. Of course, my doctor confirmed that my being overweight is a contributing factor to my high blood pressure, and he believes if I could lose a significant amount of weight and keep it off, there's a chance I could get off of blood pressure pills altogether, but it's a pretty slim chance taking family history into account.
Similarly, diabetes can also be genetic, but certainly eating too many sweets can lead to it. Honestly, I'm surprised neither of my parents have come down with diabetes considering all of the sugary things they consume on a regular basis: in my mom's case, she eats a lot of sweets (ice cream seems to be her biggest vice), while my dad drinks a lot of coffee and tea with sugar in it, and he also constantly snacks on cookies, snack cakes, and occasionally chocolate candies.
Similarly, diabetes can also be genetic, but certainly eating too many sweets can lead to it. Honestly, I'm surprised neither of my parents have come down with diabetes considering all of the sugary things they consume on a regular basis: in my mom's case, she eats a lot of sweets (ice cream seems to be her biggest vice), while my dad drinks a lot of coffee and tea with sugar in it, and he also constantly snacks on cookies, snack cakes, and occasionally chocolate candies.