One of the worst things while driving is people behind you who tailgate you, shine their hi-beams on you, and lean on the horn. If I had a nickel for every driver who blinded me I'd buy Trump Tower and move in tomorrow.
I'm not a speed demon, but I'm not a slowpoke either. I'm conscious of the speed limit, and where cops tend to hide.
If it all possible I'll switch lanes and let them pass, but I'm not going to play chicken with them. I pulled into a parking spot and some guy pulled in right next to me. He actually pulled over the line in my spot, leaving me about six inches to open my door. I got out, my door tapped his car, but no dent, no scratch, no nothing. He came over and yelled and cursed at me, even though he had no damage. He had part of his car in my spot, so I was in the right.
But because I stayed calm and didn't yell back at him, he went ballistic.
It very rarely happens to me, but I'm glad I ruined his day. Because he didn't ruin mine.
The closest I ever got to road rage,